Some people are way to attached to old school Pokemon. You know, go with new school Pokemon, it's way better. Also why do people think they outgrow Pokemon when they don't outgrow stuff like Thundercats, Transformers, and other stuff?
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Some people are way to attached to old school Pokemon. You know, go with new school Pokemon, it's way better. Also why do people think they outgrow Pokemon when they don't outgrow stuff like Thundercats, Transformers, and other stuff?
DragonMaskD wrote: |
New school Pokemon is the best. Old school is good but Stinks stinks stinks compared to new school. |
DragonMaskD wrote: |
What kind of fans are you? You hate the new days yet still do it? Also ThnkHapiness, only couple Hoenns are like copies of olds. Also the Pokemon that weren't in Ruby and Saphire at first were then added so that's no longer a problem. I also can't believe you like the Johto series of the tv show more than the Hoenn series. The ( tv show's) Johto series was the worst, half of their episodes were duller than seeing paint dry. I can't believe how much people on here like old school more than new school, it's making me so angry. |
DragonMaskD wrote: |
Sorry, got outa hand there. It's just I'm so sick and tired of people in here liking old school Pokemon more than new school ( or not liking new school at all), it makes me feel like I'm the only new school lover outside of Japan. What really POs me is Pokemon fans hating some Pokemon because they're weak, it's like they think Pokemon is about power, dominating your oponent, and winning, when Pokemon is about having fun and making new friends. Also all Pokemon require real love from the player, I know they're not real, but they're still pets (virtual) and all pets require love. |
DragonMaskD wrote: |
Sorry, got outa hand there. It's just I'm so sick and tired of people in here liking old school Pokemon more than new school ( or not liking new school at all), it makes me feel like I'm the only new school lover outside of Japan. |
DragonMaskD wrote: |
What really POs me is Pokemon fans hating some Pokemon because they're weak, it's like they think Pokemon is about power, dominating your oponent, and winning, when Pokemon is about having fun and making new friends. Also all Pokemon require real love from the player, I know they're not real, but they're still pets (virtual) and all pets require love. |
PokeshipAAML wrote: |
there are a FEW I really like in the new school regions... Like Beautifly! (Even though May owns it... |
blueMnM415 wrote: | ||