spinda wins. next is Swablu vs Pidgey!
Swablu: 1
Pidgey: 0
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
spinda wins. next is Swablu vs Pidgey!
Swablu: 1
Pidgey: 0
swablu has ice beam
while pidgey has nothing
Pokemon: Swablu
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Natural Cure
= (In Battle: Cures Status Ailments upon switching out)
= (Outside Battle: Automatically cures Status Ailments at the end of a battle)
Base Stats:
=HP: 45
=Attack: 40
=Defense: 60
=Special Attack: 40
=Special Defense: 75
=Speed: 50
=Total: 310
Weakness (2x): Rock, Electric, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Bug & Grass
Immunity (0x): Ground & Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Not many attacks, just Dragon-type Dragon Pulse; Ghost-type Astonish; Normal-type Fury Attack & Take Down (STAB); and Flying-type Peck (STAB). Tactical is much wider having Growl, Sing, Safeguard, Mist, Natural Gift, Mirror Move, Refresh, & Perish Song.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Grass-type Solar Beam (+ Sunny Day) blasts away Rock-type while Steel-type Steel Wing crashes through Rock- and Ice-types. Other attacks include Ice-type Ice Beam; Dark-type Thief; Psychic-type Dream Eater (have Sing in Leveling Up); Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, & Secret Power (STAB); and Flying-type Aerial Ace, Pluck, & Fly (STAB). Tactical adds Rain Dance, Roost, & Psych Up.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Got Dragon-type Dragon Rush; Dark-type Pursuit; and Normal-type Rage (STAB). Tactical has Agility, FeatherDance, Haze, & Power Swap.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Fire-type Heat Wave makes things too hot to handle for Ice-types while Ground-type Mud-Slap takes on the remaining Rock- and Electric-types. Other attacks would be Dragon-type Outrage & Twister; Ghost-type Ominous Wind; Normal-type Snore, Swift, & Uproar (STAB); and Flying-type Air Cutter (STAB). Tactical this tie has Heal Bell & Tailwind.
Moveset Analysis (Special):
A purified Shadow Swablu from Pokemon Colosseum will get you a Swablue knowing Flying-type Fly and the tactical moves Mirror Move, Sing, & Safeguard... now you think I'm gonna complain about how you can get all these moves from Leveling Up, but I don't have time because there is yet another Special Swablu!
An egg from the Pokemon Box Ruby & Sapphire will have a Swablu in it that'll know Normal-type False Swipe, which I guess makes up for the lack of special moves on the Pokemon Closseum Swablu.
Pokemon: Pidgey
Type: Normal/Flying
= Keen Eye
+ (In Battle: Prevents loss of Accuracy)
+ (Outside Battle: If leading party, the chance of encountering a lower-level wild Pokemon decreases by 50%)
= Tangled Feet (Evasion increases by 20% when Confused)
Base Stats:
=HP: 40
=Attack: 45
=Defense: 40
=Special Attack: 35
=Special Defense: 35
=Speed: 56
=Total: 251
Weakness (2x): Rock, Electric, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Bug & Grass
Immunity (0x): Ground & Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
We've got Dragon-type Twister; Normal-type Tackle & Quick Attack (STAB); and Flying-type Gust, Wing Attack, and Air Slash (STAB). Tactical has Sand-Attack, Whirlwind, FeatherDance, Agility, Roost, Tailwind, & Mirror Move.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Steel-type Steel Wing cuts clean through Rock- and Ice-types. Other attacks are Bug-type U-turn; Dark-type Thief; Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, & Secret Power (STAB); and Flying-type Aerial Ace, Pluck, & Fly (STAB). Tactical Sunny Day & Defog in anything out of the ordinary.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Dark-type Faint Attack & Pursuit; Normal-type Uproar (STAB); and Flying-type Air Cutter, Air Slash, & Brave Bird (STAB). Tactical only has Foresight.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Fire-type Heat Wave makes things too hot to handle for Ice-types while Ground-type Mud-Slap takes on the remaining Rock- and Electric-types (now where have you heard that before ). Just throw in Ghost-type Ominous Wind and Normal-type Snore & Swifr (STAB) and we're done!
Now while Swablu has high defenses, Pidgey will still attack first and with it knowing plenty of strong moves it could probably over power Swablu's defenses. However Swablu does have Ice Beam which is Super Effective against Pidgey. However being I give each Pokemon the best possibility to win, if Pidgey were to do a Brave Bird then I think the outcome would come out with...
Swablu: 2 | Pidgey: 1
and I can guess what the next clash'll be
Pokemon: Happiny
Type: Normal
= Natural Cure
+ (In Battle: Cures Status Ailments upon switching out)
+ (Outside Battle: Cures Status Ailments at the end of a battle)
= Serene Grace (Doubles the chance of a move having an additional effect)
Base Stats:
=HP: 250
=Attack: 5
=Defense: 5
=Special Attack: 35
=Special Defense: 105
=Speed: 50
=Total: 450
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Got Dark-type Fling and Normal-type Pound, DoubleSlap, Egg Bomb, & Double-Edge (STAB) for attacks. Then we got Growl, Tail Whip, Refresh, Softboiled, Minimize, Sing, Defense Curl, Light Screen, & Healig Wish for tactical.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (We have Sing in Leveling Up) will take control of Fighting-types. There is also Water-type Water Pulse; Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (+ Hail); Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; Ground-type Earthquake; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; Dark-type Fling; Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Drain Punch, & Rock Smash; and Normal-type Hyper Beam, Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, Giga Impact, Strength, & Rock Climb (STAB). Tactical there is Calm Mind, Safeguard, Sandstorm, Skill Swap, Snatch, Recycle, Flash, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, & Psych Up + the usual.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Fighting-type Couter; Ground-type Mud Bomb; and Normal-type Last Resort (STAB) is the only affirmative attacks. There is two other moves, Present (this gets STAB) and Metronome which can do a damaging attack, or either heal its foe (Present) or do a status move (Metronome). In addition Metronome would be the only way for Happiny to put a Pokemon to sleep if it chooses to do a sleep-inducing move. Tactical there is Aromatherapy, Gravity, Heal Bell, & Helping Hand.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
ELEMENTAL PUNCHES! But first we have Psychic-type Zen Headbutt literally uses its head against Psychic-types. Other attacks are Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind; Fire-type Fire Punch; Electric-type ThunderPunch; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Rock-type Rollout (got Defense Curl in Leveling Up); & Normal-type Headbutt & Snore (STAB). Tactical we have Endeavor (but no higher priority move) as the only unique move left.
Moveset Analysis (Special):
Got Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness? Got the Shadow Chansey in it? Purify it to get one knowing Electric-type Thunderbolt and tactical Sweet Kiss, Softboiled, & Skill Swap. Sweet Kiss is the move to focus on here as with just Chansey alone you can't have it learn this move (though its pre-evolution Happiny can learn it through Leveling Up).
Pokemon: Jigglypuff
Type: Normal
Ability: Cute Charm
= (In Battle: If attacked by a physical move there is a 30% chance the attacker will become Attracted)
= (Outside Battle: If leading the party, there is a 67% chance of encountering Pokemon of the opposite gender regardless of gender ratios. This doesn't affect swarming Pokemon)
Base Stats:
=HP: 115
=Attack: 45
=Defense: 20
=Special Attack: 45
=Special Defense: 25
=Speed: 20
=Total: 270
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Attacks are Rock-type Rollout (+ Defense Curl); Steel-type Gyro Ball; Fighting-type Wake-Up Slap; and Normal-type Pound, DoubleSlap, Body Slam, Hyper Voice, & Double-Edge (STAB). Tactical there is Sing (DUH!), Disable, Rest, & Mimic)
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater will take control of Fighting-types. And other attacks will be Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Drain Punch; Water-type Water Pulse; Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard; Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot); Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Dark-type Fling; & Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Strength (STAB). Tactical we have Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Snatch, Recycle, Flash, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, & Psych Up.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Dark-type Faint Attack and Normal-type Covet, Last Resort, & Present (STAB) are the attacks here. Tactical has Fake Tears, Gravity, & Wish. Finally we also have the interesting move Perish Song.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
ELEMENTAL PUNCHES!... but first I'm saying that Flying-type Bounce sends Fighting-types flying. Now we have Fire-type Fire Punch; Electric-type ThunderPunch; Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind; Dark-type Knock Off; Ground-type Mud-Slap; & Normal-type Headbutt & Snore. Tactical has Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, & Role Play. And finally we have Endeavor (still no higher priority move) and Pain Split.
While both can do Super Effective Fighting-type moves against each other, only Jigglypuff has the attack power to use it (as long as it uses Physical attacks) despite Chansey's huge HP...
Chansey: 2 | Jigglypuff: 2
wait? how did jigglypuff win? it's a tie................
Pokemon: Blissey
Type: Normal
= Natural Cure
+ (In Battle: Cures Status Ailments upon switching out)
+ (Outside Battle: Cures Status Ailments at the end of a battle)
= Serene Grace (Doubles the chance of a move having an additional effect)
Base Stats:
=HP: 255
=Attack: 10
=Defense: 10
=Special Attack: 75
=Special Defense: 135
=Speed: 55
=Total: 540
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Got Dark-type Fling and Normal-type Pound, DoubleSlap, Egg Bomb, & Double-Edge (STAB) for attacks. Then we got Growl, Tail Whip, Refresh, Softboiled, Minimize, Sing, Defense Curl, Light Screen, & Healig Wish for tactical.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (We have Sing in Leveling Up) will take control of Fighting-types. There is also Water-type Water Pulse; Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard (+ Hail); Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; Ground-type Earthquake; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; Dark-type Fling; Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, Drain Punch, & Rock Smash; and Normal-type Hyper Beam, Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, Giga Impact, Strength, & Rock Climb (STAB). Tactical there is Calm Mind, Safeguard, Sandstorm, Skill Swap, Snatch, Recycle, Flash, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, & Psych Up + the usual.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Fighting-type Couter; Ground-type Mud Bomb; and Normal-type Last Resort (STAB) is the only affirmative attacks. There is two other moves, Present (this gets STAB) and Metronome which can do a damaging attack, or either heal its foe (Present) or do a status move (Metronome). In addition Metronome would be the only way for Happiny to put a Pokemon to sleep if it chooses to do a sleep-inducing move. Tactical there is Aromatherapy, Gravity, Heal Bell, & Helping Hand.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
ELEMENTAL PUNCHES! But first we have Psychic-type Zen Headbutt literally uses its head against Psychic-types. Other attacks are Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind; Fire-type Fire Punch; Electric-type ThunderPunch; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Rock-type Rollout (got Defense Curl in Leveling Up); & Normal-type Headbutt & Snore (STAB). Tactical we have Endeavor (but no higher priority move) & Block as the unique moves left.
Pokemon: Wigglytuff
Type: Normal
Ability: Cute Charm
= (In Battle: If attacked by a physical move there is a 30% chance the attacker will become Attracted)
= (Outside Battle: If leading the party, there is a 67% chance of encountering Pokemon of the opposite gender regardless of gender ratios. This doesn't affect swarming Pokemon)
Base Stats:
=HP: 140
=Attack: 70
=Defense: 45
=Special Attack: 47
=Special Defense: 50
=Speed: 45
=Total: 425
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Only attack is Normal-type DoubleSlap, and tactical there is Sing, Disable, & Defense Curl.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater will take control of Fighting-types. And other attacks will be Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, & Drain Punch; Water-type Water Pulse; Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard; Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot); Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Dark-type Fling; & Normal-type Hyper Beam, Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Strength (STAB). Tactical we have Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Snatch, Recycle, Flash, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, & Psych Up.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Dark-type Faint Attack and Normal-type Covet, Last Resort, & Present (STAB) are the attacks here. Tactical has Fake Tears, Gravity, & Wish. Finally we also have the interesting move Perish Song.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
ELEMENTAL PUNCHES!... but first I'm saying that Flying-type Bounce sends Fighting-types flying. Now we have Fire-type Fire Punch; Electric-type ThunderPunch; Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind; Dark-type Knock Off; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Bug-type Signal Beam; & Normal-type Headbutt & Snore (STAB). Tactical has Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, & Role Play. And finally we have Endeavor (still no higher priority move) and Pain Split.
Once again, Wigglytuff has the power to back-up its Attack and with Blissy having little Defense...
Blissey: 2 | Wigglyptff: 2
I vote for Blissey!
Blissey: 3 votes
Wigglytuff: 2 votes
Pokemon: Hoppip
Type: Grass/Flying
= Chlorophyll (In sunny weather the Speed stat is doubled)
= Leaf Guard (Prevents Status Ailments in sunny weather unless self-inflicted)
Base Stats:
=HP: 35
=Attack: 35
=Defense: 40
=Special Attack: 35
=Special Defense: 55
=Speed: 50
=Total: 250
Weakness (4x): Ice
Weakness (2x): Flying, Poison, Rock, & Fire
Resistance (.5x): Fighting & Water
Resistance (.25x): Grass
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Has Normal-type Tackle; Bug-type U-turn; Grass-type Bullet Seed, Mega Drain, & Giga Drain (STAB); and Flying-type Bounce (STAB). Tactical there's Splash ( ), Synthesis, Tail Whip, PoisonPowder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed, Cotton Spore, Worry Seed, & Memento.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Bug-type Silver Wind; Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day), Energy Ball, & Grass Knot (STAB); and Flying-type Aerial Ace (STAB). Nothing in tactical that is different.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Normal-type Double-Edge & Psychic-type Confusion. Tactical has Amnesia, Aromatherapy, Encore, Helping Hand, Psych Up, & Reflect.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Grass-type Seed Bomb (STAB) and that's pretty much it in anything unique.
Pokemon: Budew
Type: Grass/Poison
= Natural Cure
+ (In Battle: Cures Status Ailments upon switching out)
+ (Outside Battle: Cures Status Ailments at the end of a battle)
= Poison Point (When hit by a physical attack, the attacker has a 30% chance of becoming poisoned)
Base Stats:
=HP: 40
=Attack: 30
=Defense: 35
=Special Attack: 50
=Special Defense: 70
=Speed: 55
=Total: 280
Weakness (2x): Flying, Fire, Psychic, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Water, & Electric
Resistance (.25x): Grass
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Grass-type Absorb & Mega Drain (STAB) are the only attacks with tactical being Growth, Water Sport, Stun Spore, & Worry Seed.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Ghost-type Shadow Ball haunts Psychic-types. Other attacks here are Normal-type Cut; Grass-type Giga Drain, SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day), Energy Ball, & Grass Knot (STAB); and Poison-type Sludge Bomb (STAB). Tactcial has Rain Dance, Swords Dance, & Psych Up.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Bug-type Pin Missile further creeps out Psychic-types. Even more attacks are Psychic-type Extrasensory and Grass-type Leaf Storm & Razor Leaf (STAB). Tactical then adds Cotton Spore, Mind Reader, Sleep Powder, Spikes, & Synthesis.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Ground-type Mud-Slap puts out Fire-types. Finally we have Grass-type Seed Bomb (STAB) to finish off anything unique.
Being both have a move that is strong and can be Super-effective against the other, I'll decide by my age old method of higher speed...
Hoppip: 1 | Budew: 1
I'll break the tie! I vote for Budew!
Budew: 3 votes
Hoppip: 2 votes