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The Ultimate Pokemon Clash!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [181]Dec 22, 2009
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    Type: Poison
    Shed Skin (There is a 30% of curing non-volatile (Burn, Freeze, Paralysis, Poison, & Sleep) at the end of each turn)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 73
    =Attack: 100
    =Defense: 60
    =Special Attack: 100
    =Special Defense: 60
    =Speed: 65
    =Total: 458
    Weakness (2x): Ground & Psychic
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Poison, Bug,
    & Grass
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Ghost-type Lick and Dark-type Bite, Crunch, & Night slash. There is also Normal-type Wrap & Wring Out and Poison-type Poison Tail, Poison Fang, & Poison Jab (STAB). Tactical there is Screech, Glare, Swagger, & Haze.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Grass-type Giga Drain saps energy away from Ground-types while Bug-type X-Scissor and Dark-type Thief, Payback, & Dark Pulse brings the pain to Psychic-types. Other attacks are Steel-type Iron Tail; Ground-type Earthquake & Dig; Fire-type Flamethrower; Fighting-type Rock Smash; Normal-type Strength; and Poison-type Sludge Bomb (STAB). Tactical there is Sunny Day (helps with Flamethrower), Rain Dance, & Snatch.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dark-type Assurance makes sure Psychic-types get their just deserts. We also have Normal-type Body Slam & Spit Up (It goes without saying we also have Stockpile and Swallow). Also in tactical there is Scary Face & Switcheroo.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Water-type Aqua Tail quenches Ground-types while Bug-type Fury Cutter and Dark-type Knock Off & Sucker Punch push around Psychic-types. Other attacks would be Mud-Slap in addition with the usual.

    Type: Poison

    = Intimidate
    + (In Battle: Lowers the opponent's Attack by one stage upon entering battle)
    + (Outside Battle: If leading the party, the chance of encountering a lower-level wild Pokemon is decreased by 50%)
    = Shed Skin (There is a 30% of curing non-volatile (Burn, Freeze, Paralysis, Poison, & Sleep) at the end of each turn)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 60
    =Attack: 85
    =Defense: 69
    =Special Attack: 65
    =Special Defense: 79
    =Speed: 80
    =Total: 438
    Weakness (2x): Ground & Psychic
    Resistance (.5x): Fighting, Poison,
    Bug, & Grass
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    ELEMENTAL FANGS! Ice-type Ice Fang specifically frost bites Ground-types with help from Dark-type Bite & Crunch against Psychic-types. We then have Fire-type Fire Fang; Electric-type Thunder Fang; Normal-type Wrap & Spit Up (also got Stockpile and Swallow here too); Ground-type Mud Bomb; & Poison-type Poison Sting, Acid, & Gunk Shot (STAB). Tactical there is Leer, Glare, Screech, Gastro Acid, & Haze.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Grass-type Giga Drain saps energy away from Ground-types while Dark-type Thief, Payback, & Dark Pulse brings the pain to Psychic-types. Other attacks are Steel-type Iron Tail; Ground-type Earthquake & Dig; Normal-type Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, & Strength; Rock-type Rock Tomb & Rock Slide; and Poison-type Sludge Bomb & Poison Jab (STAB). Tactical there is Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Safeguard, & Snatch.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dark-type Beat Up & Pursuit keep chasing after Psychic-types. Normal-type Slam and Poison-type Poison Fang & Poison Tail (STAB). Tactical has Disable, Scary Face, Spite, & Switcheroo.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Water-type Aqua Tail and Grass-type Seed Bomb erode Ground-types. Other then that it's moves already learned and the usual ones.
    Moveset Analysis (Special):
    Purify your Shadow Arbok in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness to get one knowing Dark-type Bite, Poison-type Sludge Bomb; and the tactical moves Glare and Refresh. And it's refreshing to see a move Arbok can't learn naturally: Refresh.

    Arbok will be attacking first but whether its stats are strong enough to take down Seviper before it gets its turn is questionable. If Arbok does an Earthquake then maybe...


    (We'll just say it got a critical hit)

    Seviper: 1 | Arbok: 3

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [182]Dec 22, 2009
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    um pika?

    the meowth pic malfunctioned

    dang bulbapedia

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [183]Dec 22, 2009
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    I vote for Arbok!

    Arbok: 4 votes

    Seviper: 1 votes

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [184]Dec 22, 2009
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    why are the pics becoming giant sized!?

    Pika we have a problem......meowth and tailow are godzilla sized

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [185]Dec 22, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    why are the pics becoming giant sized!?

    Pika we have a problem......meowth and tailow are godzilla sized

    Umm... hmm... I'm not seeing them as giant images, can you take a screenshot of it?

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [186]Dec 22, 2009
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    It, seems to happen at random or something, i went to page 6, and well: Ruun it's go- CHARMANDER
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [187]Dec 22, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    It, seems to happen at random or something, i went to page 6, and well: Ruun it's go- CHARMANDER

    Hmm... I'll go back tommorow and replace each Pokemon with another stock art that isn't part of Bulbapedia's database.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [188]Dec 23, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    why are the pics becoming giant sized!?

    Pika we have a problem......meowth and tailow are godzilla sized

    Umm... hmm... I'm not seeing them as giant images, can you take a screenshot of it?

    I dont know how to make screenshots (computer noob)

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [189]Dec 23, 2009
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    arbok wins. Jigglypuff vs Happiny!

    Happiny: 0

    Jigglypuff: 1
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [190]Dec 23, 2009
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    why not igglybuff?

    wouldve been more fair on happiny's side

    jiggly puff

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [191]Dec 23, 2009
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    oh yea i forgot about jigglypuff's pre-evolution.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [192]Dec 23, 2009
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    Pokemon: Happiny
    Type: Normal

    = Natural Cure (Heals status ailments upon switching out)
    = Serene Grace (Doubles the chance of a move having an additional effect)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 100
    =Attack: 5
    =Defense: 5
    =Special Attack: 15
    =Special Defense: 65
    =Speed: 30
    =Total: 220
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Only attack is Normal-type Pound (STAB). Tactical there is Charm, Copycat, Refresh, & Sweet Kiss.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (no sleep inducing moves, sorta) will take control of Fighting-types. There is also Water-type Water Pulse, Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Electric-type Shock Wave; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Dark-type Fling; Fighting-type Drain Punch; & Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, & Secret Power (STAB). Tactical there is Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Recycle, Flash, Thunder Wave, & Psych Up + the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Fighting-type Couter; Ground-type Mud Bomb; and Normal-type Last Resort (STAB) is the only affirmative attacks. There is two other moves, Present (this gets STAB) and Metronome which can do a damaging attack, or either heal its foe (Present) or do a status move (Metronome). In addition Metronome would be the only way for Happiny to put a Pokemon to sleep if it chooses to do a sleep-inducing move. Tactical there is Aromatherapy, Gravity, Heal Bell, & Helping Hand.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Psychic-type Zen Headbutt literally uses its head against Psychic-types. Other attacks are Ice-type Icy Wind, Ground-type Mud-Slap; Rock-type Rollout; & Normal-type Headbutt, Snore (interesting enough, Happiny doesn't have Rest so it has no move to put itself to sleep unless it gets lucky with Metronome), & Uproar (STAB). Tactical we have Endeavor (but no higher priority move) as the only unique move left.

    Pokemon: Jigglypuff
    Type: Normal
    Cute Charm
    = (In Battle: If attacked by a physical move there is a 30% chance the attacker will become Attracted)
    = (Outside Battle: If leading the party, there is a 67% chance of encountering Pokemon of the opposite gender regardless of gender ratios. This doesn't affect swarming Pokemon)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 115
    =Attack: 45
    =Defense: 20
    =Special Attack: 45
    =Special Defense: 25
    =Speed: 20
    =Total: 270
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Attacks are Rock-type Rollout (+ Defense Curl); Steel-type Gyro Ball; Fighting-type Wake-Up Slap; and Normal-type Pound, DoubleSlap, Body Slam, Hyper Voice, & Double-Edge (STAB). Tactical there is Sing (DUH!), Disable, Rest, & Mimic)
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater will take control of Fighting-types. And other attacks will be Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, & Drain Punch; Water-type Water Pulse; Ice-type Ice Beam & Blizzard; Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot); Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), Shock Wave, & Charge Beam; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Dark-type Fling; & Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Strength (STAB). Tactical we have Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Snatch, Recycle, Flash, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, & Psych Up.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dark-type Faint Attack and Normal-type Covet, Last Resort, & Present (STAB) are the attacks here. Tactical has Fake Tears, Gravity, & Wish. Finally we also have the interesting move Perish Song.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    ELEMENTAL PUNCHES!... but first I'm saying that Flying-type Bounce sends Fighting-types flying. Now we have Fire-type Fire Punch; Electric-type ThunderPunch; Ice-type Ice Punch & Icy Wind; Dark-type Knock Off; Ground-type Mud-Slap; & Normal-type Headbutt & Snore. Tactical has Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, & Role Play. And finally we have Endeavor (still no higher priority move) and Pain Split.

    ... THIS IS A MISMATCH! Sure Happiny has a lot of HP but there is no way a Baby Pokemon can take on a non-Baby Pokemon. I think this match should be called off and instead either bring in Happiny's evolution Chansey or Jigglypuff's pre/Baby-evolution Igglybuff. Because as it stands now...


    (And no, Brock's Happiny doesn't count toward this)

    Happiny: 0 | Jigglypuff: 3

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [193]Dec 23, 2009
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    there are 4 stages of pokemon

    baby: happiny for ex

    stage one: charmander for ex

    stage two: sandslash for ex

    stage three: flygon for ex

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [194]Dec 23, 2009
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    there are 4 stages of pokemon

    baby: happiny for ex

    stage one: charmander for ex

    stage two: sandslash for ex

    stage three: flygon for ex

    Actually it goes like this:

    Baby Stage
    Basic Stage (Remember, this was before Baby Pokemon were introduced)
    Stage 1 (First evolution)
    Stage 2 (Second evolution)

    though note there is no Pokemon who has a family member in all 4 stages.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [195]Dec 23, 2009
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    Imagine the messed up evolutions...
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [196]Dec 24, 2009
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    ok restart this match. Happiny vs Igglybuff!

    Happiny: 0

    Igglybuff: 1
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [197]Dec 24, 2009
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    happiny has high health but lacks the strength to do any real damage


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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [198]Dec 25, 2009
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    Pokemon: Happiny
    Type: Normal

    = Natural Cure (Heals status ailments upon switching out)
    = Serene Grace (Doubles the chance of a move having an additional effect)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 100
    =Attack: 5
    =Defense: 5
    =Special Attack: 15
    =Special Defense: 65
    =Speed: 30
    =Total: 220
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Only attack is Normal-type Pound (STAB). Tactical there is Charm, Copycat, Refresh, & Sweet Kiss.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (no sleep inducing moves, sorta) will take control of Fighting-types. There is also Water-type Water Pulse, Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Electric-type Shock Wave; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Dark-type Fling; Fighting-type Drain Punch; & Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, & Secret Power (STAB). Tactical there is Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Recycle, Flash, Thunder Wave, & Psych Up + the usual.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Fighting-type Couter; Ground-type Mud Bomb; and Normal-type Last Resort (STAB) is the only affirmative attacks. There is two other moves, Present (this gets STAB) and Metronome which can do a damaging attack, or either heal its foe (Present) or do a status move (Metronome). In addition Metronome would be the only way for Happiny to put a Pokemon to sleep if it chooses to do a sleep-inducing move. Tactical there is Aromatherapy, Gravity, Heal Bell, & Helping Hand.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Psychic-type Zen Headbutt literally uses its head against Psychic-types. Other attacks are Ice-type Icy Wind, Ground-type Mud-Slap; Rock-type Rollout; & Normal-type Headbutt, Snore (interesting enough, Happiny doesn't have Rest so it has no move to put itself to sleep unless it gets lucky with Metronome), & Uproar (STAB). Tactical we have Endeavor (but no higher priority move) as the only unique move left.


    Pokemon: Igglypuff
    Type: Normal
    Cute Charm
    = (In Battle: If attacked by a physical move there is a 30% chance the attacker will become Attracted)
    = (Outside Battle: If leading the party, there is a 67% chance of encountering Pokemon of the opposite gender regardless of gender ratios. This doesn't affect swarming Pokemon)
    Base Stats:
    =HP: 90
    =Attack: 30
    =Defense: 15
    =Special Attack: 40
    =Special Defense: 20
    =Speed: 15
    =Total: 270
    Weakness (2x): Fighting
    Immunity (0x): Ghost
    Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):

    Only attack here is Normal-type Pound (STAB), all of the other moves are tactical which are Sing ( ), Charm, Defense Curl, Sweet Kiss, & Copycat.
    Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
    Psychic-type Psychic & Dream Eater (Sing is in the Leveling Up Moveset) will disturb any Fighting-types. Other moves would be Water-type Water Pulse; Grass-type SolarBeam (+ Sunny Day) & Grass Knot; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball; Electric-type Shock Wave; Fire-type Flamethrower & Fire Blast; Dark-type Fling; and Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, & Secret Power (STAB). As for tactical there is Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Rain Dance, Recylce, Flash, Thunder Wave, & Psych Up.
    Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
    Dark-type Faint Attack and Normal-type Covet, Last Resort, & Present (STAB) are the attacks here. Tactical has Fake Tears, Gravity, & Wish. Finally we also have the interesting move Perish Song.
    Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
    Flying-type Bounce will topple over Fighting-types. Other attacks would be Ice-type Icy Wind; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Rock-type Rollout (Defense Curl is in Leveling Up Moveset); and Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, & Uproar (STAB). Tactical we have Endeavor (no higher priority moves though), Heal Bell, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, & Role Play. The only other thing to mention would be Pain Split.

    Now that this battle is on even-ground let's see who will win. Despite Happiny's small Attack, Defense, & Special Attack, it has more then enough HP to survive one attack from Igglybuff. The one thing working for Happiny is that is knows Counter that will double the damage of the move used as well as being Super Effective. Then all Happiny has to do is just attack the next turn as it has the higher speed. Though of course Happiny might want to pull up a Safeguard before Igglybuff has a chance to Sing. So with that said...


    Happiny: 1 | Igglybuff: 2

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [199]Dec 25, 2009
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    I go with Igglybuff3.

    Merry christmas everyone! :3
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [200]Dec 25, 2009
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    igglybuff wins. here's a holiday match up. Stantler vs Delibird!

    Stantler: 0

    Delibird: 1
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