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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Your thoughts on Ruby and Sapphire remakes

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Dec 12, 2010
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    Thought this would be an interesting idea. honestly, at this point in time I have to say we should get RS remakes. Hoenn is the new Johto (prior to HGSS) and looks lacking. Plus it would be cool to finally move away from the Game Boy cartridges and their problems.

    Your opinions?

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [2]Dec 12, 2010
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    I'd get it. Ruby was my first cartridge game.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [3]Dec 12, 2010
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    Yeah, I think they should remake Ruby and Sapphire as well. They could call the remakes something like LandRuby and SeaSapphire.

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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [4]Dec 12, 2010
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    I'm all for it, but if we don't get them this Gen, they'll be here next Gen. And it'll be nice to trade into Hoenn from a region other than Kanto lol
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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [5]Dec 12, 2010
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    Yep, it's inevitable, it's going to happen. The question was there with HGSS because FRLG could have just been a one-off, to celebrate the originals, and to bring all the Pokémon of previous generations in, which wasn't needed thanks to Diamond & Pearl. HGSS came to be pretty much because the fans & the creators wanted them to so much. II was the best generation, but it badly needed an update. RS aren't in need of it nearly as badly as they were, but it'd still be nice, and it'll go nicely with their ten year anniversary, assuming they come before the third instalment for BW.

    RS need to be updated if for one thing only: I want to play through Hoenn with the physical/special split in effect. Sharpedo, poor, poor Sharpedo, such amazing stats that it couldn't use. But now Waterfall, Crunch, Ice Fang, Earthquake (granted, it's always had that), Zen Headbutt (once the inevitable tutors come, which will be present in RS remakes)...so much there...I want to be able to use it properly in the main story...

    And so many more...Lunatone...Swampert...Breloom...my only request is that they switch poor Sceptile's attack stats...

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [6]Dec 12, 2010
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    Eh. It'd be cool to fight with Blaziken on a much more proper way. But, other than looking better i don't see much of a point. If they do it i might buy the Sapphire remake.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Dec 14, 2010
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    If they do make the Ruby & Sapphire remakes I'm wondering the following things:

    1. If they'll incorporate the Pokemon Contests back into the game series OR they'll switch any of the Pokemon Contest content with Pokemon Musicals.

    2. How they'll handle the stories because this is the first game where the stories don't link up completely as in Ruby you're only fighting Team Magma and helping Team Aqua while in Sapphire you're fighting Team Aqua and helping team Magma. Will they follow the story as it did in the original games OR will they decide to go with the Emerald storyline. Emerald is as much a different story as Ruby & Sapphire are to each other as now you're fighting BOTH Team Magma and Team Aqua. It makes me wonder if they should forget about duo games these remakes around and instead just remake Emerald. But being I doubt they'll do that if they do remakes, this will be one of the biggest considerations. Though I will say that they could possibly go with the Emerald storyline except switch the team's positions (in Emerald you only fight Archie once and Maxie three times (the last time he's the final boss and he's battling with Tabitha. They could just make that storyline Remake Sapphire's storyline and in Remake Ruby's storyline have you battle Maxie once and Archie three times with the last one him battling with Shelly). And when the Pokemon are fighting and Rayquaza stops them they could have the version mascot refuse to boy down and continue to cause chaos which wards away the other version mascot and Rayqauza causing you (or course) having to go in and stop it once and for all.

    3. What about Wallace, Steven, and Juan? Now here they could probably go with Emerald as Steven acts as the game's final boss, though it's still a question to mention. Alternatively they could do the following: A. Pull a Black & White and have Wallace and Juan be version exclusive Gym Leaders and Steven remains Champion. B. Pull a pseudo-Black & White and instead have the Champions (Wallace and Steven) be version exclusives. C. Combine both ideas and have Gym Leader Wallace & Champion Steven in one version and Gym Leader Juan & Champion Wallace in other (making Juan or Steven act as a final boss). D. They could have one of them be a Double Battle duo. That'll either mean Double Gym Leaders Wallace & Juan (which makes more sense as they both train Water-types and Wallace was Juan's student) or, for the first time, Double Champions Steven & Wallace.

    Those are my main concerns, I was going to include something about the Battle Frontier but I highly doubt they won't include it so there is no need to mention it.

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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [8]Dec 14, 2010
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    Isn't ruby and sapphire going to be re-made with the 3ds virtual console?
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Dec 14, 2010
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    Contests weren't added to FRLG and HGSS so I doubt they would remove them from remakes. I personally would like to see a HGSS situation where all three games are put into one. Remakes of Ruby and Sapphire with the storyline of Emerald.
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [10]Dec 15, 2010
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    well obviously...... I'd be super stoked if they made remakes! I mean who wouldn't be?! but with the B/W hype & craziness, Ruby & Sapphire remakes after that would seriously put me into cardiac arrest. excitement overload forsure. I also wish that they would add in Kanto & Johto as well. (off-topic) but if Pokemon were to ever end, I'd want the last games to have all regions, all generations. that. would make. MY LIFE
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