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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

tell me your opinion on this game i thought of. please read.

  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [1]Aug 5, 2006
    • member since: 03/04/06
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    its like this. you start out as ash. your late. you get pikachu. it wont obey. then your pikachu keeps running into wild sperow. if you get to a pokemon center its closed, so you keep battleing till pikachu faints. you pound on the center doors and joy opens it and heals pikachu. pikachu respects you after that. yada yada. you ruin a bike. its misty's she follows you. you challange pewter gym 2 times and win the second time. brock follows you. yada yada.you find a village ( in this game, there are also little villages like the show.) you battle a bulbasaur if you knock it out. there's a sequence where you capture it. later you like beat the second gym after misty tries to stop you. later you find charmander and battle its old owner. you keep it if you win. and unlike the old games. if you lose, you dont have to reface them, but if you want, you can.you then have to beat the squirtle squad. you get the leader. then you do all this other stuff like the show. eventually you go threw the REAL indigo plateu. like ash came in the top 16, your job is to win it all. you dont have to keep going if you dont want to. then, you enter johto. and do all the major stuff like the show, like battle misty for totodile.then brock and misty ditch you when you get ready to leave for hoenn. a little while later you meet may, then brock, then max. max has the pokenav, but you can look  at it any time. yada yada. go back to kanto, find out  there are new buildings of the battle frontier yada yada and whatever else happens in the anime. and the best part??? you dont have to do anything you dont want to! want to skip kanto? johto? hoenn? elite 4? catching bulbasaur, squirtle, charmander, cyndiquil, totodile? whatever!!!!! in my game, its YOUR CHOICE! you know that guy that offers you to be part of theam rocket? you can exept! you can even fight giovanni to be the leader!! beat team rocket, join them. even join team auqua and magma! and you can dump misty and brock, or max,brock,and may. or have them follow you around! want to get rid of max, may and brock? tell them you want to use the bathroom, fly away, and tell misty to run away with you! sweet huh? the point of my game? HAVE IT YOUR WAY! so? tell me what you think or what to add! 
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  • Avatar of AnimeMadness


    [2]Aug 5, 2006
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    Why do you have two of these threads?
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [3]Aug 6, 2006
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    AnimeMadness wrote:
    Why do you have two of these threads?
    that was an accedent. sorry.
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    [4]Aug 6, 2006
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    Oh ok, not going to shoot you for it... ^_~
    Edited on 08/06/2006 8:57am
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [5]Aug 6, 2006
    • member since: 03/04/06
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