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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Evolving Strategies!

  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [21]Nov 17, 2009
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    lady_god wrote:

    looks like i got reported for double posting by someone who wanted ash to win so i guess ill have to put the message here

    this is gonna sound bad but I AM SO HAPPY THAT ASH LOST!!! i mean i hate paul i really hate paul but ashs battling strategy these 2 episodes was far worse than usual. finally a battle that made sense and not one where ash wins simply because hes the main character. i swear when chimchar evolved (which was cool by the way) i thought there was gonna be a cheap win where monferno goes into superman mode and owns all of pauls pokemon i mean i was happy and excited iwhen he evolved but if he beat 4 of pauls pokemon that wouldve been so unrealistic beyond belief even for pokemon. it was an awesome battle and img lad to see that finally one of ashs half planned startegies didnt work.

    paul seemed to loosen upo a bit and he wasnt as much of a douchebag as he usually is. usually im a paul hater but this is one of the few episodes where i liked him and weas rooting for him to win. GO PAUL!!

    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I gotta say, I'm surrpised that it wasn't mentioned that Paul's motives were driven by the fact he wanted to slaughter Ash because of his victory over Brandon. I really was hoping that Chimchar evolution would be followed by a more victorious moment. To me, Chimchar's evolution was for nothing. Also, like how there are many here who despise Zoey, I hold a dislike for Reggie now. What did his suggestion accomplish? Ash's confidence has taken a big hit, his Pokes are more banged up than ever before, and his brother is now more smug than ever! And does he respond to all this? "Excellent battle, you two". That's all he has to say after what he put Ash through?!

    look ash needs some sense knocked into him and this battle was the thing that did that (i hope) most of ashs big battlkes have just been won out of luck and last minute strategies but that didnt work with paul. it doesnt matter that ash got owned hell just bounce back and go back to his usual determined/ignorant self (sorry if i sound like an ash hater but god i hate how half the time he wins battles that he wouldve lost in real life)

    i totally agree with you because Ash always counts on his pokemon attacking and their will can overcome the opponent's power and he becomes overconfident or in other words prideful. Also Paul planned for the battle because he had a strategy for each one of Ash's pokemon allowing him to easily win the battle. i mean no offense to the people who like Ash but the only stategy that he had was using his shield thing which he was so proud of he bragged to Paul about (thinking he mastering that move made him a master trainer). Ash's confidence is just too much hes had a big head, hes not humble which is a bad triat for a character espically since he is the main character he acts prideful almost every episode.

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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [22]Nov 18, 2009
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    Jinto11 wrote:
    lady_god wrote:

    looks like i got reported for double posting by someone who wanted ash to win so i guess ill have to put the message here

    this is gonna sound bad but I AM SO HAPPY THAT ASH LOST!!! i mean i hate paul i really hate paul but ashs battling strategy these 2 episodes was far worse than usual. finally a battle that made sense and not one where ash wins simply because hes the main character. i swear when chimchar evolved (which was cool by the way) i thought there was gonna be a cheap win where monferno goes into superman mode and owns all of pauls pokemon i mean i was happy and excited iwhen he evolved but if he beat 4 of pauls pokemon that wouldve been so unrealistic beyond belief even for pokemon. it was an awesome battle and img lad to see that finally one of ashs half planned startegies didnt work.

    paul seemed to loosen upo a bit and he wasnt as much of a douchebag as he usually is. usually im a paul hater but this is one of the few episodes where i liked him and weas rooting for him to win. GO PAUL!!

    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I gotta say, I'm surrpised that it wasn't mentioned that Paul's motives were driven by the fact he wanted to slaughter Ash because of his victory over Brandon. I really was hoping that Chimchar evolution would be followed by a more victorious moment. To me, Chimchar's evolution was for nothing. Also, like how there are many here who despise Zoey, I hold a dislike for Reggie now. What did his suggestion accomplish? Ash's confidence has taken a big hit, his Pokes are more banged up than ever before, and his brother is now more smug than ever! And does he respond to all this? "Excellent battle, you two". That's all he has to say after what he put Ash through?!

    look ash needs some sense knocked into him and this battle was the thing that did that (i hope) most of ashs big battlkes have just been won out of luck and last minute strategies but that didnt work with paul. it doesnt matter that ash got owned hell just bounce back and go back to his usual determined/ignorant self (sorry if i sound like an ash hater but god i hate how half the time he wins battles that he wouldve lost in real life)

    i totally agree with you because Ash always counts on his pokemon attacking and their will can overcome the opponent's power and he becomes overconfident or in other words prideful. Also Paul planned for the battle because he had a strategy for each one of Ash's pokemon allowing him to easily win the battle. i mean no offense to the people who like Ash but the only stategy that he had was using his shield thing which he was so proud of he bragged to Paul about (thinking he mastering that move made him a master trainer). Ash's confidence is just too much hes had a big head, hes not humble which is a bad triat for a character espically since he is the main character he acts prideful almost every episode.

    wow its liek you read my mind O_O its good for ash to sometimes lose battles because they put him in his place and humble him a bit.
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  • Avatar of Boolia


    [23]Nov 19, 2009
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    Has Paul finally learned not to be a jerk anymore? Paul never said one negative thing about his pokemon in this 2 parter, has Paul finally changed his ways?
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [24]Nov 19, 2009
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    Boolia wrote:
    Has Paul finally learned not to be a jerk anymore? Paul never said one negative thing about his pokemon in this 2 parter, has Paul finally changed his ways?
    he definitely seems to have tonmed down but i doubt hes completely changed
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [25]Nov 19, 2009
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    Agree with the above. I just think that the battle with Brandon caused him to slightly rethinking things.
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