If They go to the Johto Region, Here's how We go.
May:Chikorita (From Prof. Elm) Attacks: Poisonpowder, Grasswhistle, Body Slam, and Solarbeam.
Sentret's Attacks:Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Assist, and Sleep Talk.
Mareep's Attacks:Thunder, Hidden Power, Charge, Shock Wave
Hoppip-Skiploom's Attackssych Up, Swords Dance, Giga Drain, Aerial Ace.
Max:Hoothoot:Shadow Ball, Sky Attack, Hypnosis, Dream Eater.
Natu:Featherdance, Drill Peck, Steel Wing, Aerial Ace.
Spinaraksychic, Signal Beam, Sludge Bomb, Spider Web.
Skarmory:Air Cutter, Sky Attack, Drill Peck, Taunt.
Slugma(Shiny):Yawn, Rock Slide, Heat Wave, Secret Power.
Brock:Sneasel:Beat Up, Focus Punch, Iron Tail, Crush Claw.
Tyrogue-Hitmonlee:Brick Break, Rock Slide, Hi Jump Kick, Mega Kick.
Anyone Want to compete these?