syrusfan wrote: |
Probably going to challenge Elesa next time. I was able to catch a handful of new Pokemon, so my hour was productive today |
I'm up to the Elite Four, just have to get through Victory Road. However before I challenge the Elite Four (and a few other challenges) I have to train up the team I'm taking in. Right now I'm sure that three members are Emboar, Zebstrika, and Vanilluxe (right now it's a Vanillish, though that didn't stop it from one-shotting all of Iris's Pokemon). In addition to training them up I'll also go around doing any side missions, including catching the Musketeer Trio just incase for some reason I have a problem with the Elite Four any any challenges after them. Though my actual first training place will be Twist Mountain to catch a Cryogonal (these things have a 1% encounter rate when it isn't Winter and even when its Winter it only goes up to 5%) and Lostlorn Forest to catch a Panpour (I got lucky and caught a Pansear in Pinwheel Forest). After that I would have caught all the wild Pokemon they have offered (not counting evolutions). Heck, I might as well just re-explore the entire Unova region, especially now that I have the Item Finder (anyone else finding it fun to use?).
PsyduckRanger wrote: |
I just meant where did you, personally get a second one? I've got both, but I've only played White so far. Probably going to save Black for in a few weeks time when I'll have a month off for Easter. |
Icirrus City, I got them in order as I always explore the cities fully.