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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: In the Shadow of Zekrom! & Enter Iris and Axew!

  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [21]Feb 13, 2011
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    Ash is a trainer who's been to all these lands, catched innumberable pokemon, faced legendary pokemon and in these first two episodes he's failed epicly. Highlight of the episodes was how Ash got his butt kicked by a noob.

    Tripp..... :/ I like Shooti better. His Japaneses name. His voice isn't that bad actually. And compared to Paul, he's decent.
    Glad they made the opening so short. The animation sucked.

    This new season is full of surprises. New voices, animation (the moves look epic. Especially iron tail), "whos that pokemon" and team rocket's BA attitude.

    Edited on 02/13/2011 6:46pm
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [22]Feb 13, 2011
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    i give them credit for being creative with the opening. it'll take some time for me to get used to it. but the vocals are horrible. other than that, everything went along great. things are moving much faster; this time around it's more fast-paced. Iris is cool, but not eye-candy. i miss Dawn! i like the new rival as well. very Paul-like. but what bothers me are two things: ASH STILL HASN'T AGED. i know the Anime has this rule of him not aging, but i don't give a damn. even Delia said "Ash you've grown so much." EXACTLY, he GREW which involves the ppassing of time. whatever in my head Ash is 14 years old. my other complaint; Pikachu losing. WTF. this is the same Pikachu who defeated Latios 2 weeks ago. a Regice. a powerful Dragonite, and so on. i'm just going to pretend that before going to another region, Pikachu enters a "reset machine" which brings him back to level 10. and how can Ash possibly forget to weaken a Pokemon first before throwing the Pokeball? his excuse: "oh yeah i knew that!' uhhuhhh,,,, no. but the new TR is fierce and loving how bada$$ they are this time. i can't believe Pikachu lost against Jessie's new Woobat(was it?) i love how TR are starting off fresh with new Poke. Woobat is definitely a perfect signature Pokemon for Jessie. i hope James capturesthat half Grass half Steel Pokemon. the return of the Who's That Pokemon was a pleasant surprise. for the first time in history I didn't know who it was! (referring to the Pidove) i feel like a newb for not knowing the English names yet, but it feels kinda nice because it's like i'm learning or what not. haha

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [23]Feb 13, 2011
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    i can't believe Pikachu lost against Jessie's new Woobat(was it?)

    Pikachu was captured; it was Pidove that went up against Woobat and lost, which makes much more sense considering Ash caught it just a few minutes earlier.
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [27]Feb 13, 2011
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    thec0mebackman wrote:

    i give them credit for being creative with the opening. it'll take some time for me to get used to it. but the vocals are horrible. other than that, everything went along great. things are moving much faster; this time around it's more fast-paced. Iris is cool, but not eye-candy. i miss Dawn! i like the new rival as well. very Paul-like. but what bothers me are two things: ASH STILL HASN'T AGED. i know the Anime has this rule of him not aging, but i don't give a damn. even Delia said "Ash you've grown so much." EXACTLY, he GREW which involves the ppassing of time. whatever in my head Ash is 14 years old. my other complaint; Pikachu losing. WTF. this is the same Pikachu who defeated Latios 2 weeks ago. a Regice. a powerful Dragonite, and so on. i'm just going to pretend that before going to another region, Pikachu enters a "reset machine" which brings him back to level 10. and how can Ash possibly forget to weaken a Pokemon first before throwing the Pokeball? his excuse: "oh yeah i knew that!' uhhuhhh,,,, no. but the new TR is fierce and loving how bada$$ they are this time. i can't believe Pikachu lost against Jessie's new Woobat(was it?) i love how TR are starting off fresh with new Poke. Woobat is definitely a perfect signature Pokemon for Jessie. i hope James capturesthat half Grass half Steel Pokemon. the return of the Who's That Pokemon was a pleasant surprise. for the first time in history I didn't know who it was! (referring to the Pidove) i feel like a newb for not knowing the English names yet, but it feels kinda nice because it's like i'm learning or what not. haha


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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [28]Feb 13, 2011
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    thec0mebackman wrote:
    i can't believe Pikachu lost against Jessie's new Woobat(was it?)
    Pikachu was captured; it was Pidove that went up against Woobat and lost, which makes much more sense considering Ash caught it just a few minutes earlier.
    oh that's right. but wasn't Pikachu going up against it with Axew and Woobat managed to stop Pika with Air Slash?
    lostfan111 wrote:

    thec0mebackman wrote:

    i give them credit for being creative with the opening. it'll take some time for me to get used to it. but the vocals are horrible. other than that, everything went along great. things are moving much faster; this time around it's more fast-paced. Iris is cool, but not eye-candy. i miss Dawn! i like the new rival as well. very Paul-like. but what bothers me are two things: ASH STILL HASN'T AGED. i know the Anime has this rule of him not aging, but i don't give a damn. even Delia said "Ash you've grown so much." EXACTLY, he GREW which involves the ppassing of time. whatever in my head Ash is 14 years old. my other complaint; Pikachu losing. WTF. this is the same Pikachu who defeated Latios 2 weeks ago. a Regice. a powerful Dragonite, and so on. i'm just going to pretend that before going to another region, Pikachu enters a "reset machine" which brings him back to level 10. and how can Ash possibly forget to weaken a Pokemon first before throwing the Pokeball? his excuse: "oh yeah i knew that!' uhhuhhh,,,, no. but the new TR is fierce and loving how bada$$ they are this time. i can't believe Pikachu lost against Jessie's new Woobat(was it?) i love how TR are starting off fresh with new Poke. Woobat is definitely a perfect signature Pokemon for Jessie. i hope James capturesthat half Grass half Steel Pokemon. the return of the Who's That Pokemon was a pleasant surprise. for the first time in history I didn't know who it was! (referring to the Pidove) i feel like a newb for not knowing the English names yet, but it feels kinda nice because it's like i'm learning or what not. haha

    Ash did grow up. The writers just don't wanna admit it.

    Ash is also reset into a noob every new season. Just like Pika.

    Now why isn't Iris considered eye candy? (been hearing that a lot on the forums).

    Is it cause she's black or cause she doesn't have a 2 inch skirt?

    LOL. yeah i know, they always reset Ash and Pikachu every season. i just thought they'd actually change it up this season considering some of the changes they've done. like with TR, the new girl without getting her bike fried. and Iris isn't eye candy because, imho, it's her hair. and her attire. slut her up a little bit. that's right, i went there.
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Obviously you people have never watched the past 13 seasons because your **** about stupid things that always happen. Build a bridge and get over it. And never aging? SO WHAT. In case you haven't realized there are numerous TV shows out there that don't age their characters. Once again, get over it.

    umm relax?... sorry for complaining? this is my very first post on here about Ash being in a new region. obviously..., i'm going to react. i know it always happens every season. it just bothers me because i've watched since day 1, and a nice little change would be nice. 13 years got nothing on me. it will always bother me and no, i won't get over it. never will. this is coming from a dedicated fan. in my had Ash is 14. lol [;

    Edited on 02/13/2011 10:48pm
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [29]Feb 13, 2011
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    thec0mebackman wrote:

    LOL. yeah i know, they always reset Ash and Pikachu every season. i just thought they'd actually change it up this season considering some of the changes they've done.

    Same here. But to think that the writers would make Ash lose to a STARTER of all things. Just wow lol

    thec0mebackman wrote:
    Iris isn't eye candy because, imho, it's her hair. and her attire. slut her up a little bit. that's right, i went there.

    Explains why all the guys went crazy for Dawn lol.

    thec0mebackman wrote:

    it just bothers me because i've watched since day 1, and a nice little change would be nice. 13 years got nothing on me. it will always bother me and no, i won't get over it. never will. this is coming from a dedicated fan. in my had Ash is 14. lol [;

    It bothers me too. 13 years and you got a Lv 5 Pikachu and 10 year old Ash :[

    Edited on 02/13/2011 11:10pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [30]Feb 14, 2011
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    What would honestly give you the impression they wouldn't get reset? There was absolutely nothing to even suggest that.
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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [31]Feb 14, 2011
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    So I finally got to watch the episodes from Saturday. And I really must say I'm really impressed with it. It justremindedme from back in the day, with the Who's thatPokemonand stuff. I really cannot wait for the rest of the season/series.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [32]Feb 14, 2011
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    Some of the concepts are completely different now. It's not the basic, 6 pokemon only, fire/water/grass thing from Kanto, Brock does nothing, Pikachu shocks bike thing.

    If they changed all THAT, it's just natural to think that the writers would at least change this also and not make Ash lose to the stupidest thing possible.

    Edited on 02/14/2011 3:23pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [36]Feb 14, 2011
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    They just redoing everything from the original series except with new characters, so once again, nothing to suggest a change.
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [37]Feb 14, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    They just redoing everything from the original series except with new characters, so once again, nothing to suggest a change.

    Then isn't it natural to think they would redo this one little thing also?


    Ash has to lose (I get it!) but to a starter is still WTF......mainly because he beat 2 legendary like 4 episodes ago. To go from that high point to this very low point is just........


    Pikachu reset. They kept that the same -_-

    Edited on 02/14/2011 9:09pm
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  • Avatar of ericwashere15


    [38]Feb 14, 2011
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    I enjoyed the dub greatly, more so than the Diamond and Pearl series', but nothing will replace the cuteness of Kibago and Mijumaru voices. Although, I give the VA for Oshawott kudos for trying.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [39]Feb 14, 2011
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    lostfan111 wrote:

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    They just redoing everything from the original series except with new characters, so once again, nothing to suggest a change.

    Then isn't it natural to think they would redo this one little thing also?


    Ash has to lose (I get it!) but to a starter is still WTF......mainly because he beat 2 legendary like 4 episodes ago. To go from that high point to this very low point is just........


    Pikachu reset. They kept that the same -_-

    Ugh no. Far from it. They aren't going to have Pikachu comes in and kill everything, that would be dumb. They are REDOING EVERYTHING from the original series, hence them being reset. Yeah it's the same, but they are doing it to match Kanto, so no this change was not expected and no one should have ever though it wouldn't happen when we knew well id advance Ash was getting a new rival. He was "weak and stupid" at the beginning of the original series, he was in these episodes too. They just did it four years ago with Paul and Elekid for crying out loud. Yes Elekid had more experience, but not that much and it's a plot device for the rival "story", simple as that.

    Edited on 02/14/2011 10:57pm
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [40]Feb 14, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Ugh no. Far from it. They aren't going to have Pikachu comes in and kill everything, that would be dumb. They are REDOING EVERYTHING from the original series, hence them being reset. Yeah it's the same, but they are doing it to match Kanto, so no this change was not expected and no one should have ever though it wouldn't happen when we knew well id advance Ash was getting a new rival. He was "weak and stupid" at the beginning of the original series, he was in these episodes too. They just did it four years ago with Paul and Elekid for crying out loud. Yes Elekid had more experience, but not that much and it's a plot device for the rival "story", simple as that.

    Ash is reset so it makes him an idiot again not knowing the basics of catching a pokemon? Yay.

    Anyway, season looks fun.

    I wasn't expecting Iris's voice to sound so PERKY.

    Edited on 02/14/2011 11:41pm
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