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ALL Pokemon Questions Thread - Ask And I Shall Answer! (Possible Spoilers)

  • Avatar of ImNotDarioUAre


    [1201]Jul 24, 2011
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    srebak wrote:

    I don't know why i feel this way (maybe it's a sign of slowly going insane) but as i've said before, i feel like Ash's companions after Master Quest are getting a fairer deal than Misty. And for whatever reason, that doesn't sit well with me.

    But my real reason for posting this post, is that lately, whenever i try to look back at the things Ash has done while travelling with Misty, i keep having imagination/memories issues, where Misty praises Ash for what he does, almost like a fan girl. Rather than her usual "mostly criticize and only a little praise from time to time". Naturally, that doesn't sit well with me either.

    And more recently, i've also had imagination/memory issues regarding Charizard. At first it started with brief delusions of how Ash responded to Charizard's relationship with Charla. Now it's revolving around how much i wish Charizard got stronger while in Ash's care. If Charizard got more powerful in the Charicific Valley, that means he wasn't getting better because of Ash. Not like Infernape, who only got stronger because Ash was its Trainer.

    What's Wrong with Me!?

    Well they have meds for that...

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [1202]Jul 24, 2011
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    Why should that worry you? Everyone doesn't have to think the same things.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1203]Jul 24, 2011
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    srebak wrote:

    I don't know why i feel this way (maybe it's a sign of slowly going insane) but as i've said before, i feel like Ash's companions after Master Quest are getting a fairer deal than Misty. And for whatever reason, that doesn't sit well with me.

    But my real reason for posting this post, is that lately, whenever i try to look back at the things Ash has done while travelling with Misty, i keep having imagination/memories issues, where Misty praises Ash for what he does, almost like a fan girl. Rather than her usual "mostly criticize and only a little praise from time to time". Naturally, that doesn't sit well with me either.

    And more recently, i've also had imagination/memory issues regarding Charizard. At first it started with brief delusions of how Ash responded to Charizard's relationship with Charla. Now it's revolving around how much i wish Charizard got stronger while in Ash's care. If Charizard got more powerful in the Charicific Valley, that means he wasn't getting better because of Ash. Not like Infernape, who only got stronger because Ash was its Trainer.

    What's Wrong with Me!?

    I wouldn't say anything is wrong (though you do seem to be taking these things personally), you're just viewing through the episodes and coming up with your own conclusion from what you saw in the episodes (even if it does seem like your over analyzing it).

    As I said with Misty, when the show started the primary focus was on Ash and it wasn't until Generation III and the introduction of Pokemon Contests did they have him share the spotlight with May and Dawn (though the show seems to have gotten back to square one with Iris not competing in any competitions like Pokemon Musicals)

    For the female characters criticisms, Misty was more of a mentor then any other. By the time Misty left and May and then Dawn was introduced, Ash wasn't a new trainer and in a way became a student mentor by helping May and Dawn learn about Pokemon while him himself was still learning new things. As for Iris, she has a bit of an ego and because Ash is not from Unova she considers herself superior and tries to mentor Ash however isn't very good at it as she's sort of a beginning trainer too thus her criticisms fall more into making fun of Ash more then helping him (the only helpful advice she gives is usually Pokemon basics as well as how some Moves and Abilities work).

    For Charizard, Charizard did not really leave Ash to train in the Charicific Valley. No, Charizard wasn't thinking with his muscles, he was thinking with something much lower on the body . Also just because Charizard got stronger while training in Charicific Valley doesn't mean it wouldn't have gotten stronger by training with Ash, it's just that it's a different kind of training. With Ash, Charizard's training probably would help it learn how to fight against various kind of Pokemon. In the Charicific Valley, Charizard is training among other Charizards thus is learning more about how its species fights as well as its species limitations. Both ways help Charizard grow stronger but in different ways. Plus even if Ash kept Charizard by the time Hoenn came it would be doing nothing but hanging out at Professor Oaks so really it's kind of better Charizard is training in Charicific Valley and becoming stronger all the time.

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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [1204]Jul 25, 2011
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    I'm not a noob to the games, I've been playing since Red/Blue, but I've never heard of RNG until B/W came out. My question is, how does one RNG? I'd look it up on Bulbapedia or elsewhere, but I'm currently at college, and sites pertaining to video games are blocked.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1205]Jul 25, 2011
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    ericwashere15 wrote:
    I'm not a noob to the games, I've been playing since Red/Blue, but I've never heard of RNG until B/W came out. My question is, how does one RNG? I'd look it up on Bulbapedia or elsewhere, but I'm currently at college, and sites pertaining to video games are blocked.

    RNG stands for Random Number Generator, though its real term is Pseudo-Random Number Generator. Now to an average Joe playing through the game, things like a Pokemon IVs, what nature is has, how its stats are laid out, if it's a shiny Pokemon, etc. all looks to be completely random (this also goes for how damage calculation is done in Pokemon Battles concerning critical hits, a chance of inflicting a status ailment, etc. however what we're talking doesn't concern the RNG mechanics of Pokemon Battles). The problem is, computers cannot be programmed to be "random", computer programs can only follow commands. To get around this programmers do their best to make things appear random via a complex algorithm, most of the time pulling numbers from actions the user is doing. However with the introduction of the DS's internal clock (which remembers time, day, month, and year), Pokemon (and many other games) took advantage of it and based their RNG around that. However from doing that comes the chance to manipulate the RNG because you're able to change the time of the DS's clock. This is where things get complicated.

    Honestly I have never messed with the RNG before and do not plan to. There are all sorts of guides online which tells you what you need to do to get a "perfect" Shiny Pokemon with a desired nature, though a lot of these guides also require you to use external devices in order to help you see the numbers the RNG is throwing around (you can do it without an external device, though I'm guessing it'll be much harder to do).

    Now from reading this you're probably thinking "Would this be considered cheating?". And the answer to this is... up to debate. Pokemon created by manipulating the RNG are allowed in tournaments as it's technically possible to get that Pokemon the normal way (though it'll probably take many catching/hatching attempts). However because you're manipulating the internal system and might have used an external device to help, there are those who see it as cheating as you're skipping all the work a "legitimate" trainer would normally had to do and are pretty much playing Arceus by just creating your perfect Pokemon.

    All in all, due to how complicated this is, you'll have to look up how to manipulate the RNG on your own. I won't leave you with nothing though, as soon as you're at a place which lets you visit game sites, Bulbapedia's page about RNG leads you to a few links on what you need to do to manipulate the RNG as well as give you more information about it.

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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [1206]Aug 1, 2011
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    A (not-so) question regarding stats, iv's, ev's, natures and characteristics. I just want to know if I'm calculating this right. I'm wondering the maximum possible points for a pokemon's stats. I believe Darmanitan, according to Bulbapedia, at Level 100, has a max attack of 404 (I could be a bit off). I'm pretty sure that total is without iv's, ev's, its nature and characteristic, but when you add those 4 in, that's +40 for its nature and characteristic both, and its Attack is now 484. Plus 31 attack iv's (I read somewhere that at level 100, with 31 iv's in a stat, that stat will be plus 31 from the base), which puts him at 515, plus 252 EV'S, adds in another 63 to that stat, equaling 578. That doesn't sound right at all.

    Edited on 08/01/2011 6:23am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1207]Aug 1, 2011
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    ericwashere15 wrote:

    A (not-so) question regarding stats, iv's, ev's, natures and characteristics. I just want to know if I'm calculating this right. I'm wondering the maximum possible points for a pokemon's stats. I believe Darmanitan, according to Bulbapedia, at Level 100, has a max attack of 404 (I could be a bit off). I'm pretty sure that total is without iv's, ev's, its nature and characteristic, but when you add those 4 in, that's +40 for its nature and characteristic both, and its Attack is now 484. Plus 31 attack iv's (I read somewhere that at level 100, with 31 iv's in a stat, that stat will be plus 31 from the base), which puts him at 515, plus 252 EV'S, adds in another 63 to that stat, equaling 578. That doesn't sound right at all.

    Actually according to Bulbapedia Darmanitan's max Attack stat with 252 EVs, IVs of 31, and a helpful nature is 416. Without those (and a hindering nature) it's Attack stat would be 256.

    BTW Characteristic doesn't really effect stats, it's more of an indicator which stat has the highest IV at the moment.

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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [1214]Aug 24, 2011
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    Would a Sudowoodo have better stats if I started raising it as a Bonsly, or as a Sudowoodo from level 1?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1215]Aug 24, 2011
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    ericwashere15 wrote:
    Would a Sudowoodo have better stats if I started raising it as a Bonsly, or as a Sudowoodo from level 1?

    I don't think it matters, the only reason you would want Bonsly is because it knows Fake Tears, other then that you might as well raise a Level 1 Sudowoodo.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [1217]Dec 16, 2011
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    why did they find the need to split Black & White into two movies? are the differences vague or are they great? another quick question: will Team Plasma ever show up in the cartoons?
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [1218]Dec 16, 2011
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    1. Mostly it's the same plot with asthetic differences. For example, the Black movie has Reshiram as the good Pokemon and Zekrom as the bad one. In White, Zekrom is the good Pokemon and Reshiram is the bad one. Besides that it's other stuff such as which Pokemon is shiney and what Pokemon the villains use.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [1219]Dec 16, 2011
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    1. Why did they find the need to split Black & White into two movies? are the differences vague or are they great? 2. Another quick question: Will Team Plasma ever show up in the cartoons?

    1. With this Generation it seems like the Pokemon Company is trying to do a whole "black and white" concept which is pretty much them showing two things which both share things but also have conflicting things. This idea is shown better in the games in my own opinion with Black showing Unova being more technologically advance while White shows Unova being more nature and tradition oriented. The way the movies did this really feels like it has no bearings (not that it did in the games but I digress) and just feels like the Pokemon Company were just trying to make more money by doing to the movies what they do with the games: release two versions which have slight differences.

    Anyway, as Syrusfan has said, the differences really has no impact on changing the plot that much but here's a list of them:

    * Ash befriends the dragon which name is in the title while the main antagonist, Damon, uses the other dragon.
    * The beginning of the movie starts out differently with Damon traveling to either a desert region (White) or frozen tundra (Black) where he helps the town there with his dragon which convinces them to support his plans. As you can assume due to the different environments they dress differently from their counterparts in the other movie (and for those parts Damon is also wearing appropriate clothing for the weather).
    * Speaking of the beginning part, the child character that appears and Damon helps is also different, a boy named Luis (Black) or a girl named Luisa (White).
    * Damon uses a Gothitelle (Black) or a Reuniclus (White).
    * The Pokemon in the background are different.
    * The Pokemon World intro is different.
    * In the Pokemon World intro Pikachu is battling a Sawk (Black) or Throh (White).
    * When Ash & co. reach a fork in the road in the beginning, they go the right path (Black) or left path (White).
    * The macarons and their baskets are different colors: pink macarons in a white basket (Black) or white macarons in a blue basket (White).
    * Which Pokemon is Shiny: Juanita's Golurk (Black) or Carlita's Hydreigon (White). In the other version the other trainer's Pokemon is normal colored.
    * When the cave floor is collapsing, Ash is running (Black) or jumping around (White)
    * The battle between Zekrom and Reshiram are different with the dragons using different attacks.
    * The battle between Pikachu and Damon's Psychic-type Pokemon is also different.
    * What member of the Kami Trio that Ash & co. encounter and storm that happens in the end credits are different: Thundurus which creates a thunderstorm (Black) or Tornadus which creates a windstorm (White).
    * Several scenes have been mirrored.
    * The music is different and composed by different composers. In addition the ending theme is different with "The Sky" (Black) or "The Voice" (White) for the Japanese version while the Dub uses the same ending theme "Follow Your Star" which has different mixes, "Truth Mix" (Black) which has lyrics relating to Reshiram and "Ideal Mix" which has lyrics relating to Zekrom.

    And those are only the ones which Bulbapedia and Serebii have listed.

    2. Team Plasma were suppose to make their debut in two unaired episodes which were suppose to be the original BW023 and BW024 where they battled Team Rocket but when the earthquake hit Japan they decided to hold off on them as the episode featured buildings in Castelia City getting destroyed (Looker, Giovanni in person, and the Sunglasses Krokorok was also set to appear in this episode). The Pokemon Company says they do plan on airing these episode eventually as they are plot important which is pretty obvious in the Japanese version though the dub was able to change things around so that it wasn't so apparent there were missing episodes. However we only know that Team Plasma grunts were to appear, nothing about N, Ghetsis, the Sages, or any other iconic Team Plasma characters.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [1220]Dec 19, 2011
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    syrusfan wrote:

    1. Mostly it's the same plot with asthetic differences. For example, the Black movie has Reshiram as the good Pokemon and Zekrom as the bad one. In White, Zekrom is the good Pokemon and Reshiram is the bad one. Besides that it's other stuff such as which Pokemon is shiney and what Pokemon the villains use.

    thanks. making two movies was a bit pointless, imo.
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    1. Why did they find the need to split Black & White into two movies? are the differences vague or are they great? 2. Another quick question: Will Team Plasma ever show up in the cartoons?

    1. With this Generation it seems like the Pokemon Company is trying to do a whole "black and white" concept which is pretty much them showing two things which both share things but also have conflicting things. This idea is shown better in the games in my own opinion with Black showing Unova being more technologically advance while White shows Unova being more nature and tradition oriented. The way the movies did this really feels like it has no bearings (not that it did in the games but I digress) and just feels like the Pokemon Company were just trying to make more money by doing to the movies what they do with the games: release two versions which have slight differences.

    Anyway, as Syrusfan has said, the differences really has no impact on changing the plot that much but here's a list of them:

    * Ash befriends the dragon which name is in the title while the main antagonist, Damon, uses the other dragon.
    * The beginning of the movie starts out differently with Damon traveling to either a desert region (White) or frozen tundra (Black) where he helps the town there with his dragon which convinces them to support his plans. As you can assume due to the different environments they dress differently from their counterparts in the other movie (and for those parts Damon is also wearing appropriate clothing for the weather).
    * Speaking of the beginning part, the child character that appears and Damon helps is also different, a boy named Luis (Black) or a girl named Luisa (White).
    * Damon uses a Gothitelle (Black) or a Reuniclus (White).
    * The Pokemon in the background are different.
    * The Pokemon World intro is different.
    * In the Pokemon World intro Pikachu is battling a Sawk (Black) or Throh (White).
    * When Ash & co. reach a fork in the road in the beginning, they go the right path (Black) or left path (White).
    * The macarons and their baskets are different colors: pink macarons in a white basket (Black) or white macarons in a blue basket (White).
    * Which Pokemon is Shiny: Juanita's Golurk (Black) or Carlita's Hydreigon (White). In the other version the other trainer's Pokemon is normal colored.
    * When the cave floor is collapsing, Ash is running (Black) or jumping around (White)
    * The battle between Zekrom and Reshiram are different with the dragons using different attacks.
    * The battle between Pikachu and Damon's Psychic-type Pokemon is also different.
    * What member of the Kami Trio that Ash & co. encounter and storm that happens in the end credits are different: Thundurus which creates a thunderstorm (Black) or Tornadus which creates a windstorm (White).
    * Several scenes have been mirrored.
    * The music is different and composed by different composers. In addition the ending theme is different with "The Sky" (Black) or "The Voice" (White) for the Japanese version while the Dub uses the same ending theme "Follow Your Star" which has different mixes, "Truth Mix" (Black) which has lyrics relating to Reshiram and "Ideal Mix" which has lyrics relating to Zekrom.

    And those are only the ones which Bulbapedia and Serebii have listed.

    2. Team Plasma were suppose to make their debut in two unaired episodes which were suppose to be the original BW023 and BW024 where they battled Team Rocket but when the earthquake hit Japan they decided to hold off on them as the episode featured buildings in Castelia City getting destroyed (Looker, Giovanni in person, and the Sunglasses Krokorok was also set to appear in this episode). The Pokemon Company says they do plan on airing these episode eventually as they are plot important which is pretty obvious in the Japanese version though the dub was able to change things around so that it wasn't so apparent there were missing episodes. However we only know that Team Plasma grunts were to appear, nothing about N, Ghetsis, the Sages, or any other iconic Team Plasma characters.

    thank you. such cash cows they are, but they were making good use of the whole Black/White concept (i guess). so they're both practically the same thing.... being the Poke maniac that i am, i'm still going to watch the other one. -_-

    Edited on 12/19/2011 12:41am
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