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Black and White Discussion

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [61]Mar 9, 2011
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    syrusfan wrote:

    Probably going to challenge Elesa next time. I was able to catch a handful of new Pokemon, so my hour was productive today

    I'm up to the Elite Four, just have to get through Victory Road. However before I challenge the Elite Four (and a few other challenges) I have to train up the team I'm taking in. Right now I'm sure that three members are Emboar, Zebstrika, and Vanilluxe (right now it's a Vanillish, though that didn't stop it from one-shotting all of Iris's Pokemon). In addition to training them up I'll also go around doing any side missions, including catching the Musketeer Trio just incase for some reason I have a problem with the Elite Four any any challenges after them. Though my actual first training place will be Twist Mountain to catch a Cryogonal (these things have a 1% encounter rate when it isn't Winter and even when its Winter it only goes up to 5%) and Lostlorn Forest to catch a Panpour (I got lucky and caught a Pansear in Pinwheel Forest). After that I would have caught all the wild Pokemon they have offered (not counting evolutions). Heck, I might as well just re-explore the entire Unova region, especially now that I have the Item Finder (anyone else finding it fun to use?).

    PsyduckRanger wrote:
    I just meant where did you, personally get a second one? I've got both, but I've only played White so far. Probably going to save Black for in a few weeks time when I'll have a month off for Easter.

    Icirrus City, I got them in order as I always explore the cities fully.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [62]Mar 9, 2011
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    I hate having to work lol. Still in Nimbasa City. Probably going to be here a while. I don't have a Pokemon strong enough to take care of Elesa yet.

    Edited on 03/10/2011 12:26am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [63]Mar 9, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I hate having to work lol. Still in Nimbasa City. Probably going to be here a while. I don't have a Pokemon strong enough to take care of Elesa yet.

    I defeated Elesa in a humorous way, I just started a Rollout and though it took two hits to defeat her first Emolga it KOed her second first hit so by the time she sent out her Zebstrika it was at 120 power, lol. Actually I still do have Emboar knowing Rollout, I should really try and getting a better move, specifically one which might be useful against Emboar's weaknesses, maybe with Wild Charge once I get it on Victory Road... for a Fighting-type Emboar doesn't have a lot of good Fighting-type moves... actually most of its movepool sucks...

    Edited on 03/10/2011 12:26am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [64]Mar 10, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I hate having to work lol. Still in Nimbasa City. Probably going to be here a while. I don't have a Pokemon strong enough to take care of Elesa yet.

    I defeated Elesa in a humorous way, I just started a Rollout and though it took two hits to defeat her first Emolga it KOed her second first hit so by the time she sent out her Zebstrika it was at 120 power, lol. Actually I still do have Emboar knowing Rollout, I should really try and getting a better move, specifically one which might be useful against Emboar's weaknesses, maybe with Wild Charge once I get it on Victory Road... for a Fighting-type Emboar doesn't have a lot of good Fighting-type moves... actually most of its movepool sucks...

    This. x-x

    There's something wrong when you have to trust in a multi-hitting move and a move that depends directly on your weight for your stabs...

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [65]Mar 10, 2011
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    Ah yes, found it...bizarre...

    Oh, I should report on post-game, shouldn't I?

    Well, end game first. The league were actually a lot easier than expected. Struggled on a few Pokémon but anything weak to Bug fell instantly to my amazing Galvantula. I think the fact you can challenge them in a different order is supposed to be because Cheren is taking them on at more or less the same time. Grimsley mentions a lot of challengers that day, but Caitlin was asleep and annoyed at being woken. My guess is N battled her first then went straight through. Cheren battled Grimsley first and fights Caitlin after you. Seems to work out.

    For once the graphics are utilised and it's not pointless. When Reshiram showed up, filling both screens, I was in awe. Zekrom less so but I think it's because it has more or less the same entrance.

    It really babies you here though. It lets you heal, access your PC, there's a Plasma grunt who'll just keep giving you Ultra Balls if you run out (obviously so you have one to catch your mascot). And it'll even let you teleport back and forth from the League! I don't think, personally, they should have allowed that.

    When I caught Zekrom it didn't force me to have it in my party, it asked me if I wanted to, and let me send a Pokémon to my box on the spot (a feature I predict occurring more in future games). I chose yes because I assumed otherwise N just wouldn't battle. Oh, and their signature might have made each other more powerful but you weren't forced to use them - I thought if you used one the other dragon would be forced to counter with its own.

    So post-game, I'll be honest, so far I've mostly just blitzed through for the TMs I want (Psychic, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Energy Ball, Earthquake). What I've seen is nice though, I really like the customisable music of Village Bridge. Feels weird seeing older Pokémon. Their cries! I sometimes try to guess wild Pokémon I meet from their cry. I heard one and wasn't sure what it was but thought it was Gen I. Can't remember what it was but it was from Gen III! Shows how much they've improved.

    Had my first rotation battle (in-game; tried a few online random battles but it was all Japanese players who'd gone way further than me). Great fun, interesting format. You obviously now have 12 moves to choose from, but one of 3 targets and you don't know which...love it.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [66]Mar 10, 2011
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    edmasterchaos wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    I hate having to work lol. Still in Nimbasa City. Probably going to be here a while. I don't have a Pokemon strong enough to take care of Elesa yet.

    I defeated Elesa in a humorous way, I just started a Rollout and though it took two hits to defeat her first Emolga it KOed her second first hit so by the time she sent out her Zebstrika it was at 120 power, lol. Actually I still do have Emboar knowing Rollout, I should really try and getting a better move, specifically one which might be useful against Emboar's weaknesses, maybe with Wild Charge once I get it on Victory Road... for a Fighting-type Emboar doesn't have a lot of good Fighting-type moves... actually most of its movepool sucks...

    This. x-x

    There's something wrong when you have to trust in a multi-hitting move and a move that depends directly on your weight for your stabs...

    Well while I still have Heat Crash (though it is a bit annoying having to check the weight of the Pokemon I'm battling to see what power it'll be at) I'd advise as soon as you get Brick Break (constant 75 power not counting STAB) replace Arm Thrust (which if it hits the maximum amount of times will be 75 power not counting STAB) with it. I have Flamethrower though Emboar's best stat is in Physical and because of the lacking moveset there isn't much to choose beside Heat Crash you get a bit after it evolves into a Pignite and Flare Blitz you get by Level 62 (and as for right now I'm just going to train them up to Level 50 which should be enough to handle the Elite Four and things to come). Hopefully they'll fix Emboar's moveset in Pokemon Grey, he's a really good Pokemon, Serebii said so themselves, but is kept back by the moveset.

    On last interesting factoid, Emboar's Pokedex entry for Black says Emboar can deliver power punches by wrapping its fists in flames... however it can't learn Fire Punch. *facepalms*

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [67]Mar 10, 2011
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    Whoot, just caught Thundurus! And being it's the only Roaming Pokemon in Unova I used my Master Ball to not waste any time.

    EDIT 1: Now I just caught Victini. Originally I thought it was going to be at a high level so I skipped over it when I got to Castelia City. Well as it turns out Victini was only at level 15. So anyway after getting to it I figured I might try a Flamethrower in hopes it's stats and type resistance will keep it from fainting (though I brought weaker Pokemon to help me if this plan didn't work), when it did Endure and Flamethrower left it with 1 HP! I only needed one Ultra Ball (though I did try using a Quick Ball to no prevail) to catch it, lol.

    Edited on 03/10/2011 2:34pm
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [68]Mar 10, 2011
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Whoot, just caught Thundurus! And being it's the only Roaming Pokemon in Unova I used my Master Ball to not waste any time.

    EDIT 1: Now I just caught Victini. Originally I thought it was going to be at a high level so I skipped over it when I got to Castelia City. Well as it turns out Victini was only at level 15. So anyway after getting to it I figured I might try a Flamethrower in hopes it's stats and type resistance will keep it from fainting (though I brought weaker Pokemon to help me if this plan didn't work), when it did Endure and Flamethrower left it with 1 HP! I only needed one Ultra Ball (though I did try using a Quick Ball to no prevail) to catch it, lol.

    Even if you K.O. it or Run all you have to do is get out and back in the house to fight it again xD For sure this is the most user friendly pokemon game to date, and that's saying something, but it's lots of fun anyway.
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [69]Mar 10, 2011
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    Beat the 4th Gym. Should be heading to the 5th one next time.

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [70]Mar 11, 2011
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    FEAR's gotten a LOT scarier this generation. Just met a a FEAR Aron online.

    My Simisear used Flamethrower on it, it was saved by Sturdy, not needing a Focus Sash. It used Endeavour on me, and the Shell Bell it gets to hold activated. Full health again. Then, as it was a Rotation Battle, he could just switch to his next Pokémon to carry on, to reuse FEAR later!

    Fortunately I also had my Chandelure, immune to Endeavour, holding a BrightPowder. It tried using Toxic but missed.

    There was also support from a rather slow Porygon2 with Trick Room...which of course meant it was only helped by tracing my Archeops...

    Be careful out there...FEAR...it's scary...

    Edited on 03/11/2011 2:34am
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [71]Mar 11, 2011
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    Current Location: N's Castle

    Last thing done: Beaten the Elite Four with an underleveled team; Entered N's Castle; Gym Leaders have come to battle the Seven Sages

    Next mission: Kick N's butt

    Current team:

    Oshare (Samurott)♂: Level 45
    Blizare (Zebstrika)♀: Level 42
    Woobare (Swoobat)♂: Level 45
    Cottare (Whimsicott)♂: Level 47
    Sandare (Krookodile)♂: Level 48
    Darare (Darmanitan)♂: Level 45


    Final(?) Battle
    Reshiare (Reshiram) Vs. Zekrom - Winner: Reshirare
    Reshirare Vs Carracosta - Winner: Carracosta (Too weak from battling Zekrom)
    Cottare Vs Carracosta - Winner: Cottare
    Oshare Vs Vanilluxe - Winner: Oshare - Reshirare is revived
    Sandare Vs Klinkang - Winner: Sandare
    Sandare Vs Zoroark - Winner: Zoroark (Focus Blast 1-hit KO)
    Reshirare Vs Archeops - Winner: Archeops (Healed Oshare)
    Oshare Vs Archeops - Winner: Oshare (I'm so proud! My Starter was the one to finish it!)


    Real Final Battle

    Reshiare Vs Cof agrigus (Stupid censors) - Winner: Reshiare
    Reshiare Vs Bouffalant - Winner: Bouffalant (Earthquake'd me)
    Woobare Vs Bouffalant - Winner: Bouffalant (1-hit KO)
    Sandare Vs Bouffalant - Winner: Sandare
    Sandare Vs Hydreigon - Winner: Hydreigon (Focus Blasted)
    Oshare Vs Hydreigon - Winner: None (Hydreigon was Dragon Tail'd out)
    Oshare Vs Seismitoad - Winner: Seismitoad (Reshiare was revived)
    Cottare Vs Seismitoad - Winner: Seismitoad (Damn Sludge Wave)
    Blizare Vs Seismitoad - Winner: Blizare
    Blizare Vs Hydreigon - Winner: Hydreigon (Oshare and Sandare were revived)
    Sandare Vs Hydreigon - Winner: Hydreigon
    Reshiare Vs Hydreigon - Winner: Reshiare
    Reshiare Vs Bisharp - Winner: Reshiare
    Reshiare Vs Eelektross - Winner: Eelektross (Cottare, Sandare, and Blizare are revived)
    Cottare Vs Eelektross - Winner: Eelektross (Sandare is healed)
    Blizare Vs Eelektross - Winner: Eelektross (Cottare is revived)
    Sandare Vs Eelektross - Winner: Eelektross (By a Flamethrower? what?)
    Oshare Vs Eelektross - Winner: Eelektross (Sandare is revived)
    Sandare Vs Eelektross - Winner: Sandare (WOOT!)

    Edited on 03/11/2011 3:49pm
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [72]Mar 11, 2011
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    Caught the Musketeer Trio. Now it's time for me to actually start training.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [73]Mar 11, 2011
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    Pretty decent day. Dewott evolved and I sweeped the fifth gym with him

    Now to Mistralton City!

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [74]Mar 11, 2011
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    *Route 13*

    *Get's spotted by some random Trainer*

    Me: Crap..

    *Trainer sends out Buneary*

    Buneary used Healing Wish!

    Buneary fainted!

    Me: What.....

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [75]Mar 11, 2011
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    I beat the main story yesterday, but didn't get around to updating because my computer was in the shop. Anyway, my final team is one that I didn't plan on because it's of more then 6 Pokemon that I alternate through. I just couldn't stand to take out anyone because I felt that PCing them would be an injustice after all we've been through.

    (male) Serperior/ Leaflord (renamed it something more suitable)

    (female) Simipour/ Pourie

    (female) Audino/ Audia

    (male) Krookodile/ Fangane (Combination of fang and megane)

    (male) Archeops/ Archer

    (female) Gothitelle/ Gothica

    (female) Elektross/ Eleray

    Reshiram/ Yang

    And my Liepard named Yami which I need to pay more attention to.

    There were many close calls, but I hadn't lost a single battle till Ghetsis... The second try though, I beat that dark dragon in two turns after equipping Yang with Quick Claw. I must say, I was quite impressed with the deep story, the best one yet in the series history.

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [76]Mar 11, 2011
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    In black i'm about to enter the Celestial Tower, team is

    Oceamurai (Samurott) 34 M
    Jack Atlas (Darumaka) 33 M [fire punch? flare blitz? more like ATLAS PUNCH AND BURNING SOUL!]
    Atem (Yamask) 31 F
    Hawky (Archen) 30 F
    Black Toph (Drilbur) 30 M
    Jason (Tynamo) 27 F

    Jason cannot take a hit and it's not gonna evolve until twelve levels from now, wonderful. Hopefully it'll get to do some real training with the sixth gym...

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [77]Mar 12, 2011
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    Jack Atlas? Interesting....

    Got the Jet Badge last night. Poor Skyla....she never even got a hit in lol.

    Mizu (Dewott) Level 33
    Mimi (Petilil) Level 34
    Lumiere (Litwick) Level 35
    Aquila (Rufflet) Level 32
    Cell (Duosion) Level 32
    Zatch (Emolga) Level 38
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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [78]Mar 12, 2011
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    Heading to the Celestial Tower. Can't wait for my battle with Skyla!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [79]Mar 12, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Jack Atlas? Interesting....

    This is edmasterchaos we're talking about here.

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Got the Jet Badge last night. Poor Skyla....she never even got a hit in lol.

    I mostly one-shot the Gym Leaders I faced, the first one was Burgh (he should have probably given his Leavanny a Yache Berry... not that it would have probably helped), the next was Skyla (Zebstrika proved quite useful), then Brycen (Emboar is a Fire/Fighting-type, what did you expect was going to happen?), and surprising Iris (even when they're not quadruple weak to it Ice Beam (from a Vanillish) still OHKOs them).

    Anyway since everyone is telling they're teams I might as well tell my team I'm using for the Elite Four:


    Huh, oh, well being that the Elite Four is Psychic, Dark, Ghost, & Fighting (I won't be battling them in that order, actually I don't care what order I'll be fighting them in) Liepard will take care of Caitlin and Shauntal, Emboar will clean up Grimsley, and Marshal will be blown away by Archeop's Flying-type moves.

    Though of course just in emergency cases I'll bring in my Zebstrika, Vanilluxe, (yes, it finally evolved) and either Maractus or Simisage (now a Pansage and it'll remain so until it gets to level 50 and I have a Leaf Stone (actually I have a whole batch of evolutionary stones, anyone else noticed they handed evolutionary stones out like candy?))

    Oh, and I'm not worried about the fight after the Elite Four, though I am worried about one Pokemon after that fight, the strongest Pokemon you'll fight in the games main storyline. If fact I'm going to be attaching a Passho Berry to Emboar just in case (and if that fails a Quick Claw). Actually, I might go to the Battle Subway after I get all my Pokemon to level 50 to see if I can get enough points to buy a Focus Sash (I just need to get 48 points). Also after the Elite Four Zebstrika would be taking a rest for the battles after them as I'll be having someone joining my team before those battles...

    Edited on 03/12/2011 8:17am
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [80]Mar 12, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Jack Atlas? Interesting....
    Figured a big, fast, powerful thing that solved everything by either punching something or by covering itself in fire would be fit to be called Jack Atlas. And it is.

    Just got to the seventh gym, Jason (the electric eel) is three levels from evolving, Atem (the egyptian ghost) is my lowest level mon. Jack Atlas has yet to evolve, i guess i could train Jason and Atem in this gym somewha- screw it. I'LL USE JACK ATLAS TO FIRE ATLAS PUNCH EVERYTHING, THEN EVOLVE AND ATLAS PUNCH WHATEVER HAS BEEN YET TO BE ATLAS PUNCHED. BRB. GONNA BURN THE GYM DOWN TO ASHES SHOULDN'T TAKE MORE THAN FOUR MINUTES.

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