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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The New US Only Special -- April 29th, 2006

  • Avatar of pokemonlover908


    [1]Apr 15, 2006
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    Speculate about how the Special, airing in 14 days, will turn out here!

    Click here to go to the Episode Page for the episode!

    Or if you don't feel like clicking, here's the summary!

    Dr. Yung, an enigmatic young scientist, has developed a new System to resurrect extinct Pokémon such as Kabutops. Ash, Misty, and Professor Oak are invited to watch a demonstration of the machines abilities. In a battle between Ash and Dr. Yung's Mirage Pokémon, the machine goes haywire and Dr. Yung is kidnapped by a Mirage Aerodactyl. A mysterious stranger appears and announces that the Mirage System can be used to create Pokémon with no weaknesses. Misty and Professor Oak argue that such an abomination would throw off the natural balance of Pokémon. Mew comes in, and enrages the stranger. Who is this stranger and why does he want control over the Mirage Pokémon? Will Ash, Misty, and Professor Oak escape with their lives and where are May and Max?

    Have fun, and be nice!
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [2]Apr 15, 2006
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    Misty's in it, Misty's in, Misty's in it. I can't wait.
    Edited on 04/15/2006 6:17pm
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  • Avatar of pokemonlover908


    [3]Apr 15, 2006
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    I can't wait either! I saw the preview this morning watching "The Right Place and the Right Mime" and then again during "A Real Cleffa Hanger" and now I'm really anxious!
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [4]Apr 15, 2006
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    Yeah I know it looks so good. Today's episodes were really good too. I like how Misty kept winking at Ash.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [5]Apr 15, 2006
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    I already created a thread about this, but notice how the only voices in the preview were Machine, Pokemon USA is trying to cover the VA thing up
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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [6]Apr 16, 2006
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    I noticed that to, during the commercial, I was thinking "Have Ash or someone say something!"
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [7]Apr 16, 2006
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    No, no, no, no.

    Misty was in the new episodes yesterday?!?!

    Oh my god, I missed them!

    Where can I find them?!?!? WHERE CAN I FIND THEM?!?!?!

    SOMEBODY HELP ME! I'm freakin' out over here!!
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  • Avatar of pokemonlover908


    [8]Apr 16, 2006
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    And besides Misty, you missed the Old Pokédex's Voice Return. Ash's new Pokédex talks like his first one! And also you missed the new title screen in "A Real Cleffa Hanger"

    I also wanted someone to say something on the preview, but it was a good preview.
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [9]Apr 16, 2006
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    I didn't miss them, I was just happy cause Misty was there. Yeah the commerical did piss me off cause aonly the machine talked, but what can we do? Anyway I'm hoping the VAs return.
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [10]Apr 16, 2006
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    pokemonlover908 wrote:
    And besides Misty, you missed the Old Pokédex's Voice Return. Ash's new Pokédex talks like his first one! And also you missed the new title screen in "A Real Cleffa Hanger"

    I also wanted someone to say something on the preview, but it was a good preview.

    Oh, thanks.

    What I really wanted was some ideas on where I could watch them. I REALLY NEED TO SEE THESE EPISODES!!
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  • Avatar of BTRAV


    [11]Apr 16, 2006
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    I hope they show them again sometime! I really should've recorded them! How did they let Meowth get away with dressing like H i t l e r again? And the censor won't let me write his name normally! I have to use spaces!
    Ha ha! Max called Tracey "sir!" I've really missed Misty and Tracey. They seem to've grown up a lot since I last saw them. And Misty's sisters are still so LAZY that they'd rather give out gym badges than actually battle! I really loved these episodes. I don't remember Ash's mom's voice being so high-pitched. Maybe it just seemed that way cuz Veronica voiced three people in a scene. And I agree with Professor Oak - "Here we go again..."
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [12]Apr 16, 2006
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    I loved having Misty back. The specail is a test ground of the new Va's say they suck even if they don't do Veronica, Eric, Rachel, and the others stay.
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [13]Apr 16, 2006
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    Can someone please help me?

    Is there anyway I can see these episodes?!?

    I'll do anything. ANYTHING!!

    I'll die if I can't see them. I'LL JUST DIE!
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  • Avatar of pokemonlover908


    [14]Apr 16, 2006
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    Start dieing then because the only chance you had to see them was yesterday at 10 AM. There are no reruns any more, and no websites have them yet that I know of.
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [15]Apr 16, 2006
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    pokemonlover908 wrote:
    Start dieing then because the only chance you had to see them was yesterday at 10 AM. There are no reruns any more, and no websites have them yet that I know of.

    That is the most unfair thing I've ever heard of.

    Don't they put the episodes on video/DVD? How long do you think that would take?

    Did anyone, by chance, record the episode?
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  • Avatar of psychicgirl93


    [16]Apr 16, 2006
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    So there is going to be a special, huh. Well, I read the summary and it looks pretty good. And, best of all, MISTY IS BACK!!! Man, I'm going to tape this. I haven't seen an episode in a while because I have Saturday school and I just don't feel like taping stuff, but this seems worth it. Plus, May and Max aren't going to be there the whole time, maybe just a little bit! I don't like them; that's the other reason I don't tape Pokemon. It's on at 10, right?
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  • Avatar of queensrp


    [17]Apr 16, 2006
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    To ForevaX: Where do you live? I have BOTH episodes with no commercials on it, excpet the Pokemon Special Promo on it.
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [18]Apr 16, 2006
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    Hey Foreva did you try the youtube website? You can download just about every episode of every show there. That is if we have seen them and we just saw these. They were definately to good to miss and I hope you can them soon.
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  • Avatar of ForevaX


    [19]Apr 16, 2006
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    CheapYugioh wrote:
    Hey Foreva did you try the youtube website? You can download just about every episode of every show there. That is if we have seen them and we just saw these. They were definately to good to miss and I hope you can them soon.

    I tried, but I don't think it's on there.
    I used a billion different search words and I definitely couldn't find it...
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  • Avatar of CheapYugioh


    [20]Apr 16, 2006
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    That stinks, I'm sorry. There has to be away.
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