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Three New Mystery Dungeon Games Revealed

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Jun 16, 2009
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    A new scan has just recently come up on a Japanese forum. The image shows three new Mystery Dungeon games, and they're apparently going to be released on the Wii's WiiWare. These are what appear to be the games' names:

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad!
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Let's Go! Stormy Adventure Squad!
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Go For It! Light Adventure Squad!

    This is all that's known at the moment but more info will be revealed as it comes.

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  • Avatar of Yusei08


    [2]Jun 16, 2009
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    It should be noted that these aren't 100% confirmed yet.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Jun 16, 2009
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    That's great.

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  • Avatar of NYGBRIAN246


    [4]Jun 18, 2009
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    Oh gawd no, not on the WiiWare. Keep it on the DS or make it a actual Wii game.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [5]Jun 19, 2009
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    The official Japanese website has updated confirming the three new games, and also confirming that they'll be on the WiiWare. These are the games' logos:


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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [6]Jun 22, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:


    Oh, that's cute. Real cute... Seriously, hasn't the Mystery Dungeon series been milked out long enough? I thought the first one for DS (Blue Rescue Team) was enough, adding something new into the mix... IDK, it just seems kinda pointless, & a waste of Wii Points to be honest.

    Edited on 06/22/2009 12:26am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Jun 22, 2009
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:
    pikastatic100 wrote:


    Oh, that's cute. Real cute... Seriously, hasn't the Mystery Dungeon series been milked out long enough? I thought the first one for DS (Blue Rescue Team) was enough, adding something new into the mix... IDK, it just seems kinda pointless, & a waste of Wii Points to be honest.

    I got to agree. I mean:

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: (Red/Blue) Rescue Team - Cute idea for a spin-off series and it did do pretty well as I recall.
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of (Time/Darkness) - New generation came out (Generation IV), so they decided to make a new game featuring the new Pokemon. This makes perfect logical sense.
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Okay, here is when things begin to get a bit pushy. Now I do suppose this game was still "needed" so that Shaymin (both Land and Sky Forme) and Giratina Origin Forme. Strangely though, Rotom's other forms and Arceus aren't included. Now, if they added these Pokemon in and just had people wait for the release of a secret code than this wouldn't have to happen:
    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: (Blazing/Stormy/Light) Adventure Squad - I'm going to just say this: these games were only made because they'll contain Arceus and probably Rotom's other forms as well. I mean did they really need to do that? Right now they have a new Pokemon game on the Wiiware, Melee! Pokemon Scramble, focus on that and try to make it a Wiiware spin-off!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [8]Jun 22, 2009
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    I still haven't played a single one. The Ranger games are more to my liking.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [9]Jun 22, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I still haven't played a single one. The Ranger games are more to my liking.

    I have the first game but never played it (my brother played it and took up the only save file they have on every single Pokemon game. I understand having one save file for the main stream games, but being that Mystery Dungeon and Pokemon Ranger are side games you'll think that at least 2 save files).

    However, I have played through both the Pokemon Ranger games and have my 2 Manaphys, Darkrai, and Aura Sphere Riolu.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [10]Jul 14, 2009
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    New info has been revealed regarding these three games:

    - They're confirmed to be on the WiiWare and will cost 1,200 Wii points each.
    - The games are based on the legend of Arceus.
    - Characters and dungeons will be in 3D.
    - Four moves are used consecutively at a new feature called the Pokemon Tower.
    - The Treasure Chests you find are judged at a new facility called the Gastrodon Judgement House.
    - Blazing Adventure Squad, Stormy Adventure Squad, and Light Adventure Squad are focused on Fire-types, Water-types, and Electric-types respectively.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Jul 14, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    New info has been revealed regarding these three games:

    - They're confirmed to be on the WiiWare and will cost 1,200 Wii points each.
    - The games are based on the legend of Arceus.
    - Characters and dungeons will be in 3D.
    - Four moves are used consecutively at a new feature called the Pokemon Tower.
    - The Treasure Chests you find are judged at a new facility called the Gastrodon Judgement House.
    - Blazing Adventure Squad, Stormy Adventure Squad, and Light Adventure Squad are focused on Fire-types, Water-types, and Electric-types respectively.

    * So each game is going to cost $12? Well, I guess you're not suppose to buy all of them (it'll probably have some Wi-Fi capabilities which will connect to other people/friends with the game and you can trade with them what you need (and/or will have come connection capabilities with "Explorers of Time/Darkness")). Still though, for those who have to have every Pokemon game it is $36 for a game I think shouldn't have needed to be made.
    * If they would have just added a code which would unlock the mission or have you need to download the mission in "Explorers of Sky" you wouldn't need to have to make these games! I don't care if Arcues is the "Alpha Pokemon", if you can catch and train it it really shouldn't have a game soley based around itself, let alone three! They better also have Rotom's formes in there unless they plan on releasing another game that will be about them.
    * Will the Pokemon be like they are in "Pokemon Ranch"/"Melee! Pokemon Scramble" or will they be the 3D models that will be in HeartGold and SoulSilver? Don't know what to make of this until I know which 3D models them mean. As for the 3D dungeons, not really surprised, they would have probably gotten around to that aspect by time of the next Mystery Dungeon games for the next Generation (which is a proper time to release the next group of Mystery Dungeon games).
    * I guess this is just a mode to hardcore gamers as you'll need a good strategy and plan your moves out right. Though obviously everyone is going to use their status effecting/inflicting moves first then use the damaging moves last.
    * I never played the games but I do know that you couldn't open chests anyway, you needed another Pokemon to do it, and I guess Gastrodon is the one which does it in these games (but does it mention which Gastrodon it is ).
    * Being it is about the Legend of Arceus, wouldn't it be more appropriate if they were about Steel-, Water-, and Ghost-types and then have the partner Pokemon be a Dragon-type? Arcues created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina who are all Dragon-types but also half Steel-, Water-, and Ghost-type (respectively); and being these Pokemon are more closely link to Arceus (yay, the Lake Trio were created by Arceus as well but they were created second and all Psychic-types would be boring) so shouldn't their types be the main focus?

    Yay yay, I know, I'm being a picky, but I still think I make good points .

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [13]Jul 15, 2009
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    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the release date was also revealed: August 4th of this year.

    Anyway, I noticed that the Gastrodon Judgement House has Arceus' signature move in its name while the games themselves are based on the legend of Arceus. I'm going to guess that's not a coincidence.


    EDIT - The first pre-release pictures of the three games have just been revealed (and there's a lot of them):


    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Will the Pokemon be like they are in "Pokemon Ranch" and "Melee! Pokemon Scramble" or will they be the 3D models that will be in HeartGold and SoulSilver? Don't know what to make of this until I know which 3D models them mean.

    Judging by the pictures, it looks like they'll be like the ones in Pokemon Ranch and Melee! Pokemon Scramble. I must say, the activity going on in some of the pictures kind of reminds me of the activity in Animal Crossing: Wild World. Maybe the creators got some ideas from the Animal Crossing games.


    EDIT #2 - More details have come in:

    - You can use the same save data across the three games to use multiple Pokemon.
    - You can have up to four save files in all three games (Alright! ).
    - The Starters from Blazing Adventure Squad are Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Vulpix, Growlithe, Eevee, Tediursa, and Buneary; the Starters from Stormy Adventure Squad are Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Wooper, Azurill, Phanpy, Riolu and Wynaut; and the Starters from Light Adventure Squad are Pichu, Pikachu, Shinx, Pachirisu, Elekid, Mareep, Psyduck, Togepi and Meowth.
    - Wild Pokemon can evolve inside dungeons.
    - You can use your DS to connect to your Wii to control your Pokemon.
    - Downloadable missions will be provided through the WiiConnect24 feature.

    Edited on 07/15/2009 3:48am
    Edited 5 total times.
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  • Avatar of RikoZerame


    [14]Jul 15, 2009
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    ...I have to say, I won't be getting these ones. XD I don't have Wiiware, and I think I might rather get Explorers of Sky.

    I love the Mystery Dungeon games just as much as the mainstream. They add something new, and the stories are actually a little better (I think). I have to say I hate it when a story ends, though. XD These look good, but I don't know...

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Jul 15, 2009
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    * I honestly expected them to use the Pokemon Ranch/Melee! Pokemon Scramble 3D models, being that they already have the models made and are approved to not cause a problem on Wiiware.
    * Hey, there are both kinds of Gastrodon! In that case, shouldn't it be called "The Gastrodons Judgement House"? In addition, you aren't judging Gastrodon, the Gastrodon there are judging the treasure chests you bring them, so in that case "Gastrodons" should in the possessive making the place now called "The Gastrodons's Judgement House".
    * Fire-, Water-, Electric-types my eye! They're basing the Pokemon you can use not only on type but also by color! Most of the Light Adventure Squad are in the Yellow and White Color Catagory (like Psyduck, Togepi, and Meowth), most the Blazing Adventure Squad can be found in the Red and Brown Color Catagory (like Eevee, Teddiursa, and Buneary), and ALL of the Stormy Adventure Squad can be found in the Blue Color Catagory (like Azurill, Phanpy, Riolu, and Wynaut). To be honest they probably added them in as thye sort of blend in and so you're team doesn't come up with an enemy that can possibly take them all out (Psyduck can handle the Ground-types the Light Adventure Squad comes up against), and also some of the Pokemon can/do evolve into it's squad's type (Eevee can evolve into Flareon and Azurill evolves into Marill). Anyway just wanted to point that out more than anything.
    * 4 save files? ABOUT TIME! I think I said it before, but there is no reason why side games (especially those that can't connect with the main stream games) shouldn't have multiple save files.
    * Downloadble missions, so there will be at least something for people who buy the game have something new to do once in awhile with the game, until the new Nintendo Console comes out and they move everything over to it. But still downloadable missions are still good, but the question is whether it'll cost you money to acquire the missions?

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  • Avatar of KollinNaples


    [16]Jul 15, 2009
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    Monster Houses are the ONE thing that could keep me from buyng these games.......oddly enough......
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