a couple of things annoyed me about this episode
1. when piloswine was being unruly why didnt may just return it?
2. why was ash being completely stupid and useless in this episode?
3. a super effective whirlpool wont stop it but a happiny will?
4. what the freak was chimchar doing in this episode? existing?
5. last time i checked ice ball doesnt hit with every hit
6. if piloswine learned ancient power its level 33 and if it evolved in that same episode its level 34 now. which means that a couple of other pokemon should be evolved or that the reason it doesnt listen to dawn is because its too strong for dawn to handle.
7. if piloswine had problems listening why in the world would dawn plan on using it in a contest? instead of traning it more and using it in ANOTHER contest she just wants to embarass herself in public