It's good that Ash has another fully evolved Poke.
It's likely that the future episode concerning the "Dawn of Revivial" of Sceptile will feature Sceptile learning some fanatastic new attack(ie. Solarbeam).
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yeah so hopefully this lack of attack(hey that rhymes) will only last a few episodes and be resolved with some new attacks. Now all we gotta do is get Marshtomp and Combuskin to evolve to have a fullyevolved hoenn team. Also lets get that Corphish to evolve.
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we already know snorunt will evolve into glalie, i think it'd be cool if may had a blaziken, brock will have a marshtomp, but it needs to evolve into a swampert, and yes! phanpy evolves into donphan! (as said on corphish needs to evolve into crawdaunt. IMO ash needs an entire team of evolved forms (besides Pikachu) and hopefully he'll capture more new Pokemon.
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dont think that pikachu should evlve nor do i think bonsley or munchlax should. I truly think that Bayleaf should(when ash returns to oak's house) and I do think that Ash should actually catch a new pokemon. He hasnt gotten one since snorunt.
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dont think that pikachu should evlve nor do i think bonsley or munchlax should. I truly think that Bayleaf should(when ash returns to oak's house) and I do think that Ash should actually catch a new pokemon. He hasnt gotten one since snorunt.
ash and a meganium doesn't look like the perfect combination. besides, meganium doesn't have that cool-looking leaf that has been cutted, meganium doesn't have a leaf on its head at all.
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