Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
actually taillow is only faster
the other stats are equal's moves are more powerful
Pokemon: Taillow
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Guts (Raises Attack by 50% if afflicted by Burn, Parayliss, Poison, or Sleep. The Attack drop from Burn doesn't occur)
Base Stats:
=HP: 40
=Attack: 55
=Defense: 30
=Special Attack: 30
=Special Defense: 30
=Speed: 85
=Total: 270
Weakness (2x): Rock, Electric, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Bug & Grass
Immunity (0x): Ground & Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
For attacks there are Normal-type Quick Attack (STAB) and Flying-type Peck, Wing attack, Aerial Ace, & Air Slash (STAB). Tactical we have Growl, Focus Energy, Double Team, & Agility. We also have Endeavor and being we also have Quick Attack, this makes Tailow a F.E.A.R. Pokemon!
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Steel-type Steel Wing breaks through Rock- and Ice-types. We also have Dark-type Theif; Bug-type U-turn; Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, & Secret Power (STAB); and Flying-type Pluck & Fly (STAB). Tactical there is Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Roost, & Defog amoung the usual.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Dark-type Pursuit; Normal-type Rage (STAB); and Flying-type Brave Bird & Sky Attack (STAB). Tactical there is Mirror Move, Refresh, Supersonic, & Whirlwind.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Fire-type Heat Wave melts Ice-types as Ground-type Mud-Slap churns away Rock- and Electric-types. Other attacks would include Ghost-type Ominous Wind; Dragon-type Twister; Normal-type Snore & Swift (STAB); and Flying-type Air Cutter (STAB).
Pokemon: Starly
Type: Normal/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye
= (In Battle: Prevents Accuracy decrease)
= (Outside Battle: If leading the party, decreases encountering a lower-level wild Pokemon by 50%)
Base Stats:
=HP: 40
=Attack: 55
=Defense: 30
=Special Attack: 30
=Special Defense: 30
=Speed: 60
=Total: 245
Weakness (2x): Rock, Electric, & Ice
Resistance (.5x): Bug & Grass
Immunity (0x): Ground & Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Attacks are Normal-type Tackle, Quick Attack, & Take Down (STAB) and Flying-type Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, & Brave Bird (STAB). For tactical it's Growl, Double Team, Whirlwind, & Agility. We also have Endeavor and being Starly comes equiped with Quick Attack, it also is a F.E.A.R. Pokemon!
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Steel-type Steel Wing breaks through Rock- and Ice-types. We also have Dark-type Theif; Bug-type U-turn; Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, & Secret Power (STAB); and Flying-type Pluck & Fly (STAB). Tactical there is Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Roost, & Defog amoung the usua... *shiver* sorry, got a sense of deja vu.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Got Ghost-type Astonish; Dark-type Pursuit; and Normal-type Double Edge & Fury Attack (STAB). Tactical there is FeatherDance, Foresight, & Sand-Attack.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Fire-type Heat Wave melts Ice-types as Ground-type Mud-Slap churns away Rock- and Electric-types. Other attacks would include Ghost-type Ominous Wind; Dragon-type Twister; Normal-type Snore & Swift (STAB); and Flying-type Air Cutter (STAB... there is that odd sense of deja vu again!
They're pretty much the same excpet for one difference, Tailow if faster...
Taillow: 4 | Starly: 0
Pokemon: Weavile
Type: Dark/Ice
Ability: Pressure
= (In Battle: Doubles the PP of the move used by a Pokemon that damaged this Pokemon (even partner Pokemon in double battles))
= (Outside Battle: If leading party, there is a 50% increased chance of encountering a high-leveled wild Pokemon)
Base Stats:
=HP: 70
=Attack: 120
=Defense: 65
=Special Attack: 45
=Special Defense: 85
=Speed: 125
=Total: 510
Weakness (4x): Fighting
Weakness (2x): Rock, Bug, Steel, & Fire
Resistance (.5x): Ghost, Ice, & Dark
Immunity (0x): Psychic
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Fighting-type Revenge beats on Rock- and Steel-types while Steel-type Metal Claw crushes its way through Rock-types. Other attacks are Normal-type Scratch, Quikc Attack, & Fury Swipes; Dark-type Assurance, Faint Attack, Night Slash, Fling, & Dark Pulse (STAB); and Ice-type Icy Wind (STAB). Tactical we have Embargo, Leer, Taunt, Screech, & Nasty Plot.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Fighting-type Focus Punch, Brick Break, Focus Blast, & Rock Smash beat down Rock- and Steel-types; Steel-type Iron Tail smashes Rock-types; Ground-type Dig buries Fire-, Rock-, and Steel-types; Flying-type Aerial Ace blows away Fighting- and Bug-types; Psychic-type Dream Eater (no, it doesn't learn any sleep-inducing moves) munches on dreams of Fighting-types; and Water-type Surf & Whirlpool washes away Rock-types. If that wasn't enough we also have Normal-type Hyper Beam, False Swipe, Giga Impact, Cut, & Strength; Ghost-type Shadow Ball & Shadow Claw; Bug-type X-Scissor; Poison-type Poison Jab; Ice-type Ice Beam, Blizzard (+ Hail), & Avalanche (STAB); and Dark-type Thief & Payback (STAB). If THAT wasn't enough we also have tactical moves like Calm Mind, Sunny Day, Torment, Snatch, Swords Dance, & Psych Up along with the usual.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Fighting-type Counter brings back the pain to Rock- and Steel-types. We also got Normal-type Crush Claw, Double Hit, & Fake Out; Dark-type Bite, Punishment, & Pursuit (STAB); and Ice-type Ice Punch & Ice Shard (STAB). Tactical wise there is Assist, Foresight, Reflect, & Spite.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Fighting-type Low Kick trips up Rock- and Steel-types while Ground-type Mud-Slap covers up Fire-, Rock-, and Steel-types. Other attacks would be Bug-type Fury Cutter as far as unique and non-usual attacks would go.
Pokemon: Persian
Type: Normal
= Limber (Prevents Paralysis)
= Technician (Increases all moves with a power of 60 or lower by 1.5x)
Base Stats:
=HP: 65
=Attack: 70
=Defense: 60
=Special Attack: 65
=Special Defense: 65
=Speed: 115
=Total: 440
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
THANK ARCEUS! A POKEMON WITH ONE WEAKNESS... I mean... umm... it knows the following attacks Rock-type Power Gem; Dark-type Bite, Faint Attack, Assurance, & Night Slash; and Normal-type Scratch, Fake Out, Fury Swipes, Slash, & Feint (STAB). Tactical there is Switcheroo, Growl, Screech, Taunt, Nasty Plot, & Captivate.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Flying-type Aerial Ace and Psychic-type Dream Eater takes care of Fighting-types. Other attacks are Water-type Water Pulse; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), & Shock Wave; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball & Shadow Claw; Dark-type Thief, Pay Back, & Dark Pulse; Bug-type U-turn; and Normal-type Hyper Beam, Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, Giga Impact, & Cut (STAB). Tactical there is Roar, Sunny Day, Torment, Snatch, Embargo, Flash, & Psych Up.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
We got Dark-type Punishment and Normal-type Flail & Last Resort (STAB). Tactical there is Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Hypnosis (to work with Dream Eater), Odor Sleuth, Spite, & Tail Whip.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Let's start with Poison-type Gunk Shot; Ice-type Icy Wind; Dark-type Knock Off; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Grass-type Seed Bomb; and Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, Swift, & Uproar (STAB).
Now while normally I don't let speed decide for final evolutions, Weavile and Persian aren't exactly tanks in HP and defence. With a higher attack and speed...
Weavile: 4 | Persian: 0
hmm the cats huh? meowth
I have a feeling the dogs may be next
Pokemon: Meowth
Type: Normal
= Pickup (After a battle, there is a 10% chance this Pokemon will be carrying an item if not holding one already)
= Technician (Increases all moves with a power of 60 or lower by 1.5x)
Base Stats:
=HP: 40
=Attack: 45
=Defense: 35
=Special Attack: 40
=Special Defense: 40
=Speed: 90
=Total: 290
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
We have Dark-type Bite, Faint Attack, Assurance, & Night Slash and Normal-type Scratch, Fake Out, Fury Swipes, Pay Day, Slash, & Feint (STAB). Tactical there is Growl, Screech, Taunt, Nasty Plot, & Captivate.
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Flying-type Aerial Ace and Psychic-type Dream Eater takes care of Fighting-types. Other attacks are Water-type Water Pulse; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), & Shock Wave; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball & Shadow Claw; Dark-type Thief, Pay Back, & Dark Pulse; Bug-type U-turn; and Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Cut (STAB). Tactical there is Sunny Day, Torment, Snatch, Flash, & Psych Up.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
We got Dark-type Punishment and Normal-type Flail & Last Resort (STAB). Tactical there is Amnesia, Assist, Charm, Hypnosis (to work with Dream Eater), Odor Sleuth, Spite, & Tail Whip.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
Let's start with Poison-type Gunk Shot; Ice-type Icy Wind; Dark-type Knock Off; Ground-type Mud-Slap; Grass-type Seed Bomb; and Normal-type Headbutt, Snore, Swift, & Uproar (STAB).
Moveset Analysis (Special):
Finally one which I'm not copy & pasting Persian's movesets above. Purify your Shadow Meowth from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and you'll get Dark-type Bite, Normal-type Slash & Pay Day, and the tactical move Sing. SING! Here is a good example of a Special Pokemon actually getting a useful move it couldn't learn otherwise!
Pokemon: Glameow
Type: Normal
= Limber (Prevents Paralysis)
= Own Tempo (Prevents Confusion)
Base Stats:
=HP: 49
=Attack: 55
=Defense: 42
=Special Attack: 42
=Special Defense: 37
=Speed: 85
=Total: 310
Weakness (2x): Fighting
Immunity (0x): Ghost
Moveset Analysis (Leveling Up):
Got Dark-type Faint Attack & Sucker Punch and Normal-type Fake Out, Scratch, Fury Swipes, & Slash (STAB). Tactical we have Growl, Charm, Assist, Captivate, Attract, and Hypnosis!
Moveset Analysis (TM/HM):
Flying-type Aerial Ace and Psychic-type Dream Eater takes care of Fighting-types. Other attacks are Water-type Water Pulse; Steel-type Iron Tail; Electric-type Thunderbolt, Thunder (+ Rain Dance), & Shock Wave; Ground-type Dig; Ghost-type Shadow Ball & Shadow Claw; Dark-type Thief, Pay Back, & Dark Pulse; Bug-type U-turn; and Normal-type Frustration, Return, Facade, Secret Power, & Cut (STAB). Tactical there is Sunny Day, Torment, Snatch, Flash, & Psych Up. Seriously, they are getting lazy with the TM/HM movesets.
Moveset Analysis (Breeding):
Got Dark-type Assurance & Bite and Normal-type Flail & Quick Attack (STAB). Tactical has Fake Tears, Sand-Attack, and Tail Whip.
Moveset Analysis (Tutoring):
We have Bug-type Fury Cutter; Dark-type Knock Off; Ground-type Mud-Slap; and Normal-type Heabutt, Last Resort, Snore, & Swift (STAB). We also have Normal-type Super Fang.
So who makes it here? Being both are pretty much going to be using the same strategy, though Glameow has the higher stats it doesn't have the highest speed and with both of them know a sleep-inducing move...
Meowth: 3 | Glameow: 0
pikachu is probably th only one who picks on stats all the time.....
most of the time we just pick on our opinion of them
I vote for Meowth!
Meowth: 4 votes
Glameow: 0 votes
you're ignoring earthquake and dig too......
which seviper can also learn along with mud-slap
however arbok is faster
so Arbok: 2 Seviper: 1
damn you jessie for releasing him >_
but this is a tactical battle between pokemon
and tm moves only help in strategizing