Um, guys, remember that Ash can get more the one of the starters, heck all three if that's how the writers want to go. My prediction for the starters:
Ash will get Tsutarja and Pokabu, Iris will get Mijumaru, and being a Gym Leader Dento doesn't really need a Starter (especially one from his home region).
As for Ash's design, let's take a look at all of them "back-to-back" to see how "different" the art styIe is with his Isshu clothes:
Kanto & Johto | Hoenn & Battle Frontier

Sinnoh | Isshu

Now disregarding the clothing *cough*Hoennisthebest*cough*, Ash's face hasn't really change since his debut. So I think the reason we note the eye color change is because this is the first time he had color added to his eye which was normally all black. In fact I put the Isshu picture in Paint and painted the eyes black and it looked back to normal. So all in all nothing has changed with Ash except for addition of color to his eye.
As for the clothing, the Isshu one does things the other didn't. For one Ash's pants are black for the first time as in the previous Generations they were blue. Also the shirt has much more white to it then the others, and there looks to be one white then blue meaning Ash is overall wearing a lighter color shirt then his previous ones which were overcome in a blue or black making them look darker. One other little change is that Ash's hat has seemed to reverse back to his original design minus the green "L" (which has been replaced with a blue Pokeball logo) and the seam running down the middle. Oh, the remember this is the stock artwork and the one for Isshu probably looks odd because they didn't really shade it that much. A better version will hopefully come out eventually.
Edited on 08/27/2010 10:22am