Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
lostfan111 wrote: |
As others pointed out, Ash looks much fruiter with this style change. Arent they supposed to make him look OLDER? Anyone notice a difference in Pikachu? |
What difference do you see in Pikachu, besides it getting thinner?
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
My prediction for the starters: Ash will get Tsutarja and Pokabu, Iris will get Mijumaru, and being a Gym Leader Dento doesn't really need a Starter (especially one from his home region) |
Now, that boils down to Tsutarja most likely belonging to Dento (since he's likely a Grass Gym Leader) or Shooti, and Mijumaru most likely belonging to Ash (or Shooti, if he doesn't have Tsutarja). Since we haven't seen much of Pokabu, I'd say it could belong to either Ash or Iris no matter which other scenarios take place, and Ash if he doesn't get Mijumaru.
As for the part about a gym leader not needing a starter, Gardenia had a Turtwig, and Brock had a Mudkip (which evolved), so that point is moot.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
What difference do you see in Pikachu, besides it getting thinner? |
I don't know. Something seems off.
Pikachu beat Latios. Now we'll see it "reset" and grt pwned by someone pint sized starter.
I say Ash gets Mijumaru (which I think will be female, judging by the clips its seen in), Dento will Tsutaja and maybe also Shooti (Dawn, Kenny and Barry all had members of the Piplup family, so why not), and Iris will get Pokabu because in the seen with it, you can tell she's the one squeezing its face because of the skin tone of the hands.
BW003- Mijumaru! Meguroko! Critical Moment!! Air Date: September 30th, 2010.
There is still no title for BW001 or BW002.....
I SMELL CAPTURES....................
come on meguroko
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
I SMELL CAPTURES.................... come on meguroko |
I'm certain this is the episode where Mijumaru is captured.... there is a short clip when Kibago& Pikachu are shown on the ground, with the opponent most likely being Team Rocket or this Meguroko and then Mijumaru comes to the rescue....
Mijumaru confirmed as ash's!
Mijumaru: I am now 4 times more awesome
(offscreen)Tsutarja: 0 times 4 is still 0!
Mijumaru: shut up!
Pokabu: Achoo!
ooops I didn't mean to burn your house down
I'll give you 2 guesses on which starter used this
Tsutarja: B**** please HERE
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
(offscreen)Tsutarja: 0 times 4 is still 0! Mijumaru: shut up!
ooops I didn't mean to burn your house down HERE |
It also looks like Pokabu is also battling, so unless Iris is also participating in Gym Battles (which would be kind of pointless) there is also a chance Ash is getting a Pokabu.
(hahahaha nice try SPD)
Best Wishes first opening called "Triple Dash" ans is sung by the group "AAA"
About the first ending, it's sung by Akb48
sounds cool
Giovanni looks okay, but come on, couldn't they at least change the design of Jessie and Jame's uniform? They look exactly the same except in black, it looks like a bad re-color. Though I do like Meowth's pose.
I actually like the Black. Reminds me of the game Team Rocket.
The first two titles were apparently shown in a Japanese TV magazine and are,
BW001 - To the Isshu Region! Zekrom's Shadow!!
BW002 - Iris and Kibago!
Apparently in the first episode Pikachu is unable to use its electric moves because of Zekrom's shadow, so Ash goes to Professor Araragi's lab. I'm not 100% sure about these, but Newtype leaks should happen today or tomorrow to confirm
Zekrom already!?
So he's like Mesprit, Ho-Oh, and Suicune. Always appear in the first episode of the new region.
None for Hoenn, huh.