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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

What is the MC of a Pokemon Contest?

  • Avatar of benowen17


    [1]Jul 29, 2006
    • member since: 10/02/05
    • level: 4
    • rank: Thighmaster
    • posts: 28

    Yeah... Im not to sure what one is.  I watched "Win, Lose, or Drew!" and "All Thing Bright and Beautyfly!" tonight thinking that it might be possible that it is finally explained what one is seeing as they are both first contest battles.  So when Vivian says she is the "MC" what does she mean?  I've always thought it to mean "Master Coordinator" but I have never found anything confirming or denying this... Also, its been ages since I did a contest in the game but as far as I remember it just said [MC: Welcome all to the NORMAL rank Pokemon CONTEST!]

    So... anyone know what it means?

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  • Avatar of mstrgmr


    [2]Jul 29, 2006
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    MC means she is the announcer for the contests. No it doesn't stand for Master Coordinator
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  • Avatar of enervator


    [3]Jul 29, 2006
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    An MC is a master of ceremony.  It often refers to a game show host.
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  • Avatar of benowen17


    [4]Jul 29, 2006
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    • posts: 28
    Thanks!  How did I not know that?
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