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ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of freezebird


    [81]Sep 14, 2008
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    in my opinion it's probably just because a lot of team rocket members (not naming names that rhyme with messie and lames) that are lame and just because he's generally disrespectful
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [82]Sep 14, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    If Silver is Giovanni's Son, then why does he act like such a black-hearted jerk to Team Rocket? He calls them wimps, in the Gold/Silver/Crystal Video Games??

    Well in the Manga he was confirmed to be his son. In the games the only mention to Giovanni's kid was by a Team Rocket Scientist who asks if the player is Giovanni's kid, but then says the player can't be because Giovanni's kid has red hair, which Silver has. In the anime Silver made a cameo in the opening for the Legend of Thunder, defeating Jimmy with his Nidoking. But he hasn't appeared in the anime since then.

    Silver might spite Team Rocket because his father spends more time focused on running Team Rocket then spending time with him. It could also possibly be that Giovanni intended Silver to run Team Rocket after Giovanni retires/dies but Silver doesn't want to. Either way, we don't know why Silver hates Team Rocket if he's Giovanni's son in the games and anime.

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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [83]Sep 14, 2008
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    is it just a coincidence that ash's skin tone is darker or has all of the travelling given him a tan. I've heard that it might be because of the change in animagtion or something but if you could just tell me that would be great.
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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [84]Sep 14, 2008
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    I've only got one symbol in Emerald, and that was because, I lukily managed to beat Lucy, that one time. After that I've noticed that that all other Frontier Places are really difficult, even to beat the first time. Are there any tips, or are there any unique Pokemon I should raise. Like a specific 6 Pokemon that should be pretty good match up. I don't ev train because it takes too much time, and I don't feel like doing it, is there any way I can beat them without EV training, like training them normally, or is it impossible?
    Edited on 09/14/2008 2:41am
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  • Avatar of Royrodz3


    [85]Sep 14, 2008
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    Of all the rumors I heard, is Ash really a long-lost son of Giovanni?

    Is Mrs. Ketchum still telling Ash to change his underwear after his journeys?

    Does Giovanni ever made a appearance in Diamond and Pearl?

    Is Butch a smoker?

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [86]Sep 14, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:
    is it just a coincidence that ash's skin tone is darker or has all of the travelling given him a tan. I've heard that it might be because of the change in animagtion or something but if you could just tell me that would be great.

    Yea it's coincidence.

    From traditional ink-and-paint where the quality isn't so refine when recorded by a camera compared to the new age digital ink and paint where it is done on computer and has a larger array of colour pallets giving a more fresh and clean look.

    My question is, from the Gen 3, why are items found in the fields still represented as pokeballs?

    Edited on 09/14/2008 7:50am
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  • Avatar of tvfan95


    [87]Sep 14, 2008
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    Royrodz3 wrote:

    Of all the rumors I heard, is Ash really a long-lost son of Giovanni?

    Is Mrs. Ketchum still telling Ash to change his underwear after his journeys?

    Does Giovanni ever made a appearance in Diamond and Pearl?

    Is Butch a smoker?

    I can answer those:

    1. No one knows
    2. Not anymore
    3. Yes, he appeared in "Two Degrees of Seperation"
    4. Um, no
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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [88]Sep 14, 2008
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    I just have one small, pokemon forum related question: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY "MAX'S FUTURE(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) THREAD?"
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [89]Sep 14, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:
    is it just a coincidence that ash's skin tone is darker or has all of the travelling given him a tan. I've heard that it might be because of the change in animagtion or something but if you could just tell me that would be great.

    Just the animation. Animators used to add color by cel-shading, but now they use digital coloring to do this. This caused several color changes such as colors getting darker or lighter. One character where this is most prominant with is Officer Jenny, whose hair was blue with cel-shading but greenish-blue in digital coloring.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    I've only got one symbol in Emerald, and that was because, I lukily managed to beat Lucy, that one time. After that I've noticed that that all other Frontier Places are really difficult, even to beat the first time. Are there any tips, or are there any unique Pokemon I should raise. Like a specific 6 Pokemon that should be pretty good match up. I don't ev train because it takes too much time, and I don't feel like doing it, is there any way I can beat them without EV training, like training them normally, or is it impossible?

    Nope, just raise a group of strong Pokemon which now a various move set and wish for the best. The problem isn't with the Frontier Brain, rather with the barriage of trainers/wild Pokemon which you have to go through. Because the Pokemon will be random, you can't make an accurate prediction which Pokemon will be used.

    Royrodz3 wrote:

    Of all the rumors I heard, is Ash really a long-lost son of Giovanni?

    Is Mrs. Ketchum still telling Ash to change his underwear after his journeys?

    Does Giovanni ever made a appearance in Diamond and Pearl?

    Is Butch a smoker?

    1. Highly unlikley. Giovanni's only child is the GSC rival, Silver.
    2. No, that running gag died down in the first season.
    3. Only in DP002 "Two Degrees of Seperation" when Jessie, James, and Meowth called in to give them their report of being in Sinnoh.
    4. Unlikely, he just has a raspy voice because that's how his voice actor does his voice as.

    McBanka wrote:

    My question is, from the Gen 3, why are items found in the fields still represented as pokeballs?

    Since Pokeballs can carry objects as well as Pokemon, it is the perfect object to use to represent an item which is lying around.

    freezebird wrote:
    I just have one small, pokemon forum related question: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY "MAX'S FUTURE(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) THREAD?"

    Deleted by SPDShadowRanger, most likely because since characters don't age, talking about Max becoming a trainer in the "future" isn't going to happen unless the writers decide to take a drastic change in their views.

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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [90]Sep 14, 2008
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    Butch isn't a smoker! This is a kidsshow, people don't normally smoke in kids shows!
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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [91]Sep 14, 2008
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    Butch isn't a smoker! This is a kids show, people don't normally smoke in kids shows!
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [92]Sep 14, 2008
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    Boolia wrote:
    Butch isn't a smoker! This is a kidsshow, people don't normally smoke in kids shows!
    ......In America!!
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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [93]Sep 14, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    freezebird wrote:
    is it just a coincidence that ash's skin tone is darker or has all of the travelling given him a tan. I've heard that it might be because of the change in animagtion or something but if you could just tell me that would be great.

    Just the animation. Animators used to add color by cel-shading, but now they use digital coloring to do this. This caused several color changes such as colors getting darker or lighter. One character where this is most prominant with is Officer Jenny, whose hair was blue with cel-shading but greenish-blue in digital coloring.

    dman_dustin wrote:
    I've only got one symbol in Emerald, and that was because, I lukily managed to beat Lucy, that one time. After that I've noticed that that all other Frontier Places are really difficult, even to beat the first time. Are there any tips, or are there any unique Pokemon I should raise. Like a specific 6 Pokemon that should be pretty good match up. I don't ev train because it takes too much time, and I don't feel like doing it, is there any way I can beat them without EV training, like training them normally, or is it impossible?

    Nope, just raise a group of strong Pokemon which now a various move set and wish for the best. The problem isn't with the Frontier Brain, rather with the barriage of trainers/wild Pokemon which you have to go through. Because the Pokemon will be random, you can't make an accurate prediction which Pokemon will be used.

    Royrodz3 wrote:

    Of all the rumors I heard, is Ash really a long-lost son of Giovanni?

    Is Mrs. Ketchum still telling Ash to change his underwear after his journeys?

    Does Giovanni ever made a appearance in Diamond and Pearl?

    Is Butch a smoker?

    1. Highly unlikley. Giovanni's only child is the GSC rival, Silver.
    2. No, that running gag died down in the first season.
    3. Only in DP002 "Two Degrees of Seperation" when Jessie, James, and Meowth called in to give them their report of being in Sinnoh.
    4. Unlikely, he just has a raspy voice because that's how his voice actor does his voice as.

    McBanka wrote:

    My question is, from the Gen 3, why are items found in the fields still represented as pokeballs?

    Since Pokeballs can carry objects as well as Pokemon, it is the perfect object to use to represent an item which is lying around.

    freezebird wrote:
    I just have one small, pokemon forum related question: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY "MAX'S FUTURE(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) THREAD?"

    Deleted by SPDShadowRanger, most likely because since characters don't age, talking about Max becoming a trainer in the "future" isn't going to happen unless the writers decide to take a drastic change in their views.

    I didn't necesarilly mean that Max will appear again, I just made the thread so people could DISCUSS their opinions on Max as a trainer if he showed up. I'm just a fan of the pokemon I imagined Max having. SPDShadowRanger didn't have to go and delete it.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [94]Sep 14, 2008
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    Is there any info on the next US pokemon giveaway event, like the ones for Darkrai and Deoxys?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [95]Sep 14, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Is there any info on the next US pokemon giveaway event, like the ones for Darkrai and Deoxys?

    No, but if I had to guess it'll be an event for Shaymin since that is the next movie. However their might be or might not be an event to get the Regigigas to activate the Golem Trio Caves in Platinum.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [96]Sep 14, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Is there any info on the next US pokemon giveaway event, like the ones for Darkrai and Deoxys?

    No, but if I had to guess it'll be an event for Shaymin since that is the next movie. However their might be or might not be an event to get the Regigigas to activate the Golem Trio Caves in Platinum.

    Ok, Thanks!
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  • Avatar of tvfan95


    [97]Sep 14, 2008
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    Does Serebii have profiles on Sinnoh character of the days?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [98]Sep 14, 2008
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    tvfan95 wrote:
    Does Serebii have profiles on Sinnoh character of the days?

    Yay, but it's very long (they are listed as Minor Characters):


    Edited on 09/14/2008 12:24pm
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  • Avatar of Tiberium148


    [99]Sep 15, 2008
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    Ya i have a question Why wouldn't this show go away?. its been around since i was... i don't know in elementary school i used to like the original show with 100 of the Pokemon but now there's too many. Time for the show to go bye bye for good. Too many season, too many monsters and it has become the same thing over and over again.
    Edited on 09/15/2008 3:58pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [100]Sep 15, 2008
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    Tiberium148 wrote:
    Ya i have a question Why wouldn't this show go away?. its been around since i was... i don't know in elementary school i used to like the original show with 100 of the Pokemon but now there's too many. Time for the show to go bye bye for good. Too many season, too many monsters and it has become the same thing over and over again.

    If you don't like it then don't watch it. Instead of coming here to bash it, why not actually use your time to go to YOUR favorite shows and talk about them on their forums. I think you'll get a much more welcoming greeting there then you're going to get here.

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