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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

The Pokemon Guide Submission FAQ (Read Before Submitting)

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Dec 31, 2010
    • member since: 06/13/05
    • level: 72
    • rank: Happy Little Tree
    • posts: 9,110

    Here are some basic things to know when submitting to the guide here on TV.com


    The most important thing you need when submitting anything to a guide on TV.com, a source! A source is where you got your information from. Wikipedia, IMDB, Wikia, etc are not reliable sources. If you use those as sources or if you don't provide a source at all, your submission will probably be rejected. And for those of you who complain that I'm being harsh on that and other editors will accept without a source, that is there choice and it's against site rules.


    Please format your submissions. This includes bolding and italicizing things. In your are looking to submit a note or trivia that is listed below, anything in bold or italics needs to be submitted like that. Also, when submitting a note that uses episode or movie titles, put the episode or movie title in quotation marks. Example: "The Rise of Darkrai".

    Adding Episodes:

    When Japanese episode titles are revealed, they aren't always added to the guide. As per TV.com's new episode policy, an episode cannot be added to the site until it has two out of the three: Episode Title, Summary, and Airdate. Now, since this guide doesn't use Japanese airdates, you must wait until a summary and title is available. Also, making up an episode summary based on what you think will happen is against the rules.

    Notes vs Trivia:

    Notes and Trivia are a complicated thing on this site. When it comes to Pokémon, here is what can go in notes and trivia:

    Notes: Other Airdates besides the US (this includes Cartoon Network premieres for Seasons 1-8. Also, please keep all other airdates in one post), Who's That Pokémon and Trainer's Choice, Character debuts and Pokémon Debuts, Notes about episodes airing on other days besides Saturday, Beginning/End of season subtitles (No notes saying "This is the final episode of Season 11" that is not allowed. However, "This is the final episode of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension" is ok), and anything off-screen.

    Trivia: Pokémon captures releases, evolutions, etc. Errors, battle matches (see below) and stuff on screen except for stuff listed in the notes paragraph above.

    Various Submission Types:

    Regarding non-Saturday airings:

    When they air on another day then Saturday, a note should say this (just an example): This episode premiered on a special day and time: Tuesday November 28, 2006 at 8:00 PM EST/PST.

    When they air as part of a marathon, they should be set up like this: This episode premiered on a special day and time: Friday, November 10th, 2006 at 7:00 PM EST/PST as part of Cartoon Network's Pokémon: Battle Frontier Marathon.

    Pokémon Debuts:

    Regarding Pokémon debuts, they should be set up like this:

    Pokémon Debut: Pikachu
    Pokémon Debuts: Pikachu, Bulbasaur

    When Pokémon debuts in a movie, but appear later in an episode, the debut goes both places, since the movies typically don't have an effect on the story. For example, Torterra appears in the tenth movie, and "Top - Down Training". So in "Top - Down Training" is should say:

    Pokemon Debut: Garchomp, Torterra (outside of movies)

    Gym Matches:

    For gym battle episodes, the line-ups for Ash (or whoever) and the Gym Leader should be in ONE trivia, like so:

    Gym Line-ups:
    Ash: (whatever Pokémon, in order of appearance)
    Gym Leader Name: (whatever Pokémon, in order of appearance)

    Who's That Pokémon and Trainer's Choice:

    For Who's That Pokémon during Seasons 1 -6:

    Who's That Pokémon: (the answer)

    For Trainer's Choice in Seasons 7 & 8:

    Trainer's Choice:
    Question: (put question here)
    Choices: (put the three choices here)
    Answer: (put answer here)

    Title Puns:

    Title Puns go in Allusions, and should look like this. As an example, the Season 13 episode "Piplup, Up and Away!" is a pun on the saying Up, Up and Away! So this is what the title pun allusion would look like:

    Title Pun: Up, Up and Away!

    If an explanation is needed, then format it like before, and then add the explanation after.

    Minor Things:

    Don't forget the accent over the "e" on Pokémon, Pokéball, Pokédex, etc. To get the "e" with an accent over it, hold down the ALT button on your keyboard and then hit the numbers 1-3-0 while holding it down and you will get that e.

    Her name is spelled Jessie not Jesse.

    In the show, Pokémon CAN learn more than four attacks.

    Edited on 12/31/2010 9:40am
    Edited 2 total times.
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