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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

UK getting final Battle Dimension episodes first!

  • Avatar of shokuwarrior


    [1]Apr 9, 2009
    • member since: 11/16/06
    • level: 1
    • rank: Weatherman
    • posts: 108
    As some UKers like myself will know, CITV currently airs 2 episodes of BD every weekday morning. According to their schedule listings, Thursday 16th April's episodes are 'A Shield With a Twist' and 'Jumping Rocket Ship', with presumably 'Sleepless in Pre-Battle' airing Friday 17th. Don't know if we can be sure for certain, but CITV are very accurate with their episode descriptions unlike Jetix, so it looks like the UK are getting these episodes before the US! YAY!
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [2]Apr 11, 2009
    • member since: 06/13/05
    • level: 72
    • rank: Happy Little Tree
    • posts: 9,110
    Sorry to close, but their really isn't much to discuss. I didn't realize that you guys got 2 episodes at a time. I thought you were still back around Pastoria City.
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