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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Best Wishes! Anime Pre-Discussion Thread (SPOILERS!)

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [1]Jun 9, 2010
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    Best Wishes

    New Character's-

    Iris- Dark-skinned trainer with her partner Kibago.

    Dento- A Gym leader in the Isshu Region, rumored to be a user of Grass Types and is a Pokemon Sommelier, who can sense the compatability of a trainer and their Pokemon.

    Returning Character's:

    Ash & Pikachu

    Team Rocket

    Episode Titles:

    BW001 - To the Isshu Region! Zekrom's Shadow!!

    BW002 - Iris and Kibago!

    BW003- Mijumaru! Meguroko! Critical Moment!

    BW004- Battle Club! Mysterious Pokemon Appears!!

    Edited on 09/15/2010 8:20am
    Edited 10 total times.
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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [2]Jun 9, 2010
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    If its Misty, which I doubt, I will cry happy tears. But it sounds like it'll be an original character.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [3]Jun 9, 2010
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    no Brock? I don't like the sound of that. I have a feeling it's Dawn. though I pray it's Misty

    EDIT: actually, if the translation is correct then original is obviously Misty. I mean emphasis on o r i g i n a l = MISTY! Dawn is not associated with original, she's new. changed my mind, it's Misty!

    Edited on 06/09/2010 12:46pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [4]Jun 9, 2010
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    WHAT!? no b/w girl!?

    jerks....breaking this new tradition

    I knew she probably wouldnt be in it because of her outfit

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [5]Jun 9, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    WHAT!? no b/w girl!?

    jerks....breaking this new tradition

    I knew she probably wouldnt be in it because of her outfit

    Or because she's obviously slightly older than Brock. Anyway, pleeeease let whoever made this be not too sharp and that the new rival is Shinji with a new outfit *3*
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [6]Jun 9, 2010
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    thec0mebackman wrote:

    no Brock? I don't like the sound of that. I have a feeling it's Dawn. though I pray it's Misty

    EDIT: actually, if the translation is correct then original is obviously Misty. I mean emphasis on o r i g i n a l = MISTY! Dawn is not associated with original, she's new. changed my mind, it's Misty!

    It said Original child, not original character.......lol If you see the 3 female characters- Misty has 3 sisters, so she is ruled out, May is ruled out too(Max), so that leaves Dawn, an only child.... not sure if they mean original in that sense...... >_> I am really confused right now about it, so I'm not sure what to believe right now.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [7]Jun 9, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    thec0mebackman wrote:

    no Brock? I don't like the sound of that. I have a feeling it's Dawn. though I pray it's Misty

    EDIT: actually, if the translation is correct then original is obviously Misty. I mean emphasis on o r i g i n a l = MISTY! Dawn is not associated with original, she's new. changed my mind, it's Misty!

    It said Original child, not original character.......lol If you see the 3 female characters- Misty has 3 sisters, so she is ruled out, May is ruled out too(Max), so that leaves Dawn, an only child.... not sure if they mean original in that sense...... >_> I am really confused right now about it, so I'm not sure what to believe right now.

    I see. by Original they meant OnlyChild. so Dawn it is. & the whole hair comment makes sense, since Dawn has a running gag with Pachirisu electricuting her hair or Cyndaquil flamethrowing it (right?) soo DAWN! lol, I would love it if she came back. when will we know who the new girl mascot is?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [8]Jun 9, 2010
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    Exactly who made that post?

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [9]Jun 9, 2010
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    Wait wait, no Brock or Dawn OR playable character from Black and White? I find that hard to believe.

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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [10]Jun 10, 2010
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    No Brock? Wait say whaaa?

    Original character? It could be Misty, sure. If it where, then everyone would cry happy tears, and forget that Brock wasn't there.

    Or maybe by Original they meant they made a new character with stylin' hair? Gah I wanna know.
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  • Avatar of saylavee


    [11]Jun 13, 2010
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:

    thec0mebackman wrote:

    no Brock? I don't like the sound of that. I have a feeling it's Dawn. though I pray it's Misty

    EDIT: actually, if the translation is correct then original is obviously Misty. I mean emphasis on o r i g i n a l = MISTY! Dawn is not associated with original, she's new. changed my mind, it's Misty!

    It said Original child, not original character.......lol If you see the 3 female characters- Misty has 3 sisters, so she is ruled out, May is ruled out too(Max), so that leaves Dawn, an only child.... not sure if they mean original in that sense...... >_> I am really confused right now about it, so I'm not sure what to believe right now.

    I see. by Original they meant OnlyChild. so Dawn it is. & the whole hair comment makes sense, since Dawn has a running gag with Pachirisu electricuting her hair or Cyndaquil flamethrowing it (right?) soo DAWN! lol, I would love it if she came back. when will we know who the new girl mascot is?

    Well, original doesnt have to mean the only one. If i drew # pictures of a tree, my original one is the first picture i drew. So, if they mean original in that sense, it would rule out Misty (Cry) since she is the youngest and Dawn since she is an only, and leave it to be May. But if they use original in that sense it could also mean misty since she was the first of Ash's friends. So, basically we don't know until we know what meaning of original.

    And no brock? Why? Watch he comes but stays with the new Prof.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [12]Jun 13, 2010
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    The blog has been removed from the site.... guess they made a mistake by putting that.... if anything, they revealed a spoiler, just like accidentally revealing Zekrom's secondary type: Electric..... we will just have to wait and see.

    Do not fall for this pic, its fake...... if you do, get your head checked ASAP!

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  • Avatar of xboxplayer29


    [13]Jun 14, 2010
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    Does anyone else think the Gen V Pokemon look dumb? I think the artists are running out of ideas.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [14]Jun 14, 2010
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    this is for the upcoming anime

    the generation V discussion thread is for what you're talking about

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Jun 17, 2010
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    I've been meaning to post in here awhile but kept on forgetting or didn't have time. But now I have a few free seconds I'll give a few quick opinions:

    But first of all who exactly posted this and what do they do for the show? Is it a writer? Animator? Voice actor? What this person does holds an importent impact on how the information can be looked at.

    The Gal Pal:
    So from what is said Ash's female companion for this series doesn't look like the 5th Generation girl but doesn't look like Dawn. All we are told is that she is an "original" child and she has a hair styIe that is "cute". Now ignoring the hair styIe for a second, let's focus on what they mean by "original child".
    I've read a lot of different meanings for what they mean by "original" child. Some say it means the character is an only child, other says it's relating to Misty as she was the "original" female companion. Now right now I want to debunk the Misty thing. If it was Misty, the blogger would have said it was an "original character", not an "original child". In addition I doubt anyone wouldn't be able to recognize Misty, even is she's wearing a new outfit, her hair would be a big giveaway. So it could very well be a new character, or maybe it's just Dawn in a new outfit. Why do I bring Dawn into this? Well Dawn has only been with Ash for Sinnoh, May has been with Ash for atleast Hoenn and the Battle Frontier and being they are skipping the Generation IV Battle Frontier it just seems like Dawn should be on for maybe at least 1 more season or whatever they call it in Japan. So I'm saying it's either a new character entirely or it's Dawn.

    Brock Dropped Like A Rock:
    So three episodes in and there is no sign of Brock. Now is this really a surprise? Hm, not really, as in Hoenn is took Brock 4 episodes to fully appear while in Sinnoh it only took him 2. So for all we know Brock could be appearing again, after Sinnoh he probably went to check up on his family and depending on what happened (and he has to fix) it could delay his trip to meet back up with Ash. I'll also like to point out that the blog doesn't mention Ash's boy companion, just the girl, so it could be possible Brock got a little hung up at home.
    Of course for awhile it has been said that instead of the girl being replaced each Generation, why not replace the boy with the playable boy character from the game? This was brought up to a writer who was doing an interview and agreed with it and said they he'll bring it up with the writers to consider. With that said it could be possiblt Brock isn't coming back, thus the long absence of the boy companion, and they want to introduce the playable boy character of Generation V is an episode where it can be completely focused on him as usually for the first few episodes of a new region there is a crisis Ash and Pikachu go through (usually caused by Team Rocket).
    However Brock doesn't have a reason to suddenly vanish. He handed the Gym over to Forrest so no need for him there (besides the visit after Sinnoh to fix any problems) and the best way for Brock to become a greta breeder is to actually travel around. So while I'm not against Brock not being with Ash for this season, they better give Brock a good reason to if he is indeed not Ash's boy companion.

    All These Rivals Look The Same:
    So the new rival looks a bit like Paul. So is it possible that the character is Paul and he's just dressed differently or is it a new character. Personally I like Paul as Ash's rival, he's the opposite of Ash and knows just how to push Ash's buttons, something which a rival is expected to do (though Gary is still Ash's best rival, Gary's attitude just makes him better and a bit more dimensional then Paul).

    From what I can see, we need more information though much like with all Generation V info we're only being told what the Pokemon Company wants us to know for now, proved by the fact this blog post has been taken down. Also unless I know who said this I can't really get an accurate idea of how they are seeing things as. Overall Isshu sounds to be shaking things up quite a bit.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [16]Jun 23, 2010
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    Translated to- Finally, the climax of Satoshi's journey! The last battle of the Shinou region, finally the curtain on the Shinou league is raised! The conclusion of Satoshi and Pikachu's dream is...!? Shocking news about the new anime series to be announced.

    So if this is true, Ash may not be going to the Isshu Region..... Let's see if more info arises and/or when DP182/DP183 airs!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [17]Jun 23, 2010
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    hmm....that seems impossible

    them changing after 13 years? impossible..

    also note to self : force them to animate pokemon special one day.....

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Jun 23, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:


    Translated to- Finally, the climax of Satoshi's journey! The last battle of the Shinou region, finally the curtain on the Shinou league is raised! The conclusion of Satoshi and Pikachu's dream is...!? Shocking news about the new anime series to be announced.

    So if this is true, Ash may not be going to the Isshu Region..... Let's see if more info arises and/or when DP182/DP183 airs!

    WHAT IS THIS?!?!

    You keep posting this... blog?... Yet whenever I ask "What is this? Who posted this information? A writer? a voice actor?" you keep ignoring the question!

    Okay, right now, answer the question or I'm considering this info invalid and everytime you post this blog(?) somewhere I'm going to respond with "INVALID" in big red letters because I don't know where this information came from!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [19]Jun 23, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    BAC510 wrote:


    Translated to- Finally, the climax of Satoshi's journey! The last battle of the Shinou region, finally the curtain on the Shinou league is raised! The conclusion of Satoshi and Pikachu's dream is...!? Shocking news about the new anime series to be announced.

    So if this is true, Ash may not be going to the Isshu Region..... Let's see if more info arises and/or when DP182/DP183 airs!

    WHAT IS THIS?!?!

    You keep posting this... blog?... Yet whenever I ask "What is this? Who posted this information? A writer? a voice actor?" you keep ignoring the question!

    Okay, right now, answer the question or I'm considering this info invalid and everytime you post this blog(?) somewhere I'm going to respond with "INVALID" in big red letters because I don't know where this information came from!

    HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! *falls over*

    but seriously baccy it'd be nice to have confirmation

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [20]Jun 23, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    BAC510 wrote:


    Translated to- Finally, the climax of Satoshi's journey! The last battle of the Shinou region, finally the curtain on the Shinou league is raised! The conclusion of Satoshi and Pikachu's dream is...!? Shocking news about the new anime series to be announced.

    So if this is true, Ash may not be going to the Isshu Region..... Let's see if more info arises and/or when DP182/DP183 airs!

    WHAT IS THIS?!?!

    You keep posting this... blog?... Yet whenever I ask "What is this? Who posted this information? A writer? a voice actor?" you keep ignoring the question!

    Okay, right now, answer the question or I'm considering this info invalid and everytime you post this blog(?) somewhere I'm going to respond with "INVALID" in big red letters because I don't know where this information came from!

    This is from the tv-tokyo website.... >_> They post summaries and other info..... we use this source in the serebiiforums..... so its valid... and other info posted on there is the info about the Greatest Everyday Opening being replaced by a Band Version of it, and a New Ending as well.

    I really don't care if you want to believe it or not, its from the official tv-tokyo website, so I'll stay neutral with this information and wait until futher information arises/leaks.

    p.s. I was going to respond to your other post but the FEMALE voice actor took it down, not sure of the name...... couldn't find it on the serebiiforums where the info wasshown to us....-_-

    Edited on 06/23/2010 8:52am
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