SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Where did you see the video? |
Well, Pokebeach now has a video for it, though it looks like in even better quality. I'm so psyched for Best Wishes.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Where did you see the video? |
SPD's right, Water type looks kinda cute in animation.
...That thing's just ugly, bro. At least for me.
Pignite looks cool animated though, oh how i long to have him bravely fight for me.
@Pikachu: Well it's just that wotter's evo gets to be X2 on pignite's evo with both its types. Water super against Fire and Fighting super against Dark, and wotter also resists pignite's stabs. IF that ends up true.
edmasterchaos wrote: |
...That thing's just ugly, bro. At least for me. Pignite looks cool animated though, oh how i long to have him bravely fight for me. @Pikachu: Well it's just that wotter's evo gets to be X2 on pignite's evo with both its types. Water super against Fire and Fighting super against Dark, and wotter also resists pignite's stabs. IF that ends up true. |
Oh... well you can't always have our way sadly.
For example I'm sure Swampert doesn't like being quadruple weak to Grass-types.
The official Artwork for Iris and the new guy are revealed!
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
The official Artwork for Iris and the new guy are revealed! |
... Please don't let this be the rival that was talked about in the blog...
Eh, Iris doesn't look THAT bad I guess. I mean, her hair is still insane, but I can live with it.
The other kid on the other hand...no. Just...no
She's kinda cute, but why can't it be the girl from the games...? Were they afraid to give Ash an older girl to travel with? They could've just made the guy from the games travel with him, since Brock isn't apparently gonna be there. Or better yet, make Ash a bit older with a time skip, which would've made things a lot more interesting.
From the trailer
we see Iris has Kibago
she also swings from trees
bigger pics here
why hello there future target of Rule 34
Did you know that Iris keeps kibago in her hair?
I spy with my multi colored eye...
he has no Sclera!
hello Prof Ivy #2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm6EbuayCe4video here
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
bigger pics here
Did you know that Iris keeps kibago in her hair?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm6EbuayCe4video here |
She keeps Kibago... in her hair...
So when do you think we'll be seeing Ash? Right now these two new characters aren't really inspiring confidence and it would be nice to see a familiar face... specifically the main character... maybe even Team Rocket...
Ash will obviously go to Isshu and be eaten by Iris' hair
also havent you noticed
Iris is a Wild child (cough sapphire from Pokemon Adventures cough!)
While Dento (the guy with Green hair) is obviously a sophisticated guy
they're doing the Nature Vs. Technology thing like in the games
Yeah, and they also have a BLACK girl and a WHITE guy. At least they are keeping true to the games...somewhat.
Iris...keeps her Pokemon...in her HAIR. ...Huh....just....huh
This is likely Dora the Explorer grown up.... swings from vines, seem all into the environment, same skin tone, and has an animal partner.....