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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of AmimefanSSj3


    [101]Sep 15, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Tiberium148 wrote:
    Ya i have a question Why wouldn't this show go away?. its been around since i was... i don't know in elementary school i used to like the original show with 100 of the Pokemon but now there's too many. Time for the show to go bye bye for good. Too many season, too many monsters and it has become the same thing over and over again.

    If you don't like it then don't watch it. Instead of coming here to bash it, why not actually use your time to go to YOUR favorite shows and talk about them on their forums. I think you'll get a much more welcoming greeting there then you're going to get here.

    yea pikachu315111 is right why would you come here and bash something we like this is the pokemon forum you diffently wont be wlecomed here to much if your a basher take it somewhere else im just being logical here

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  • Avatar of AmimefanSSj3


    [102]Sep 15, 2008
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    Oh and in my opion try watching the show again if your even into anime the storylines and plots are almost as good as the origonal so try it if you dont like it then by all means thats you opinon
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  • Avatar of xboxliveguy


    [103]Sep 15, 2008
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    Tiberium148 wrote:
    Ya i have a question Why wouldn't this show go away?. its been around since i was... i don't know in elementary school i used to like the original show with 100 of the Pokemon but now there's too many. Time for the show to go bye bye for good. Too many season, too many monsters and it has become the same thing over and over again.

    GTFO. Go back to Dora the Explorer troll.
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  • Avatar of Lucario_ftw


    [104]Sep 15, 2008
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    I've been wondering something for the longest time. If all of Ash's, Dawn's, and Brock's pokeballs look alike, how is it that they know which Pokemon is in which ball? I mean, you see them call out a Pokemon, but I've never heard of them knowing which Pokemon is in which ball if they all look alike.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [105]Sep 15, 2008
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    Lucario_ftw wrote:
    I've been wondering something for the longest time. If all of Ash's, Dawn's, and Brock's pokeballs look alike, how is it that they know which Pokemon is in which ball? I mean, you see them call out a Pokemon, but I've never heard of them knowing which Pokemon is in which ball if they all look alike.

    That's been a long timed mystery that has never been explained. The most logical one that I can make is that they all just know where they have a certain Pokemon's Pokeball placed, such as Ash having a certain spot for a specific Pokemon on his belt for that region.

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  • Avatar of AmimefanSSj3


    [106]Sep 15, 2008
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    xboxliveguy wrote:
    Tiberium148 wrote:
    Ya i have a question Why wouldn't this show go away?. its been around since i was... i don't know in elementary school i used to like the original show with 100 of the Pokemon but now there's too many. Time for the show to go bye bye for good. Too many season, too many monsters and it has become the same thing over and over again.
    GTFO. Go back to Dora the Explorer troll.

    haha lol thats a way to put it

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [107]Sep 15, 2008
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    While I was in the GTS on my Pearl, I found someone who put up a lv 100 male Weavile that had the item Berry Juice attached to it. I've never herd of or seen Berry Juice in the games before, and I couldn't find it in the item or key item list in my Official Pokemon Full Pokedex Guide vol 2. The only one in Pokemon that I herd of is Shuckle juice... Does anyone know what kind of item it is in the games, where you can get it, or if it's just hacked or fake?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [108]Sep 16, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    While I was in the GTS on my Pearl, I found someone who put up a lv 100 male Weavile that had the item Berry Juice attached to it. I've never herd of or seen Berry Juice in the games before, and I couldn't find it in the item or key item list in my Official Pokemon Full Pokedex Guide vol 2. The only one in Pokemon that I herd of is Shuckle juice... Does anyone know what kind of item it is in the games, where you can get it, or if it's just hacked or fake?

    If you put an Oran Berry on a Shuckle in a Generation III, it'll form into Berry Juice. Obviously that person traded the Berry Juice over via Pal Park and decided to trade it on a Pokemon, possibly to make that Pokemon look "appealing". Berry Juice only heals 20HP, so it serves no real purpose except it is somewhat of a rare item in Generation IV games.

    Edited on 09/16/2008 4:19am
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  • Avatar of tvfan95


    [109]Sep 16, 2008
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    OK, I have a problem. I put my Vespiqueen on the GTS, and than I left, and now it's gone! How do I get it back?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [110]Sep 16, 2008
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    tvfan95 wrote:
    OK, I have a problem. I put my Vespiqueen on the GTS, and than I left, and now it's gone! How do I get it back?

    There is a "Vanishing Glitch" with the GTS. Don't get scared, the Pokemon doesn't really vanish, all you need to do to fix this is to just simply log back onto the GTS server.

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  • Avatar of McBanka


    [111]Sep 16, 2008
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    Boolia wrote:
    Butch isn't a smoker! This is a kids show, people don't normally smoke in kids shows!

    Well technically, since the show originated from Japan it's actually a show for the general audience (since they're made to appeal a whole broad of people) compared to the western world's over dramatica censorshipera.

    Edited on 09/16/2008 1:34pm
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  • Avatar of jadenalover


    [112]Sep 16, 2008
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    is dawn ashs younger sister and are all of them family
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [113]Sep 16, 2008
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    jadenalover wrote:
    is dawn ashs younger sister and are all of them family

    Are you an idiot? Just kidding & I HOPE YOU ARE KIDDING AS WELL!!!

    NO!! THEY ARE NOT FAMILY. Please ask important questions, this isn't called: "ALL Stupid Pokemon Question Thread- Ask And I Shall Answer!" Is it?

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  • Avatar of dman_dustin


    [116]Sep 16, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:

    jadenalover wrote:
    is dawn ashs younger sister and are all of them family

    Are you an idiot? Just kidding & I HOPE YOU ARE KIDDING AS WELL!!!

    NO!! THEY ARE NOT FAMILY. Please ask important questions, this isn't called: "ALL Stupid Pokemon Question Thread- Ask And I Shall Answer!" Is it?

    Maybe not, if we look at Ash's and Dawn's similarities, one thing stands out, we don't know their father. We only know of Ash's and Dawn's Mother. But not the father, it is conceivable but unlikely that they do have the same father which makes them half sibilings.

    Though I doubt Pokemon would have such a conterversial subject.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [117]Sep 16, 2008
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    freezebird wrote:
    I just have one small, pokemon forum related question: WHAT HAPPENED TO MY "MAX'S FUTURE(POSSIBLE SPOILERS) THREAD?"

    That can easily go in the speculation threads.
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  • Avatar of Shenoshua


    [118]Sep 17, 2008
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    Will Misty ever come back as a main character?

    Did they ever tell what happened between Brock and Prof. Ivy?

    Has Snap made an appearance since Season 1? (or 2)

    Are they going to make a remake of Gold And Silver like they did with Fire red And Leaf Green?

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [119]Sep 17, 2008
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    Shenoshua wrote:

    Will Misty ever come back as a main character?

    Did they ever tell what happened between Brock and Prof. Ivy?

    Has Snap made an appearance since Season 1? (or 2)

    Are they going to make a remake of Gold And Silver like they did with Fire red And Leaf Green?

    1] I don't know, we aren't the producers, or writers.

    2] It hasn't been revealed yet & most likely never will, just like the disappearance of Brock's Heavy Ball & Ash & Misty's Fast Ball.

    3] He hasn't, unless a Pokemon Snap 2 is made, then he might appear to promote it but as of now, he hasn't appeared.

    4] Just wait, we aren't the creators of this game, my guess is they will but it would most likely be months after Platinum is released in the US.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [120]Sep 17, 2008
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    Shenoshua wrote:

    Will Misty ever come back as a main character?

    Did they ever tell what happened between Brock and Prof. Ivy?

    Has Snap made an appearance since Season 1? (or 2)

    Are they going to make a remake of Gold And Silver like they did with Fire red And Leaf Green?

    1. As a main character, it is looking unlikely. In the Masamitsu Hidaka interview, he stated they prefered to switch the female of the group with the one from the newer generation as they are more easier to customize. However it really isn't a firm no. But for now, let's just hope for a Misty appearance in Sinnoh.

    2. We don't know, Delia just found Brock one day and when she asked what happened between him and Professor Ivy he went into his sulky "I don't want to talk about it" state.

    3. Yes, he did appear in Johto for 3 episodes. These episodes were EP187 "Moving Pictures", EP188 "Spring Fever", and EP189 "Freeze Frame". He was there to take a picture of Articuno, and once he did he decided to stay there a bit to take more pictures of the Pokemon living arond there.

    4. It's a popular rumer, however the Pokemon Company nor Nintendo has ever confirmed a Generation II remake. There seems to be hints that they are or were at least thinking about making a Generation II remake, but at this time nothing official has come out about it. If you want ot read what these "Hints" are, you can got to Bulbapedia's article on it HERE. Incase you're wondering, fans are calling is GSDS, for "Gold & Silver Nintendo DS".

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