Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
i hate 90% of the third generation pokemon because
1)their designs looked stupid and uncreative ex.combusken,nuzleaf,nosepass,spoink, and many more
2) they were rip offs like plusle and minun =pikachu ,corphish=krabby,tailow=pigey,beautifly=butterfree and many more
and if the third gen pokemon are this bad then im gonna cry when all the fourth gen pokemon are released
plus its gettin kinda old and that might have something to do with my hate for new pokemon
newhenpal wrote: |
i hate 90% of the third generation pokemon because 1)their designs looked stupid and uncreative ex.combusken,nuzleaf,nosepass,spoink, and many more 2) they were rip offs like plusle and minun =pikachu ,corphish=krabby,tailow=pigey,beautifly=butterfree and many more and if the third gen pokemon are this bad then im gonna cry when all the fourth gen pokemon are released plus its gettin kinda old and that might have something to do with my hate for new pokemon |
DragonMaskD wrote: |
You are both disgraces to Pokemon fans around the world. You hating the new because you miss the old makes people like me feel bad. Also they have to make the new ones look diferent because they can't all look the same. If you hate new Pokemon so much why don't you just quit? |
hey im on the verge and now im hearing ofthis pokemon diamond where they might replace ash with the girl from diamond,if this happens then i will quit.and who says i hate the new i liked the g/s/c pokemon even better than the original especially skarmory even if it is cheap.we'll see what the future has in hold for poke fans
newhenpal wrote: | ||
And there were only six fire pokemon! >__<.
I agree that some of the 3rd generation pokemon were less original and realistic than the 1st generation. The second generation wasn't as bad I have to say, but the anime was dragging on FOREVER! Because the 3rd generation had some bad rip-offs and lost some originality, it has me fearing for the 4th generation that it will continue on the same path going downhill...
The 3rd generation anime was bad too... Most of the episodes seemed like they were repeating from the first season and they did things I wasn't too happy about (Like Kasumi leaving, Togepi going away, Satoshi ditching his pokemon at Ookido-Hakase, etc... -_-). And also because I don't like 4kids. ^__^
Bottom line; original is better. 1st season will always be the best.
OOOOOoooo Lol. Yeah that true. ^_^
Hey were you ever in the Yu-Gi-Oh! forum? (Your username looks familiar...) If you haven't, come on by. A lot of us like to express our hatred for 4kids over there. Join the fun. ^_^;;