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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Official Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Anime Thread (Spoilers)

  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [641]Aug 6, 2010
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    So does that mean that Brock is finally going to win Nurse Joy's love?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [642]Aug 6, 2010
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    Aaerni wrote:

    So does that mean that Brock is finally going to win Nurse Joy's love?

    We don't know anything about the episode, for all we know it could just be another Brock episode where someone's Pokemon/everyone's Pokemon gets sick and Brock has to take care of them.

    Now don't get me wrong, I would like to see Brock go as he's pretty much only there to keep Ash & co. from getting completely lost and starving to death and for the flirting running gag got old somewhere between Johto and Hoenn. However being Brock wants to become a Pokemon Breeder, he hasn't really done much of that except for making Ash's & co. Pokemon food. Him becoming a doctor would surely help him in the breeder department, though of course this makes me ask the question if this is the episode where Brock leaves does that mean he'll be going to a medical school or he's just going to be called a Pokemon Doctor despite not having gone through any official training (not that he needs it, though being official would probably help get the word out about him plus he might pick up a thing or two he didn't know since Breeder =/= Doctor if you can see what I'm trying to say).

    As for Brock finding a love interest, personally I would rather have it be someone character-of-the-day instead of a Nurse Joy (or Officer Jenny) unless they really make this Nurse Joy really different from the others. Also, if they have a kid, who's genes would be stronger? Brock's who brothers and sisters look like their father Flint with only a few having the coloring of their mother Lola OR Nurse Joy who family line has it that no matter what the children will be girls and look like their mother (and aunts, grandmothers, sisters, nieces, cousins, and other female relatives)?

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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [643]Aug 6, 2010
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    I would agree with going for the character of the day as it was hinted in the song "Two Perfect Girls" with the lyric: "It's time for eeny meeny mino mo, but wait a second, what's her name? I just got to know I just got to know!"

    Of all the flirtings Brock done, the funniest was the one in Trouble's brewing with each flirting funnier than the previous. "Forget the tea! I'm gonna need smelling salts! I bet you brew awesome broulong, but you really perked me up like a double moccachino! Misty:"Cool down coffee boy, you're not her cup of tea!"
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [644]Aug 6, 2010
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    z-agent wrote:
    I would agree with going for the character of the day as it was hinted in the song "Two Perfect Girls" with the lyric: "It's time for eeny meeny mino mo, but wait a second, what's her name? I just got to know I just got to know!" Of all the flirtings Brock done, the funniest was the one in Trouble's brewing with each flirting funnier than the previous. "Forget the tea! I'm gonna need smelling salts! I bet you brew awesome broulong, but you really perked me up like a double moccachino! Misty:"Cool down coffee boy, you're not her cup of tea!"

    Pokemon is Japanese

    so nothing that the English dub produces count...EVER...

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [645]Aug 6, 2010
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    z-agent wrote:
    I would agree with going for the character of the day as it was hinted in the song "Two Perfect Girls" with the lyric: "It's time for eeny meeny mino mo, but wait a second, what's her name? I just got to know I just got to know!" Of all the flirtings Brock done, the funniest was the one in Trouble's brewing with each flirting funnier than the previous. "Forget the tea! I'm gonna need smelling salts! I bet you brew awesome broulong, but you really perked me up like a double moccachino! Misty:"Cool down coffee boy, you're not her cup of tea!"

    Where was it hinted that Brock would end up with a character-of-the-day in "Two Perfect Girls"? All that song is about is Brock singing about girls he flirts with, with Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny being the two groups he mostly flirts with.

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  • Avatar of super_ps2player


    [646]Aug 6, 2010
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    ......so is ash gonna lose in the semi's then? kuz after paul he faces takuto rite? so ash aint gonna go to finals ? I think ash could beat takuto if he brings out his strongest pokemon like charizard, sceptile and stuff.......but he has to lose kuz ash never wins any league except for orange league.

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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [647]Aug 6, 2010
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    In the opening, Charizard and Sceptile were no where found (at least in the Japanese version of this season that is. It will be Infernape, Torterra, Staraptor, and who knows what else will be on Ash's team for Takuto. I doubt Gible will be in that battle.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [648]Aug 6, 2010
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    and Quilava is still a cyndaquil in it

    things change

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [649]Aug 6, 2010
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    z-agent wrote:
    In the opening, Charizard and Sceptile were no where found (at least in the Japanese version of this season that is. It will be Infernape, Torterra, Staraptor, and who knows what else will be on Ash's team for Takuto. I doubt Gible will be in that battle.

    Ash is also using Heracross against Darkrai. My guess is Pikachu will also be in the line-up somewhere.

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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [650]Aug 7, 2010
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    I think that Heracross against Darkrai is a bad idea since he's both bug and fighting which is almost futile, since Darkrai is both ghost and legendary. He'll get creamed easily.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [651]Aug 7, 2010
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    z-agent wrote:
    I think that Heracross against Darkrai is a bad idea since he's both bug and fighting which is almost futile, since Darkrai is both ghost and legendary. He'll get creamed easily.

    ... WHAT?

    Darkrai is a pure Dark-type, which only two weaknesses are Bug- and Fighting-type, plus Fighting-type resist Dark-type attacks, if anything Heracross is the PERFECT choice to go up against Darkrai. The only reason Darkrai is probably going to win is because it's a Legendary Pokemon thus needs to be pounded the heck out of with its weaknesses before it gets to the point it's about the faint (which is why Staraptor and Infernape will be helpful in this match being both know Fighting-type moves).

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    [652]Aug 7, 2010
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    But still, Darkrai is a legendary, and therefore, even with Heracross's resistance to dark attacks, Darkrai must have an arsenal of non-dark type attacks like psychic (which fighting types are very vulnerable to).
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [653]Aug 7, 2010
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    z-agent wrote:
    But still, Darkrai is a legendary, and therefore, even with Heracross's resistance to dark attacks, Darkrai must have an arsenal of non-dark type attacks like psychic (which fighting types are very vulnerable to).

    Hey, I didn't say Heracross was going to defeat Darkrai (infact, I even said Heracross was probably going to lose since of Darkrai's Legendary status). However I still believe that Ash will atleast knock Darkrai out, though will probably only have a few of his Pokemon left (maximum I would say be half of his team left and at minimum only one) to be wiped out from Takuto's other Pokemon.

    Personally I hope it's either Infernape or Staraptor that will be the one to knock out Darkrai and will be doing so by just going berserk on it with Close Combat (which hopefully Infernape will learn).

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [654]Aug 7, 2010
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    DP171 and 172's names have been revealed

    Dawn of a Royal Day! andWith the Easiest of Grace! respectively

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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [655]Aug 8, 2010
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    let's just hope that we don't get another "professor ivy" thing at the end of Black and White.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [656]Aug 8, 2010
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    I wouldn't mind that, Brock deserves love. Be it from every Joy in the world, a remake of Professor Ivy, other kind of random character of the day, or anything, brock deserves some form of love to go with his 621 episodes of failed attempts.
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  • Avatar of z-agent


    [657]Aug 8, 2010
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    For the league, my priority for Ash is not to win or defeat Takuto, but to defeat Paul and see if he can finally see what it means to be a respectable trainer, or if he will remain the same (expletive)hole.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [659]Aug 8, 2010
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    Dude, Paul is the man, everyone in the show is his fanboy at this point.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [660]Aug 9, 2010
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    Well, Brock will be in DP191. We can survive one more episode though lol. Still waiting for full translations, but after the Sinnoh League everyone goes back to Twinleaf Town while Ash and Brock wait for a boat to Kanto.

    Edited on 08/09/2010 12:26pm
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