Speculate about how the Special, airing in 14 days, will turn out here!
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Or if you don't feel like clicking, here's the summary!
Dr. Yung, an enigmatic young scientist, has developed a new System to resurrect extinct Pokémon such as Kabutops. Ash, Misty, and Professor Oak are invited to watch a demonstration of the machines abilities. In a battle between Ash and Dr. Yung's Mirage Pokémon, the machine goes haywire and Dr. Yung is kidnapped by a Mirage Aerodactyl. A mysterious stranger appears and announces that the Mirage System can be used to create Pokémon with no weaknesses. Misty and Professor Oak argue that such an abomination would throw off the natural balance of Pokémon. Mew comes in, and enrages the stranger. Who is this stranger and why does he want control over the Mirage Pokémon? Will Ash, Misty, and Professor Oak escape with their lives and where are May and Max?
Have fun, and be nice!