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Black and White Discussion

  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [81]Mar 13, 2011
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    .....I feel so behind. I got my White version a week ago. I'm barely on my way to get the second badge =B
    current team - Pignite lvl 21. Blitzle, Roggenrola, and Pidove all lvl 20. I evolved my Patrat and Purrloin. I have also made it my solemn duty to capture EVERY pokemon I stumble upon. I am definitely taking my time with these games. I can't stress how much I LOVE THIS GENERATION. OMG... AMAZING. THAT IS ALL.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [82]Mar 13, 2011
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    Level 60 Pokemon are kicking my butt

    Must Train...team...to be even

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [83]Mar 13, 2011
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    Yes, but that's the dilemma; where do you train?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [84]Mar 13, 2011
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    PsyduckRanger wrote:
    Yes, but that's the dilemma; where do you train?

    Where else, Victory Road. I find that Durant and Excadrill give out a nice chunk of experience, especially if you remember to use Lucky Egg to give a nice boost to the amount of experience you get. Also remember some of the following daily trainer battles you can do:

    * Everyday a new trainer appears in front of the Nimbasa City Ferris Wheel which you battle and then take a ride with on the Ferris Wheel with.
    * Everyday in a house in Opelucid City two trainers will have a Triple (White)/Rotational Battle (Black) battle with you.
    * Everyday in Nimbasa's two sports arena's there are two times when you can battle on the court. In the morning when their is Soccer in the Large Court and Tennis in the Small Court, then again in the afternoon when there is Football in the Large Court and Basketball in the Small Court. Though most of the players who want to battle will be standing somewhere near the entrance, I've found that sometimes players somewhere else on the field might battle too so talk to everyone.

    Finally on Route 10 in the DARK grass there are level 40 Pokemon. Though remember you can run into double battles so make sure you have two good battling Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [85]Mar 13, 2011
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    Not quite how the daily battles work...with the ferris wheel it's the same trainer every day, but they differ based on gender & season so there are eight all in all.

    And there's only one sport in each stadium per day. The big stadium has baseball on Monday, Thursday & Sunday, football on Tuesday & Friday and American football on Wednesday & Saturday. The small court has tennis on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday, and basketball on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.

    Personally I find none of those places give enough experience to satisfy me...seriously, why did they take away the VS Seeker...hopefully they'll put it in Grey...along with gym leader rematches.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [86]Mar 13, 2011
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    PsyduckRanger wrote:
    Not quite how the daily battles work...with the ferris wheel it's the same trainer every day, but they differ based on gender & season so there are eight all in all. And there's only one sport in each stadium per day. The big stadium has baseball on Monday, Thursday & Sunday, football on Tuesday & Friday and American football on Wednesday & Saturday. The small court has tennis on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday, and basketball on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Personally I find none of those places give enough experience to satisfy me...seriously, why did they take away the VS Seeker...hopefully they'll put it in Grey...along with gym leader rematches.

    Then someone better tell Serebii to correct their daily page.

    Well all I can say is try to take advantage of type weaknesses then.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [87]Mar 13, 2011
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    Aha...yeah, wow, quite a lot of that page is really wrong...I wonder how much of the Black & White section on the whole is...
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  • Avatar of HEH17


    [88]Mar 13, 2011
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    Well I've played White casually through out the week and just got my eigth badge like 3 minutes ago. My current team/rotation:

    Ace(Victini) level 45
    Usopp(Unfezant) level 45
    Sanji(Serperior) level 46
    Brooke(Seismitoad) level 48
    FRANKY!(Emboar) level 50
    Zoro(Zebstraika) level 48
    Luffy(Dorrudigon/Crimgan) level 58(I destroyed Iris' gym)
    Aokiji(Cryogonal, was a pain is the *** to find -____-) level 48
    (Yes my team is One Piece themed.)

    First gym: Won with Nami my Panpour
    Second Gym: Destroyed with FRANKY! as a Pignite
    Third Gym: Destroyed with Zoro which evolved into Zebstraika after I beat Burgh
    Fourth Gym: Won with Zoro since the stupid Emolgas couldn't hit me and I saw through the spamming of Double Team by spamming Shockwave. I got lucky with a critical hit Flame Charge when I fought with her Zebstraika.
    Fifth Gym: Destroyed with Brooke as a Palpitoad
    Sixth Gym: KILLED with Zoro
    Seventh Gym: I literally destroyed this gym in 3 or 4 minutes witth Ace my Victini.
    Eigth Gym: Great run by Luffy

    I'll probably have this game beat by tuesday at most, and I'll start Black on wednesday with the team I most desired. Though somehow my Pokemon White team accidentally became similar to my ideal Unova team minus Usopp which i wish I could've swapped with a Wargle/Braviary when it kept losing as a Tranquill.
    Edited on 03/13/2011 4:45pm
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [89]Mar 13, 2011
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    Ugh, spent ten minutes trying to get a Stunfisk. Succeeded after ten minutes and it K.Oed three of my Pokemon

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [90]Mar 13, 2011
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    It's very satisfactory to have a single mon take down a whole gym without effort. However, beating the final gym in black how i did was even better than ChocoMinty simply destroying it with Ice Beams I used the fodder trainers to lvl up Hawky (fossil bird) Atem (egyptian thingy ghost) and Black Toph (the ground mole) then the final battle came.

    That old dude sent out his Haxxor thingy pre evolution, i sent out Hawky. Acrobatics OHKO. Next came the dragon with the red head and i sent out Black Toph, two Earthquakes. Haxxor was next, Atem passed by and Will 'O Wisp'd it right away but not before taking about a quarter damage with a shadow claw, then Hex once, got him on yellow about a third HP left but it did Dragon Dance. Atem still had lots of HP when i taunted "He could critical it and i would still win" And cue Critical Hit, atem... hung on with 6 hp! Hex and it was over. >D

    ...also when Juniper asks you if you regret entering this pokemon adventure, it sorta hit me as the game asking me if i regret having started to play pokemon when i was eight. I don't. L'=

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  • Avatar of legersem


    [91]Mar 13, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    PsyduckRanger wrote:
    Yes, but that's the dilemma; where do you train?

    Where else, Victory Road. I find that Durant and Excadrill give out a nice chunk of experience, especially if you remember to use Lucky Egg to give a nice boost to the amount of experience you get. Also remember some of the following daily trainer battles you can do:

    * Everyday a new trainer appears in front of the Nimbasa City Ferris Wheel which you battle and then take a ride with on the Ferris Wheel with.
    * Everyday in a house in Opelucid City two trainers will have a Triple (White)/Rotational Battle (Black) battle with you.
    * Everyday in Nimbasa's two sports arena's there are two times when you can battle on the court. In the morning when their is Soccer in the Large Court and Tennis in the Small Court, then again in the afternoon when there is Football in the Large Court and Basketball in the Small Court. Though most of the players who want to battle will be standing somewhere near the entrance, I've found that sometimes players somewhere else on the field might battle too so talk to everyone.

    Finally on Route 10 in the DARK grass there are level 40 Pokemon. Though remember you can run into double battles so make sure you have two good battling Pokemon.

    Plus, you could always train against the wild Pokemon at the beginning of Routes 11 and 16, where you have to battle one or two Trainers to get to the grass, but the Pokemon are all around Lv. 50, so they provide some decent experience.

    I agree, though. I'm a bit frustrated by the fact that I now have to train against wild Pokemon before I keep going and I miss the VS Seeker/PokeGear/PokeNav or something that gives me the ability to have a rematch with SOMEone. Oh well, guess I'll just take it one Pokemon at a time...I'll wait until they're Lv. 65 before I keep going...unfortunately, that means at least 13 levels for all of my Pokemon...dang it...

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [92]Mar 13, 2011
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    Well, you can add another loss to my record... Probably should've looked up Cynthia's team before I challenged her, but oh well. I found the sages, caught the Musketeer Trio earlier, and the Volcarona in the relic castle. Now to fill up the dex more and train for Alder and a rematch with Cynthia.

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  • Avatar of Stone_Colds


    [93]Mar 14, 2011
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    Just finished the game. Good story. Certainly their best attempt at it. I thought N was developed quite nicely. They left the ending quite opened. I'm guessing they wanna save it for Grey version or whatever version.

    Also someone said there could be a remake R/S/E because of the HM Dive is in the game. Coincidence?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [94]Mar 14, 2011
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    Stone_Colds wrote:
    Just finished the game. Good story. Certainly their best attempt at it. I thought N was developed quite nicely. They left the ending quite opened. I'm guessing they wanna save it for Grey version or whatever version. Also someone said there could be a remake R/S/E because of the HM Dive is in the game. Coincidence?

    The Black & White Elite Four theme also has a sting from the Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald Elite Four theme.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [95]Mar 14, 2011
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    Stone_Colds wrote:
    Also someone said there could be a remake R/S/E because of the HM Dive is in the game. Coincidence?

    Just like how in Diamond & Pearl they had an HM for Whirlpool...oh wait.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [96]Mar 14, 2011
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    Elite 4 defeated, time to fight the final bosses. : D

    Jack Atlas (Darmanitan) 45
    Jason )Eelektross) 45
    Atem (Cofa grigus) 47
    Black Toph (Excadrill) 47
    Hawky (Archeops) 47
    Oceamurai (Samurott) 49

    I have two max revives left and no HP healing item whatsoever.

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  • Avatar of HEH17


    [97]Mar 14, 2011
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Elite 4 defeated, time to fight the final bosses. : D

    Jack Atlas (Darmanitan) 45
    Jason )Eelektross) 45
    Atem (Cofa grigus) 47
    Black Toph (Excadrill) 47
    Hawky (Archeops) 47
    Oceamurai (Samurott) 49

    I have two max revives left and no HP healing item whatsoever.

    Enjoy Ghetsis.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [98]Mar 14, 2011
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    HEH17 wrote:
    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Elite 4 defeated, time to fight the final bosses. : D

    Jack Atlas (Darmanitan) 45
    Jason )Eelektross) 45
    Atem (Cofa grigus) 47
    Black Toph (Excadrill) 47
    Hawky (Archeops) 47
    Oceamurai (Samurott) 49

    I have two max revives left and no HP healing item whatsoever.

    Enjoy Ghetsis.
    I did.

    Shinedown is an excellent band to listen to while beating that old man.

    AND, MAN!

    His buffalo mon was crippling what was left of my team, it was paralyzed and with very little HP left, i thought i was doomed when i sent my Atem, i used him to revive but he took the buffallo's attacks well, so i full restore him and just revive and heal everyone since the buffallo wouldn't dare use a recoil attack in this situation. Then i sent Hawky and the cheating AI used Wild Bolt to almost knock out Hawky, at least Hawky survived but its ability would make him useless.

    Next came that bisharp thing, Jack Atlas fire punched him but it survived and Stone Edge'd Jack Atlas with a critical. I sent out Black Toph and swords danced, then earthquake (bisharp used a silly dark move) and then... i started to work!

    Like, in the middle of the high, just when the dark dragon was coming, my shift was about to start so i closed my DS and just thought on what to do in the battle (thank god i got briefed into a new survey to make, that made me stop thinkin pokemon)

    Then i returned to the battle, i hoped i could Earthquake that dragon for massive damage, but it Focus Blast'd Black Toph to K.O., i brought Oceamurai hoping a Retaliate would do good damage, but... yeah... so i brought its HP down a bit more, as much as Oceamurai could so when i brought out Horus it could knock it down with Dragonbreath, sure enough it did. I sent out Hawky for the frog thing, just so i could fully heal Oceamurai and Horus, next went Oceamurai and while i thought i would have to rely on Horus i ended up Aqua Tailing the frog thing to win the game -v-

    And now, to the pokemon transfer!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [99]Mar 15, 2011
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    Got the Freeze Badge, defeated Team Plasma at the Dragonspiral Tower and Relic Castle. Ended my day yesterday by crossing the Tubeline Bridge.

    Mizu (Samurott) Level 40

    Mimi (Petilil) Level 39

    Lumiere (Lampent) Level 41

    Zatch (Emolga) Level 41

    Aquila (Rufflet) Level 38

    Cell (Reuniclus) Level 42

    Gotta say, getting Litwick to level 41 is kind of annoying, but once it evolves into Lampent it's awesome. I loved the Dragonspiral Tower, awesome location. And I agree with above posters, even though you only battle grunts until the end of the story, they story they have is awesome.

    Edited on 03/15/2011 6:08am
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [100]Mar 15, 2011
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    .......i did not even notice all i fought were Grunts up 'till N! xD

    Also, i need to confirm something guys. When you go to Twist Mountain, right after the Red Neck Gym Leader adn Cheren talk to you in the small cave, is the first pokemon you saw a Cubchoo? When i played White and when i played Black both times i saw a Cubchoo and then just random bats and stuff. So, i guess it's possible that the game allows you one on the first run before winter comes and you can catch them easily?

    Anyway, now i'll just play some post game in white until i can get to the area to catch Zoroark, breed it so i can have a Zorua with a good nature (lower its SpATK?! Dx) Maybe breed the cubchoo i already have in case i can't catch it on the second play, get the needed bugs so i can have that ninja bug and train to fight Cynthia while replaying Black. =v=


    Iroh [Emboar] 57 M
    Oceamurai [Samurott] 52 M

    Leonardo [Carracosta] 48 M
    Jack Atlas [Darmanitan] 48 M
    Black Toph [Excadrill] 48 M
    ChocoMinty [Vanilluxe] 50 F
    Ben Reilly [Galvantula] 51 M
    Atlantixor [Golurk] 48 N
    Hawky [Archeops] 48 F
    Atem [Cof agrigus] 48 F
    Cell [Reuniclus] 51 M
    Jason [Eelektross] 45 F
    Goliath [Zekrom] 50 N
    Horus [Reshiram] 51 N

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