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ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [21]Sep 7, 2008
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    Boolia wrote:
    Will Jigglypuff appear again? (The Jigglypuff who sings in her mircrophone, and makes evreyone that hears the song falls asleep.) I haven't seen her since that episode with the Wismer and the maze!

    Don't know. As you said, Jigglypuff last appeared in AG039 "A Pokéblock Party!", but after that it completely vanished. Being that AG039 took place in Hoenn which is an island region, it would seem like Jigglypuff is somehow travelling place to place (possibly by puffing up and floating), possibly trying to find someone who would listen to its song fully without falling asleep. Whether we may or may not encounter Jigglypuff again is unknown, as it would have to be a chance encounter if it is doing what I said it was. It is also very possible that the story writers could have simply shoved Jigglypuff to the side, deciding that the Team Rocker running gags were more then enough comedy (which is the only thing Jigglypuff brought to the show).

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  • Avatar of dark_drapion57


    [22]Sep 8, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Boolia wrote:
    Will Jigglypuff appear again? (The Jigglypuff who sings in her mircrophone, and makes evreyone that hears the song falls asleep.) I haven't seen her since that episode with the Wismer and the maze!

    Don't know. As you said, Jigglypuff last appeared in AG039 "A Pokéblock Party!", but after that it completely vanished. Being that AG039 took place in Hoenn which is an island region, it would seem like Jigglypuff is somehow travelling place to place (possibly by puffing up and floating), possibly trying to find someone who would listen to its song fully without falling asleep. Whether we may or may not encounter Jigglypuff again is unknown, as it would have to be a chance encounter if it is doing what I said it was. It is also very possible that the story writers could have simply shoved Jigglypuff to the side, deciding that the Team Rocker running gags were more then enough comedy (which is the only thing Jigglypuff brought to the show).

    I thought you said you knew everything about Pokemon?

    Edited on 09/08/2008 12:53pm
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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [23]Sep 8, 2008
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    Yeah, that's why I asked the question in the first place!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [24]Sep 8, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Boolia wrote:
    Will Jigglypuff appear again? (The Jigglypuff who sings in her mircrophone, and makes evreyone that hears the song falls asleep.) I haven't seen her since that episode with the Wismer and the maze!

    Don't know. As you said, Jigglypuff last appeared in AG039 "A Pokéblock Party!", but after that it completely vanished. Being that AG039 took place in Hoenn which is an island region, it would seem like Jigglypuff is somehow travelling place to place (possibly by puffing up and floating), possibly trying to find someone who would listen to its song fully without falling asleep. Whether we may or may not encounter Jigglypuff again is unknown, as it would have to be a chance encounter if it is doing what I said it was. It is also very possible that the story writers could have simply shoved Jigglypuff to the side, deciding that the Team Rocker running gags were more then enough comedy (which is the only thing Jigglypuff brought to the show).

    I thought you said you knew everything about Pokemon?

    You want a more direct answer? Fine, here is is: Don't hold your breath. Seems like the writers decided to drop the Jigglypuff running joke and it doesn't look like they'll be reviving it anytime soon, or ever.

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  • Avatar of tvfan95


    [25]Sep 8, 2008
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    What episodes did Misty's Horsea fight in?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [26]Sep 8, 2008
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    tvfan95 wrote:
    What episodes did Misty's Horsea fight in?

    It never did. Between its capture in EP019 "Tentacool & Tentacruel" and being left at the Cerulean Gym in EP061 "The Misty Mermaid", it rarely saw any screentime.

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  • Avatar of osciel_ben


    [27]Sep 8, 2008
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    Will misty be back in the sinnoh region?
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [28]Sep 8, 2008
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    dark_drapion57 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Boolia wrote:
    Will Jigglypuff appear again? (The Jigglypuff who sings in her mircrophone, and makes evreyone that hears the song falls asleep.) I haven't seen her since that episode with the Wismer and the maze!

    Don't know. As you said, Jigglypuff last appeared in AG039 "A Pokéblock Party!", but after that it completely vanished. Being that AG039 took place in Hoenn which is an island region, it would seem like Jigglypuff is somehow travelling place to place (possibly by puffing up and floating), possibly trying to find someone who would listen to its song fully without falling asleep. Whether we may or may not encounter Jigglypuff again is unknown, as it would have to be a chance encounter if it is doing what I said it was. It is also very possible that the story writers could have simply shoved Jigglypuff to the side, deciding that the Team Rocker running gags were more then enough comedy (which is the only thing Jigglypuff brought to the show).

    I thought you said you knew everything about Pokemon?

    How can somebody know everything about Pokemon when even the creators don't know everything? How is Pikachu315111 supposed to know if Jigglypuff is supposed to come back, if Jigglypuff's last appearance was "A Pokeblock Party" period, dub, original. The most recent episode Jigglypuff was in "A Pokeblock Party." There's no secret episode Jigglypuff has been in since then, there's no conspiracy.

    When Pikachu315111 says he doesn't know, no one knows. All he can give you is his best opinion on the matter.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [29]Sep 8, 2008
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    osciel_ben wrote:
    Will misty be back in the sinnoh region?

    Misty's Special Lure made an appearance in DP034 "Buizel Your Way out of This", but other then that Misty herself has no made an appearance. However Misty's Japanese Voice Actor, Mayumi Iizuka, stated Misty will be making an appearance in Sinnoh (but it is under debat right now whether she meant in person, or a reference to Misty which was presented with her Special Lure appearing in DP034).

    dman_dustin wrote:

    How can somebody know everything about Pokemon when even the creators don't know everything? How is Pikachu315111 supposed to know if Jigglypuff is supposed to come back, if Jigglypuff's last appearance was "A Pokeblock Party" period, dub, original. The most recent episode Jigglypuff was in "A Pokeblock Party." There's no secret episode Jigglypuff has been in since then, there's no conspiracy.

    When Pikachu315111 says he doesn't know, no one knows. All he can give you is his best opinion on the matter.

    Thank you dman_dustin. Also, I never said I knew everything about Pokemon. I just said I would answer your question through what comes up in the research I gather for it. The only people who truely know what is going on are the creators ans story writers, and even them sometimes change somethings around.

    However, that doesn't mean my research is flawless. Being human, I can easily overlook something which could be vital and change what I previously researched. While I always make sure my research is sound, if you were to find something I missed then go right ahead and correct me, we're all here to help each other discover the answers to Pokemon on this board, rather then let people go around asking questions which might cause others to ask the same question.

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  • Avatar of candycane_24


    [30]Sep 9, 2008
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    Does Pokemon have an online game? (MMORPG)
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [31]Sep 9, 2008
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    candycane_24 wrote:
    Does Pokemon have an online game? (MMORPG)

    No, at least not an official one.

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  • Avatar of tvfan95


    [32]Sep 9, 2008
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    What episodes did Jessie's Lickitung appear in?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [33]Sep 9, 2008
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    tvfan95 wrote:
    What episodes did Jessie's Lickitung appear in?

    Between EP052 "Princess vs. Princess" and EP146 "Tricks of the Trade", Lickitung wasn't used a lot, pretty much only when Team Rocket sends out all of their Pokemon to attack Ash and co. (though most of the time, Jessie uses just Arbok). It actually never appeared in Kanto besides for the episode it was captured in, but during the Orange Islands and Johto did it start appearing alongside all of Team Rocket's Pokemon:

    Orange Islands: (Season 2)
    EP086 "Pikachu Re-Volts"
    EP088 "In the Pink"
    EP094 "Snack Attack"
    EP097 "Tracey Gets Bugged"
    EP098 "A Way Off Day Off"
    EP108 "Pokémon Double Trouble"
    EP115 "A Tent Situation"

    The Johto Journeys: (Season 3)
    EP117 "Don't Touch That 'dile"
    EP119 "A Sappy Ending"
    EP128 "The Whistle Stop"
    EP129 "Ignorance is Blissey"
    EP130 "A Bout With Sprout"
    EP140 "Wired for Battle!"
    EP145 "A Farfetch'd Tale"

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [34]Sep 9, 2008
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    People, stop asking about the future. Only the creators, writers, and animators know every that happens beyond the latest aired episode in Japan.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [35]Sep 9, 2008
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    In the Diamond/Pearl Games, where can the Berries #61-64 be found? It should be after the Enigma Berry...also they are the last 4 Berries.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [36]Sep 9, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    In the Diamond/Pearl Games, where can the Berries #61-64 be found? It should be after the Enigma Berry...also they are the last 4 Berries.

    Micle Berry (#61) were held by Movie 11 promotional Shaymin.
    Custop Berry (#62) were held by Movie 11 promotional Regigigas.
    Jaboca Berry (#63) were held by Jirachi given out during the Tanabata festival in Japan at Toys "R" Us store and the Pokemon Center on Augest 18th through 31st.
    Rewop Berry (#64) Have not officially been released.

    Edited on 09/09/2008 9:27pm
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  • Avatar of kyfm


    [37]Sep 10, 2008
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    do we know if season 3 will get the season box set treatment (probably in 2 diff sets) and season 4 as well? cuz i know seasons 5 and 6 have been already released but the only way to get those ones is from stores likes frys where they sell a lot of out of print dvds. season 9 is on dvd as well and season 10 ( part 1) is out right
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [39]Sep 10, 2008
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    kyfm wrote:
    do we know if season 3 will get the season box set treatment (probably in 2 diff sets) and season 4 as well? cuz i know seasons 5 and 6 have been already released but the only way to get those ones is from stores likes frys where they sell a lot of out of print dvds. season 9 is on dvd as well and season 10 ( part 1) is out right

    I don't know. This falls under the catagory of the Pokemon Company's plans which only they know. You can ask Pokemon.com's Mailbag. To ask them your question, click HERE, and then click on where it says "Email Us Here!" under the top bar but above the Recent Mailbags to the right. A window should pop up with "mailbag@pokemon.com" in the "To". Type in a "Subject" and then ask them your question in the text box below.

    As for Season 9, yes that is out on a Box Set. As for Season 10, no Season that features the Sinnoh region has been released in a Box Set as of yet.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [40]Sep 10, 2008
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    The first half of Season Nine is on DVD. The second half and the first third of Diamond and Pearl come out Tuesday.
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