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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Team Rocket is overlooking one very humongous gaping hole in their plan.

  • Avatar of basselope7


    [1]Oct 5, 2008
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    Can someone please explain to me why an entire organization of villains, or of anyone for that matter, would believe that the Pokémon they kidnap will listen to them???

    I mean, if you got kidnapped, would you rather live to serve your master, or would you rather go back to the place you were before and live your life the way you want?

    Are they that stupid?!

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [2]Oct 5, 2008
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    Yep, they're stupid all right. But Team Rocket (specifically JJ&M) are are part of the show now mostly for comic relief. And since Pokemon is a cartoon after all, it has to have at least a few stupid people.
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [3]Oct 5, 2008
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    If you're referring to the three stooges (Meowth, James, Jessie) than yea they're stupid.

    -The organization, I think, just sells them.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [4]Oct 5, 2008
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    I wouldn't say stupid....seriously misguided in every possible way.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Oct 6, 2008
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    Oh, and don't forget, unlike Jessie, James, and Meowth, the actual Team Rocket is very, very cruel. I'm sure they torture Pokemon that doesn't obey them until the Pokemon breaks and begin to obey them to ignore feeling pain.

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  • Avatar of Vergomax


    [6]Oct 6, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Oh, and don't forget, unlike Jessie, James, and Meowth, the actual Team Rocket is very, very cruel. I'm sure they torture Pokemon that doesn't obey them until the Pokemon breaks and begin to obey them to ignore feeling pain.

    Yeah, could you imagine the kind of torture they would give them? Aside from crack whips, I would think they would do like electric shocks to water types or water shots to fire, rock and ground types.
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  • Avatar of Safwhite


    [7]Oct 8, 2008
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    To me the hole is that if they ignore Ash & co. And just switch to capturing groups of wild pokemon when no one is around they might actually win sometimes...
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  • Avatar of TDIfan1239


    [8]Oct 10, 2008
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    Safwhite wrote:
    To me the hole is that if they ignore Ash & co. And just switch to capturing groups of wild pokemon when no one is around they might actually win sometimes...

    And they'll listen without torture!

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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [9]Mar 16, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Yep, they're stupid all right. But Team Rocket (specifically JJ&M) are are part of the show now mostly for comic relief. And since Pokemon is a cartoon after all, it has to have at least a few stupid people.

    Jessie and James and Meowth are definely an embarressment to Team Rocket i cant believe they show up every episode its really old that they blast off every episode. They are idiots always going after Ash and his friends pokemon and losing horriblly they get owned by like any pokemon they have its embarressing thats why the Team Rocket organization itself doesnt even recognize them as members. The Team Rocket organization is very tough and cool im surprised that they dont go into detail of the orgainzation of their base, operations, and the members themselves. The only members that we really know are J&J and Meowth we already know them all too well that they cant carry out a plan successfully, but there are many other members Cassidy&Butch we see them a couple times, Attlia&Hun they were in one movie trying to catch Raicu, Domino the girl in Mewtwo Returns all these characters dont have a backstory and me personally would like to know other people thats a shout out to all the pokemon writers.

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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [10]Mar 16, 2009
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    If you ask me, the creators made The Trio the series official "punching bags," which I think is extremely stupid. I know the characters are comic relief, but they need more depth and character developement. I mean, anyone who appears in every episode except the pilot and the flashback episodes needs to develope.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [11]Mar 16, 2009
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    Jinto11 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Yep, they're stupid all right. But Team Rocket (specifically JJ&M) are are part of the show now mostly for comic relief. And since Pokemon is a cartoon after all, it has to have at least a few stupid people.

    Jessie and James and Meowth are definely an embarressment to Team Rocket i cant believe they show up every episode its really old that they blast off every episode. They are idiots always going after Ash and his friends pokemon and losing horriblly they get owned by like any pokemon they have its embarressing thats why the Team Rocket organization itself doesnt even recognize them as members. The Team Rocket organization is very tough and cool im surprised that they dont go into detail of the orgainzation of their base, operations, and the members themselves. The only members that we really know are J&J and Meowth we already know them all too well that they cant carry out a plan successfully, but there are many other members Cassidy&Butch we see them a couple times, Attlia&Hun they were in one movie trying to catch Raicu, Domino the girl in Mewtwo Returns all these characters dont have a backstory and me personally would like to know other people thats a shout out to all the pokemon writers.

    Reviving Dead Threads are even more embarassing than that.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [12]Mar 16, 2009
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    TDIfan1239 wrote:

    Safwhite wrote:
    To me the hole is that if they ignore Ash & co. And just switch to capturing groups of wild pokemon when no one is around they might actually win sometimes...

    And they'll listen without torture!

    But the torture is the FUN part! D:

    Sorry for posting, you can lock it up now ^^;;
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