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ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [1181]Jun 27, 2011
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    saylavee wrote:
    Just popping in to ask a quick question. My Honchrow has the Super Luck ability, and knows Night Slash. Say I gave it a Scope Lens or something, would all the critical hit chance boosts stack up or would they not effect each other? Sorry if i worded that weird, kinda new to this.

    The criticals would stack on each other.

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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [1182]Jul 7, 2011
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    If I evolve a Pokemon with a stone at level 100, will there be a difference in its stats as opposed to evolving it at like level 20 and raising it to level 100?

    Another question, is it possible to legally get Outrage and Iron Head onto the same Gible?

    Edited on 07/08/2011 2:20pm
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  • Avatar of srebak


    [1183]Jul 8, 2011
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    I know, change is a fact of life, but the thing is, after watching the kind of adventures Ash has been through with May and Dawn. It makes his travels with Misty seem pretty weak. When he was with May and Dawn, he had to deal with foes like Teams Aqua, Magma and Galactic, and Hunter J. But the only "Evil Team Story Arc" he had with Misty were the "Baby Lugia" Story Arc and the "Red Gyrados" Story Arc (and Ash and co. didn't do much that helped in that one). You all say that Misty was trial and Error at the time, maybe i just feel this way because i'm a Pokeshipping supporter. But i just feel like Misty shouldn't have been upstaged like that.

    Don't get me wrong, May, Max and Dawn had their moments and i liked them as characters. On the other hand, Iris i have a problem with for some reason. Many of you have compared her to Misty, but for some reason that just doesn't sit with me. I know, in the beginning, Misty was rather nasty to Ash and looking back, i do feel she could've been a little nicer to him. But when Iris does her "Little Kid" line, it just rubs me the wrong way more than Misty did.

    Ash has his quirks and doesn't act like the mature person he's capable of being (and at this point, should be actually), but i just don't think he deserves Iris' comments. But if it weren't for her trash talking Ash, i'm pretty sure i'd like Iris.

    Any ideas on why i feel this way?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1184]Jul 8, 2011
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    ericwashere15 wrote:

    1. If I evolve a Pokemon with a stone at level 100, will there be a difference in its stats as opposed to evolving it at like level 20 and raising it to level 100?

    2. Another question, is it possible to legally get Outrage and Iron Head onto the same Gible?

    1. I haven't really tried it myself, but I would say they would probably have the same stats only because since unevolved Pokemon learn moves earlier then their evolved forms or moves their evolved forms can't learn (something which is especially true for Pokemon that evolve via Evolution Stones) it would be unfair to have them be weaker because you didn't evolve them right away. Though with that said it's always a good idea to evolve your Pokemon as soon as you got the move you wanted as they do get a stat boost upon evolving.

    2. I don't think so, due to how the breeding chains are I only can find a father which either has Outrage or Iron Head, but not both.

    srebak wrote:

    I know, change is a fact of life, but the thing is, after watching the kind of adventures Ash has been through with May and Dawn. It makes his travels with Misty seem pretty weak. When he was with May and Dawn, he had to deal with foes like Teams Aqua, Magma and Galactic, and Hunter J. But the only "Evil Team Story Arc" he had with Misty were the "Baby Lugia" Story Arc and the "Red Gyrados" Story Arc (and Ash and co. didn't do much that helped in that one). You all say that Misty was trial and Error at the time, maybe i just feel this way because i'm a Pokeshipping supporter. But i just feel like Misty shouldn't have been upstaged like that.

    Don't get me wrong, May, Max and Dawn had their moments and i liked them as characters. On the other hand, Iris i have a problem with for some reason. Many of you have compared her to Misty, but for some reason that just doesn't sit with me. I know, in the beginning, Misty was rather nasty to Ash and looking back, i do feel she could've been a little nicer to him. But when Iris does her "Little Kid" line, it just rubs me the wrong way more than Misty did.

    Ash has his quirks and doesn't act like the mature person he's capable of being (and at this point, should be actually), but i just don't think he deserves Iris' comments. But if it weren't for her trash talking Ash, i'm pretty sure i'd like Iris.

    Any ideas on why i feel this way?

    1. The problem with Misty was that, unlike May and Dawn, there was nothing for her to do except be one of Ash's mentors and help figure out the daily problems/participate in battles. We were told Misty was a collector of Water-type Pokemon, though we never really saw her actively going after Water-type Pokemon and even then she's the Gym Leader of Cerulean City who's Gym train Water-type Pokemon so her family already owned many Water-type Pokemon. The Kanto and Johto Saga were clearly about Ash's journey, Brock and Misty were there to provide help but they were never the focus for more then one episode in a row. May and Dawn participated in Pokemon Contests so when the Hoenn and Sinnoh Saga came they shared the spotlight with Ash though now that Pokemon Contests are gone in the Unova Saga we once again have the show focusing primarily on Ash, which is why people are comparing Iris to Misty.

    2. Though Misty and Iris are compared due to the show "going back to basics" and they don't have their own "main quests" like May and Dawn did with Pokemon Contests, the two do have different personalities. Yes, they both provide Ash with words of advice and due mock him when he does something stupid, but they did it in different ways and possibly different reasons. Misty would get angry at Ash because he would do something every trainer should know or because he did something insensitive. Iris on the other hand is more making fun of Ash for not knowing everything she does. It feels a bit like Iris has a bit of a inferiority complex where she doesn't feel confidence in her skills thus when she she's a trainer like Ash who acts the way he does and might not know much about Unova because he's not around there she likes to remind him of this thus make her feel "superior". Misty never had this problem, her problem was with her anger and how she'll make rash decisions because of it (though this was never really brought up as much and most of the time things worked out in the end making her getting angry pointless). I'm sure over time Iris's character will improve, probably in correlation with her Axew getting stronger, though right not Iris wants to feel she's "superior" due to her being given the task to raise a young a weak Axew into a strong Haxorus.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [1185]Jul 8, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    ericwashere15 wrote:

    1. If I evolve a Pokemon with a stone at level 100, will there be a difference in its stats as opposed to evolving it at like level 20 and raising it to level 100?

    2. Another question, is it possible to legally get Outrage and Iron Head onto the same Gible?

    1. I haven't really tried it myself, but I would say they would probably have the same stats only because since unevolved Pokemon learn moves earlier then their evolved forms or moves their evolved forms can't learn (something which is especially true for Pokemon that evolve via Evolution Stones) it would be unfair to have them be weaker because you didn't evolve them right away. Though with that said it's always a good idea to evolve your Pokemon as soon as you got the move you wanted as they do get a stat boost upon evolving.

    2. I don't think so, due to how the breeding chains are I only can find a father which either has Outrage or Iron Head, but not both.

    2. It is possible, however, I think you'll need to rely on the Gen IV move tutors. You could either teach a Pokemon that Gible could breed with that can learn Iron Head and Outrage those moves through a move tutor (i.e. Tyranitar, Torterra, Aggron, etc) and then breed it with Gible. Or you could teach a Gible both moves straight from the move tutor itself.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1186]Jul 8, 2011
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    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    ericwashere15 wrote:

    1. If I evolve a Pokemon with a stone at level 100, will there be a difference in its stats as opposed to evolving it at like level 20 and raising it to level 100?

    2. Another question, is it possible to legally get Outrage and Iron Head onto the same Gible?

    1. I haven't really tried it myself, but I would say they would probably have the same stats only because since unevolved Pokemon learn moves earlier then their evolved forms or moves their evolved forms can't learn (something which is especially true for Pokemon that evolve via Evolution Stones) it would be unfair to have them be weaker because you didn't evolve them right away. Though with that said it's always a good idea to evolve your Pokemon as soon as you got the move you wanted as they do get a stat boost upon evolving.

    2. I don't think so, due to how the breeding chains are I only can find a father which either has Outrage or Iron Head, but not both.

    2. It is possible, however, I think you'll need to rely on the Gen IV move tutors. You could either teach a Pokemon that Gible could breed with that can learn Iron Head and Outrage those moves through a move tutor (i.e. Tyranitar, Torterra, Aggron, etc) and then breed it with Gible. Or you could teach a Gible both moves straight from the move tutor itself.

    Ah, I didn't realize the the Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Move Tutors taught those two moves, I looked on Gible's Bulbapedia page and didn't see it could learn that through tutoring completely forgetting that was for Generation V. So to correct myself:

    In Platinum the Move Tutor in the Survival Area (between Route 225 and 226) can teach Gible Outrage and Iron Head for 6 Red Shards & 2 Yellow Shards each (so 12 Red Shards and 4 Yellow Shards).

    In HeartGold/SoulSilver in the Frontier Access (entrance to the Battle Frontier on Route 40) you can teach Gible Outrage for 48 BP and Iron Head for 40 BP (so 88 BP).

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [1187]Jul 18, 2011
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    So...what exactly happens if Xatu (Magic bounce) uses Toxic on Espeon (Magic bounce)? Also, does it reflect back stealth rock?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1188]Jul 18, 2011
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    lostfan111 wrote:
    So...what exactly happens if Xatu (Magic bounce) uses Toxic on Espeon (Magic bounce)? Also, does it reflect back stealth rock?

    1. If you used Toxic on Xatu only Xatu's Magic Bounce will activate so Espeon will get hit with Toxic.

    2. Yes, Magic Bounce will reflect back entry hazard moves like Stealth Rock.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [1189]Jul 18, 2011
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    But if Xatu uses Toxic, wouldn't Espeon reflect it back to Xatu?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1190]Jul 18, 2011
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    lostfan111 wrote:
    But if Xatu uses Toxic, wouldn't Espeon reflect it back to Xatu?

    No, Magic Bounce can't reflect an attack which was reflected by another Magic Bounce.

    If you want you can read up about it HERE.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [1191]Jul 19, 2011
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    If two opposing Pokémon have this Ability only the target's Magic Bounce will reflect the move

    If Espeon is the target, then it would get reflected back to Xatu?

    Edited on 07/19/2011 1:12am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1193]Jul 19, 2011
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    lostfan111 wrote:

    If two opposing Pokémon have this Ability only the target's Magic Bounce will reflect the move

    If Espeon is the target, then it would get reflected back to Xatu?


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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [1194]Jul 19, 2011
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    But you said If you used Toxic on Xatu only Xatu's Magic Bounce will activate so Espeon will get hit with Toxic. So I wasn't sure

    If someone keeps using stat moves on you, will they ALL get reflected back? Like if they used toxic, and then thunder wave

    Edited on 07/19/2011 1:12pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1195]Jul 19, 2011
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    lostfan111 wrote:

    A. But you said If you used Toxic on Xatu only Xatu's Magic Bounce will activate so Espeon will get hit with Toxic. So I wasn't sure

    B. If someone keeps using stat moves on you, will they ALL get reflected back? Like if they used toxic, and then thunder wave

    A. I must have misread your message, let's put this into battle perspective:

    1. Espeon uses a status move on Xatu.
    2. Xatu's Magic Bounce reflects the status move back to Espeon.
    3. Because the attack has already been Magic Bounced, Espeon's Magic Bounce does not activate and Espeon is hit with the status move.

    B. As long as the move is a status move that does no direct damage, Magic Bounce will reflect it. The status ailment rules work normally:

    1. Espeon has been poisoned by Toxic.
    2. Espeon uses Thunder Wave on Xatu.
    3. Xatu's Magic Bounce reflects Thunder Wave back to Espeon.
    4. Because the attack has already been Magic Bounced, Espeon's Magic Bounce does not activate and Espeon is hit with Thunder Wave.
    5. Espeon loses the poisoned status ailment and gets the paralyzed one.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1196]Jul 19, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    5. Espeon loses the poisoned status ailment and gets the paralyzed one.

    That doesn't sound right... are sure about that? Whenever a Pokemon is normally hit by a status move, no other status move can affect it unless it loses its current status condition. In this case, it would seem like even though Thunder Wave is reflected back at Espeon, it wouldn't affect it since it's already poisoned.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1197]Jul 19, 2011
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    5. Espeon loses the poisoned status ailment and gets the paralyzed one.
    That doesn't sound right... are sure about that? Whenever a Pokemon is normally hit by a status move, no other status move can affect it unless it loses its current status condition. In this case, it would seem like even though Thunder Wave is reflected back at Espeon, it wouldn't affect it since it's already poisoned.

    I think it gets replaced by the new Status Ailment.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [1198]Jul 21, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    5. Espeon loses the poisoned status ailment and gets the paralyzed one.
    That doesn't sound right... are sure about that? Whenever a Pokemon is normally hit by a status move, no other status move can affect it unless it loses its current status condition. In this case, it would seem like even though Thunder Wave is reflected back at Espeon, it wouldn't affect it since it's already poisoned.

    I think it gets replaced by the new Status Ailment.

    Yeah, I don't think it gets replaced. In competitive battling, Breloom, Gliscor, and Heracross are usually considered unstatusable because they usually are hit by a status problem earlier (Breloom and Gliscor usually have Toxic Orb activated and Heracross usually welcomes Wil-o-whisps).

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1199]Jul 21, 2011
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    neoyamato_pi wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    5. Espeon loses the poisoned status ailment and gets the paralyzed one.
    That doesn't sound right... are sure about that? Whenever a Pokemon is normally hit by a status move, no other status move can affect it unless it loses its current status condition. In this case, it would seem like even though Thunder Wave is reflected back at Espeon, it wouldn't affect it since it's already poisoned.

    I think it gets replaced by the new Status Ailment.

    Yeah, I don't think it gets replaced. In competitive battling, Breloom, Gliscor, and Heracross are usually considered unstatusable because they usually are hit by a status problem earlier (Breloom and Gliscor usually have Toxic Orb activated and Heracross usually welcomes Wil-o-whisps).

    Okay, I just tested it out and you are correct, once a Pokemon has a status ailment, unless it gets cured, it cannot be afflicted with another status.

    So in the case of Magic Bounce it'll still reflect the status move but it'll say that the status move failed.

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  • Avatar of srebak


    [1200]Jul 24, 2011
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    I don't know why i feel this way (maybe it's a sign of slowly going insane) but as i've said before, i feel like Ash's companions after Master Quest are getting a fairer deal than Misty. And for whatever reason, that doesn't sit well with me.

    But my real reason for posting this post, is that lately, whenever i try to look back at the things Ash has done while travelling with Misty, i keep having imagination/memories issues, where Misty praises Ash for what he does, almost like a fan girl. Rather than her usual "mostly criticize and only a little praise from time to time". Naturally, that doesn't sit well with me either.

    And more recently, i've also had imagination/memory issues regarding Charizard. At first it started with brief delusions of how Ash responded to Charizard's relationship with Charla. Now it's revolving around how much i wish Charizard got stronger while in Ash's care. If Charizard got more powerful in the Charicific Valley, that means he wasn't getting better because of Ash. Not like Infernape, who only got stronger because Ash was its Trainer.

    What's Wrong with Me!?

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