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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The End of Pokemon DP: Galactic Battles, Next is Sinnoh Victors!!! [No Spoilers]

What are your thoughts of Galactic Battles?

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [1]May 15, 2010
    • member since: 09/12/07
    • level: 26
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    • posts: 2,451

    Ok, so Pokemon DP: Galactic Battles came to a close today.

    We say goodbye to Galactic Battles, and move on to Sinnoh Victors.

    My thoughts? It was a good Season.... only had 2 Gym battles and now we only need Sunyshore Gym. So far, we have gotten 30 episodes since the Snowpoint Gym battle. It had some good episodes, Lyra & Khoury, Ash helped a Gible learn Draco Meteor...... Ash released Gliscor, Dawn released Ambipom and gota Cyndaquil. Ash's Staravia & Chimchar evolved.

    * Dawn's Piloswine evolves into Mamoswine.

    * Ash defeats Byron and earns the Mine Badge.

    * Dawn enters the Chocovine Contest and defeats Ursula, earning Ribbon #4.

    * Ash's Staravia evolves into Staraptor.

    * Grotle learns Rock Climb.

    * Mamoswine begins to sort of obey Dawn.

    * Dawn enters the Sandalstraw Contest, losing to Kenny.

    * Ambipom is released.

    * Ash defeats Candice and earns the Icicle Badge.

    * Paul gets owned by Brandon... A plus.

    * Hunter J again.

    * Ash VS Paul Full Battle.

    * Chimchar evolves into Monferno but Ash loses still.

    * Mamoswine learns Hidden Power.

    * Dawn battles her mom, losing.

    * Ash battles Palmer but loses.

    * Dawn gets an egg that hatches into Cyndaquil.

    * Lyra & Khoury travel with the gang.

    * Ash & Khoury compete for a Gible.... Khoury gets it.

    * AshxDawn & LyraxKhoury Tag Battle and Ash & Dawn win.

    * Lyra & Khouryleave.

    * Dawn loses inthe Lilypad Contest.

    * Jessie earnsher 3rd Ribbon in the above contest.

    *Team Galactic Finale.

    * Gliscor is released w/ it learning Giga Impact.

    * Dawn's new combination- Flame-Ice.

    * Zoey's Leafeon & Kirlia defeating Dawn.

    * Ash befriends Gible.

    Ok, I think I got most of it.So what are your guys thoughts on how this season went. We have a postponement on Season 13 but hopefully it starts soon. So discuss away!

    Edited on 05/15/2010 2:25am
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]May 15, 2010
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    I loved the season.

    Edited on 06/09/2010 1:26pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [3]May 15, 2010
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    Paul pwns Ash. Best part of the season.
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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [4]Jun 3, 2010
    • member since: 08/17/07
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    Good season with a good theme song! Season 13 starts June 5th!
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