I was expecting this...
I cant belive I'm saying this but........stantler
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
I was expecting this...
I cant belive I'm saying this but........stantler
Pokemon: Stantler
Type: Normal
= Intimidate
+ (In Battle: Lowers the opponent's Attack stat by onestage upon entering battle. Both opponent's Attack stats will lower if it's a Double Battle)
+ (Outside Battle: If leading party, the chance of encountering a lower-level wild Pokemon decreases by 50%)
= Frisk (Tells you the opponent's held item upon entering battle. In a double battle an opponent is randomly chosen)
Base Stats:
=HP: 73
=Attack: 95
=Defense: 62
=Special Attack: 85
=Special Defense: 65
=Speed: 85
=Total: 465
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Psychic-type Zen Headbutt gives out quite the headache to Fighting-types. Other attacks would include Ghost-type Astonish and Normal-type Tackle, Stomp, & Take Down (STAB). Wrapping up in tactical there is Leer, Hypnosis, Sand-Attack, Confuse Ray, Calm Mind, Role Play, Imprison, Captiate, & Me First.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (Hypnosis learned in Leveling Up Moveset) keeps on messing with the Fighting-types. Other attacks are Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Energy Ball; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; Ground-type Earthquake; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Dark-type Thief; and Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Giga Impact (STAB). On the tactical end there is Roar, Light Screen, Reflect, Skill Swap, Snatch, Flash, Thunder Wave, & Psych Up along with the usual.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Psychic-type Extrasensory never gives a break to Fighting-types. Other attacks here are Dark-type Bite; Fighting-type Double Kick; Bug-type Megahorn; and Normal-type Thrash (STAB). Tactical we have Disable, Spite, & Swagger.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Flying-type Bounce does what normally a Psychic-type would do here to Fighting-types. Other attacks we got are Ground-type Mud-Slap, Bug-type Signal Beam; Dark-type Sucker Punch; and Normal-type Headbutt, Last Resort, Snore, Swift, & Uproar. Tactical here is Gravity & Magic Coat.
Moveset Analysis (Special):
Got a Shadow Stantler in Pokemon Colosseum you want in your main game? Well if you purify not only will you be able to transfer it over but it'll also have Ghost-type Astonish, Normal-type Take Down (STAB), and tactical moves Hypnosis & Leer... you know, MOVES IT CAN LEARN JUST BY LEVELING UP!
Pokemon: Delibird
Type: Ice/Flying
= Vital Spirit
+ (In Battle: Prevents Sleep)
+ (Outside Battle: If leading party, the chance of encountering a higher-level wild Pokemon increases by 50%)
= Hustle
+ (In Battle: Increases the Attack stat by 50% but lowers Physical moves Accuracy by 20%)
+ (Outside Battle: If leading party, the chance of encountering a higher-level wild Pokemon increases by 50%)
Base Stats:
=HP: 45
=Attack: 55
=Defense: 45
=Special Attack: 65
=Special Defense: 45
=Speed: 75
=Total: 330
Weakness (4x): Rock
Weakness (2x): Steel, Fire, & Electric
Resistance (.5x): Bug & Grass
Immunity (0x): Ground
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Normal-type Present, Present, and only Present! But from a Pokemon that is based off Santa Clause, are you really that surprised? Oh, and just incase you're wondering, 40% of the time Present's Base Power is 40, 30% of the time it's 80, and 10% of the time it's 120. But wait, that only equals 80%, what about the other 20%? Well, 20% of the time, it'll HEAL its target by 80HP. But don't fret, as unlike other Pokemon with gimmicky moves, Delibird can learn other attacks through:
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Fighting-type Focus Punch & Brick Break break down Rock- and Steel-types while Water-type Water Pulse soaks Rock- and Fire-types. For other attacks there are Dark-type Thief & Fling; Ice-type Ice Beam, Blizzard (+ Hail), & Avalanche (STAB); and Flying-type Aerial Ace, Pluck, & Fly (STAB). Tactical we have Rain Dance, Recycle, & Defog.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
We have Psychic-type Future Sight; Normal-type Fake Out, Quick Attack, & Rapid Spin; and Ice-type Aurora Beam, Ice Ball, Ice Shard, & Ice Punch (STAB). No tactical moves but we do the one, the only, the move that makes your jaw drop, the move which will make most give you a blank stare if you use... Splash!
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Grass-type Seed Bomb can handle those Rock-types and Ground-type Mud-Slap can take on not one, not, two, not even three, but ALL OF DELIBIRD's WEAKNESSES: Rock-, Steel-, Fire-, & Electric-types... to bad it only have 20 base power. Oh, and other attacks are Poison-type Gunk Shot; Rock-type Rollout; Bug-type Signal Beam; Ice-type Icy Wind (STAB); and Flying-type Bounce & Sky Attack (STAB).
Moveset Analysis (Special):
Pokemon Colosseum also have a Shadow Delibird! Purify it to get one knowing Present, Ice-tye Blizzard (STAB), Flying-type Fly (STAB), & tactical move Attract. At least they gone to TM moves, but maybe giving it a better Ground-type attack would have made it worth wild!
So who wins? Stantler has the better stats all around and can do moves that are both strong and Super Effective against Delibird. Even if Delibird could get an attack in, Stantler would probably survive letting it deal another Super Effective attack again so that...
Stantler: 1 | Delibird: 1
Oh, and BTW...
I never expected stantler to become so powerful now.....argh! It makes me want to get one in SS
Im thinking of buying both now so I can have my team in HG unchanged >_
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Well, with type advantage alone Glalie has the upperhand, plus if i'm not mistaken it's not affected by ground moves, i doubt Jinx's Fire Punch can do much compared to a STAB Crunch Glalie could pull of, so Glalie2 Jinx0 |
Fire Punch? Jynx can't do Fire Punch, remember that a TCG-move is a game move that was put on a Jynx card but is not a move any in-game Jynx can actually learn.
Pokemon: Jynx
Type: Ice/Psychic
= Oblivious (Prevents Attraction)
= Forewarn (Shows opponent's move with the highest base power. In a Double Battle, if both opponents have their move with the highest base power the same, one will be chosen at random)
Base Stats:
=HP: 65
=Attack: 50
=Defense: 35
=Special Attack: 115
=Special Defense: 95
=Speed: 95
=Total: 455
Weakness (2x): Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, & Dark
Resistance (.5x): Psychic & Ice
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Ghost-type Lick disgusts even other Ghost-types while Fighting-type Wake-Up Slap (Remember to use Lovely Kiss to put opponents to Sleep to do double the damage) to smack around Rock-, Steel-, and Dark-types. Other attacks are Normal-type Pound, DoubleSlap, Body Slam, & Wring Out and Ice-type Powder Snow, Ice Punch, Avalanche, & Blizzard (STAB). Tactical there is Mean Look & Fake Tears. Finally we have Perish Song.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, & Drain Punch to knock around Rock-, Steel-, and Dark-types; Ghost-type Shadow Ball haunts Ghost-types themselves; Water-type Water Pulse sinks Rock- and Fire-types; and Grass-type Energy Ball & Grass Knot entangles Rock-types. Other attacks are Dark-type Thief, Fling, & Payback; Normal-type Hyper Beam & Giga Impact; Ice-type Ice Beam (STAB); and Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (STAB). Tactical we have Hail (combo with Blizzard), Calm Mind, Taunt, Light Screen, Reflect, Torment, Skill Swap, Recycle, Flash, Psych Up, & Trick Room.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Normal-type Fake Out and Ice-type Ice Punch (STAB) are the only attacks here. Tactical we have Meditate, Miracle Eye, Nasty Plot, & Wish.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Ground-type Mud-Slap dirties Rock-, Steel-, and Fire-types. In attacks we also have Bug-type Signal Beam; Ice-type Ice Wind (STAB); and Psychic-type Zen Headbutt. Tactical there is Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Role Play, & Trick.
Pokemon: Glalie
Type: Ice
= Inner Focus (Prevents Flinching except while user is doing Focus Punch)
= Ice Body (Heals 1/16 of max HP at the end of every turn it is hailing. Non-Ice-types take no damage from Hail and still heals)
Base Stats:
=HP: 80
=Attack: 80
=Defense: 80
=Special Attack: 80
=Special Defense: 80
=Speed: 80
=Total: 480
Weakness (2x): Fighting, Rock, Steel, & Fire
Resistance (.5x): Ice
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Attacks are Normal-type Headbutt, Dark-type Bite & Crunch; and Ice-type Powder Snow, Icy Wind, Ice Fang, Ice Beam, & Blizzard (+ Hail). Tactical we have Leer, Double Team, & Protect. We also have the OHKO Sheer Cold.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Water-type Water Pulse washes away Rock- and Fire-types; Ground-type Earthquake shakes Rock-, Steel-, and Fire-types; and Steel-type Gyro Ball spins on Rock-types. Other attacks include Normal-type Hyper Beam, Explosion, & Giga Impact; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Dark-type Payback & Dark Pulse; and Ice-type Avalanche (STAB). In tactical there is Light Screen, Rain Dance, Torment, & Flash.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Rock-type Rollout rolls all over Fire-types. We then have Normal-type Bide & Weather Ball as the other attacking moves. Tactical adds in Block, Disable, & Spikes.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Steel-type Iron Head smashes Rock-types. Other attacks come down to Normal-type Super Fang and Bug-type Signal Beam. Tactical there is only Spite.
No who wins? That low HP and Defence is dangerous for Jynx but it will move first and if it as wise it would do a Special Move. But before doing that a Lovely Kiss is advised as Glalie has no way to stop it and then you can start up a Focus Blast. So with that said...
Jynx: 1 | Glalie: 2
edmasterchaos wrote: |
wait, glalie isn't dark? his suckness finds no limits... |
Yup, Glalie isn't a Dark-type just like Luxray. They look like Dark-types, but that's just what their color-scheme and looks just so happen to resemble and nothing more.
Pokemon: Dewgong
Type: Water/Ice
= Thick Fat (Halves the damage from Ice- and Fire-type moves)
= Hydration (Cures all Status Ailments when Raining)
Base Stats:
=HP: 90
=Attack: 70
=Defense: 80
=Special Attack: 70
=Special Defense: 95
=Speed: 70
=Total: 475
Weakness (2x): Fighting, Rock, Grass, & Electric
Resistance (.5x): Water
Resistance (.25x): Ice
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Bug-type Signal Beam freaks out Grass-types; Ice-type Icy Wind, Ice Shard, Aurora Beam, & Ice Beam (STAB) give the chills to Grass-types; and Water-type Aqua Jet, Brine, Dive, & Aqua Tail (STAB) soak Rock-types. Only other attacks are Normal-type Headbutt & Take Down. Tactical we have Growl, Encore, Rest, Aqua Ring, & Safeguard. We also have the OHKO Sheer Cold.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Ice-type Blizzard (+ Hail) & Avalanche (STAB) solidifies Grass-types while Water-type Water Pulse, Surf, Whirlpool, & Waterfall (STAB) erodes Rock-types. Other attacks are Dark-type Thief & Fling and Normal-type Hyper Beam & Giga Impact. Tactical we have Rain Dance but nothing else out of the ordinary.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Ice-tpe Icicle Spear (STAB) cools down Grass-types. Then in attacks we have Ghost-type Lick and Normal-type Fake Out, Slam, & Spit UP (along with Stockpile & Swallow). Tactical brings Disable; OHKO brings Normal-type Horn Drill; and we'll throw in Perish Song to end it.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Nothing here but repeats.
Pokemon: Glaceon
Type: Ice
Ability: Snow Cloak
= (In Battle: Evasion increases by 20% in Hail. If Pokemon wasn't already an Ice-type, it will now take no damage from Hail)
= (Outside Battle: If leading party, the chances of encountering a Pokemon decreases by 50% if in an area with a blizzard)
Base Stats:
=HP: 65
=Attack: 60
=Defense: 110
=Special Attack: 130
=Special Defense: 95
=Speed: 65
=Total: 525
Weakness (2x): Fighting, Rock, Steel, & Fire
Resistance (.5x): Ice
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
In attacks we have Normal-type Tackle, Quick Attack, & Last Resort; Dark-type Bite; and Ice-type Icy Wind, Ice Shard, Ice Fang, & Blizzard (+ Hail) (STAB). Tactical brings Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand-Attack, Mirror Coat, & Barrier.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Water-type Water Pulse quenches Rock- and Fire-types; Steel-type Iron Tail crushes Rock-types; Ground-type Dig buries Rock-, Steel-, and Fire-types; and Fighting-type Rock Smash smashes Rock- and Steel-types. Neutral attacks will be Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; and Ice-type Ice Beam & Avalanche (STAB). Noteworthy tactical moves are just Sunny Day & Rain Dance.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Only attacks here are Normal-type Covet & Flail. Everything else is tactical moves being Charm, Curse, Detect, Fake Tears, Tickle, Wish, & Yawn.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Water-type Aqua Tail drowns Rock- and Fire-types while Ground-type Mud-Slap rubs dirt in the faces of Rock-, Steel-, and Fire-types. Only other attack worth mentioning is Bug-type Signal Beam. Tactical also has Heal Bell & Helping Hand.
Dewgong has its stats much fairly spread out while Glaceon has to full under the stat division of the Eeveelutions which gives it a bit of an unfair adventage. And with Dewgong having higher Speed and both able to do Super Effective moves against Glaceon who doesn't have any for Dewgong...
Dewgong: 2 | Glaceon: 1
I vote for Dewgong!
Dewgong: 3 votes
Glaceon: 2 votes
Pokemon: Farfetch'd
Type: Normal/Flying
= Keen Eye
+ (In Battle: Prevents loss of Accuracy)
+ (Outside Battle: If leading party, the chance of encountering a lower-level wild Pokemon decreases by 50%)
= Inner Focus (Prevents Flinching except when using Focus Punch)
Base Stats:
=HP: 52
=Attack: 65
=Defense: 55
=Special Attack: 58
=Special Defense: 62
=Speed: 60
=Total: 352
Weakness (2x): Rock, Electric, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Bug & Grass
Immunity (0x): Ground & Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Attacks are Poison-type Poison Jab; Bug-type Fury Cutter; Dark-type Knock Off & Night Slash; Flying-type Peck, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, & Air Slash (STAB); and Normal-type Fury Attack, Slash, False Swipe, & Feint (STAB). Tactical there is Sand-Attack, Leer, Swords Dance, & Agility.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Steel-type Iron Tail & Steel Wing crashes Rock- and Ice-types. We also got in attacks Dark-type Thief; Bug-type U-turn; Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Cut (STAB); and Flying-type Pluck & Fly (STAB). In tactcal the list has Sunny Day, Psych Up, & Defog.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Grass-type Leaf Blade cuts it to Rock-types while Ground-type Mud-Slap dirties Electric-type. Other attacks would be Normal-type Covet, Flail, & Quick Attack (STAB) and Flying-type Gust (STAB). For tactical we have Curse, FeatherDance, Foresight, & Mirror Move.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Fire-type Heat Wave melts Ice-types. What left are the attacks Ghost-type Ominous Wind; Dragon-type Uproar; and Normal-type Headbutt, Last Resort, Snore, Swift, & Uproar (STAB).
Moveset Analysis (Special):
Purify your Shadow Farfetch'd XD: Gale of Darkness to get one knowing Flying-type Aerial Ace, Normal-type Slash, and tactical moves Baton Pass & Swords Dance. And incase you haven't spotted, we have Baton Pass here which Farfetch'd couldn't learn otherwise.
Pokemon: Spinda
Type: Normal
= Own Tempo (Prevents Confusion)
= Tangled Feet (Evasion increases by 20% when Confused)
Base Stats:
=HP: 60
=Attack: 60
=Defense: 60
=Special Attack: 60
=Special Defense: 60
=Speed: 60
=Total: 360
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Psychic-type Psybeam manipulates Fighting-types. We also got Dark-type Faint Attack & Sucker Punch and Normal-type Tackle, Uproar, Dizzy Punch, Double-Edge, Flail, & Thrash (STAB). Tactical there is Copycat, Hypnosis, Teeter Dance, & Psych Up.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (We got Hypnosis in Leveling Up) further makes putty out of Fighting-types. The other attacks are Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Drain Punch, & Rock Smash; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Electric-type Shock Wave; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; Dark-type Thief & Fling; Poison-type Poison Jab; and Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Strength (STAB). For tactical we have Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Safeguard, Skill Swap, Snatch, Recycle, Flash, & Trick Room.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Psychic-type Psycho Cut gives a mental slash to Fighting-types. Only other attacks are Normal-type Fake Out & SmellingSalt (STAB). Tactical wise there is Assist, Baton Pass, Disable, Encore, Role Play, Trick, & Wish.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
ELEMENTAL PUNCHES! But first Psychic-type Zen Headbutt gives a mental jab to Fighting-types. Now to the other attacks like Electric-type ThunderPunch; Fire-type Fire Punch; Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind; Fighting-type Low Kick; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Rock-type Rollout; and Normal-type Headbutt, Last Resort, Snore, & Swift (STAB). And to finish it, in tactical we have Helping Hand & Magic Coat.
Their stats are pretty much the same, but with Spinda the only one who can land Super Effective moves onto the other, the win clearly goes to...
Farfetch'd: 1 | Spinda: 1
hmm Kamonegi vs Patcheel
I choose spinda
It learns several rock ice and electric attacks
while Farfetc'd learns no super effective moves
so I choose Patcheel(spinda)
edit: dang it pikachu! you beat to the punch!
how could you!?
*holds Spinog my Shiny spinda and the only one I legtimatly caught*
You hurt my baby's feelings!
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Spinda3. Farfetch'd Fainted! Spinda gained 516 EXP Ding! Spinda level up! Spinda still sucks though. |
I don't really understand the purpose with Spinda, I mean besides it having a thing with the Confusion status ailment, why exactly does it have so many different spot configurations? Was it to show how powerful the GBA could be? Almost all the other Normal-type gimmicks help in battles, except for Spinda's spot configuration feature.