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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

What if life was like Pokemon? (sorry if someone already posted this)

  • Avatar of deathphoenix65


    [1]Aug 5, 2006
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    What would it be like, to capture Pokemon, go on a journey, and there would be no parents to boss you around and school was gone, besides the pokemon schools.
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  • Avatar of Koalaboy929


    [2]Aug 5, 2006
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    not hell on earth
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  • Avatar of shamrox01


    [3]Aug 5, 2006
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    totally awesome!!! i would have my own little growlith and vulpix! perhaps an evee too, to transform it into a flareon of course! it would be totally awesome!
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  • Avatar of AnimeMadness


    [4]Aug 5, 2006
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    O.O I would become a fire pokemon trainer! ^__^ Yay fire! ^___^
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  • Avatar of blueMnM415


    [5]Aug 5, 2006
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    Id deffintly be a top Eevee Trainer!!!!!!!!! I would ask for my first Pokemon to be an Eevee so i can go on Training and capturing only Eevee's and they would be unbeatable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its always fun to dream!!!!
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [6]Aug 6, 2006
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    1) id go on a quest to get all starters, and eevee for sure! keep it the way it is, to! find a scientist that can De-evolve it, get all the forms in my pokedex, and evolve it agin with all the good moves!! so eventually id have a jolteon with thunder, flamethrower, phycic, and hydro pump!

    2)same dream as ash.

    3)definitly become a vegitarion. who knows what pokemon they'd make hot dogs out of?! they may not even call the Hotdogs! maybe they'll call it hot-arcanine!

    4)never train just 1 pokemon if i capture them. sure a lot of ppl do it in games, but if they were real, would you capture them just so you can use revive on your best! if your training one, catch 1!

    ok. im gettin over dramatic...
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  • Avatar of PokeshipAAML


    [7]Aug 6, 2006
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    If it was like Pokemon I would definently become a trainer and leave home. And my dream would be the same as Ash. Plus I would want to battle him. I would be fighting with Misty to be a top water trainer too.
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  • Avatar of SaturnDiva


    [8]Aug 7, 2006
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    Meh. I'd be the Pokemon Master and live in a random cave in Orre, just waiting for people to challenge me and such. I'd also randomly fly around on a Dragonite whenever I'm bored and keep a scythe and flute handy (scythe to beat away random fans and flute to just randomly play). Probably also would keep my Umbreon, Vincent, out of it's pokeball most of the time and possibly have a shiny Mew. And people would address me as Saturn-sama and reguard me as the ruler of the world. XD

    Oh how I wish, un...

    Edited on 08/07/2006 12:01am
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  • Avatar of DeathKangaroo


    [9]Aug 7, 2006
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    SaturnDiva wrote:

    Meh. I'd be the Pokemon Master and live in a random cave in Orre, just waiting for people to challenge me and such. I'd also randomly fly around on a Dragonite whenever I'm bored and keep a scythe and flute handy (scythe to beat away random fans and flute to just randomly play). Probably also would keep my Umbreon, Vincent, out of it's pokeball most of the time and possibly have a shiny Mew. And people would address me as Saturn-sama and reguard me as the ruler of the world. XD

    Oh how I wish, un...

    and when we put you to bed tonight, you can have more cute little dreams with your warm milky-wilky in your tummy-wummy
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  • Avatar of AnimeMadness


    [10]Aug 7, 2006
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    O__o;; Am I missing something here?
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  • Avatar of m0nster1nc


    [11]Aug 10, 2006
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    what substitutes would they have for eggs? i havn't seen too many chicken-like pokmon but the torchic strain, and i doubt they'd give you eggs... i've already made up my own sets up pokemon... yes, i,m sad...
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  • Avatar of Clockerevac12


    [12]Aug 13, 2006
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    I'd live in Shinoone and Be Like a Regular Person with Pokemon and Enter Contest with My Mightyena and Nanetoru Evos.
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