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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Evolving Strategies!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Nov 14, 2009
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    Part 2 of Ash's full battle with Paul, with an evolution to top it off...
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [2]Nov 14, 2009
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    Good episode, but the constant switching did get annoying. Now I see what people were talking about when this episode aired in Japan. Paul ight be opening up since he didn't see the battle as a waste.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Nov 14, 2009
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    Great show.
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [4]Nov 14, 2009
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    lighting_blond wrote:
    Great show.
    it is paul was acting like a gamer in the battle
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Nov 14, 2009
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see Chimchar finally evolve!
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [6]Nov 14, 2009
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    sweet. monferno evolved. i hate that paul won and it wasnt even that close of a battle.
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [7]Nov 14, 2009
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    Aaerni wrote:
    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see Chimchar finally evolve!
    and get curb stomped
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [8]Nov 14, 2009
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    And that Ash is why you must have many pokemon and rotate them, along with thinking your battle strategies and only let your emotions drive you when it's not obviously a suicide.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [9]Nov 14, 2009
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    I gotta say, I'm surrpised that it wasn't mentioned that Paul's motives were driven by the fact he wanted to slaughter Ash because of his victory over Brandon. I really was hoping that Chimchar evolution would be followed by a more victorious moment. To me, Chimchar's evolution was for nothing. Also, like how there are many here who despise Zoey, I hold a dislike for Reggie now. What did his suggestion accomplish? Ash's confidence has taken a big hit, his Pokes are more banged up than ever before, and his brother is now more smug than ever! And does he respond to all this? "Excellent battle, you two". That's all he has to say after what he put Ash through?!

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  • Avatar of enervator


    [10]Nov 14, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    And that Ash is why you must have many pokemon and rotate them, along with thinking your battle strategies and only let your emotions drive you when it's not obviously a suicide.

    I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to really take advantage of Ash's questionable strategy of leaving all his old Pokemon at home and never rotating them. He's got tons of them sitting around at Oak's place, as well as ones like Charizard floating around elsewhere. It could have been a different battle if he's whipped out some of the veterans. I suspect that when he does fight Paul again, he's still keep this roster, because now he'll have to prove that he can win with this team.

    And Chimchar evolving was...anti-climactic. I figured Ash would lose, but I thought Monferno would take out at least a few of Paul's Pokemon in the process.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Nov 14, 2009
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    The Ash VS. Paul 6-on-6 Battle has ended, a Paul comes on top. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not, though I'm surprised in how many Pokemon Paul had remaining. Though the biggest dissapointment was the last battle. Chimchar, after having beaten Ursaring, evolved into Monferno was was wiping the floor with Electabuzz! But when both did a punch move at each other and, though both were heavily damaged, only Monferno faints! I think Electabuzz must have stolen Pikachu's "Pikachu Status", and I say stolen because Pikachu was beaten by Ursaring prior! All in all it was kind of obvious Paul was gonna win, Ash came in with a team in training and no strategy while Paul came in with a team with a lot of experience and knowing exactly what to do since he knew Ash wasn't going to change his team around. If Ash would have thought about that for a second, he might have gotten some of his experience Pokemon from Professor Oak to at least throw off Paul's strategy making both coming in without any idea which Pokemon the other will be using (I think a good team would have been Pikachu, Sceptile, Torkoal, Heracross, Snorlax, and Donphan). Anyway here is my actual review (you mean the essay I just wrote wasn't?):

    Fanning The Flames With Burning Effect:
    * Last time we left, Ash and Paul each had one Pokemon knocked out and 4 that were none, leaving the 4th a complete mystery (well, for Paul at any rate). Now we continue with Pikachu Vs. Magmortar.
    * Um... it would still be a good idea for Ash to switch out to Buizel since Ash is up against a Fire-type which are kind of weak to Water-types which Buizel just so happens to be! But of course, Ash doesn't depend on type adventage.
    * Oh man, forgot about Magmortar's Flame Body Ability! Ash Quick Attacked right into that trap and now Pikachu is burned... which I don't know how exactly is works in the anime, let's watch and see.
    * Look at that evil smile on Paul's face... not only is it creepy and un-settling but he's killing more puppies because he's smiling!
    * I think I'm beginning to see Paul's strategy, while Magmortar keeps countering Pikachu's attacks (Thundershock with Flamethrower, Volt Tackle with Rock Tomb), Pikachu's burn (which just has it light on fire every once in awhile) will slowly sap away Pikachu's HP.
    * Smog? Paul, Burn and Poison are Non-volatile status meaning you can only have a Pokemon inflicted with one of those status ailments. However Pikachu begins breakdancing while doing a Thundershock... Oh! the Counter Shield! Wow, maybe we'll see all 3 of the Couner Shields again!
    * Why do they need to keep on explaining Magmortar's Flame Body burning Pikachu everytime Pikachu lights on fire? It was explained a few seconds ago, we don't need to be reminded of why is Pikachu bursting into flames every once in awhile.
    * Yay Pikachu, better get over to Ash so he can give you a Burn Heal... oh wait, they don't use items in the anime . Pikachu is being switched out for Buizel (about time)! Now it's Buizel VS. Magmortar.

    Finally To Bout, But Then Knocked Out:
    * Now for those who are keeping up with Ash's Pokemon's rivalery with Paul's Pokemon, Buizel had nevered battle against Paul so it should be interesting how Buizel does in this match.
    * Buizel sure got a nice Aqua Jet in, though looks like Magmortar barely felt it. And after using Rock Tomb as a distraction, Magmortar pulls off a Smog on Buizel before Paul returns in. Hopefully that purple electricity doesn't mean Buizel is Poisoned.
    * Buizel VS. Ursaring. I kind of expected Paul to eventually return Magmortar, however I didn't expect to be seeing Ursaring (then again, I didn't even bother to think of what Pokemon Paul would be using for his 6th Pokemon).
    * Ash knows that Bulk Up increased Ursaring's Attack and Defence, yet shoved it off and told Buizel to do an Aqua Jet which is a physical attack and would be forcing Buizel to get close to Ursaring. By the way, Ursaring's highest stat is Attack, being 130... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! At least try Water Pulse (it does have a chance of possibly confusing its opponent).
    * Yay Brock, we know Bulk Up increased Ursaring's Attack, Ash just told us! Oh man... Focus Blast... this isn't going to look good... YES! Buizel's Counter Shield! And not only did it stop the Focus Blast, Ursaring got hit with several bits of it too which is Super Effective since Focus Blast is a Fighting-type move, the only type Super Effective against Normal-types.
    * Was Ash just gloating to Paul about the Counter Shield? You might want to be careful Ash, because if you remember, Fantina eventually copied the Counter Shield concept and you almost lost because of that.
    * Looks like Ursaring is in a middle of a rage, not even a Sonic Boom can stop it (maybe a Hadouken can?). Well no time to joke, Ursaring just nailed Buizel with that Hammer Arm but despite Ash thinking about recalling Buizel, it gets back up and gives a thumb up to Ash.
    * Once again doing another Aqua Jet, Ursaring fires a Focus Blast and K.O.s Buizel (so much for being *thumbs up* okay). So much for Buizel's first battle against Paul's Pokemon, now it's Staraptor VS. Ursaring.
    * Staraptor got a nice hit in there, but unfortunetly even it fell to Ursaring's Hammer Arm (if only it could have gotten a Close Combat in). Also why are Ash's Pokemon just charging into attacks? It's not like they don't see it coming, true Staraptor dodged Ursaring's previous Hammer Arm but when it tried close Combar it flew right into Ursaring's Slash.

    Down To Half:
    * Paul: 5, Ash: 3. Now with half of his party knocked out, Ash only has Pikachu, Gliscor, and Chimchar left. Lukcily Chimchar is still fresh, but Pikachu is suffering from burn and just in general, along with Gliscor, are a bit damaged from the previous battles they were in. Luckily Paul recalls Ursaring and sends out Electabuzz, kind of an odd choice considering Ash's remaining Pokemon.
    * Chimchar Vs. Electabuzz. Now with Chimchar out every Pokemon in the battle has been seen, now we'll see who'll be able to adapt enough to win. Though I think it gos without saying that this battle is importent to Chimchar.
    * Protect, Light Screen, and then Return, Paul was just using Electabuzz to set-up again (good think it can't learn Reflect). But now what Pokemon does Pual plan on really using?
    * Chimchar VS. Torterra. Good news is that Torterra is weak to Fire-type attacks. Bad new 1 is that a Light Screen is up which decreases damage to Paul's Pokemon from Special Attacks meaning the only Fire-type attack Chimchar can use is Flame Wheel. Bad news 2 is that Torterra is a half Ground-type meaning if it knows any Ground-type moves Chimchar is in trouble. Bad news 3 is that we know for a fact it knows Stone Edge which, while a Rock-type move, it still super effective against Chimchar.
    * And Chimchar tries a Flame Wheel but is hit with a Stone Edge, and when Chimchar did Flamethrower Light Screen halved the damage. Ash decides to return Chimchar which has Jessie point out that there has been a lot of switching going on.
    * Gliscor VS. Torterra. Gliscor has the adventage being it's immune to Ground-types and being half Flying-type made the Grass-type Weakness its Ground-type move had to normal damage. Ash is also starting right off with doing X-Scissor which should be Super Effective against Torterra and not be effected by Light Screen.
    * ... Well that worked just great! Paul: 5, Ash: 2. Ash will just have to find a way around Torterra's Stone Edge and get Chimchar's Flame Wheel through... maybe a Counter Shield? No, Ash instead sends Pikachu in... but Paul strangely decides to return Torterra for...
    * Pikachu VS. Ursaring. Ash, you see how coming into a 6-on-6 battle with your rival without a battle plan was a BAD IDEA! You even know Paul plans his battle strategy if he knows what Pokemon his opponent is using (like most everyone else)! Also Paul is using the Pokemon he had been using throughout other regions meaning they have a lot of experience while you're just using Pokemon you just got in Sinnoh (with exception of Pikachu)!
    * Pikachu does a Quick Attack but Hammer Arm sends Pikachu flying high however it is able to recover. Ash decides yet again to do another physical attack (come on Ash, Pikachu specializes in Special Attack which is kind of the type of move you want to use against Ursaring)... but what is this? Ursaring is paralyzed! YAY FOR PIKACHU'S STATIC! Magmortar isn't the only one who can inflict a status ailment... wait, why didn't Magmortar get Paralyzed then?
    * Pikachu gets in a nice Iron Tail... but it itself is still suffering from Burn. Also, looks like Ursaring is powering up, and taking a quick look in Bulbapedia I know why which made Paralyzing Ursaring a bad idea...
    * Paul's Ursaring has the Guts Ability which increases Ursaring Attack by half when Poisened, Burned, Sleep, and of course, Paralyzed. And even a shocking Ursaring didn't stop it from Hammering Arm it into the nearby lake! Pikachu came out of the lake just fine... but fainted getting back on shore. Paul: 5, Ash: 1. It's all up to Chimchar... but things aren't looking good for Ash...

    Fanning The Flames To No Success:
    * Chimchar VS. Ursaring. Chimchar went crazy on Ursaring and was able to knock it out! That's one of Paul's Pokemon down but Chimchar has a LONG way to go. Paul: 4, Ash: 1
    * CHIMCHAR IS EVOLVING! And now little Chimchar is finally a Monferno, and with this it gains a new type in Fighting... if only it knew a Fighting-type move like... MACH PUNCH! Alright, now Monferno can hopefully take out the rest of Paul's weakened team!
    * LOL! Electabuzz was surprised for a second when it saw it was versing a Monferno then a Chimchar, but it soon grew a devlish smile as if saying things might actually get interesting which Monferno giving it the same type of smile back. Monferno VS. Electabuzz.
    * OOF! That Mach Punch to the stomach just had to hurt! Plus Monferno even sent Electabuzz flying into a rock. However a Thunder hit Monferno and looked to have paralyzed it... oh, nevermind, those sparks must have just been some damage and Monferno continues on with a Flame Wheel and Flamethrower, though Electabuzz is countering each.
    * Man, Monferno is going nuts against Electabuzz like it was doing with Ursaring when it was a Chimchar. However a Thunder got through and now Monferno is beginning to show signs of slowing... and now is actually paralyzed! However it looks like it didn't stay for long as Monferno's Blaze just kicked in!... No Reggie, it's Blaze, Monferno is low on HP, it's Blaze.
    * Both do a punching move against each other and end in a smoke and a standoff, I have a bad feeling it's a double K.O.... WHAT! After being beaten to a pulp by Monferno and even getting hit by a Dig Electabuzz didn't get K.O.ed with Monfenro! THAT'S TOTAL B***S***! Oh well, Paul wins with 4 Pokemon remaining (though it should be 3...).
    * Wait, it just changed from day to noon... were Ash, Paul, and their Pokemon just standing their for an hour or two before Paul finally returned Electabuzz and Ash went to get Monferno? And now having defeated Ash Paul seemed to have lightened up, though I think Ash might have a bit of thinking to do (like maybe actually using his other Pokemon if going into a battle against a trainer who also travelled through other regions).
    * Don't worry Ash, I'm sure you won't be battling Paul again until the Sinnoh League and by then, if you still on insist to just use your Sinnoh Pokemon, your Sinnoh team would be more prepared to take on Paul's team (though maybe figuring out a few battling strategies wouldn't hurt).

    Edited on 11/14/2009 1:37pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [12]Nov 14, 2009
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    HaydenAvery wrote:
    sweet. monferno evolved. i hate that paul won and it wasnt even that close of a battle.

    first of all chimchar evolved not monferno and second of course ash lost the epic battle between ash and paul that has ash winning will probably come at the sinnoh saga's end

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [13]Nov 14, 2009
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    One thing i'd like to point out, Ursaring, Honchcrow, Weavile (i think) and possibly Electabuzz were all pokemon Paul caught in his current adventure in Sinnoh, with Torterra being the same as Pikachu.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Nov 14, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    One thing i'd like to point out, Ursaring, Honchcrow, Weavile (i think) and possibly Electabuzz were all pokemon Paul caught in his current adventure in Sinnoh, with Torterra being the same as Pikachu.

    We don't know when Paul caught Honchkrow (as a Murkrow), Weavile, or Electabuzz (as a Elekid). But all in all, you do have to agree that Ash was out experienced (not mentioing out strategy) as all of Paul's Pokemon were fully evolved besides for Electabuzz (guess Paul must be having a hard time finding a Electrizer).

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [15]Nov 14, 2009
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    A fantastic battle overall, even though it's disappointing that Chimchar evolved into Monferno only to lose. Also, Ash really needs to work on his in-battle judgment IMO.

    *Ursaring uses Bulk-Up*
    Ash: Bulk-Up raises both offensive and defensive power... ah, who cares? Buizel, Aqua Jet!

    I think that was seriously one of Ash's worst moments of judgment in a while, especially considering how important a battle this was.

    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    edmasterchaos wrote:
    One thing i'd like to point out, Ursaring, Honchcrow, Weavile (i think) and possibly Electabuzz were all pokemon Paul caught in his current adventure in Sinnoh, with Torterra being the same as Pikachu.

    We don't know when Paul caught Honchkrow (as a Murkrow), Weavile, or Electabuzz (as a Elekid). But all in all, you do have to agree that Ash was out experienced (not mentioing out strategy) as all of Paul's Pokemon were fully evolved besides for Electabuzz (guess Paul must be having a hard time finding a Electrizer).

    Actually, Paul said in the episode in which he battled Cynthia that he caught Electabuzz (as an Elekid), Honchkrow (as a Murkrow) and Weavile while traveling through Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. He don't know exactly when, but it was before he started traveling Sinnoh.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [16]Nov 15, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    I hold a dislike for Reggie now. What did his suggestion accomplish? Ash's confidence has taken a big hit, his Pokes are more banged up than ever before, and his brother is now more smug than ever! And does he respond to all this? "Excellent battle, you two". That's all he has to say after what he put Ash through?!

    It's not like Reggie can predict the future, or dictate how the two battle. And Paul actually seemed rather nice after the battle, not smug.
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  • Avatar of BTRAV


    [17]Nov 15, 2009
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    Smug during, but I agree he wasn't as much afterward. Flame Body? More like Spontaneous Combustion. Poor Pikachu.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [18]Nov 15, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    A fantastic battle overall, even though it's disappointing that Chimchar evolved into Monferno only to lose. Also, Ash really needs to work on his in-battle judgment IMO. *Ursaring uses Bulk-Up* Ash: Bulk-Up raises both offensive and defensive power... ah, who cares? Buizel, Aqua Jet! I think that was seriously one of Ash's worst moments of judgment in a while, especially considering how important a battle this was.
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    edmasterchaos wrote:
    One thing i'd like to point out, Ursaring, Honchcrow, Weavile (i think) and possibly Electabuzz were all pokemon Paul caught in his current adventure in Sinnoh, with Torterra being the same as Pikachu.

    We don't know when Paul caught Honchkrow (as a Murkrow), Weavile, or Electabuzz (as a Elekid). But all in all, you do have to agree that Ash was out experienced (not mentioing out strategy) as all of Paul's Pokemon were fully evolved besides for Electabuzz (guess Paul must be having a hard time finding a Electrizer).

    Actually, Paul said in the episode in which he battled Cynthia that he caught Electabuzz (as an Elekid), Honchkrow (as a Murkrow) and Weavile while traveling through Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. He don't know exactly when, but it was before he started traveling Sinnoh.
    Oh, so it's like that, sorry, shouldn't have said that without really knowing. ^^;;

    Still, Paul's rapidly growing to be my favorite character.

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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [20]Nov 17, 2009
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    looks like i got reported for double posting by someone who wanted ash to win so i guess ill have to put the message here

    this is gonna sound bad but I AM SO HAPPY THAT ASH LOST!!! i mean i hate paul i really hate paul but ashs battling strategy these 2 episodes was far worse than usual. finally a battle that made sense and not one where ash wins simply because hes the main character. i swear when chimchar evolved (which was cool by the way) i thought there was gonna be a cheap win where monferno goes into superman mode and owns all of pauls pokemon i mean i was happy and excited iwhen he evolved but if he beat 4 of pauls pokemon that wouldve been so unrealistic beyond belief even for pokemon. it was an awesome battle and img lad to see that finally one of ashs half planned startegies didnt work.

    paul seemed to loosen upo a bit and he wasnt as much of a douchebag as he usually is. usually im a paul hater but this is one of the few episodes where i liked him and weas rooting for him to win. GO PAUL!!

    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I gotta say, I'm surrpised that it wasn't mentioned that Paul's motives were driven by the fact he wanted to slaughter Ash because of his victory over Brandon. I really was hoping that Chimchar evolution would be followed by a more victorious moment. To me, Chimchar's evolution was for nothing. Also, like how there are many here who despise Zoey, I hold a dislike for Reggie now. What did his suggestion accomplish? Ash's confidence has taken a big hit, his Pokes are more banged up than ever before, and his brother is now more smug than ever! And does he respond to all this? "Excellent battle, you two". That's all he has to say after what he put Ash through?!

    look ash needs some sense knocked into him and this battle was the thing that did that (i hope) most of ashs big battlkes have just been won out of luck and last minute strategies but that didnt work with paul. it doesnt matter that ash got owned hell just bounce back and go back to his usual determined/ignorant self (sorry if i sound like an ash hater but god i hate how half the time he wins battles that he wouldve lost in real life)
    Edited on 11/17/2009 12:23pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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