someone posted this at toonzone
Its good!BUT the theme song..its its... to passionate
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
someone posted this at toonzone
Its good!BUT the theme song..its its... to passionate
mstrgmr wrote: |
I liked Drew's VA, but Harley's did need to go |
In the original version, Misty and Max sounded ok... But they were the only ones that I probably wouldnt notice. Plus, it doesnt look like we will be seeing Misty anytime soon so does it matter what her voice sounds like?
I HATE May and Brocks new voices... They dont sound good. And the redubbed Ash doesnt get emotional and excited...
And what is wrong with Harley? Harley is hilarious! He's like a sucsessful version of Team Rocket! And he is evil. His voice actor used to do a GREAT job. My only thing is he was very feminine instead of being "out" Which makes me wonder what they will do when Brock confuses him for a girl, or when he dresses up like May for an episode or 2.
Im not saying that the VAs sound bad, I'm saying they dont sound like their original voices... However Brocks new voice does sound closer to his Japanese voice than to ERic Straut, I dont know if thats a good or a bad thing... But... And I think Brock's new VA said he wants to take "Brock in a different direction for season 9."
As for May, the original one had no emotion in her voice, and she sounded like Misty. In the redub, she sounded about the same, but sometimes when she was talking it sounded like the old May's whiney voice.
Max was never bad. He sounded close enough that I dont really care. Plus I dont pay attention to Max.
Ash sounds decent but from the little clip we do have of the 10th Anniversary Special, Ash's voice sounded the same, but Veronica Taylor would have had more enthusiasm in those lines. She proably would have gloated at Ash's getting a letter and nput more emotion in "I have amazing Pokemon Battle skills."
Im going to give season 9 a chance. I will still watch the show, I dont want it to end, but I will still campaign to have the old actors return. It may be too late for season 9, but I suppose anything could happen for season 10.
Clockerevac12 wrote: |
I Like Harley aswell but i Hate His Wigglytuff it's Ugly but I Like His Ariados |