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ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1241]Nov 12, 2012
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    Krael4 wrote:

    How does N release all of his Pokemon at once in each area? Gameplay and Story Segregation?

    What do you mean? It's not that hard to release a Pokemon, for the playable character all you need to do is go to the PC Box, choose a Pokemon, and one of the options it gives it to release it.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1242]Nov 12, 2012
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    Plot hole.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1243]Nov 25, 2012
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    Responding to a post from the The Official Dub Discussion Thread:

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Well, according to old material from the original series, people are legally adults at age 10....so....not too far off. (Note that none of this was actually used...)

    Ah, beta ideas. Let's look at them (and as always I'll give some of my thoughts on the subject):

    1. The book firmly states that there "were" animals like dogs and cats existing in the world too, so don't get confused when they say that Squirtle is a turtle Pokemon. (Pokemon has always been a bit iffy about whether real world animals exist or not. It seems at the very least fish do as we always see people eating normal looking fish. Though that still doesn't answer the question like the names of real animals used as Pokemon's species names. I did hear one theory that, like how we use Latin words in scientific classification, real world animal names might not mean exactly the same thing as we know it ("turtle" to us is a animal (a noun), but "turtle" in the Pokemon world could just be a descriptive word (an adjective) for a Pokemon which is amphibious who's body is encased in a shell. Anyway, what I find kind of funny and disturbing is the "were" part. Is this hinting that originally Pokemon became sort of an invading species which killed off real animals and took their place? The next tibit enforces that idea even more)
    2. It says that Pokemon suddenly appeared from nowhere and the species kept increasing. Nobody knows why and it's a total mystery. The direct quote from the book: "Why? How come? For what Pokemon exist in our world? Solving that mystery is equal with solving the mysteries of humankind." (Now obviously this idea has been tossed out due to fossil Pokemon. Though it does make you wonder what would happen to a society like ours if Pokemon were to become real, living things...)
    3. The book says that "there is a legend that God created this world in a week. This God 'doodled' some extra animals in the seventh day. Those animals were born on a holiday, and they weren't ordered to 'be ruled by humans' or 'rule humans'. They are Pokemon." (So even in the Pokemon World humans don't listen to God (instead we catch him in a Pokeball). Also does this make Team Plasma's goal "holy work"? Though if originally god was to have created Pokemon because he was bored, what made Arceus create people? Were people an accident? A drastic evolutionary turn? For the lolz? As was said in a previous statement "Solving that mystery is equal with solving the mysteries of humankind." )
    4. In the 18th century, zoology became a professional scientific discipline but there were some mysterious creatures that couldn't be sorted, like dragons or mermaids. Then Count Tajirin of France (... of course this is from Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokemon...) discovered and studied Pokemon for the answer. (Wait, so there were dragons and MERMAIDS which weren't Pokemon? Also a lot of these ideas a bundled together so once one goes a whole batch of them do, including this one. Though I wonder what made Tajiri choose to have the first person to study Pokemon be a French (who has a Japanese name which is remarkably similar to his own...)? )
    5. The book says that "this country is very similar to 20th century's Japan (Nippon), but there are differences." It's not clear that this 'Japan' means the real Japan in our world or Pokemon world's once-existed country, but I think it's the latter case, since every name or places are written in katakana. I guess it's a "similar-but-different-world" system like Rockman (Megaman) EXE's Nihon, Choina, Afrik, Sharo (from Russia), Ajia or Amerope. (Pretty much an idea which turned into the region system)
    6. Nippon's capital is Tokyo, it seems. (... yes, Japan's capital in Tokyo, any reason why you included this geography lesson? (And for those of you who don't know, "Nippon" in Japan's Japanese name))
    7. Pokemon are dangerous, of course. It is stated that not understanding fully about Pokemon and trying to train them is very dangerous and there are many people hurt or dead doing so. (This idea wasn't just thrown out the window, it was tied to a rocket and sent blasting through it! Yes, Pokemon are dangerous and hard to train, which is why kindergarteners are seen commanding powerful Pokemon...)
    8. The Pokemon that enabled the invention of Pokeball is Okorizaru (Primeape). (That's interesting. Wonder why Primeape was chosen, maybe because it was the closest thing (at the time, this was Gen I) to a human a Pokemon has gotten?)
    9. A gym leader is disqualified when s/he loses three times in a row. They often bribe challengers. Also it is a terrible job (cost a lot of money & the government support is not enough). (Now while the "losing their job thing after losing 3 times" (how did the Pokemon League expect trainers to get badges then?) and "Gym Leaders bribing trainers" (oh, that's how), the thing about being a Gym Leader being a terrible job might have been kept. Though it's not brought up front, in many medias like the manga the Gym Leaders often have an extra job or do extra things in order to make a living (infact this could have start showing in the games, how many of the Gyms in Unova serve a double purpose?))
    10. This is why Takeshi's (Brock's) stepfathers kept running away. To keep the gym, Takeshi's mother got married again and again and had dozens of kids. Finally she ran away too, leaving Takeshi alone with his half siblings. (Wow... that's dark)
    11. The reason why Takeshi (Brock) loves women might be this. He yearns for a kind, maternal woman who can take care of his siblings. (So Brock falling in love with every girl he sees isn't because he's horny, but rather because he was looking for a woman to help take care of his brothers and sisters. That's sorta sweet... in a still dark way...)
    12. Kasumi (Misty) is 10 years old, same as Ash. (That or 11 which I've also heard, though eitherway Misty is around the same age as Ash which we all knew)
    13. Kasumi's (Misty's) parents left too, leaving the gym to the girls. (Gee, with a culture that sensitive to losing you'd think that the government would re-think that whole "3 losses and your out" idea. Apparently it breaks families apart something bad)
    14. Kasumi's (Misty's) sisters wear wigs for the show. They actually have black hair. (So is Misty also wearing a wig? It'd be kind of odd for her to be a red head while her sisters have black hair (not that that's impossible, just very odd and a bit unlikely))
    15. When kids turn 10 they are legally treated as adults. They have to pay tax, get arrested when they commit a crime, can marry, can get a job, etc. (... I'm debating whether this is less or more creepy then the canon tale of People marrying Pokemon... However I guess this does explain why 10 year olds can just go off on a journey without parental supervision)
    16. When they turn 10 they can choose to keep going to school or go on a journey. (Hmm, so I wonder if the "Gen I was actually suppose to take place over Summer Vacation" is just a rumor or became the "alternate" idea when the "your an adult when your 10" idea was thrown out?)
    17. Most of the males in the world try to be a Pokemon trainer, and of course, most of them utterly fail hard. Then they just become incompetent adults. (And that's how we got politicians *rim shot*)
    18. That's why most of the workers are female. (I'm guessing this is referring to the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys? Then again the Pokemon would does seem neutral when it comes to gender and jobs, though I always thought that was more because Pokemon took the brunt of the hard work. Though if this is talking about the Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys, then how does it explain why they all look alike? Or were the nurses and officers not suppose to look alike and it was changed to how it is now?)
    19. That's why Satoshi's (Ash's) grandfather and father is missing. They went to Pokemon journey and disappeared, achieving nothing. (Once again, pretty dark. Maybe the government should re-think this whole "Pokemon trainer" thing and make it a harder field to jump into... oh wait, that's right, most of the politicians are incompetent males because they tried and failed to go on a journey)
    20. Satoshi's (Ash's) mom married when she was 18. She (then with Satoshi's grandmother) ran a small inn/restaurant, and Ash's father was a Pokemon trainer rookie who stayed at the inn. They fell in love so fast and got married so fast. Then he left so fast. (I wonder if Ash's father even know he has a son... once again, a dark thought. However I do think Delia owning a restaurant which she inherited from her mother is a canon)
    21. Shigeru's (Gary's) father (Prof. Oak's son) is the mayor of the town. Shigeru's 'girlfriends' are the girls his father employs for election campaign. (Interesting. I know in one of the mangas it's actually revealed Gary's parents died in a car crash and always assumed that as a canon for most of the other medias. Now I wonder what is the deal with Gary (or Blue in some of the continuities) parents)
    22. According to the book, a talking Nyarth (Meowth) 'cannot exist and must not exist'. (... is that hinting that a possible side plot was going to be about killing Meowth?...)
    23. When Nyarth (Meowth) translates what Pikachu is saying, Musashi (Jessie) and Kojiro (James) are surprised that he can understand it. Then Nyarth says "I practiced hard to be able to do that". This implies that different Pokemon species have different languages and they normally can't understand each other. (While this would actually make sense real life wise, obviously it was made that, despite each Pokemon only being able to say it's species name, every Pokemon "talks" one language. Though I wouldn't be surprised if each species has a set of words only their species has a meaning for. But wait, how did Meowth learn the other Pokemon language then? He spent all his time just learning how to speak human. Also does this mean Meowth somehow learned over 100 different languages?)
    24. Musashi (Jessie) and Kojiro (James) actually used the names of Miyamoto and Sasaki when staying in a hotel for recuperation (disguising themselves as a couple and Nyarth (Meowth) as their kid, putting bandage around his whole body). The hotel owner thinks that it's weird that they are married but have different surnames. The book doesn't say about if they are their real surnames or not. (So in other words even when they were trying to stay low the Rocket Trio were incompetent by not choosing the same surname despite acting like a married couple with a child)
    25. Musashi (Jessie) and Kojiro (James) hold a record in Team Rocket for eating one-year-old, moldy fried rice and being okay. (They would...)

    The other post is about a task Jessie did for Team Rocket so I'm not going to post it. But eitherway, very interesting. Seems like Pokemon was going to be a much darker world then we know it as today... though then again, exactly how much of these ideas have been thrown away? And was there and could there still be other hidden "darknesses" that we don't know about? Well I guess we'll either never know... or will find out soon. MUAWAWAWAWAWA!

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [1244]Jan 8, 2013
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    I'm playing the oldies before I purchase Black2 this spring break. #1 question- what is the best way to capture a Feebas on Emerald? biggest head scratcher.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1245]Jan 9, 2013
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    I'm playing the oldies before I purchase Black2 this spring break. #1 question- what is the best way to capture a Feebas on Emerald? biggest head scratcher.

    Serebii's guide probably gives you the best method.

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  • Avatar of stui8


    [1246]Jan 10, 2013
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    Will Unova Survival Crisis be the American Season Finale?

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    [1247]Jan 10, 2013
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    stui8 wrote:

    Will Unova Survival Crisis be the American Season Finale?

    Most likely not, the season finale will most likely be the last part of the Unova League.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1248]Jan 11, 2013
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    Yes, Unova's Survival Crisis is the Season 15 finale. Season 16 "Black and White: Adventures in Unova" begins the following Saturday (February 2) with "Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!"
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1249]Jan 11, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Yes, Unova's Survival Crisis is the Season 15 finale. Season 16 "Black and White: Adventures in Unova" begins the following Saturday (February 2) with "Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!"

    Really, hmm, you'd think they'd wait until the end of the Unova League so that they can make the Team Plasma plot it's own season.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1250]Jan 11, 2013
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    My guess is that TPCi knows that the Unova arc is close to ending in Japan (well I'm assuming that since X and Y are coming out this October) and instead of making a full 52 episode season like should be done they are shortening Season 15 so Season 16 can be around 45 episodes long.
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [1251]Feb 17, 2013
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    whom is a better starter, Emboar or Serperior? both are kind of lame in my opinion. (thank god for Samurott) since I'll be getting Black2 this spring break, I think it's only fair to play with one of the two other starters. (I chose Emboar for White. sort of regretted that).

    also, which generation is the most short-lived? is it the fifth? just seems like it's a bit rushed....
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1252]Feb 17, 2013
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    I'll let Pikachu take the starter question since I'm no good at explaining stats and stuff. Personally I found Serperior easier to use.

    As for the shortest Generation, Generation V is actually not the shortest. Even after X and Y come out, Generation II will be the shortest generation in Japan with just under 3 years of time. For the international market however Generation I is the shortest, having lasted just a month under two years.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1253]Feb 17, 2013
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    Serperior is a pretty good defensive mon for the campaign, meanwhile Emboar just doesn't learn moves that'll use his stats properly. Plus there are many better fire mons out there, and if you've already used Samurott and Emboar then it's time to pick the Serperior choice.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1254]Feb 17, 2013
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    1. whom is a better starter, Emboar or Serperior? both are kindof lame in my opinion. (thank god for Samurott) since I'll be getting Black2 this spring break, I think it's only fair to play with one of the two other starters. (I chose Emboar for White. sort of regretted that).

    2. Also, which generation is the most short-lived? is it the fifth? just seems like it's a bit rushed....

    1. EMBOAR IS AWESOME! The Generation V Pokemon were a very interesting group of experiments which didn't really work out that well aside from Samurott but even then it has it problems. Emboar was meant to be sort of a slow tank with high Attack and decent Special Attack, but unfortunately the tank part only applies to its HP as its defenses are as low as its Speed, and for a Fire-type this is bad as it either needs to be able to take hits or dish out damage quickly, something Emboar can't quite do (unless your lucky enough to do some Flame Charges). Not helping is it's lacking movepool since strong reliable physical Fire-type moves aren't that abundant (ask Flareon about that) with it's only options being the recoil giving Flare Blitz or only okay damage Fire Punch it needs to learn from a Move Tutor. Serperior was meant to be a Speedy tank though its Grass-type doesn't help it much there plus it's okay offensive stats means it won't be doing huge damage while it's out.

    As for who is better, well obviously against each other it's Emboar, though on the whole it really depends on the situation. If you know in the situation that Emboar will be able to survive a hit against something that doesn't resist the moves it has then it won't do you wrong. However those situations are sometimes few and far between so I would have to give the edge to Snivy as it'll at least be able to do some damage thanks to its high Speed stat. Though this only really matters in competitive play, Battle Subway, and Pokemon World Tournament, during normal play any of them will do.

    And a final nail in the coffin for Emboar (at least in BW2), you can get a Riolu in Floccesy Ranch and aGrowlithe in Virbank Complex (and the earliest Fire Stone you can find is from dust clouds which you can get in the Relic Passage portion of Castelia Sewers. However if youdon't want to "grind" for one there's also onehidden in Desert Resort, though you get the Item Finder from Bianca in Castelia City so it should be no problem to find using that). Though just remember for Growlithe that you may lose the ability to teach it some moves you may want to have for it as an Arcanine. Such moves can be Crunch (Grolithe learns are level 39) and Flare Blitz (level 49), so be careful (and if you want ExtremeSpeed for Arcanine you can always use the Move Relearner in the Pokémon World Tournament to get it, remember it costs a Heart Scale to relearna move.

    2. As SPDShadowRanger said, Generation II was the shortest overall with Generation I being the shortest internationally due to Generation II being ready to release in Japan.

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    [1255]Feb 18, 2013
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I'll let Pikachu take the starter question since I'm no good at explaining stats and stuff. Personally I found Serperior easier to use.

    As for the shortest Generation, Generation V is actually not the shortest. Even after X and Y come out, Generation II will be the shortest generation in Japan with just under 3 years of time. For the international market however Generation I is the shortest, having lasted just a month under two years.

    thanks! a little surprised my favorite gen. is the shortest. I wish each gen would last at least like 3 years....

    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Serperior is a pretty good defensive mon for the campaign, meanwhile Emboar just doesn't learn moves that'll use his stats properly. Plus there are many better fire mons out there, and if you've already used Samurott and Emboar then it's time to pick the Serperior choice.

    lol, i like your emphasis on the many. ordinarily, the fire starters are my go-to Poke. but Emboar made it possible for me to actually resent a fire Poke for the very first time. I would love to use Samurott again just because its badassness is too epic to resist, but I try not to discriminate :p however after looking at Serperior's move set on Serebii, I'm having all sorts of doubt. *sigh*

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    1. whom is a better starter, Emboar or Serperior? both are kindof lame in my opinion. (thank god for Samurott) since I'll be getting Black2 this spring break, I think it's only fair to play with one of the two other starters. (I chose Emboar for White. sort of regretted that).

    2. Also, which generation is the most short-lived? is it the fifth? just seems like it's a bit rushed....

    1. EMBOAR IS AWESOME! The Generation V Pokemon were a very interesting group of experiments which didn't really work out that well aside from Samurott but even then it has it problems. Emboar was meant to be sort of a slow tank with high Attack and decent Special Attack, but unfortunately the tank part only applies to its HP as its defenses are as low as its Speed, and for a Fire-type this is bad as it either needs to be able to take hits or dish out damage quickly, something Emboar can't quite do (unless your lucky enough to do some Flame Charges). Not helping is it's lacking movepool since strong reliable physical Fire-type moves aren't that abundant (ask Flareon about that) with it's only options being the recoil giving Flare Blitz or only okay damage Fire Punch it needs to learn from a Move Tutor. Serperior was meant to be a Speedy tank though its Grass-type doesn't help it much there plus it's okay offensive stats means it won't be doing huge damage while it's out.

    As for who is better, well obviously against each other it's Emboar, though on the whole it really depends on the situation. If you know in the situation that Emboar will be able to survive a hit against something that doesn't resist the moves it has then it won't do you wrong. However those situations are sometimes few and far between so I would have to give the edge to Snivy as it'll at least be able to do some damage thanks to its high Speed stat. Though this only really matters in competitive play, Battle Subway, and Pokemon World Tournament, during normal play any of them will do.

    And a final nail in the coffin for Emboar (at least in BW2), you can get a Riolu in Floccesy Ranch and aGrowlithe in Virbank Complex (and the earliest Fire Stone you can find is from dust clouds which you can get in the Relic Passage portion of Castelia Sewers. However if youdon't want to "grind" for one there's also onehidden in Desert Resort, though you get the Item Finder from Bianca in Castelia City so it should be no problem to find using that). Though just remember for Growlithe that you may lose the ability to teach it some moves you may want to have for it as an Arcanine. Such moves can be Crunch (Grolithe learns are level 39) and Flare Blitz (level 49), so be careful (and if you want ExtremeSpeed for Arcanine you can always use the Move Relearner in the Pok�mon World Tournament to get it, remember it costs a Heart Scale to relearna move.

    2. As SPDShadowRanger said, Generation II was the shortest overall with Generation I being the shortest internationally due to Generation II being ready to release in Japan.

    much thanks for the immense feedback, but what you did was made my distaste for both of them grow stronger. hehe.... Samurott 4 lyfe! it's gen 3 all over again... used Blaziken for a perfect trifecta one last thing that (sorry) -- and not to sound stupid. I've seen those trailers for B&W2, the more adult-based anime with the sickesttt fighting scenes. were those intended only for the games or are they actually releasing another series with that same format?
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [1256]Feb 18, 2013
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    Only an animated trailer for the games.

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  • Avatar of Diabolico81


    [1257]Mar 19, 2013
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    sorry if this is worded weird, but what was the first Pokemon from each Generation to be revealed?

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    [1258]Mar 20, 2013
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    Diabolico81 wrote:

    sorry if this is worded weird, but what was the first Pokemon from each Generation to be revealed?

    Gen II: Ho-Oh

    Gen III: Kecleon, Wailmer, Azurill

    Gen IV: Munchlax

    Gen V: Zorua, Zoroark

    Gen VI: Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Xerneas, Yveltal

    Edited on 03/20/2013 7:06am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1259]Mar 20, 2013
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    Munchlax was actually the first Gen IV revealed and Zorua was revealed alongside Zoroark.
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