HEH17 wrote: |
Hydreigon was pretty strong. Once I evolved Zweilous and trained it a little, I basically curbstomped the game. And the legendaries were rather easy to catch surprisingly. Wonder what they'll do with the inevitable 3rd game. |
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
HEH17 wrote: |
Hydreigon was pretty strong. Once I evolved Zweilous and trained it a little, I basically curbstomped the game. And the legendaries were rather easy to catch surprisingly. Wonder what they'll do with the inevitable 3rd game. |
finally beat the Pokemon League/Team Plasma. OMG THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLE. I was in awe for every single thing.. the graphics, the storyline, the Pokemon. loved 'em all. hands down one of the best generations! I'm definitely buying Black soon... team I ended up with:
hm... curious. but who else selects which Pokeballs to use for certain Pokemon? like I used Heal Ball for Leavanny because it is female. I don't want to be the only weirdo who does that =B.......
thec0mebackman wrote: |
finally beat the Pokemon League/Team Plasma. OMG THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLE. I was in awe for every single thing.. the graphics, the storyline, the Pokemon. loved 'em all. hands down one of the best generations! I'm definitely buying Black soon... team I ended up with: |
I've heard people doing that, though personally whatever the strongest Pokeball I have (aside from Master Ball which goes to a roaming Pokemon) is the Pokeball that Pokemon is going into. So many Pokemon I have are in Great Balls and Ultra Balls.
thec0mebackman wrote: |
finally beat the Pokemon League/Team Plasma. OMG THIS GAME IS INCREDIBLE. I was in awe for every single thing.. the graphics, the storyline, the Pokemon. loved 'em all. hands down one of the best generations! I'm definitely buying Black soon... team I ended up with: |
Just so you know, until you beat Alder, you technically haven't beaten the Pokemon League yet
One thing that I'm going to try and do with my spares of Black and White (I have two of each) is use the yin and yang method with each dragon when it comes to balls. Reshiram in a Luxury and Zekrom in a Premier.
Team Magma/Aqua and Galactic did not want to rule the world. I believe Ghetsis is the first villain to try that since Giovanni, in terms of handhelds anyway
lostfan111 wrote: |
I really didn't like the storyline. Ghetsis was trying to control the world. What else is new? And all the grunts are idiots. I know its the "fake" plan but they're still idiots right? They wanted to free pokemon from trainers yet used their own pokemons. Couldn't they see that wasn't very logical |
thec0mebackman wrote: |
@Pikachu: I see. don't you wanna mix it up a little bit though? there are many Pokeballs, with cool designs. I pick the designs that best match the Pokemon's appearance. 8B lol.. @shiny: oh RIGHT, I totally forgot about that. -_- when I saw the first non-Unova Pokemon after Marvelous Bridge, I felt some very mixed emotions. it was like I didn't want to see any previous generation Pokemon just yet. |
Unfortunately I pretty much caught all the Pokemon in Pokemon White (aside from those in White Forest you need to Entralink with Black City to get). I'm in the progress of now training up my Pokemon. First I plan to evolve all the ones I can evolve (I'll eventually have to start "grinding" for evolutionary stones -_-; ) and then I'll decide from there whether I want to train them all to level 100 (I already have a few Pokemon I plan on training to Level 100, my Emboar and Zekrom having reached such level and Archeops on its way) though I don't know about the rest of my Pokemon. Also I'm getting a lot of money and fast and I guess I should start giving my Pokemon vitamins though need to decide for which stat.
Yeah, I was kind of surprised when I saw there was "normal" non-Unova Pokemon in the post game. Don't know exactly how I feel about it, while I'm glad they added them in at the same time I question a few they decided to add in. I also think they shouldn't have exhausted all the new Pokemon between route 1 through 10 and should have saved some for the post game (like instead of having the Elemental Monkeys in Pinwheel Forest have them somewhere in the post game areas).
lostfan111 wrote: |
I really didn't like the storyline. Ghetsis was trying to control the world. What else is new? And all the grunts are idiots. I know its the "fake" plan but they're still idiots right? They wanted to free pokemon from trainers yet used their own pokemons. Couldn't they see that wasn't very logical |
While the storyline was a bit more in-depth, it's still a Pokemon game after all so you have to limit your expectation.
And really what else do you expect an evil villain to do? Though Ghetsis did go an interesting way of doing it by creating a front of an organization that want to "free Pokemon" so in the end he could take over with his high-leveled Pokemon (and before you ask about N, I don't know where, possibly one of the Sages mentioned it, but there are hints that Ghetsis planned on killing N once he had commanded everyone to free their Pokemon).
As for the grunts, yeah they're idiots. Actually if you talked to a few in N's Castle some will say they began liking the Pokemon they were given and don't want to release them. Yes, even their OWN MEMBERS don't believe in what they think they want to achieve.
syrusfan wrote: |
Team Magma/Aqua and Galactic did not want to rule the world. I believe Ghetsis is the first villain to try that since Giovanni, in terms of handhelds anyway |
Actually I believe at one point they say that once they increase the sea/land that Team Aqua/Team Magma will take control so while their intentions was to increase the sea/land they still planned on taking over after they do the deed.
lostfan111 wrote: |
Are you sure one of the sages said that Ghetsis wanted to killed N? Why would he want to kill his own son. Isn't that a bit dark for the games The storyline sounded similar with Aqua/Magma and D/P. All the evil guys want their own new dimension to control with pokemon. But I did like N in the game. From the beginning, you knew he was a nice guy and he developed nicely in the story. |
lostfan111 wrote: |
Are you sure one of the sages said that Ghetsis wanted to killed N? Why would he want to kill his own son. Isn't that a bit dark for the games The storyline sounded similar with Aqua/Magma and D/P. All the evil guys want their own new dimension to control with pokemon. But I did like N in the game. From the beginning, you knew he was a nice guy and he developed nicely in the story. |
I just checked back where I saw that and actually it was Ghetsis who hinted on doing that, however I looked up videos where Ghetsis appears and couldn't find this. So either this was a mistake on the person who said that part OR Ghetsis's dialogue was changed in the English version. However what you can tell from the English version that Ghetsis never cared about N, when you beat N for the last time in N's Castle Ghetsis comes in and pretty much says N is defective and heartless (sense the irony is that?) and says N doesn't have the right to share his last name.
And one last note, one of the Sages (Ryoku) says he isn't sure if Ghetsis and N are related.
What else is new, in the story, from Ghetsis wanting to take over the world? How about everything else? N is, in my opinion, the most interesting, well-developed character in the franchise. He's the first villain with logical, rational beliefs - from his stand-point at the very least (so long as you take out the line on the ferris wheel about being the King of Team Plasma. Hated that line, it felt so out of place). He wants to help Pokémon because, in his understanding, people only hurt them, and he's seen plenty of evidence to support. Then he spends much of the game confused.
The grunts are stupid? Well what do you expect, they're grunts, if they were smarter they'd have risen to higher ranks. Yes, many are buffoons and say everyone should release Pokémon, but they're just in it because they see Plasma as powerful and want some for themselves. Some grunts are more interesting though. Some have coherent, though still misguided beliefs, whilst others are less certain, such as, as has been mentioned, the grunt at the castle who'd grown attached to his Pokémon. That shows he didn't know too much before he signed up, and has come to understand better, but what he feels and what he's being told clash, he's confused. That had the potential for an interesting character, it's a shame we didn't see more of that grunt.
And Ghetsis was just evil. Well of course he was. To attempt to force people to do something they shouldn't have to you're going to find evil behind it. Otherwise they'd have just done what they should have and protected Pokémon from cruel trainers. You don't see the RSPCA stealing random people's pets and releasing them into the wild, do you? No, because they're evil. Still, his goals were so unimportant to the rest of the story, really. True, they're the foundation on which it was built, but the main story was looking at the treatment of Pokémon, the morality behind it, and the beliefs of N.
EDIT: OOH! The Dream World is finally active. I'm about to use my C-Gear for the first time (why'd they include that again?).
Hey, SPD, would it be nice to have a separate thread for the DW? Seems like it be weird here...
If not, god this thing takes ages to load...
edmasterchaos wrote: |
Dream world is open? >v> |
And my laptop just had to get a virus today...