does anybody know when it will be released in the U.S?
sorry death. the most speciphic is 2007. it doesnt say the date. i personally say april.
I hope it's april oh the team is just another version of team aqua and magma wanting to capture those two pokemon on the cover the "time and space pokemon" team galaxy get it
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it comes out in suptumber i wennt a nintendo event and i asked arouned.
but that's for japan not the U.S.
I think it'll be released around april. It seems like with the earlier games it's around eight months after games come out in japan for it to come out in the U.S.
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it comes out in suptumber i wennt a nintendo event and i asked arouned.
but that's for japan not the U.S.
I think it'll be released around april. It seems like with the earlier games it's around eight months after games come out in japan for it to come out in the U.S.
ya. thats why im happy that my friend tikii taught me how to read japanese! im gettin he's lettin me borrow his version. unfortunitly, i only no a little, so he has to read it to me.
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