Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the release date was also revealed: August 4th of this year.
Judging by the pictures, it looks like they'll be like the ones in Pokemon Ranch and Melee! Pokemon Scramble. I must say, the activity going on in some of the pictures kind of reminds me of the activity in Animal Crossing: Wild World. Maybe the creators got some ideas from the Animal Crossing games.
EDIT #2 - More details have come in:
- You can use the same save data across the three games to use multiple Pokemon.
- You can have up to four save files in all three games (Alright!
- The Starters from Blazing Adventure Squad are Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Vulpix, Growlithe, Eevee, Tediursa, and Buneary; the Starters from Stormy Adventure Squad are Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Wooper, Azurill, Phanpy, Riolu and Wynaut; and the Starters from Light Adventure Squad are Pichu, Pikachu, Shinx, Pachirisu, Elekid, Mareep, Psyduck, Togepi and Meowth.
- Wild Pokemon can evolve inside dungeons.
- You can use your DS to connect to your Wii to control your Pokemon.
- Downloadable missions will be provided through the WiiConnect24 feature.
Edited on 07/15/2009 3:48am
Edited 5 total times.