edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
I don't know anything significant about any of them, and very little significant about the rest of the Isshu Dex.
For me it'll come down to a plethora of factors, including their eventual typings, stats and movesets in final forms (how they look will be a minor factor), as well as what Pokémon/moves of different types I'll be able to get hold of later on.
As it stands, Isshu looks fairly balanced. I doubt I'll get Tsutarja because, in my opinion, Grass is a very poor type. It's never as useful as Electric, and most Grass type Pokémon have very limited movepools, which is why I hope the Grass types of Isshu have some interesting dual types. Oh, also, I really like Yanappu, and if it ends up being decent I'll use it.
I may well go with Pokabu because there'll probably be a wide variety of other interesting Water types to choose from, but if there are more interesting Fire types I may change my mind. But like Shiny_missingno, I will eventually get all three once I get all three versions.
Alright, now that the US names for the Black/White starters have been revealed, from this post onwards we should refer to the starters by their newly revealed US names.
The US name for Tsutarja (the Grass-type starter) is Snivy.
The US name for Pokabu (the Fire-type starter) is Tepig.
The US name for Mijumaru (the Water-type starter) is Oshawott.
So which one of these starters will you pick when Black & White is released in the US? As I said in the first post in this thread, I'm gonna go with Snivy. I always pick the Grass-type starter in every game no matter what. How about you guys?
lostfan111 wrote: |
I usually go with the Water or Fire types, but the names are so damn ugly. Snivy and Tepig sound 'alright' but the Otter sounds too Japanese. So.....prolly gonna pick THE pig. |
edmasterchaos wrote: | ||
Used too, not anymore.
Forgot, but do they lose their nicknames once you evolve them?
and you can change the nickname as many times as you want....
...However, you cannot change the nicknames of Pokemon you received through trades.
well it's not like we'll be needing to trade anyway
what Pokemon type does the 1st 2 gyms have?