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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Dragon's Master's Path. Official Episode Discussion

  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [1]Aug 6, 2011
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    So we finally got to see more of the old Team Rocket again! Which I missed the most about them. I'm glad Axew finally mastered that move!Smile

    Overall great episode.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Aug 6, 2011
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    This was a pretty good episode.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [3]Aug 6, 2011
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    Excellent as always, love seeing Team Rocket, and now Axew has grown a little more by learning Dragon Rage.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Aug 6, 2011
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    Awesome episode, especially since Axew learned a new move!

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [5]Aug 6, 2011
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    Aaerni wrote:

    Awesome episode, especially since Axew learned a new move!

    Axew already knew Dragon Rage, it's just that it couldn't get the move right.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [6]Aug 7, 2011
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    Even when acting serious, Team Rocket can never win. Go figure.

    At least the running gag with Axew is done now.

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [7]Aug 7, 2011
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    I loved this episode. For someone who's still new to Pokemon training, Iris was amazing with her knowledge of Dragon-type Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [8]Aug 8, 2011
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    I must say, Dragon Rage looked pretty cool. Glad Axew finally mastered it.

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  • Avatar of stui8


    [9]Aug 8, 2011
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    am i the only who misses the tea rocket from the older B&W eps?

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [10]Aug 9, 2011
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    stui8 wrote:

    am i the only who misses the tea rocket from the older B&W eps?

    nope, I miss them as well. I thought showing TR doing other missions other than just trying to steal Pikachu was rather entertaining and fun.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Aug 9, 2011
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    Good episode, finally some signs Axew (and Scraggy) are improving and might actually be usable in a battle sometime down the line. Ash & co. have stopped for a practice battle between Axew and Scraggy when they're suddenly attacked by a Druddigon. A woman shows up though which causes Druddigon to run away but Iris uses her Dragon-type knowledge to find it and to try and help it. Why did Druddigon attack Ash & co.? Who is this woman which Druddigon knows? And, the one you're all probably wondering, who won the Little Battle between Scraggy and Axew? All is below for your, and anyone else who reads this, eyes only:

    Remember, When Your In Pain, GO CRAZY:
    We start the episode with Ash and Iris having a Scraggy vs. Axew battle and it looks like Scraggy is improving dodging Axew's Scratch with a flip and hurting it with a Headbutt. Iris tells Axew to be strong and use Dragon Rage and it goes as well as you expect it to, leaving Axew in a crator with a smoking mouth and everyone nearby feeling a bit of pain. Cilan (who must have used Ash as a shield against Dragon Rage) tells Iris that Dragon Sneeze needs a little work and Iris yells at him it's Dragon Rage as Ash says it looks like Axew is struggling with the attack. Iris says what she can do as training Dragon-types take time and telling Axew it can rest and it'll learn Dragon Rage sooner or later. The narrator chimes in reminding us Ash & co. are heading to Nimbasa City as Ash returns Scraggy when nearby bushes start shaking and SUDDNELY FIRES A FLAMETHROWER (Geez, nature must not like them leaving crators all over the place)! Actually no, a Druddigon rise from the bushes (how did that huge thing hide in the bushes?) and Iris says what it is as the Druddigon blows steam out of it's nose.

    *Insert intro and title here* Ash uses his Pokedex on Druddigon as Iris says it's a Dragon-type (you think?) and that it's cool looking and powerful. Druddigon uses Focus Blast which Pikachu quickly counters with an Electro Ball which gets the Druddigon mad (at least that's what Ash says) and Ash tells Pikachu to keep its guard up when a woman (who Brock would be all over) runs between them yelling Druddigon's name. The woman says she's glad Druddigon is alright but Druddigon pushes her aside and runs off into the forest, though not before we get a shot of its leg which has a broken rope tied around it. The woman chases after Druddigon and so does Iris with Ash and Cilan following as we get another shot of the Druddigon running before scene transitioning to Iris jumping in front of a batch of caves. Ash, Cilan, and the woman run up to Iris as the woman asks where her Druddigon went but Iris shushes them and tells Axew to "tell it to come out" as Axew climbs up into one of the higher caves and goes in. Axew then starts running out like a mad mon back into the safety of Iris's hair as the Druddigon jumps out of the cave and roars at everyone. Cilan says it's angry and dangerous but Iris says it's fine before roaring again and biting Iris's head off... okay, not really, after roaring it actually starts to wimper as she tells it to stay still as she unties the rope around its leg. Iris gives the rope to the woman saying it was digging into Druddigon's ankle and the woman asks how did it get there mentioning Druddigon was searching for Belue Berries and then remembering we don't know her name and thanks Ash & co. saying her name is Emmy. Iris says she's welcome and Ash & co. introduce themselves as Emmy says she can't get over how Iris knew where Druddigon was and she explains that Druddigon's can't move when it's body temperature drops so figures it'll be hiding in the cave the sun was shining on. Ash says Iris knows a lot of Druddigons and Iris says of course she does as she grew up in a village of dragons(-types) (though we've only seen the Axew evolution line in her village, no other Dragon-types) which Ash gets confused at and Iris says Ash must have forgot.

    As Iris probably tells Ash about her village again, we cut to Team Rocket and find out their the ones who tied the heavy wire (is it rope or wire?) to Druddigon's ankle and James says to tear it takes real power and Jessie says its a good thing they kept tabs on it as it also lead them to the twerps. Meowth says that they'll also catch Pikachu and Axew, noting Axew is also a Dragon-type, and we see Meowth is in Team Rocket's latest mech and do a salute to "da boss".

    Back below, Ash says he remember now saying Iris's village had a lot of different Dragon-types (yet we only ever see the Axew evolution line) and everyone was really laid back (hmm, that might explain why Iris thinks training a Dragon-type takes a really long time...) with Iris adding the people and Pokemon there get along well. Iris then says who really are amazing are Dragon Masters as Cilan explains their people who get along with Dragon-types and can bring out their "richest flavor" (like Lance, Clair, and Drake, you know, three Dragon-type trainers Ash has met, in that case I think Ash should know what a Dragon Master is) asking Iris if he's right which Iris says he is and then says she wants to become a Dragon Master saying it's a life long dream. Emmy says that's why Iris knows so much about Dragon-types and then asks if Iris could do her a favor saying she's been a trainer for only a little while.

    Cilan: So you're a beginner.
    Comment: No, she's actually an expert, became a Pokemon Master in just a few days.

    Emmy explains her father traded his Druddigon to her (so you had another Pokemon before? Why aren't you training that one?) and is her first time raising a Dragon-type but once she gets a bit more comfortable she would like to go on a journey but hasn't gotten to that point yet. Iris says she'll do whatever she can to help and Emmy thanks her and Iris thinks of a way to help her get comfortable with Druddigon and guess what idea she came up with: a battle (surprising, right?)! Emmy isn't so sure as she never battled with Druddigon but Cilan says he strongly recommends she does as it'll help her get closer to Druddigon and Ash agrees saying she can battle him which Iris says is perfect (coming from the person who kept turning down Ash's challenges to battle).

    We transition to the battle where Ash sends out Tepig and Cilan tells them to begin with Tepig starting with Tackle which gets a clear hit knocking Druddigon back. Iris tells Emmy to remain calm and she has to stop Tepig so Druddigon uses a Focus Blast which Tepig dodges and starts up a Flame Charge. Iris says Druddigon can take it and tell Emmy to have Druddigon block it which she does and Druddigon blocks the Flame Charge knocking Tepig to the ground as Ash tells it to get back up. Iris says to attack and Druddigon uses Dragon Claw while Tepig counters with an Ember which Druddigon starts dodging. Iris tells Emmy she can't back down now and to "do it" and Druddigon keeps on attacking with Dragon Claw which disperses the Embers and hits Tepig sending it flying and knocked out as Cilan declares Druddigon the winner.

    A Plan So Simple, Only A Genius Could Think Of It:
    Iris and Axew cheer in the back as Emmy is surprised they won but quickly cheers up and thanks Iris who tells her raising a Dragon-type isn't easy but the most important thing to do is trust each other and never give up which Axew agrees with. Ash checks on Tepig who shows that besides from being blasted across the battlefield it's alright and Ash returns it. Cilan goes over Druddigon's moves (Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, and Focus Blast) and Iris asks if it knows any other moves but Emmy says it only knows those three (I would like to note Druddigon learns 8 other moves before it learns Dragon Claw at level 27) and Iris says it learning another move would be huge and Ash adding in it'll be a whole new game. Emmy thinks about it and says that they'll do it when Yamask attacks Druddigon with a Shadow Ball surprising everyone.

    Ash: A Yamask?
    Cilan: But why attack out or nowhere?
    Comment: Oh come on, it was only last episode you just learned Team Rocket had a Yamask!

    Yamask attacks with an Shadow Ball which they all dodge and Emmy says it wants to battle and has Druddigon use Flamethrower but Woobat flies down and uses Gust to stop them. The Gust causes Axew to fly off Iris's shoulder and hit Pikachu off Ash's where Team Rocket's mech launches out rope to tie them as another rope launches and ties Druddigon and starts to drag them away. *Insert obvious "Who's That Pokemon" here (hint, it's Druddigon)* While Pikachu and Axew are quickly being pulled back, Druddigon isn't and Emmy tells it to use Dragon Claw which it does and frees Pikachu (um, Druddigon, I think she meant for you and Axew too) but it and Axew and lift up and thrown into a box. Emmy asks "now what" and Team Rocket rise out of their airship (not mech, though this is the first time we saw the entire thing so you cna understand my mistake) and recite their motto as Ash explains to Emmy that their bad guys.

    James: Bad guys? I would rephrase that as three geniuses working hard to capture Druddigon with a brilliant plan.
    Comment: Tie it up with a rope. Wow, only Einstein could have thought up a similiar plan.

    Meowth says grabbing Axew just shows their plan is working great and Jessie finishes with saying catching Pikachu would be the icing on the cake, a cake which they would give to Giovanni (*Portal cake reference here* What? you thought I was going to say it. ). Iris yells out she doesn't think so and Axew is her partner as she runs up the mountain cliff and tries to jump onto the airship but misses and starts to fall to what looks to be on top of Ash and Cilan but somehow lands on her feet which even Ash gets confused by. James says they'll train Axew right and have it evolve and Jessie says they'll then take over the Unova region then telling Woobat to use Gust and James tells Yamask to use Shadow Ball to distract Ash & co. (+ Emmy) before they fly off having Emmy say they have to do something which Iris agrees with.

    In the airship James says their are several bases where they can land and Meowth is about to report to Giovanni when the ship shakes and we see Druddigon trying to break out of the box with Dragon Claw and punching. Jessie asks James if he's certain Druddigon can't break out and James says to have faith that the ship is 100% safe and sound.

    Back to Ash & co. (+ Emmy), they're running after Team Rocket with Cilan saying to keep their eye on them and Emmy saying she'll get her Druddigon back if it's the last thing she does while we just hear Iris's inner thoughts that Axew means more to her then words can say. We then get a flashback to Iris's village in front of a Zekrom and Reshiram statue where Iris is being told by the Elder who gave her Axew that they'll meet many Pokemon and trainers on their way and these encounters will help them grow. Iris thanks the Elder (who's apparently is just called "Elder") who goes on to say that their is countless experiences waiting for them, excitment and sorrow, good times and bad times, and when they exceed the door to becoming a Dragon Master will open wide with Iris saying her and Axew will do their best, ending the flashback. Iris thinks that this is something they have to overcome to become a Dragon Master (when the Elder was telling you "sorrow and bad times" I don't think she had getting Axew stolen was on her mind) and starts to run ahead as everyone else also begins to run faster (which means they weren't running as fast as they could before Iris starting getting a bit ahead despite their Pokemon having been stolen).

    Blasting Off, But Not In The Way You Expect:
    Back to inside the box, Druddigon had made a small dent but stops attacking as Axew starts up a Dragon Rage which looked to have worked and causes the airship to malfunction and crash near some mountains. Meowth says he can't believe that Axew used Dragon Rage and James said when it joins them that'll be a plus (yeah, good luck with that) as they hear Druddigon and Axew break out of the box.

    Jessie: They are escaping, but they won't get far, that's for sure.
    Comment: Druddigon has WINGS, I'm sure it can fly.

    Ash & co. are watching the smoke rise from where Team Rocket crashed and Ash says they got to hurry but Iris tells him to hold on as she climbs a tree and closes her eyes and we see Axew riding on top of Druddigon's head (guess it can't fly) as they get stopped by Woobat and Yamask and turn around to run. Emmy asks Iris what is she doing and Iris says she got it and points them in the direction they need to go with Cilan saying another direction would be faster but Ash says Iris must sense where Axew and Druddigon are and trusts her as they all follow behind. Druddigon is still running when it slides down a cliff causing Axew to fall off but it's fine but Team Rocket finds them saying they can't escape and join them which Druddigon kindly says no to with a Focus Blast which Team Rocket simply side steps. Jessie says Druddigon is a fiesty Pokemon with an attitude which she likes but James says their finished playing kids game and has Yamask use Shadow Ball which Druddigon blocks. Woobat then uses Gust which starts blowing Druddigon and Axew back as Meowth says if they give up now they can be at the front lines when they take over the Unova region however Iris yells out that's not going to happen as Team Rocket turns to see Ash & co. (+ Emmy) behind them.

    Iris tells Axew she'll save it and Emmy tells Druddigon everything will be okay as Yamask tries to attack with a Shadow Ball but Pikachu stops it and Woobat with a Thunderbolt giving Druddigon and Axew their chance to rejoin with Ash & co. (+ Emmy). Yamask then does Night Shade which is actually kind of creepy which Druddigon takes while protecting Emmy.

    James: Yamask, let it rip!
    Comment: Wrong anime based on a children's franchise!

    The Night Shade sends Druddigon and Emmy flying but they're alright but Druddigon isn't too pleased Team Rocket tried to hurt Emmy and has somehow learned Draco Meteor! Iris tells Emmy that Druddigon has to concentrate the energy before firing it into the sky which Emmy tells Druddigon to do and launches the Draco Meteor (Quick Piplup, hid... oh wait) which rains down on Team Rocket even knocking out Yamask. James says it's remarkable Druddigon learned Draco Meteor which Jessie says means they should catch it and Woobat starts using Gust but Pikachu uses Electro Ball which hits Woobat. Axew joins in with a Dragon Rage showing us it had learned to master it and it hits Team Rocket though when the smoke clears Team Rocket is no where in sight but have flown off with their jetpacks.

    James says he detests meddlesome twerps (and their Pikachu too!) appearing to always get in their way (because you keep on going after them!), Jessie says it might of looked like they lost this round (because you did) but their dreams will finally be realized, and Meowth saying that dream is taking over the Unova region for "da boss" before they fly off (sadly with no star twinkle). Iris congratulates Axew for mastering Dragon Rage and then furiously hugging Axew as Cilan says it was a long time coming but like a fine meal it was worth the wait saying it was a "tasteful" Dragon Rage as Ash says Druddigon's Draco Meteor was pretty cool too. Emmy says they all helped in decide what to do: to go on a journey with Druddigon (wasn't that your plan all along, it just that you weren't comfortable using Druddigon until now?) as Iris says great saying she's going to work hard to become a Dragon Master and Ash says he's going to become a Pokemon Master as we end the episode giving Cilan a chance to say he wants to be the world's best Connoisseur.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [12]Aug 10, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Jessie: They are escaping, but they won't get far, that's for sure.
    Comment: Druddigon has WINGS, I'm sure it can fly.

    Druddigon can't learn Fly. The only Flying attack it can learn is Aerial Ace.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [13]Aug 10, 2011
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Jessie: They are escaping, but they won't get far, that's for sure.
    Comment: Druddigon has WINGS, I'm sure it can fly.

    Druddigon can't learn Fly. The only Flying attack it can learn is Aerial Ace.

    Flying =/= Fly

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Aug 10, 2011
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Jessie: They are escaping, but they won't get far, that's for sure.
    Comment: Druddigon has WINGS, I'm sure it can fly.

    Druddigon can't learn Fly. The only Flying attack it can learn is Aerial Ace.

    Flying =/= Fly

    Later in my review I correct myself saying "(guess it can't fly)". Don't know why it can't fly though, it has wings, unless they're using the "rock skin" as a reason as it'll probably make it very heavy.

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  • Avatar of NagisaFurukawa


    [15]Aug 12, 2011
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    hating iris every time i like to go Armodrillo on her no Rath
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