ericwashere15 wrote: |
You're able to transfer a Crown Beast and/or Celebi pre-Nat Dex correct? If so, where is the transfer machine that you use, since you don't have access to the PokeShift facility until you defeat the Elite Four? |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
It's in a building in Castelia City. The big building on the left just before the gate to Route 4. |
More specifically what you need to transfer over the Crown Beasts and Celebi (as well as the Lock Capsule) isn't the PokeTransfer but rather something called the Relocator. I don't remember which building its in, Serebii says it's one of the lefthand buildings on the northern roads leading to Castelia City (though if you haven't already, I suggest you go in all the building, in one of them if you beat all the trainers you'll get the game's first Exp. Share!). You'll eventually find a guy ho asks you to give him a phrase to see his secret project. The phrase it:
Everyone Happy
Simple Connection
After that you should have access to the Relocator. However for some reason when I got to this person for the first time I didn't have all the phrase options though others have had the option so I don't know what's wrong. I've heard you have to beat the 3rd Gym to use the relocator so maybe that's why so beat Burgh before getting the Relocator.