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The Official Dub Discussion Thread

  • Avatar of perualonso1


    [61]Nov 15, 2012
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    Why did Dawn have to call Ash a kid just because Iris did? Now she has her doing it!

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [62]Nov 17, 2012
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    Today's episode was pretty entertaining. I actually like Cilan's confidence in his detective abilities, even though he turned out to be wrong about the assumption that the Cubchoo was stolen by a criminal or Pokemon. It was good to know that the Cubchoo was found safe and happy with a Larvitar friend.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [63]Nov 17, 2012
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    Episode: BW087 "Expedition To Onix Island!"

    You just know if the title was made by 4Kids it would have been "Onix-pedition To The Deserted Island". Anyway a pretty good, and sometimes even funny, episode with having the additional bonus of Oshawott learning Hydro Pump! While Ash & co. train for the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup, Dawn suggests they take a break by going to a deserted island where a special Onix is said to reside. Jervis takes them to the island, warning them to be careful, as Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) enter a cave where a whole batch of Onix start to appear and chase them. Running out of the cave, it's discovered that they've been split up: Iris, Dawn, & Axew in one group, Ash, Cilan, Pikachu, Oshawott, Piplup, Pansage, and Meloetta in the other. Both group decide to go back to the beach, but things get complicated when more Onix start appearing. Will the two groups be able to join back up? How will they deal with the onslaught of attacking Onix? What is so special about the Special Onix? And how much of each other will rub off on Iris and Dawn? for the last question any amount is too much in my opinion, but the anime thinks otherwise thus read on to answer these questions and more:

    Going To Rock (Snake) The Place:
    We start the episode with Ash & co. training for the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup as Meloetta watches them. Dawn however says training everyday is boring and suggests some R&R... by going to a nearby deserted island. Iris, Cilan, Pikachu, and Oshawott seem all for it though oddly it's Ash who doesn't want to go, saying they have training to do. Dawn tries convincing Ash to go saying that Jervis told her a special Onix lives there (if it's a Crystal Onix then Orange Island did it first) which gets Ash excited though Dawn says she doesn't know what's special about it.

    Want to know what's so special about Onix? It's not a Gen V Pokemon! But that doesn't mean you can't catch one in the Unova region! That's right! You too can catch an Onix in the Unova Region, but there's only one (or rather, two) game(s) which can let you do it:


    Iris says she thinks she seen an Onix which Ash then takes out his Pokedex to show her Onix's entry (wow, a way to show Onix's Pokedex entry that doesn't make me want to smash Ash's skull in with the Pokedex, good job writers) and Dawn says if you meet the special Onix then something special will happen (Crystal Onix did that first). With Ash excited about seeing the special Onix, everyone else gets excited about just visiting the deserted island (you know, I can't help but to think there must be some connection between the island being deserted and a "special" Onix which does something to you if you meet it ).

    At the docks, Jervis says he'll drive the boat to the deserted island.

    Ash: Wow, we're going by boat.
    Comment: What, did you think you were going to swim all the way? Or did you think you were going to fly despite it being a deserted island thus no airport to land at?

    Iris calls Ash a kid which Dawn agrees and everyone laughs though Meloetta appears and Ash asks if it wants to come along which it nods "yes" to (and of course Oshawott and Piplup become infatuated with Meloetta and ready to kill the other one for its affection). Ash asks Jervis if he knows what's special about the Onix but Jervis says all he knows there are many Onix on the island but one of them is special in a certain way. Cilan asks if it's true it's good luck meeting the special Onix (if by "good luck" you mean what happens to you happens quickly rather then slowly, then I would say yes considering the circumstance ) though Jervis only gives a "that's what they say" before arriving to the island.

    Meanwhile, Team Rocket are in their helicopter flying to "Point X" with Jessie telling Meowth to get ready to drop the sensors and James saying to initiate the test.

    Picking Up B****y Habits:
    Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) get off the boat as Jervis says he'll come back to pick them up before dinner time and ominously warns them to be careful.

    Cilan: There was nothing light and frothy about that.
    Comment: Yeah, how dare Jervis give you a warning in a concern way, he should have made it sound like it's fun getting into obvious danger!

    Let's lighten the mood with the Pokemon building a sand castle and Oshawott learning that chasing a Krabby isn't the best of ideas:

    I'm going to getcha, I'm going to getcha... AHH! I DON'T WANT TO GETCHA ANYMORE!

    Though we can't having just Oshawott looking bad in front of Meloetta so Piplup also learns that Kingler's don't have to follow the same rules as their pre-evolutions:

    There, now Meloetta will know that choosing either of them will be a big mistake

    Instead of helping their Pokemon, Ash & co. (+ Dawn) just laugh and Dawn shows Iris the Pokedex entry for Krabby and Kingler. Ash's stomach growls and Cilan says he thought they'll get hungry so he brought food and tells them to go play as he prepares as Ash, Iris, and Dawn get in their bathing suits for a beach day. I'll skip most of the montage and just tell you the most notable bit: Surfing Pikachu reference:

    This will deal with those annoying Ground-types!

    Oh, and Piplup and Oshawott get into another fight over Meloetta but get washed away by a wave. ANYWAY, lunch if ready and Dawn compliments Cilan saying he could give Brock a run for his money which Ash agrees with and then Iris and Cilan ask who Brock is... HUH? Wait, so Ash told Iris and Cilan about Dawn but not about Brock (though eitherway it's still nice to see some flashbacks of Brock)? Ash and Dawn tell Iris and Cilan about Brock as Oshawott and Piplup both offer their food to Meloetta (who I notice doesn't have any food its own, good going Cilan) and wind up getting into a fight which Pikachu, Pansage, and Axew have to help break up.

    With stomachs full, Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) decide to get going, first approaching a cave.

    Ash: Onix lives in caves like this, right Cilan?
    Comment: How would Cilan know? If anything Cilan should be asking you that, Ash, considering you've not only encountered Onix before but Brock had an Onix!
    Dawn: That's not always true.
    Iris: Don't worry, like a kid he thinks he knows everything.
    Dawn: I guess something never change.
    Dawn & Iris: Right!
    Comment: WHAT? Okay, first thing, yes, Onix can be found in rocky valleys sometimes but considering your on an island a cave would be the best place to look for an Onix! Second, Iris, you only vaguely heard about Onix, Ash has seen many of them and battled some, between you and Ash for Onix finding advice I would choose... the Pokedex, but Ash would be my sec... human choice. Also Ash did ask Cilan if he was right (despite Cilan should have no idea about an Onix's habitat besides common sense guessing. I mean where would you look for a giant rock snake?).

    Ash gets annoyed and starts marching into the cave but a sudden swarm of Woobat fly out and knock him down which Iris and Dawn laugh about:

    Iris: Just a bunch of Woobat.
    Dawn & Iris: *laugh* What a little kid!

    Cilan: I suspect the girls are discovering some common ground.
    Comment: Yeah, being little b****es for absolutely no reason.

    Traveling through the cave we have more dialogue:

    Cilan: I can't believe how large this cave is.
    Comment: It's almost as if it's a home of giant snakes made of boulders.
    Ash: Well I bet you it's the perfect size for an Onix to hang around in.
    Cilan: Are you telling me Onix are really that large?
    Comment: ... IT'S A ROCK SNAKE! Made from BOULDERS! How big did you think it was? Anything smaller than a house is too small!
    Dawn: I don't want to freak anyone out, but I've heard rumors of Onix being up to 30 feet long and as wide as this cave.
    Comment: Considering the Pokedex's average height for an Onix is 28 feet I'm actually not that surprised, not to mention Ash saw a giant Onix long ago in EP071 "To Master the Onixpected".

    Iris asks what are they going to do if they enounter an Onix and Dawn gives the only advice you can give: run away real fast (or, you know, hit them with a Water- or Grass-type attack which will make them flee in terror). Though what is advice if you can't use it so here comes an Onix which Iris asks if it's the special though Ash says it's a normal one however, being it can still squash you like a shoe to a bug, Ash & co. (+ Dawn) start running encountering even more Onix on their way.

    (Continued below)

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [64]Nov 17, 2012
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    (Continued from above)

    Pay Back (For Being A) B****:
    As always, everyone gets separated into two groups. First up is Iris, Dawn, & Axew who realize they've not only split up from Ash & Cilan but also Piplup is missing but when they try to go back into the cave an Onix pops out and chases them off before slinking back into the cave. Dawn says they have no choice but to go back to the beach another way and Iris asks if their search for the special Onix is over though Dawn says it'll probably find them.

    Over to Ash, Cilan, Pikachu, Oshawott, Pansage, Piplup, and Meloetta, they also they realize they've split up from Dawn & Iris which saddens Piplup who Oshawott tries to cheer up but it pushes it aside which causes them to get into a fight but Pikachu stops them from brawling. Ash says they have to go back into the cave but Cilan says it's dangerous as the cave seems to be a nest of Onix which Ash says is the perfect place to also look for the special Onix. Cilan says the maze is like a cave and suggests they go back to the beach and plan a strategy which Ash agrees with. On their way through the forest, a Onix digs up from the ground but, upon seeing how scared Meloetta got, Oshawott and Piplup spring into action with a Water Gun and BubbleBeam which chases away the Onix and Cilan points out that Onix are quadruple weak to Water-type attacks (as well as Grass-types attacks, don't try to excuse your Pansage from helping). for some reason this gets both Oshawott and Piplup fighting again though Meloetta vanishes before they can turn to it as the ground shakes and 3 other Onix appear. Ash tells Oshawott and Piplup to attack with Water Gun and BubbleBeam (yet Cilan decides not to help with Pansage's Bullet Seed/SolarBeam) however the group of Onix dodge and get ready to attack.

    Just then Meloetta appears right in front of them and uses what I guess is Relic Song (despite it doing no damage/putting any of the Onix to sleep) as Meloetta changes from Aria Forme to Pirouette Forme! Now a Fighting-type, Meloetta unleashes a dancing Close Combat on an Onix which causes them all to retreat. For some reason Meloetta transforms back to Aria Forme and Ash thanks Meloetta while Oshawott and Piplup blush in admiration.

    Over to Iris and Dawn, they reach a rock wall and Iris wonders where to go:

    Iris: *points left* There! That way!
    Dawn: *points right* I think it's this way.
    Iris: Why Dawn?
    Dawn: Just a hunch.
    Iris: That's not good enough.
    Comment: Really? Then what was your reason for going your direction?
    Dawn: No need to worry, the truth is my hunches have a great track record.
    Comment: You know what, I take that back, Iris's reason should be that it's the opposite direction Dawn pointed to.

    As you would expect, Iris & Dawn reach another rock wall and Iris complains to Dawn about her decision before pointing to another direction giving the same "it's just a hunch" and "my hunches are never wrong". With that said, of course Iris & Dawn reach another dead end, this one a cliff over the water (well at least Iris lead them to water, all they need to do is jut follow the cliff's edge to where it connects to the beach). While looking over the cliff a Magnemite floats over to them and Iris says it must be a rare Pokemon and grabs it despite Dawn's warning:

    Does Magnemite need to shock a b****?

    Now being Dawn just saw Iris getting attacked by a Pokemon she knew nothing about, do you think Dawn will also learn to not touch Pokemon she doesn't know? NOPE! A Foongus jumps right up to her and, well:

    Does Foongus need to spore a b****?

    Iris's next plan is to just swing through the air on vines though Dawn isn't so sure but doesn't have any choice as Iris starts to swing as Dawn screams behind her. Though just as Dawn starts getting the "swing" of things (*gets hit by a birck*) ouch... the vine breaks and Dawn falls into a bush while Iris just flips onto the ground. Dawn says she's alright and compliments Iris on her reflexes, though with a moment a calm that means an Onix decides to pop up and start chasing them.

    Which Of These Onix Is Not Like The Other:
    Over to Ash & Cilan, they get to a pile of sleeping Onix boulders and wonder what they do now but notice something is odd with the boulders. Pikachu pokes the boulders with it's tail and *GASP* the boulders were actually a batch of sleeping Onix! Ash & Cilan start to run though it just so happens this valley branches off into another one which Iris & Dawn are running through and the two groups meet back up. Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) run into a real batch of boulders and the swarm of Onix start moving in but a distress cry from Meloetta has Oshawott and Piplup attacking with their Water-type attacks once more (seriously, why is Pansage out if it isn't going to do anything?) With more Onix to go, Oshawott uses Aqua Jet and Piplup uses Headbutt however hitting a giant snake made out of ROCK with your head isn't the best of ideas and both become dizzy. Of course that's nothing a distress cry from Meloetta can't fix (hey, Meloetta, what happened to Pirouette Forme and Close Comabt?), but this time they convert their love into two powerful attacks: Oshawott learning Hydro Pump and Piplup turning BubbleBeam into a giant exploding bubble! With Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) congratulating them both, Oshawott and Piplup look at each other and give each other a respecting smirk which I guess means they won't be starting a fight with each other every second... as long as it doesn't involve Meloetta.

    However the Onix aren't done yet though Ash asks Meloetta to sing which it does and though it doesn't seem to calm the swarm on Onix down, it does seem to awaken a special Onix on the top of the cliff: a Shiny Onix!

    As we'll find out, it's suppose to be "green"... yeah...

    The Shiny Onix gives out a roar and Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) look up to see it.

    Ash: That's a Shiny Onix, wow!
    Comment: WOW INDEED! They actually used the term "Shiny" in the anime! Though now the question is where did they learn the term? Yeah, Ash has a Shiny Noctowl, but he never refers to it as such.

    All the other Onix start to leave as well as the Shiny Onix which Iris is now calling the "green" Onix saying it must be the boss of the island.

    Dawn: So that must mean it has to be the special Onix!
    Comment: So it being SHINY didn't tip you off it was the special Onix, it was it being the boss of the island?

    Ash says he never saw a "green" Onix before (why did everyone stop using the word "shiny"?) and Cilan says he thinks they're going to have good luck which Ash says means he's going to win the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup.

    Iris: We'll all win!
    Dawn: Right!
    Comment: Um, Iris, Dawn, you do now how a tournament works, right?

    Cilan says they can't all win but other good things may happen as we fade to Ash & co. (+ Dawn * Meloetta) on the boat.

    Ash: What? You knew that cave was really dangerous but you didn't tell us?
    Comment: He did. Why did you think he was warning you to be careful?
    Jervis: Well I did in my own way. I said to be careful.
    Comment: In their defense, if you told them specifically that the Onix were very territorial then I think that would have helped them out more.

    Dawn says if they knew the danger was going to be like that they wouldn't have gone in as Cilan wonders why the "green" Onix (SAY "SHINY", YOU CAN'T GO BACK AND PRETEND YOU NEVER DID!) helped them. Jervis suggests that Meloetta's singing "touched the Onix's heart deeply" which Iris then says that maybe Onix are kind and gentle Pokemon (well you were trespassing into their territory). As a Wailord breaches, the splash creates a rainbow (hey, Ash & co. (+ Dawn), guess what? That was your good luck being used! Sorry, no refunds ) which everyone looks at while Piplup and Oshawott get into another fight over Meloetta and Meloetta starts singing. Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Jervis) starts thinking about their home and Jervis explains that Meloetta singing may have mysterious power as Ash & co. (+ Dawn) stare at Meloetta as the Narrator wraps us this episode.

    But before it ends, we see Team Rocket dropping the last sensor into the sea with Jessie saying they'll find those ruins and Meowth saying the last thing they need is Meloetta. James says that for now they'll let Ash & co. take care of Meloetta before proclaiming they're doing this all for Giovanni.

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [65]Nov 24, 2012
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    Today's episode was quite touching. I liked that Iris was able to relate to another dragon-type Pokemon and even catch it in the end. However, the Dragonite's injury should've been addressed earlier. I was practically begging for Nurse Joy to intervene...

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [66]Nov 24, 2012
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    Episode: BW088 "The Mystery Of The Missing Cubchoo!"

    WELL this episode was the definition of filler. After practicing for the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup, Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) are having lunch when a boy named Chris comes up to them asking if they've seen his Cubchoo, explaining it disappeared. Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) agree to help Chris look for his Cubchoo... and that's pretty much it. Will Ash & co. be able to find Chris's Cubchoo? What exactly happened to it? How many theories will Cilan come up with until ultimately proven wrong? And as there a point to this episode? Wait, did I ask two joke questions? Oh well, just read on... or skip it, eitherway you're not missing much.

    Should Have Locked It With The C(l)ub-choo:
    We start today's episode with Ash and Dawn battling with Pignite and Mamoswine as Cilan judges and Iris, Pikachu, Pipulp, Axew, and Meloetta watch them. Pignite hits Mamoswine with a Tackle but Mamoswine comes back with a Take Down which knocks Pignite back though it gets back up. Mamoswine uses Hidden Power which Pignite dodges and does a normal Flame Charge which hits. Mamoswine prepares an Ice Shard which Pignite counters with a Flamethrower, destroying the Ice Shard. Mamoswine does another Take Down but quickly switches over to a Hidden Power as Pignite does a SUPER Flame Charge, both colliding as we go into opener and title card. The smoke from the collision clears and both Pignite and Mamoswine are tired out so Cilan declares the match over and Ash and Dawn recall their Pokemon. Piplup is ready to do some battling though Cilan suggests they take a break which is when Jervis comes by to tell them lunch is ready.

    While eating their lunch, a small boy walks by calling out for a Cubchoo who Jervis identifies as Chris, a boy who lives in the neighborhood. Chris asks if they've seen his Cubchoo though Dawn and Ash say they haven't.

    Iris: Why are you asking us?
    Comment: Gee, why would someone ask other people if they've seen someone? It's almost as if the searching person can't find the other person...

    And wouldn't you know it, Chris tells Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Jervis) that Cubchoo has disappeared. Ash & co. (+ Dawn) say they'll help search for Cubchoo and everyone introduces themselves, as well as Piplup and Oshawott as both try impressing Meloetta which surprisingly is visible despite Chris being someone it hasn't met. The search for Cubchoo begins though no one finds it and Cilan asks Chris if he can tell them the full story. Chris explains Cubchoo lives in his family's "Pokemon House" (if you haven't guessed, Chris is rich) which he explains was built specifically for Cubchoo and it spent all it's time there until it disappeared. Cilan asks if they could see Cubchoo's Pokemon House so Chris takes Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) to his family's mansion and, more specifically, Cubchoo's Pokemon House.

    Chris opens the Pokemon House's door which reveals a Pokemon playground as Chris explains Cubchoo would stay all day in the Pokemon House, only going out for walks with Chris occasionally (and with that said if you can't figure out the aesop of this episode you've never watched Pokemon before). Oshawott, Piplup, and Axew begin playing the the equipment though Dawn and Iris tells them it's not there's to play with as Chris shows Cubchoo's bed to Cilan. Chris explains last night, after finishing supper and playing with Cubchoo for a bit, Cubchoo went to bed and Chris left, locking the door behind him. Next morning Cubchoo was gone and Cilan asks about the lock which Chris explains it can't be unlocked from the inside and there's no other way to get out. Cilan says he's picking up on an aroma of a crime and declares this the case of "The Mystery of The Missing Cubchoo" and that it's "Detective Time!", much to Iris's annoyance and Dawn's confusion.

    Cold On The Trial:
    Cilan asks when did Chris leave Cubchoo and open up the Pokemon House wich Chris says around 9 PM and 7 AM. Iris asks how do they know this was a crime as Dawn asks Iris if Cilan does this often which Iris says he does though he's a good chef and is reliable. Dawn says that Cilan reminds her of Brock (SHH, Dawn, don't point out Cilan is just a Brock expy...) as Dawn tells Iris about Brock gimmick of falling in love with every girl he sees.

    Dawn: Let's face it, all guys can be a royal pain sometimes.
    Comment: I don't know Dawn, you and Iris seem to be sharing your worst influences with the each other...

    Cilan starts going over motives, saying that someone could have wanted Cubchoo for themselves and stole it and escaped by jumping the wall, something which Chris says is impossible because their estate has an alarm system on every wall. They go to see the alarm system and Cilan suggests the "thief" dug a tunnel as Cilan starts searching and we got a shot of Cilan's butt:

    I think Ash is trying to figure out the animator's interest on Cilan's butt.

    Ash and Chris follow Cilan as Iris and Dawn just chuckle (probably noticing everyone is looking at each other's butts) but Cilan does find footprints of a Pokemon which lead to a small tunnel under the wall! Cilan asks Pikachu to crawl under though Piplup does it first but that's still enough for Cilan to deduce that Cubchoo it's small enough for Cubchoo to crawl through and the smooth dirt shows it has done this several times. Ash then crawls through the tunnel making Cilan say they can't throw away the idea that Cubchoo was stolen just yet and asks Chris to take them to the other side of the wall.

    On the otherside of the wall and seeing it's right next to a forest, Cilan says that their next destination is the forest. As they run through the forest, Piplup knocks away a Joltic which shocks it and Oshawott with an Electroweb and Dawn tells Piplup to be more careful as it and Oshawott get into a fight which Meloetta has to sing to calm down. After things have calmed down, Cilan then sees footprints from a larger Pokemon and says that it was a large Pokemon which stole Cubchoo though Dawn asks how would a large Pokemon crawl through the small tunnel. However this question is ignored when Axew finds some apple "berry" cores and Cilan says the bigger Pokemon might have eaten them and it was done recently. Cilan asks Chris if he knows where there are berry trees but Chris says he doesn't know so Iris jumps into a tree and spots some in the distance.

    Checking up on Team Rocket, they've reached/found "Point X" and submerge down to it in a black submarine.

    It's Evolutionary, My Dear Wattson:
    Ash & co. get to where the berry trees are and find a Beartic sitting under a tree eating berries, freaking them all out (especially Iris who I'm surprised hasn't given a shiver knowing they're looking for an Ice-type) and having them run and hide behind trees. However they notice the Beartic isn't attacking and Cilan says it's big enough to have made the bigger footprints so they get closer and Cilan suggests that, being Cubchoo are Beartic's pre-evolution, the Beartic could have thought Cubchoo was part of its pack so it took it. Dawn brings up the point of how did Beartic fit through the tunnel which has Cilan declare it's "Interrogation Time" causing Dawn to ask how would they do that.

    Iris: Easily. All little kids need to play.
    Comment: What? What does that have anything to do with interrogating a Pokemon which can TEAR YOUR FACE OFF?

    Ash, Cilan, and Chris steadily walk toward Beartic, saying they don't want to attack it, and ask if it has taken Cubchoo though Beartic doesn't pay any attention to them as it keeps eating berries, the most it does is throw one berry at their feet. Cilan says it's giving them the silent treatment (I more saw that as it not liking the berry so it threw it away, I don't think it really cares that you're there or asking it questions) so they start searching for Cubchoo themselves though don't find a sign of it. Cilan asks the Beartic again where Cubchoo is, saying "Interrogation Time" is over and the only thing they have from it is that Beartic is the prime suspect. Iris still brings up they don't know how Beartic could have fit under the tunnel but when Cilan sees a snot drop form from Beartic's nose it gives him another theory: Beartic IS Cubchoo. Cilan says that Cubchoo got out of its Pokemon House because Chris actually forgot to lock the door, Dawn saying this whole story sounds like a bit of a stretch, and after crawling through the tunnel it was attacked by a large Pokemon so it evolved to Beartic to protect itself and then got hungry so here it is now, eating berries. Cilan pushes Chris toward Beartic and tells Chris to talk to it, though Dawn comes up with a better idea and suggest Chris return Beartic to its Pokeball to see if it is Cubchoo evolved.

    Cilan: I was just about to suggest that as well.
    Comment: RIIIIIIIIIIGHT... I don't believe you.

    Chris takes out his Pokeball and tries returning Beartic but it doesn't work, surprising everyone... until they see Chris's Cubchoo playing with a Larvitar just a few feet away (hmm, well that was easy). Cubchoo and Larvitar stops upon seeing Chris who says he was so worried about Cubchoo while Dawn asks Cilan to explain this... which Cilan does while sucker punching Dawn!

    Lesson learned: Don't point out flaws in Cilan's logic.

    Cilan says that Larvitar must have taken Cubchoo, crawling under the wall to play with Cubchoo several times but last night it saw Chris closing the lock on Cubchoo's Pokemon House so it opened it and both escaped to play. Chris tells Cubchoo it wasn't nice for it to leave without telling him which Ash agrees though says Cubchoo just wanted to play. Dawn asks about the Beartic which Cilan says is just a wild Beartic with a runny nose. With that said, Cilan declares the case closed, though after Iris calls him a pain he goes into "Shame Time" (he doesn't say that, but he might as well).

    Battling Whether To Go On A Journey:
    Ash asks if Chris ever battled with Cubchoo which he says he hasn't so Ash decides to show him by asking Lavitar if it wants to battle (which Larvitar seems more then happy to do) and Ash sends out Scraggy. Scraggy at first charges Cubchoo before Ash tells it its opponent is Larvitar as Dawn says she'll referee (being Cilan is still in "Shame Time") and Ash tells Chris and Cubchoo to watch close.

    Scraggy uses a Headbutt and hit which Larvitar strikes back with a Bite, Chris noticing how much Cubchoo is cheering Larvitar on. Scraggy pushes Larvitar away and uses Hi Jump Kick but Larvitar dodges causing damage to Scraggy as Larvitar knocks Scraggy back with a Sandstorm. Scraggy uses Focus Blast which Larvitar counters with Hidden Power though both attacks pass each other and hit its opponent, tiring both Pokemon out causing Dawn to end the battle. Cubchoo too is ready for a battle though Chris says they should first return home to tell everyone it's okay as Cubchoo runs over to Larvitar to pretend fight with it and Ash says he thinks Larvitar will make the perfect rival for Cubchoo. Chris says he wants to battle too and Ash tells Chris that he should go on a journey (Ash, you can also have a quick battle with him to see how well he does...), something which Chris isn't sure he wants to but Iris says going on a journey is best.

    Iris: You get to meet all sorts of Pokemon, too.
    Ash: And you make all kinds of new friends.
    Comment: Plus you get to skip school!

    Iris says you also meet people who can be a pain but it's all in good fun which brings Cilan out of his "Shame Time" saying that's right. Chris says he'll have Cubchoo practice with Larvitar until it's strong enough to catch it (why don't you ask Larvitar if it wants to be your Pokemon? I'm sure it won't object considering it's friends with Cubchoo) and then he'll go on a journey. That evening, Ash & co. (+ Dawn & Meloetta) say their goodbyes to Chris, Cubchoo, and Larvitar as the Narrator wraps things up.

    Of course, that's just for Ash & co., going over to Team Rocket, we see that they've found what I'm assuming is the Abyssal Ruins get ready to report their findings back to Dr. Zager...

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [67]Nov 25, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Iris: You get to meet all sorts of Pokemon, too.
    Ash: And you make all kinds of new friends.
    Comment: Plus you get to skip school!

    That was only in the manga. The only schools we've really seen are trainer's schools for kids

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    [68]Nov 25, 2012
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Iris: You get to meet all sorts of Pokemon, too.
    Ash: And you make all kinds of new friends.
    Comment: Plus you get to skip school!

    That was only in the manga. The only schools we've really seen are trainer's schools for kids

    That's the joke. In real life, Ash & co. would all be in their home town/city/village attending school like any other kid, MAYBE going on a Pokemon journey during Summer Vacation (which was actually the original idea of what happened in the Gen I games, though obviously that idea has been thrown out in favor of the Pokemon world not having a normal school system like our own). It pretty much seems like you go to school until you're 9, then you're given the chance to go on a Pokemon journey. I'd assume you'll only continue your academic learning if you don't plan on going on a journey or want to be a Pokemon researcher. Though there does seem to be some kind of attempt to keep teaching while trainers are on their journey as shown with Burgundy who, despite traveling around the Unova region, has said there are places (at least for Connoisseurs) where she should have gone to take lessons (though of course she didn't, but at least it's one hint that at least some education systems try to keep trainers educated despite being on a journey).

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [69]Nov 25, 2012
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Iris: You get to meet all sorts of Pokemon, too.
    Ash: And you make all kinds of new friends.
    Comment: Plus you get to skip school!

    That was only in the manga. The only schools we've really seen are trainer's schools for kids

    That's the joke. In real life, Ash & co. would all be in their home town/city/village attending school like any other kid, MAYBE going on a Pokemon journey during Summer Vacation (which was actually the original idea of what happened in the Gen I games, though obviously that idea has been thrown out in favor of the Pokemon world not having a normal school system like our own). It pretty much seems like you go to school until you're 9, then you're given the chance to go on a Pokemon journey. I'd assume you'll only continue your academic learning if you don't plan on going on a journey or want to be a Pokemon researcher. Though there does seem to be some kind of attempt to keep teaching while trainers are on their journey as shown with Burgundy who, despite traveling around the Unova region, has said there are places (at least for Connoisseurs) where she should have gone to take lessons (though of course she didn't, but at least it's one hint that at least some education systems try to keep trainers educated despite being on a journey).

    Yeah. I think the Pokemon world really likes to give more alternative options for education.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [70]Nov 25, 2012
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    Well, according to old material from the original series, people are legally adults at age 10....so....not too far off. (Note that none of this was actually used...)

    This week's episode annoyed me. Iris constantly saying "Dragon-types aren't bad with no proof".

    Edited on 11/25/2012 3:40pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [71]Nov 25, 2012
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Well, according to old material from the original series, people are legally adults at age 10....so....not too far off. (Note that none of this was actually used...)

    Ooh, I want to analyze this. I made a post on the ALL Pokemon Questions Thread as this would go off topic.

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  • Avatar of Kwando7


    [72]Nov 27, 2012
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    I wonder if that means they can drink and gamble. Also your sucker punch photo seems to have been moved it's not being displayed

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    [73]Nov 27, 2012
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    Kwando7 wrote:

    Also your sucker punch photo seems to have been moved it's not being displayed

    Are you sure? I can still see it.

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    [75]Nov 30, 2012
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    Episode: BW089 "Iris and the Rouge Dragonite!"

    You know, if you're going to make an episode where there's a Pokemon who has a reputation of being a bad but in actuality it's doing these bad things because it's trying to do something good, then there are several ways to go with it. A popular way is with a "monster hunt" plot, basically people are tired of this Pokemon causing so many problems so they decide to hunt it down and Ash & co. have to go and figure out why the "bad" Pokemon is doing this only to discover it was trying to do something good like protecting the forest which was secretly/accidentally being polluted, protecting everyone from an actual bad Pokemon, or maybe it thought it was being good and kind but, because it's too powerful, it winds up causing more trouble when it tries to "help".

    OR, maybe you want the misunderstood Pokemon in a circumstance like this, having done something which is causing a huge inconvenience but it's so confused and angry it's hard to calm down let alone reason with. In that case you either have Ash & co. constantly working with Officer Jenny/the police/workers/etc. to calm and capture the Pokemon who's fighting them every step of the way. Or, if you want there to be conflict where the misunderstood Pokemon is not the one fighting back, you have a group of people who want to pretty much kill Dragonite because, not that it's inconveniencing people (it might be, but that's not the reason this group wants to kill Dragonite), it's ruining their reputation or it's "challenging" their pride.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that, if you're going to have black and white morality, you have to make the antagonist group actually doing something wrong be it out of a misunderstanding or because they are jerks. What you DON'T DO is what this episode did!

    If you for some reason use these reviews as a ruler whether to watch an episode or not, I'm just going to spoil the plot important detail (as if no one knew it already) so that you can skip this episode: Iris catches a Dragonite who has a bit of a bad attitude. There, now you can skip this episode. However, for those of you who watched this episode or want to watch it, may Arceus have mercy on your soul. This episode is a bit rage inducing if you take a second to think about how much WRONG Ash & co. are doing and how the "antagonists" in this episode are just doing their job and trying to help people! Apparently, in Pokemon, it's not "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" but rather it's "all or nothing".

    Getting to an actual summary, while Ash & co. (+ Dawn) are doing their morning routines, the power suddenly goes out. Officer Jenny knocks on the door and explains a Dragonite (which we see fighting a Hydreigon in an AWESOME battle at the very beginning of this episode... figured something so awesome would be placed in front of a bad episode), which is known as the "Rogue Dragonite", has attacked the power plant and they want Cynthia's help. Unfortunately Cynthia is out preparing for the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup so Officer Jenny leaves, however Iris refuses to believe a Dragon-type would do something like that and goes with Ash, Cilan, and Dawn to the power plant. They arrive just as Dragonite has sealed itself off and the only way to get to it is via a small air duct which Ash, Iris, and Dawn can only fit through. After seeing it's injured and calming Dragonite down via Meloetta's song, they try to leave to get a Pokeball from Officer Jenny when the injury acts up and Dragonite sends out a Flamethrower which causes Iris to be stuck with Dragonite in the room. Ash and Dawn go back to Officer Jenny who they tell about Dragonite's injury and she decides this is their chance to capture Dragonite with help from trainers in Undella Town. Meanwhile Iris figures out that Dragonite didn't mean to do any of this and tells Ash to find proof. If you still don't see why this is a bad episode, don't worry, once we go more in-depth you'll see:

    Going Rogue:
    So we start this episode a little differently: AN AWESOME AERIAL BATTLE BETWEEN A DRAGONITE AND HYDREIGON! However while fighting the battle disturbs a swarm of Pidove which distracts Dragonite giving Hydreigon the chance to hit Dragonite in the back with a DragonBreath followed by Hyper Beam, causing it to slam into a cliff and fall into the river below. With its opponent defeated, Hydreigon flies off as the sun rises however Dragonite lifts its head out of the water and tries following. But the crashing into the cliff had injured Dragonite's wings as it accidentally flies into a power plant and knocks the top off one of the electric towers before hitting a supporting structure and falling to the ground. The power plant's alarm goes off as a swarm of Magnemite confront Dragonite who stares at them angrily, and then we cut to opener and title.

    Going to Ash & co. (aww, do we have to? ), Dawn is once again trying to fix-up her hair though Iris teases her about doing the same thing everyday (um, Iris, you do know what show you're in right? Repeating plots and messages might as well be a second theme for Pokemon). Ash comes in and tells them breakfast is ready when suddenly the power goes out:

    Dawn: Hm, that's weird.
    *flips the hair dryer's switch on and off*
    Dawn: Did I break it? I sure hope not.
    Comment: Yes Dawn, ignore that the lights have also gone out and assume you did something to cause the hair dryer to break.

    Downstairs, Cilan and Jervis are tinkering with the kitchen appliances though they come to the logical conclusion that the power has gone out. Ash, Iris, and Dawn meet them downstairs having heard what they said when the doorbell rings and Officer Jenny says it's her.

    At the door, Jervis tells Officer Jenny that Cynthia is in Lacunosa Town preparing for the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup and Officer Jenny explains that the power is out because a Dragonite attacked the power plant. Jervis asks Officer Jenny does she think it could be "that" Dragonite and Officer Jenny says this is no doubt the "Rogue Dragonite". Officer Jenny says that their Magnemite patrol has stopped and was hoping Cynthia would help them catch it but since she's not here Officer Jenny thanks them and leaves. After leaving, Ash asks Jervis about the "Rogue Dragonite" and Jervis explains that it has appeared frequently, challenging any Pokemon it meets no matter how strong the opponent is. Obviosuly, property damage and injured Pokemon have resulted from this and everyone has become concerned, however Iris refuses to believe that a Dragonite would just attack a power plant.

    Iris: Look, there are no bad Dragon-types.
    Comment: Ghetsis's Hydreigon says hi.

    Iris says there must be a reason and, despite Cilan trying to reason with her, runs off to the power plant with Ash, Dawn, Cilan, and Meloetta following.

    Dragon Raging:
    Back at the power plant, the Magnemite patrol is shocking the "Rogue Dragonite" however it forces them and the police back with a Flamethrower, flying further into the building. Eventually it reaches a dead end however it's right next to a room (which opens for it for some reason, you'd think the power plant would be in lockdown with a raging Pokemon traveling through it) which it enters and blocks the door by ThunderPunching some computer databases in front of it and freezing it with Ice Beam. Officer Jenny gets onto the scene and the two other officers tells her the situation, also saying that the workers had already evacuated. Officer Jenny says the power plant must get back to working immediately though one officer says the entrance is blocked however the other officer has an idea. What idea is that? The air ducts of course! However Officer Jenny says it's too small for them to go through, so here comes Ash & co..

    Iris says they'll go saying she wants to talk with Dragonite and Ash explaining Iris is from the Village of Dragons and is training to become a Dragon Master. Officer Jenny says they've run out of options so agrees to let's Ash & co. help. After opening the vent and letting a guiding Magnemite in first, Iris goes in but before Ash could he's stopped by Officer Jenny who tries giving him a Pokeball to catch Dragonite (yes, because these obvious trainers wouldn't have Pokeballs on them. They could have at least had it be a Great or Ultra Ball. MAYBE even a Master Ball), though Ash turns it down saying he's sure Iris will talk Dragonite down. Cilan tries going through but apparently he's too big (which is odd since he looks a lot thinner then Ash does) so he says he'll sit this one out as Dawn is the last to go in.

    While traveling through the ducts, Dawn asks if Iris is really going to talk with a Pokemon she never met before which she says she is since Dragonite is a Dragon-type (yes, because all Dragon-types are the same thus have no individual personalities ). Dawn then asks how does one become a Dragon Master (by training Dragon-types?) and Iris says a lot of intense training and discipline which Ash says the same thing goes for trainers and coordinators (and so the ill-defined definition of what it takes to be a Pokemon Master remains ). Iris tells Ash to be quiet as they reached the room where Dragonite is, looking down from the ceiling they see it has fallen asleep and it's also hurt. They jump down from the ceiling (remember, people in the Pokemon World have non-realistic endurance) and start examining the Dragonite... waking it up (um, you guys did have a plan incase it woke up, right?).

    Ash says they just want to talk and Dawn says it shouldn't be here as it's causing a lot of trouble, meanwhile Dragonite is giving everyone dirty looks. Iris says the wound couldn't have been caused by the Magnemite (not so loud Iris, you have a Magnemite with you, you don't want to hurt its feelings) and asks Dragonite why it's here and says they want to help it. Dragonite gets angry and uses Flamethrower at Iris but Piplup and Oshawott intercept with a BubbleBeam and Hydro Pump, though both soon have to dodge Dragonite's ThunderPunch. Iris tells Dragonite to stop but Dragonite attacks with Flamethrower, creating a hole in the wall as Ash, Iris, and Dawn dodge.

    So what have we've been doing recently whenever there's an angry Pokemon attacking everyone? Having Meloetta come in a sing of course! And that's what happens as Meloetta comes down from the ducts and starts singing, calming Dragonite down. Ash and Dawn decide that Dragonite is too big to get out of there so decide to get the Pokeball from Officer Jenny (um, why not use one of your Pokeballs? Don't tell me you don't have extra Pokeballs on you. You know, if Officer Jenny was giving them a Master Ball then I guess you could justify them going back for it, but for a normal Pokeball which they all should have extra on them?). At first it looks like Iris was going to try and comfort Dragonite but Ash and Dawn tells her and Meloetta to come with them (why? Wouldn't you want the person who understands Dragon-types and the Pokemon which can singing can calm down any Pokemon to stay with Dragonite?). However, just as they were about to leave, Dragonite's injury acts up and causes Dragonite to fall back and release a Flamethrower, causing Iris, Oshawott, and Piplup to run back into the room while Ash, Dawn, and Meloetta are left outside the hole Dragonite made earlier (which leads into the hallway) which is now blocked by more debris caused by the most recent Flamethrower. Iris tells Ash and Dawn she's alright and is with Oshawott and Piplup so Ash and Dawn go to Officer Jenny as Iris starts looking at Dragonite.

    Outside, Ash and Dawn have told Officer Jenny about Dragonite being injured and one of the officers says this is their chance to try and break into the control room. Ash says Dragonite needs first aid and maybe it'll start listening to them but the protecting and serving big, bad police force says they can't as they won't stand a chance against it fully healed. Officer Jenny thanks Ash & co. for all they did but they'll have to ask for strong trainers from Undella Town to come in and force their way in.

    Back with the Dragonite, Iris starts talking to it saying it is a bit of a rogue and natural for everyone to be scared of it, but asks if it really came all this way to cause trouble. Piplup and Oshawott try to attack the debris blocking their exit but have no luck, but Ash yells over to Iris and tells her that Officer Jenny is bringing a batch of trainers to catch Dragonite by force which gets Iris angry saying she won't let them drag Dragonite out of here (yes, hundreds if not maybe thousands or people need the power plant's power, how dare they catch (not kill, CATCH) Dragonite and move it somewhere else (like the Pokemon Center where it could get proper medical treatment) so that they can get the power back on. Little b****). Ash says she tried to stop Officer Jenny but she wouldn't listen to a thing he says as Iris sits next to Dragonite and touches it... which causes it to glow and give her a vision of Dragonite battling Hydreigon and the reason it's hurt was because it was protecting a Pidove flock (okay, what just happened? Did Dragonite show Iris (somehow) or did Iris do it? And if it was Iris, why are we just now establishing she has this power? Also, from what I saw in the beginning, the Pidove flock just distracted Dragonite and Hydreigon got in a cheap shot). Iris tells this to Ash who then tells it to Cilan and Dawn so Ash, Cilan, and Dawn go looking for proof as Officer Jenny guides a van of trainers (who are all gruff looking man because we need to establish they're the antagonists in this episode) to the power plant.

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    [76]Nov 30, 2012
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    Black & White Morality Never Looked So Gray:
    In the forest, Dawn says she's worried no one is going to give Dragonite a chance since it damaged the power plant but Ash says it didn't do it on purpose and that's what they're trying to prove (okay, answer me this: after you've proven Dragonite didn't do this on purpose, then what? This doesn't solve or change a thing. They're not going out to hunt the Dragonite, they're trying to get it out of the power plant so that they can turn the power back on. You finding proof will do NOTHING, except maybe make the police and trainers trying to get the power back on feel bad for having to hurt an innocent Pokemon in the process. F***ing idiots). Ash & co. find the spot in the cliff which Dragonite slammed into as well as see the flock of Pidove it was "trying to protect"... and then find a camera which is for some reason attached to a tree (... WHAT?):

    Deus ex machina, much?

    Back at the power plant, Officer Jenny arrives with the trainers and, after being told nothing has changed with Dragonite, sends out Ferrothorn to begin "Operation Dragonite Arrest" (meh, if I was naming it I would have called it "Operation Dragonbane"). Meanwhile the other trainers send out Garbodor, Darmanitan, Gurdurr, and Magmortar (hey, did anyone of you think about bringing your own Dragon- or Ice-types? You know, Pokemon which would know moves that are Super Effectice against Dragon-types?) as Officer Jenny leads the charge.

    Back with Dragonite, Iris says until Ash & co. get back she'll protect Dragonite but as soon as she says that the Gurdurr knocks down the entrance being blocked by ice (with a gleeful smile because we have to make them look like the bad guys) and Darmanitan uses Superpower which...

    How foolish of me to think we left this with the Clubsplosion...

    ANYWAY Darmanitan throws away the computer databases which were blocking the door and Officer Jenny asks Iris if she's alright as Dragonite starts getting up.

    Officer Jenny: No resistance. Let's all leave here peacefully.
    *Dragonite growls at them*
    Iris: No you wait! Dragonite didn't mean to destroy anything. It accidentally fel...
    Comment: 1. Doesn't matter if Dragonite meant to destroy anything or not, it being here is still preventing the power plant being fixed and turned back on which is the concern here. 2. Of course, just as we would actually get into this conversation, which would make Iris look like she's doing the wrong thing, Dragonite gets up and starts attacking (attacking FIRST, by the way, after Officer Jenny tells it they can leave peacefully)... which proves that it's a bit unreasonable.
    *Dragonite gets up and PUSHES Iris aside HARD, something which Officer Jenny reacts surprises and concerned with*
    Comment: Betcha anything that despite Dragonite pushing her away and Officer Jenny being the once that showed concern, Iris will STILL stand up for Dragonite and treat Officer Jenny like she's the bad guy.
    *Dragonite uses Flamethrower*
    Officer Jenny: Ferrothorn use Flash Cannon!
    Trainer 1: Garbodor, Gunk Shot, go!
    Trainer 2: Darmanitan, use Flamethrower!
    Comment: Dragon-types resist Fire-type attacks...
    Trainer 3: Gurdurr, Stone Edge!
    Comment: Being Dragonite is part Flying-type that's actually a smart move to use.
    Trainer 4: Magmortar, use Hyper Beam!
    *the attacks collide cause Dragonite to stumble a bit*
    Iris: Dragonite, you okay? This is wrong!
    Comment: WOOT! I win the bet... too bad I didn't bet anything...
    Iris: Dragonite only landed here because it was hurt! It didn't mean to cause any trouble to anybody at all, really!
    Officer Jenny: Get back, it's dangerous!
    Iris: Jenny please!
    Comment: Can someone please take the child away from here? Obviously she doesn't understand the entire situation and is reacting entirely on emotion, ignoring the Pokemon's intent and actions. She might end up hurting herself or someone else.
    *Dragonite stands up and Iris runs over to it*
    Iris: Don't try to move, you're hurt!
    Officer Jenny: Step away from there! Look, Dragonite can't be allowed to go free where it can cause even more damage than it already has. Now out of the way immediately!
    Comment: Of course, they change Officer Jenny's reason so that it fits along with her "doing the wrong thing"... BUT EVEN THEN Officer Jenny still has a point! Okay, we'll buy that Dragonite was "protecting" the flock of Pidove (though I still have doubt about that) from a Hydreigon attack THIS TIME, but what about all those other times which Dragonite began picking fights which causes property damage and injuries? Also the original issue does still stand, they need to turn the power plant back on and Dragonite is preventing that!
    Iris: NO! Attack Dragonite and you attack me!
    Comment: ... you SELFISH, ENTITLED, IGNORANT, LITTLE B****! You know what, YOU DESERVED TO BE ATTACKED! You know would have been icing on this cake for this episode? For one of those "gruff" trainers to tell Iris he needs the power back on because he as a sick grandmother who needs that power, or for one to say he has a newborn which has supplies that need to be refrigerated, or for one to bring up the Pokemon Center which has sick and injured Pokemon which needs the power on to be treated! But no, let's ignore all that because, if it was addressed, it'd make Ash & co. look like their doing the wrong thing, WHICH THEY ARE!

    Back to normal review styIe, Dragonite notices Iris is protecting it as Iris continues on saying Dragonite didn't do this on purpose and their are no bad Dragon-type Pokemon (Ghetsis's Hydreigon says hi, again). Of course this "revelation" surprises Officer Jenny and the other trainers, BUT before this conversation goes on any further Ash, Cilan, and Dawn shows Officer Jenny that tree camera recording (good thing that camera was on the tree RIGHT where Dragonite hit the cliff...).

    Wait, this image is from ABOVE the trees, how is it getting this footage?

    Cilan explains this is from a surveillance camera (wait, surveillance? For what? Were they in a nature preserve? Also how did they get the camera's recording?) in the forest as it goes on to show even more footage which is IMPOSSIBLE for it to have recorded:

    Did they forget the camera was below the tree's top?

    As Officer Jenny tries to figure out exactly what the writer's want from her, Dragonite gives out a roar and now Iris stands in front of Dragonite and tells it to stop.

    Iris: Why don't we go? 'Kay?
    Comment: Yes, why don't you go... just like Officer Jenny offered peacefully (well, demanded, but still)!

    Of course, now that it's IRIS offering for Dragonite to leave peacefully, Dragonite looks to accept but as it walks forward it falls over (gee, too bad we couldn't have subdued and caught Dragonite so that it could be brought to a Pokemon Center where it could get proper care! Iris, the worsening of Dragonite's condition is YOUR FAULT and YOUR FAULT ALONE!)

    Later at the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy is taking care of Dragonite and Officer Jenny tells Ash & co. (+ Dawn) that everything is back up and running at the power plant (Tauros Mulch! It took New York days to weeks to get power (an cable) back up after Hurricane Sandy due to water damage, meanwhile Dragonite outright destroyed a few things!) Iris asks if Officer Jenny is going to arrest Dragonite (okay, exactly how do you "arrest" a Pokemon? By catching it? If you're going to catch it you might as well use it so maybe instead of "arrest" you should use the term "catch"), but Officer Jenny says they'll overlook it this time since it was an accident (um, yeah, you should still catch Dragonite anyway since, even though this incident was an accident, it still likes picking fights which causes property damage and injuries).

    Later that day, Dragonite is fully healed and Iris tells Dragonite it did a good thing "protecting" the Pidove flock though Dragonite rolled its eyes as if agreeing with me that it was distracted from the flock rather than protecting it. Iris asks Dragonite to promise her it won't cause any more trouble and sends it off but before it flies off it stops in midair and seems to be fighting with a thought. Cilan suggests that maybe Dragonite wants to join Iris and Iris asks if that's true which Dragonite responds with a loud roar... which seems to mean yes as Iris throws a Pokeball at Dragonite and it doesn't fight back, the Pokeball sucking it in and shaking once, twice, three times... and CAUGHT! Iris has just captured a Dragonite!

    Dawn shouts "I GET IT!" much to everyone's confusion and she says this is how you become a Dragon Master (are you talking about yelling or catching strong Dragon-type Pokemon? If you mean the latter then I think that would be obvious, if you're talking about the former then just add that to the pile of dumb things which happened in this episode). Ash says they'll have to train extra hard if they want to win the Pokemon World Tournament Junior Cup as the narrator wraps things up.

    Of course, as with the last few episodes, we check up on Team Rocket as they now have a basic visual of what is definitely the Abyssal Ruins and say they need to send it to HQ and soon Team Rocket will get the glory it deserves.

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [77]Dec 1, 2012
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    Today's episode was pretty interesting; I liked that Burgundy already got beaten. As for Iris and her Dragonite, I was reminded of the episode when Buizel wouldn't listen to Dawn when she had that battle with Lucian of the Elite Four. I wonder if that Dragonite is still scarred from the fight it was in before crashing down into a power plant.

    Edited on 12/02/2012 1:16pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of perualonso1


    [78]Dec 2, 2012
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    I was glad to see Burgundy get hers, thanks to Trip, but I can't believe Ash and Cilan felt sorry for her. I doubt if she'll change.

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    [79]Dec 2, 2012
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    Hey, Pikachu315111, when you do your review for yesterday's episode, can you include this?

    Comment: In your face, Bur-goon-dy! Trip won the battle and you didn't! *laughs* Uh, Ash, Cilan, how come I'm the only one laughing at her face?

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    [80]Dec 2, 2012
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    perualonso1 wrote:

    Hey, Pikachu315111, when you do your review for yesterday's episode, can you include this?

    Comment: In your face, Bur-goon-dy! Trip won the battle and you didn't! *laughs* Uh, Ash, Cilan, how come I'm the only one laughing at her face?

    While "Comment" is usually my own thoughts, I can include that in my review as being said by you.

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