Not how it works. First of all "black skin and humanlike features" - now, I don't want to be accused of being racist, or pandering to stereotypes, but I think that that describes all black people. Jynx could be percieved as racist. Doesn't mean it automatically is.
The race thing wasn't even an issue in Japan, it never has been. They didn't think about it, especially as they didn't expect Pokémon to make it big outside Japan. When Pokémon first came to America they decided to write Brock out because they were worried Americans would find him to be racist, but they saw no problem with Jynx - probably because it's not even human. And nowadays there are people who don't even consider Brock to be black, they just think he's tanned. People called Barlow from Ranger 2 the first black Pokémon character, then said the same of Iris & Lenora.
However, I can understand why Jynx's appearance could be considered racist, but the whole thing is laughable. Surprised people aren't calling Throh a racist stereotype of native Americans. But then nobody would call up, say, Peter Pan...
Incidentally, here in England, Jynx isn't banned, at all. Holiday Hi-Jynx and all other episodes featuring Jynx still air here.