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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Legendary Birds.

Wich out of the three is strongest!

  • Avatar of keaton1anng


    [1]Nov 13, 2008
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    Well i think this is a good face of but i think that Zapodos is the bestt then a moltres and the last articuno i think that zapodos is the strongest becuase it can stop fire and ice and articuno is weak against electricety but moltres is weak againts water not that much ice but fire can melt ice fast so zapodos wins for me what do you think.

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  • Avatar of Sasukeslayer


    [2]Nov 13, 2008
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    I agree 100% with what he is thinking cool picture.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [3]Nov 13, 2008
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    Well, here's a basic breakdown:

    Articuno - Ice/Flying
    Zapdos - Electric/Flying
    Moltrest - Fire/Flying

    Now right off the bat, Zapdos has an adventage over Articuno and Moltres as their Flying-types are weak to Electric. However Articuno gains an adventage over Zapdos because Zapdos' Flying-type is weak to Ice. And to finish this off, Moltres has an edge over Articuno because Articuno's Ice-type is weak to Fire.

    Articuno: 1
    Zapdos: 2
    Moltres: 1

    Now moving on to Resistance, Zapdos takes it as being part Electric-type makes it resistance to Flying, which all the Bird Trio is apart of.

    Articuno: 1
    Zapdos: 3
    Moltres: 1

    However this means nothing without good stats, so lets take a look at each ones stats:

    HP: 90 Attack: 85 Defence: 100 SpAtk: 95 SpDef: 125 Speed: 85 Total: 580
    HP: 90 Attack: 90 Defence: 85 SpAtk: 125 SpDef: 90 Speed: 100 Total: 580
    HP: 90 Attack: 100 Defence: 90 SpAtk: 125 SpDef: 85 Speed: 90 Total: 580

    All are tied in HP and Total, but when it comes to the other stats most of them are different. From what I can see, Articuno is a defender, Zapdos is inbetween, and Moltres is an attacker. I'll give all of them a point for each stat they had then the other two (if there is a tie between two then both will get a point. If there is a tie between all three then none of them will get a point). So it looks like this now:

    Articuno: 3
    Zapdos: 5
    Moltres: 3

    To finish this off, I'm going to end it with what moves they can learn. I won't go through all the move but rather make my decision on two things: How many attacks does it have of its types & how many attacks can it learn that will hurt the other birds.

    Looks pretty good for Ice, with it learning Ice Beam, Blizzard, and Sheer Cold naturally. But it's Flying attacks are about non-existant except for ones it share with the other birds (which means they doesn't count), so it will not be getting a point for that (but will get a point for it's Ice attacks)
    Againt Other Birds: It knows a Rock move (Ancient Power) which is good, but so do all the other birds so it doesn't count it. Other then that, there is nothing Articuno can really use against its fellow trio members.
    STAB: It can learn Discharge and Thunder naturally along with Thunderbolt with a TM. Not onlt that, but it also knows a nice Flying move, Drill Peck, which means it will be getting both points for its types.
    Againt Other Birds: If it wasn't bad enough that Articuno was weak against Zapdos' Electric-type, it's about to get worse for it. In Platinum, Zapdos can learn Heat Wave so it gets a point right there for that! Nothing more for Moltres though.
    Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Overheat, do I need to say anymore? And for Flying, Air Slash and Sky Attack just got it full points.
    Againt Other Birds: But this is where it all ends, as it has no unique moves that it can really use against the other birds.

    So with this in mind, here is the final total:

    Articuno: 4
    Zapdos: 8
    Moltres: 5

    So there you have it, looks like Zapdos takes the cake, with Moltres having a slice of it and poor Articuno being left out.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [4]Nov 13, 2008
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    Sounds good to me! But I must say that I'm quite surprised that Zapdos can learn Heat Wave in Platinum...
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Nov 13, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Sounds good to me! But I must say that I'm quite surprised that Zapdos can learn Heat Wave in Platinum...

    Yay, but it needs a Tutor to do so.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [6]Nov 13, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Sounds good to me! But I must say that I'm quite surprised that Zapdos can learn Heat Wave in Platinum...

    Yay, but it needs a Tutor to do so.

    Even so, Zapdos doesn't seem like the kind of pokemon to be able to learn Heat Wave to me. The two just don't seem to match.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [7]Nov 13, 2008
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    I don't care about strongest, Articuno is the best.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [8]Nov 13, 2008
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    Yay, I like to go with attackers and since Fire is my favorite type, there is no doubt my choice is Moltres.

    You know, now thinking about it, I think Platinum did the whole Bird Trio thing wrong. I think they should have done what they did in FireRed and LeafGreen with the Beast Trio, instead of having all three just have one roaming around depending on what starter you chose. Of course for the Bird Trio it would have to been done differently, as with the Beast Trio the one that was strongest against your starter's type would be the one get (Bulbasaur got Entei, Charmander got Suicune, and Squirtle got Raikou). However because of the types the Bird Trio has, this won't work. So instead I think what Bird you get will be the one that is weaker to your starter's types. So in this case Turtwig would get Zapdos, Chimchar would get Articuno, and Piplip would get Moltres. However it is still the same theory all in all. Bit no used crying over trading a Riolu Egg for a Magikarp Egg, so to speak.

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [9]Nov 13, 2008
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    iam not shure witch one is stronger maybe articuno who can just freez zapidos with a ice beam and beat moltriss with blizzard so maybe articuno is the stronges.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [10]Nov 14, 2008
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    DOMOJITA wrote:
    iam not shure witch one is stronger maybe articuno who can just freez zapidos with a ice beam and beat moltriss with blizzard so maybe articuno is the stronges.

    It's Ice type moves are super effective against Zapdos, but since Moltres is part Fire type, it could easily beat Articuno.
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [11]Nov 14, 2008
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    i like articuno the most but zapdos is obviously the strongest since they are both flying types and have thunder as a weakness
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [12]Nov 14, 2008
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    Of course Zapdos is the strongest, it's an Electric-type and Electric-types OWN! (in my opinion)

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  • Avatar of PokeSponge123


    [13]Nov 14, 2008
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I don't care about strongest, Articuno is the best.

    Yes, I agree.

    But in Emerald, Zapdos eas the simplest to catch, and weakest on my Legendary Team. Articuno is a little bugger, and I still haven't caught the darn thing.
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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [14]Nov 15, 2008
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    PokeSponge123 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I don't care about strongest, Articuno is the best.
    Yes, I agree. But in Emerald, Zapdos eas the simplest to catch, and weakest on my Legendary Team. Articuno is a little bugger, and I still haven't caught the darn thing.
    how did u catch them in emerald????????
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Nov 15, 2008
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    armpitmyhair wrote:
    PokeSponge123 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I don't care about strongest, Articuno is the best.
    Yes, I agree. But in Emerald, Zapdos eas the simplest to catch, and weakest on my Legendary Team. Articuno is a little bugger, and I still haven't caught the darn thing.
    how did u catch them in emerald????????

    I think he might have meant Platinum, not Emerald.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [16]Nov 15, 2008
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    I don't really like the Legendary Birds/Beast/Regi/etc. But I will have to say Zapdos is the best resistance. A Rock Type can kick Moltres & Articuno's Behind or any other Pokemon that use a Rock Type Attack b/c of Fire/Flying & Ice/Flying's double weakness to Rock Types.
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  • Avatar of PokeSponge123


    [17]Nov 16, 2008
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    Sorry, I mean Leafgreen!! First the SpongeBob boards thing, and now this!! (Smacks self)
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  • Avatar of CSI_Fiona


    [18]Nov 16, 2008
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    Moltres, just cause it's a fire type!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu_2121


    [19]Nov 16, 2008
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I don't care about strongest, Articuno is the best.

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  • Avatar of armpitmyhair


    [20]Nov 17, 2008
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    PokeSponge123 wrote:
    WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS?!?!? Sorry, I mean Leafgreen!! First the SpongeBob boards thing, and now this!! (Smacks self)
    never mind then lol
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