I don't know why i feel this way (maybe it's a sign of slowly going insane) but as i've said before, i feel like Ash's companions after Master Quest are getting a fairer deal than Misty. And for whatever reason, that doesn't sit well with me.
But my real reason for posting this post, is that lately, whenever i try to look back at the things Ash has done while travelling with Misty, i keep having imagination/memories issues, where Misty praises Ash for what he does, almost like a fan girl. Rather than her usual "mostly criticize and only a little praise from time to time". Naturally, that doesn't sit well with me either.
And more recently, i've also had imagination/memory issues regarding Charizard. At first it started with brief delusions of how Ash responded to Charizard's relationship with Charla. Now it's revolving around how much i wish Charizard got stronger while in Ash's care. If Charizard got more powerful in the Charicific Valley, that means he wasn't getting better because of Ash. Not like Infernape, who only got stronger because Ash was its Trainer.
What's Wrong with Me!?