PokeshipAAML wrote: |
I be also a water trainer! Badge: Mist badge Pokemon: Lapras, Starmie, Luvdisc, Tododile, Squirt (My blastiose), Kingdra. And I would probably live somewhere water related! |
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
PokeshipAAML wrote: |
I be also a water trainer! Badge: Mist badge Pokemon: Lapras, Starmie, Luvdisc, Tododile, Squirt (My blastiose), Kingdra. And I would probably live somewhere water related! |
Dragon Gym.
My badge would be the Kingdombadge
Don't forget you can't have a too too powerful team because of challengers.
i would run a random gym, each time i battle i used a different set of pokemon (i.e. houndoom, charizard, combuzken, magmar, typhlocion and another fire type)
badge: pudin badge (its a random gym so a random badge )
DragonMaskD wrote: |
Dragon Gym. My badge would be the Kingdombadge Don't forget you can't have a too too powerful team because of challengers. |
I'd Run a Water
Team:Swampert,Pelliper,Qwilfish,Ludicolo,Tentacreul,Vapereon (All Pokemon are Male)
Badge:Hydro Badge
TM:Water Pulse
Seaig wrote: |
Why does everyone like Water types so much? |
CheapYugioh wrote: |
Not just Water Pokemon rule. Misty rules too, she is the best. |
My Grass Team Would Be Venusaur,Tropius,Lombre,Bellosom,Rozurido and Sudowoodo
Badge:Sloar Bagde
Dark Team:Mightyena,Murkrow,Weaville,Shifhtry and Crobat
Badge:Night Badge:
Fire Team:Thyplison,Toarkoal,Arcanine,Magmar and Camerupt
Bageyro badge
My Psychic Gym:Kadabra,Claydol and Xatu
Badge:ESP Badge
Ground Team:NidokingSandslash,Claydol,Donphan and Tyranitar
Badgeirt Badge
Ice Team:Castform,Pilsoswine,Cloyster,Wailrein
Badge:Icicle Badge
Steel Team:Scizor,Mangeton,Mawile and Skarmory
Badge:Metalic Badge
Poison Team:Weezing,Swalot,Muk,Crobat and Tentacreul
Badge:Toxic Badge
Flying Team:Fearow,Skarmory,Dragonair,Chimecho and Garyados
Badge:Flight Badge
Electric Teamichu,Plusle,Minun,Pachirisu,Pikachu and Raichu
Badge:Shock Badge
Rock Badge:Golem,Amardol, and Sudowodo
Badge:Terra Badge
Foghting Team:Hitmonchan,Hitmonlee,Hitmontop
Badge:Smackdown Badge
Ghost Teamuscops,Sabeleye and Gengar
Bagde:Fear Badge
Dragon Bagde:Aerodacyl,Salamence,Kingdra
Badge:Scale Bagde
Bug Team:Scizor,Vemomoth and Ninjask
Badge:Hunt Badge
Normal:Linoone,Swellow,Kasagskan,Vigoroth and Spinda
Badge:Regular Badge
Water Teamelipper,Swampert,Qwilfish,Vapoereon,Sharpedo and Garyados
Badge:Hydro Badge