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ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1]Sep 6, 2008
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    In the Pokemon fandom, a lot of questions, myths, rumors, and theory's are floating around. Many people here these and question whether they are real or not. This results them going to Pokemon forums all over, asking these questions. In this day of age, they'll get the answer which they seek, but sometimes a few people will read the questions before it is answered and get confused themselves. This happens on all Pokemon forums, and TV.com's is no different.
    Well, I'm here to put a stop to such questions. On these boards I may be known as Pikachu315111, but on this thread, I shall be known as...

    *throws a white professor jacket on*
    Professor Pik!

    Go ahead and ask your Pokemon question here, and as soon as I do one of my sweeps I'll answer them (Or one of my fellow colleagues might) and prove them true or fallacy. I might even host a question game once in awhile, but we'll see about that.

    So what are you waiting for? Ask away!

    Edited on 02/25/2009 8:02pm
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [2]Sep 6, 2008
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    Good idea Pikachu, I rly hope this stays open so that it dimishes the # of pointless threads out there for people who can't look up Wikipedia Anyway, now I hav a question that I need an answer to and didn't wanna open a thread cuz I'm a GOOD user,

    Whatever happened to Nando? I missed a lot of Season 10 : Diamond and Pearl, and then I never see him again, not in the recent JP eppys either. Did he have a reason for his disappearance? Did I miss something? Or am I just freaking out?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [3]Sep 7, 2008
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:

    Whatever happened to Nando? I missed a lot of Season 10 : Diamond and Pearl, and then I never see him again, not in the recent JP eppys either. Did he have a reason for his disappearance? Did I miss something? Or am I just freaking out?

    Nando's last appearance was in DP049 "Dawn's Early Night" where he won the Hearthome Contest Ribbon. Being this was a 50 episode ago, Nando is most likely travelling the opposite side of Sinnoh Ash and co. are. Being a Coordinator and Gym Battler, he is no doubt travelling around Sinnoh to collect Ribbons and Gym Badges (and new Pokemon most likely). Being a rival to both Dawn and Ash, he'll most likely make an appearance at a later time, Grand Festival/Pokemon League the latest.

    Edited on 09/06/2008 11:03pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu_2121


    [4]Sep 7, 2008
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    Will Gary appear again, or is he just going to be pushed off to the side?
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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [5]Sep 7, 2008
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    Has there ever been an episode where Pikachu never appeared at all?
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [6]Sep 7, 2008
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    McBanka wrote:
    Has there ever been an episode where Pikachu never appeared at all?

    That is an easy one, no. Pikachu has appeared in every episode of the regular series. If you count Pokemon specials like the recent Mystery Dungan special or episodes of the Pokemon Chronicles than the answer is yes.

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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [7]Sep 7, 2008
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    Regarding evolution, how strict is the anime when it comes to evolution? Meaning, in the games you want a Glaceon, so go to the icy rock on Route 217 or something. Spoiler!!! Haha and the sentence is white so I don't spoil anybody. It's down there somewhere; just keep highliting 'till ya get it

    Now I know that May evolved her Eevee up there in Snowpoint using the aforementioned process, and Ash evolved Gligar using a Razor Claw/Fang whatever it was obtained from Gary....

    But that's all I've seen. So basically my question is Does the anime follow all the specific rules of evolution that the games do? Gligar

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [8]Sep 7, 2008
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    McBanka wrote:
    Has there ever been an episode where Pikachu never appeared at all?

    Ash's Pikachu appeared in every episode....besides Pokemon Chronicles.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [9]Sep 7, 2008
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    Pikachu_2121 wrote:
    Will Gary appear again, or is he just going to be pushed off to the side?

    Gary is currently active in Sinnoh, and we have seen him a few time in Sinnoh. The last time we saw him was in DP085, 7 episodes ago from the current Japanese episode. Being no longer Ash's main rival, he won't be making many appearances but will make a few occasional ones being he was a main character at one point (like May and Misty). However, unlike May (who's in Johto) and Misty (who's in Kanto), Gary is actually in Sinnoh and therefore can make more appearances.

    And just in general, Gary never did make a lot of appearances when he was Ash's main rival, or at least not as much as Paul does.

    crzyazn_9399 wrote:

    Regarding evolution, how strict is the anime when it comes to evolution? Meaning, in the games you want a Glaceon, so go to the icy rock on Route 217 or something. Spoiler!!! Haha and the sentence is white so I don't spoil anybody. It's down there somewhere; just keep highliting 'till ya get it

    Now I know that May evolved her Eevee up there in Snowpoint using the aforementioned process, and Ash evolved Gligar using a Razor Claw/Fang whatever it was obtained from Gary....

    But that's all I've seen. So basically my question is Does the anime follow all the specific rules of evolution that the games do? Gligar

    The anime's evolution usually follows the game's methods except for Level Evolution and Trade Evolution.

    If a Pokemon evolves through Level or Trading (which doesn't require a Hold Item) in the game, then in the anime they'll evolve anytime which it'll be importent to the storyline, which can be at anytime.

    If the Pokemon evolves through Trade which requires a Held Item), in the anime the Pokemon will have to have contact with that item and will evolve the next time it comes out of its Pokeball.

    For all the other Evolution methods it is as it is in the games. If a Pokemon needs an Evolutionary Stone to evolve in the game, then it'll need one to evolve in the anime. If it needs to be at a certain location to evolve in the game, then it'll need to be at that location to evolve in the anime. I think you get the main idea. There was an exception for the Evolutionary Stone, however it occured in Season 1 which could possibly mean that it was just a mistake in the anime. Also this rule might be ignored if the Pokemon is needed to evolve if it is importent to the storyline, but this has rarely happened except in that one case.

    It should be noted that Evolution Methods such as Happiness, certain Pokemon in your party (Mantyke), Max Beauty (Feebas), and Time & Happiness have not be shown in the anime so these evolution methods remain unknown if they work the same way in the anime as they do in the games.

    Finally a Pokemon doesn't need to wait after a battle to evolve, in the anime many Pokemon evolve right in the middle of the battle.

    P.S. - Eevee evolves if you train on Route 217, you don't need to be near the Icy Rock, just on that route.
    ------- Gligar needs the Razor Fang to evolve. The Razor Claw is needed to evolve Sneasel into Weavile.

    Edited on 09/07/2008 10:18am
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [10]Sep 7, 2008
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    Due to the above question, answer this one:

    How would Graveler, Machoke, Haunter, & Kadabra evolve in the Anime?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Sep 7, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    Due to the above question, answer this one:

    How would Graveler, Machoke, Haunter, & Kadabra evolve in the Anime?

    They never appeared on-screen evolving, so the answer is unknown. However if it is anything like Evolutions that needs Trading with a Held Item, it can be theorized that it works much like Level Evolutions does in the anime, the Pokemon will evolve when it is needed to.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [12]Sep 7, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    BAC510 wrote:

    Due to the above question, answer this one:

    How would Graveler, Machoke, Haunter, & Kadabra evolve in the Anime?

    They never appeared on-screen evolving, so the answer is unknown. However if it is anything like Evolutions that needs Trading with a Held Item, it can be theorized that it works much like Level Evolutions does in the anime, the Pokemon will evolve when it is needed to.

    Oh, well we will most likely never know because no one has a Pokemon that can evolve that way.......unless Brock's Geodude decides to be worth something.

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  • Avatar of osciel_ben


    [13]Sep 7, 2008
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    I have 2 questions
    Why doesn't porygon appear on the series? (i know from the seizure scene but it's over now)

    if porygon won't appear then why do they make new ones?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Sep 7, 2008
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    osciel_ben wrote:
    I have 2 questions Why doesn't porygon appear on the series? (i know from the seizure scene but it's over now)

    if porygon won't appear then why do they make new ones?

    You answered you own question. The seizure incident hospitalized 700 kids, and the Pokemon Company had to respond to it somehow or else the show might have gotten cancelled. It seems like they decided the easiest thing to do was ban the episode along with things that have exclusively been shown in that episode, including Porygon. Since then Porygon and its Generation II evolutio Porygon2 never appeared in the anime (However Porygon can be seen in the first 4 movies as background Pokemon).

    However, other then the anime, Porygon still appears in the TCG, Manga, and Games. Therefore there is no reason to "lessen" it which is why it has gotten a Generation II and IV evolution.

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  • Avatar of osciel_ben


    [15]Sep 7, 2008
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    oh okay thanks
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  • Avatar of spyroflame0487


    [16]Sep 7, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Ok..Why did you spell "rumors" wrong? XP..

    Just kidding..

    Lets see-

    Are there any Pokemon from each coresponding generation that never appeared in a episode? (Ie- Kanto Pokemon during the Indigo Championship saga, etc)

    And- Has any Porygon/Evolved forms been on screen in a cameo in any episode, such as with a random background character?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]Sep 7, 2008
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    spyroflame0487 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Ok..Why did you spell "rumors" wrong? XP..

    Just kidding..

    Lets see-

    Are there any Pokemon from each coresponding generation that never appeared in a episode? (Ie- Kanto Pokemon during the Indigo Championship saga, etc)

    And- Has any Porygon/Evolved forms been on screen in a cameo in any episode, such as with a random background character?

    Just to inform you, any Pokemon which made its debut in the Orange Island counts as being seen in Kanto. In the same way, any Pokemon that made its debut in the Battle Fronteir counts as being seen in Hoenn. Anyway this is mostly for Legendaries and Porygon's Generation II evolution, every other Pokemon has in someway appeared in the anime during their corrasponding generation.

    Articuno wasn't in an episode until Johto
    Mewtwo was never seen in an episode.
    Mew was never seen in an episode.
    Porygon2 never appeared in an episode.
    Celebi wasn't in an episode until a Pokemon Chronicle one during the Hoenn Saga.
    Latios was never in an episode.
    Latias was never in an epsiode.
    Rayquaza was never in an episode.
    Jirachi was never in an episode.

    As for Porygon's air time, it was only in EP038 "Electric Soldier Porygon". After that, it and its evolution never appeared in any episode. Porygon did appear as a cameo or background Pokemon in the first 5 movies, but after that it and its evolutions also took a disappearance from the movies.

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  • Avatar of spyroflame0487


    [18]Sep 7, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    spyroflame0487 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    Ok..Why did you spell "rumors" wrong? XP..

    Just kidding..

    Lets see-

    Are there any Pokemon from each coresponding generation that never appeared in a episode? (Ie- Kanto Pokemon during the Indigo Championship saga, etc)

    And- Has any Porygon/Evolved forms been on screen in a cameo in any episode, such as with a random background character?

    Just to inform you, any Pokemon which made its debut in the Orange Island counts as being seen in Kanto. In the same way, any Pokemon that made its debut in the Battle Fronteir counts as being seen in Hoenn. Anyway this is mostly for Legendaries and Porygon's Generation II evolution, every other Pokemon has in someway appeared in the anime during their corrasponding generation.

    Articuno wasn't in an episode until Johto
    Mewtwo was never seen in an episode.
    Mew was never seen in an episode.
    Porygon2 never appeared in an episode.
    Celebi wasn't in an episode until a Pokemon Chronicle one during the Hoenn Saga.
    Latios was never in an episode.
    Latias was never in an epsiode.
    Rayquaza was never in an episode.
    Jirachi was never in an episode.

    As for Porygon's air time, it was only in EP038 "Electric Soldier Porygon". After that, it and its evolution never appeared in any episode. Porygon did appear as a cameo or background Pokemon in the first 5 movies, but after that it and its evolutions also took a disappearance from the movies.

    Ah yes..That's what I was afraid of..

    Poor Porygon...Hmm...I had a feeling that a bunch of the legendaries didn't have any episodes, outside of the movie.

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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [19]Sep 7, 2008
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    Will Jigglypuff appear again? (The Jigglypuff who sings in her mircrophone, and makes evreyone that hears the song falls asleep.) I haven't seen her since that episode with the Wismer and the maze!
    Edited on 09/07/2008 6:53pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [20]Sep 7, 2008
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    Boolia wrote:
    Will Jigglypuff appear again? (The Jigglypuff who sings in her mircrophone, and makes evreyone that hears the song falls asleep.) I haven't seen her since that episode with the Wismer and the maze!

    Hippopotas sort-of takes that spot. So we most likely won't see it anymore, its up to the writers.

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