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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: In the Shadow of Zekrom! & Enter Iris and Axew!

  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [41]Feb 17, 2011
    • member since: 06/27/07
    • level: 27
    • rank: Shark Jumper
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    And so we begin the Unova Saga! And of course as soon as we get there we already have a Pikachu-related crisis: this time, apparently a Legendary Pokemon wants to kill Pikachu. If that isn't bad enough, said Legendary Pokemon seemed to have done something else to Pikachu. The episode is real good, a nice start to a new region, and already we're seeing pieces of a much larger plot beginning to enfold.

    But now taking a quick side step here, let me explain that I'll no longer be doing the "time frame" reviews due to problems involving where I watch the episodes. Instead, I'll be trying a "plotline" review where as I'm watching the episode I'll just sum up my thoughts on the whole scene I watched in a paragraph of two, I may also throw in some quotes if I feel they're worth commenting on. Also I'll no longer do a segue into the comments, I'll just go right into them as soon as I'm done with the summary which itself I'm still figuring out what to do with (at the very least it'll only say if I liked the episode, at the most it'll sum up the entire plot, however I'm more leaning toward the former with hints of what plot points are happening within the story).

    Starting Off... On Vacation:
    And so we begin with the missing introduction to the Pokemon World from the Zoroark Movie, I wonder where it went. And immediately we're introduced to Ash's new design, the clothes are okay, very blue and white (shouldn't it be black and white though? just saying) and I notice the hat sort of looks like Ash's very first one except with a blue Pokeball logo on it. Also we see that Ash's eyes realized that there is a part around the pupil called an "iris" (no, that's not foreshadowing, it's coincidence) and so made it light brown (that or Ash got contacts, and how big and oddly those would have to be shaped). And so what is Ash's excuse to go to the Unova region? (yay, we're not even waiting this time... meaning no Misty cameo!) Professor Oak is going there to do some "work" (in a tacky Hawaiian shirt) and Delia and Ash are coming along for a vacation (wonder how fast Professor Oak will get to "vacationing" and Ash be sent "working" ).
    Now to those who possibly been on the show just as long Ash has, Jessie and James goes to the Team Rocket HQ (which has a rather snazzy "R" design, though unfortunately the uniforms still have the original "R" design). Just like with Ash though new to them, Jessie and James get new uniforms! Well, sorta new, it's really just their white uniforms but black. Giovanni, also in a new snazzy "take over the world" uniform tells our main antagonizing trio they're being sent to Unova (COINCIDENCE!) to further extend Team Rocket's power. Well at least you can't say they're going to Unova just to stalk a 10 year old boy anymore, at least for their reason to go to Unova. But just as they set off we here that, just like in Hoenn and Sinnoh, there too is another "mysterious organization". Hm, well the Rocket Trio are more pre-occupied at the moment noticing they just so happen to be on the same plane Ash, Delia, and Professor Oak is one. I think Jessie says it best:

    Jessie: Imagine running into the twerp at a time like this.
    Comment: COINCIDENCE!

    Wade Through The Opening, Stay For the Title Screen:
    The opening is... meh. The song is rather uninteresting, but what really throws me off is the CGI. It's not bad, but it doesn't really tell me anything about the show or what to be expecting. Yes, it's a little lazy to use scenes from episodes, but it also gave us a taste of what we should be getting excited for.
    The Title Screen is nice, but I have a problem with those 6 Pokeballs around the title though, don't know why.

    New Pokemon, New Region, New Pokemon... Did I Say New Pokemon?
    Professor Oak *seeing the coast and city they'll be landing*: That's the Unova Region.
    Comment: Or at least one of its coasts plus port city, I mean if that was the entire Unova Region I'd be pretty dissapointed.

    Upon landing Pikachu notices a strange storm but Ash gets distracted by an Alomomola. Just as Ash realizes it Team Rocket catches Pikachu and of course Ash still has to ask who they are (granted they're disguises are better then their usual disguises and this is a new region (then again Meowth's size should have still given it away and it's not like Team Rocket had followed him to the other regions...). But showing all that he learned about Team Rocket, he tries to have Pikachu shock them which they quickly disperse as they always do (surely Team Rocket are now wishing they haven't showed all their tricks throughout the years... I mean regions). But lucky for Ash (who doesn't seem to have any of his other Pokemon with him even though right now he thinks he's only on vacation) the strange storm shocks Team Rocket. Pikachu get the urge to shock the strange storm which makes a strange Pokemon appear in it. We cut to a girl popping out a tree with her Axew and upon seeing the storm her Axew... jumps into her hair and she swings on a vine like Tarzan... Coming back fron the strangeness, the Pokemon is the storm "thanks" Pikachu back the same way it "thanked" it for saving them. One bright flash later Professor Oak and Delia make sure Ash and Pikachu is okay, Pikachu beginning to spark for some reason as Oak's fellow professor meets up with them, Professor Juniper!
    Professor Juniper takes us back to her lab and we find out that no previous generation Pokemon live in Unova, something which the other regions should have thought of doing (Johto had the excuse as it was on the same landmass at Kanto was, but Hoenn and Sinnoh were located in exclusive areas not connected to another regions (as far as we know Sinnoh isn't, Hoenn definitely isn't as it's an island). To further this point we see only the all new Pokemon (including a flock of Pidove which Ash might as well throw a Pokeball up into as Ash not catching a bird Pokemon is like him not starting out his journey with Pikachu).

    Professor Oak: You'll also see a lot of Pokemon you've never seen before in Juniper's lab.
    Comment: Okay, we get it, this region has new Pokemon, this is like the 3rd time you mentioned it!

    What's That In Between Commerical Game:
    Oh. My. Arceus... THEY BROUGHT BACK WHO'S THAT POKEMON! Hopefully this also means they brought back Trainer's Choice (and actually have questions which are good and make sense *coughArbokevovlesintoSeviperWHAT?!cough*. They don't have the Pokemon make it's cry after they reveal what it is but hey, they brought back Who's That Pokemon! Do you think it'll be asking too much if they brought back Pikachu's Jukebox? Then again if the quality of music is like that of the opening...

    All Rivals Must Be Jerk-Types:
    As we see kids with a Minccino (notice how it's all Pokemon who's name we already know about we're seeing ) we find the Black & White playable character's hometown is called Nuvema Town (at least we're being told something new). Pikachu gets scanned to find out why it's sparking when we found out that Ash seems to be an expert in Pikachu's:

    Juniper: According to Ash, Pikachu is completely enveloped inside a powerful electric field.
    Comment: ASH told you that? So Ash is an experts on Pikachus (is that the proper plural for Pikachu?) but still hasn't learned the three people that try to catch Pikachu each time it happens is Team Rocket and they're always electric-proof.

    Pikachu quickly learns the downside of having the professors wanting to study you is that they want to study you (it should be glad they're no sharp objects, gloves, or thermometers involved *shudder*) we learn that a new trainer is here for his starter so it's time to be introduced to the Unova Starters, YAYZ! The new trainer is Trip and after Ash goes on about how nervous he must be as he was on his first day (Ash, you might want to at least introduce yourself first ), Trip calls Ash's hometown the "boonies". Now I would complain how we've already have a jerk rival, but then again if none of Ash's rivals were jerks we couldn't spot them on site. So we get introduced to the new starters with Ash pointing out what we should be thinking about each one (Tepig: Yay, it's a Fire-type; Oshawott: It's CUTE! Like Piplup! DON'T YOU THINK IT'S CUTE!; Smuglea... I mean Snivy: Too cool for you). Trip, first taking a picture, picks Snivy as it matches his attitude and hair as Tepig looks annoyed it wasn't picked and Oshawott is completely heartbroken (so hard trying to catch that Piplup essence). We're introduced to the new Pokedex which now shows us side and back shots of the Pokemon it scans and as Trip gathers his Pokeballs Ash chases out to him and this dialogue occurs which makes you wonder if these characters have ADD:

    Ash: Going for Gym battles?
    Trip: That's basic. Pokemon Trainers go around challenging different Gyms and try to win eight Badges, so they can enter the Unova League.
    Comment: Um, why did you explain it to Ash? Being Ash brought it up and this is "basic" information I'm sure he already knows all about this.
    Ash: Really? That's just like back in Kanto!
    Comment: Or maybe not... okay immediately Ash might not have known in Unova you were also required to get eight badges (though that brings up how does he even know Unova had Gyms), but the way Ash said it made it sound liek he didn't know Unova had it's own league which would lead you asking why would Ash then ask if Trip was going to challenge Gyms?

    Pikachu, now done being studied (that or it saw sharp objects, gloves, and/or a thermometers and decided to escape) run to Ash and upon seeing the non-Unova Pokemon Trip insults Ash and then tells him having a Pikachu in Unova is a big deal (mixed messages much? Actually why is he surprised to see Ash having a Pikachu, he knows Ash is from Kanto! He didn't think Ash would have brought his non-Unova Pokemon with him for some reason?). Of course now that both have a Pokemon and they're trainers, we get to what Pokemon's about: BATTLING!

    A Battle With A Non-Shocking Surprise (Literally!):
    We finally get an answer to why Trips takes a lot of photos: he wants to remember his journey (okay reason I guess, but why does it take multiple picture of the same thing? That's just wasteing room in the camera). Oshawott appears to watch the battle (hmm, speaking of Starters, being Ash is required to get at least one starter, what do you think his first starter will be in Unova...) which is between Ash's Pikachu and Trip's Snivy. Getting a hit with a Quick Attack and dodging Snivy's Tackles, Pikachu tries for a Thunderbolt. But instead of me pointing out how Electric-type moves aren't very effective on Grass-types, Pikachu is unable to do Thunderbolt and a few moves later the same goes for Volt Tackle! Ash quickly figures upon a successful Iron Tail (with a nice new animation of Pikachu's tail turning into a metallic color. Quick Attack also got a new animation though it's nothing special) only Pikachu's Electric-type attacks aren't working but it doesn't seem to matter as Snivy does a Leaf Tornado (a move it learns at level 16! New Starter my... my... oh darn, we don't have a donkey Pokemon yet) and sends Pikachu flying. I'll give Trip this, he's nicer to his Pokemon unlike Paul was. Anyway he gloats about his win but Ash understandably is more worried about the fact that Pikachu suddenly isn't able to use its own species types attacks.

    An Episode In And Already A Vengeful Legendary:
    Back in the lab we found that upon further scanning Pikachu is suffering from an overload which had prevented it from doing its Electric-type attacks (even though past overloads have shown that Pikachu becomes very sick which drives it crazy and has it shock everything in sight). But things begin going wacky as the strange storm comes back and it begins causing Pikachu to spark up even more. Professor Juniper reveals that the storm could be the Legendary Pokemon Zekrom and in addition to watching over Unova it also uses its lightning bolts to give judgment. Being Pikachu attacked it, I'm guessing it wants to give Pikachu some of it's "judgment". And we end here with the narrator asking if Pikachu will get its ability to use Electric-type attacks back though I'd personally be more worried about how they'll get the angry god-like Pokemon from frying them.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [42]Feb 17, 2011
    • member since: 06/27/07
    • level: 27
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    BUT WAIT, this isn't the end as being this is a beginning of a new saga it was deemed appropriate to air another episode back-to-back!

    An interesting episode, I was kind of expecting more with Zekrom but we can't have one of the main Legendaries stay for too long. Ash has set out once again, getting a new Pokedex to start out with. However with Ash first few attempts on catching an Unova Pokemon failing and the girl we saw in the previous episode (the one with the large hair her Axew lived in and swings on vines like Tarzan) finally showing up (but I don't think she's the female companion of this region, no bike to fry), what is in store to Ash? Oh, and what happened to the issue of Pikachu unable to use its Electric-type attacks?

    Heading Off After A Shock:
    We start from last episode's cliffhanger, Zekrom's lightning causing the lab to overload and possibly exploud (I thought overloading caused things unable to use electricity so would that mean the lab would just shut down ).

    Professor Oak *as the lab begins to overload*: Could a Legendary Pokemon from the Unova Region be behind all this?
    Comment: I thought we established that last episode?

    With Professor Oak done stating the obvious and Zekrom making its strange cry, Pikachu succumbs to the shocking its getting and falls over as Ash's rushes over to grab it. As expected, he too gets shocked but it seems like that's what needed to be done as Zekrom vanishes with its storm and everything returns to normal, including Pikachu regaining it's Electric-type attacks. As Ash commands Pikachu to torture him with Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle, I must say I'm actually disappointed Pikachu got it's Electric-type power back. I mean we all know Pikachu is going to "reset" from a level 100 to a Level 5 and in past Regions there was no explanation to why that happened. But here they had a reason, possibly one which could have drove some part of the story and give Pikachu the chance to learn other attacks instead of the usual Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle (heck, they could even had Pikachu learn some of the new Electric-type attacks to show that it can still use Electric-type attacks but the ones it knows are "locked". But no, Pikachu regians them in the second episode and, oh, Ash fainted, I guess I've talked a bit too much there.

    Ash: I decided my next journey will be right here.
    *Delia and Professor Oak look surprised*
    Comment: *FAKE GASP* Who would have thought Ash, a Pokemon Trainer, would want to compete in a new region's Pokemon League! It's not like he's been doing the same exact thing for the last few year... I mean journeys! Oh wait...

    Actually Delia and Professor Oak knew all along that Ash was probably going to compete in the Sinnoh League. Ash tells them that he'll collect the 8 Unova Region badges (you know for this knowledge being "basic", they sure like to explain it a lot) to enter the Unova League and... is Pikachu in a pink highchair? Excuse me *goes outside where a huge loud laughter can be heard for several seconds and then comes back in* Okay, let's continue. Professor Oak says he'll look after Ash's Pokemon back home meaning that Professor Oak and Delia will be going back to Pallet Town only after a few days in Unova... weren't they on vacation? That usually is longer then a few days. Anyway Juniper provides Ash with the Unova Pokedex and five Pokeballs (so what, he left his extra Pokeballs home too?) and is told Striaton City is where the closest Gym was and that Trip is already ahead of Ash!... Even though that was obvious as Ash caught up with Trip as he was leaving which was yesterday and Ash is just leaving now. Delia, Professor Oak, and Professor Juniper then see Ash off, with Delia remembering she had a running gag of reminding Ash about his underwear. Ash is told that if he needs it a Pokemon Center is on the other side of the forest (let's see how far the Joy family tree extends ) and Ash goes running off.

    Delia: I wonder how much he'll grow the next time I see him?
    Comment: I think that's up to that lazy mon Dialga to decide how much Ash will grow... oh you mean in maturity... Ash has that?

    Oh, did I mention Oshawott is watching from behind a wall? Sure it means nothing, I doubt anyone would let it leave the lab.

    Girl's Hair Gone Wild:
    Ash wonders what type of Pokemon he'll be first catching but we all know it's going to be the Region's bird (Univa's being Pidove) so let's get on with it, you're not fooling us. However Ash first notices a familiar looking mass of hair and after scanning it and finding an Axew, though even he's not blind enough to know that's not what he's looking at, but throws a Pokeball at it anyway. An "Ouch" later, we find it was large hair Tarzan girl who was just relaxing as Ash explains he thought he found a Pokemon.

    Large Hair Tarzan Girl: Oh, so what you're really telling me is that I look like a Pokemon?
    Comment: With that hair, yay, you do.

    Axew jumps from her hair which explained things to Ash as Iris notices Pikachu and beings freaking out and hugging it and flicking it's cheek (much to Pikachu's annoyance).

    Large Hair Tarzan Girl *begins flicking Pikachu's cheeks*: You can't find anything this jiggly in Unova.
    Comment: I don't know, your brain seems to a prime contender.

    Wondering what a Pikachu is doing in Unova, Ash introduces himself as the large hair tarzan girl introduces herself as Iris, which Pikachu deciding it had enough of being handled shocks her. Hm, let's see, a girl with tsundere qualities *coughwho'sagymleadercoughcough*, I would say she was Ash's female companion for this region if it wasn't for the fact she doesn't have a bike for Pikachu to fry (and no, her getting fried doesn't count). Iris asks about the storm she saw and Ash explains it was Zekrom which gets Iris excited but seeing a Deerling (which he states as "The Pokemon from yesterday" even though he saw several Pokemon yesterday) and runs after it with Iris behind.

    Setting Things Up As Quick As A Rocket:
    Meanwhile somewhere in a cave Team Rocket is talking to Giovanni about how they're now in Unova and are planning on sending him a Pikachu (I think this is the first time they ever mentioned Pikachu to Giovanni, I wonder what he was thinking when they told him that was one of the "powerful" Pokemon they were going to specifically send to him) and a Legendary Unova Pokemon. Not surprisingly Giovanni is more interested in the Legendary Pokemon and they tell him they'll need their Pokemon (and they didn't bring them because?). However being their Pokemon aren't native to Unova their told they'll have to catch and use Unova Pokemon to not draw attention to themselves (though you could at least temporarily give them their Pokemon so they can catch Unova Pokemon). However they seemed to have forgotten someone:

    Meowth: Uh oh, so where does that leave me?
    Comment: Yay, great job telling them they can't use non-Unova Pokemon but let Meowth stay with them! I mean it's not like Meowth easily blends in with Jessie and James (especially now that they both are wearing black uniforms now making Meowth look even more out of place).

    Giovanni tells them he is confident they won't let him down as our antagonist trio get excited about making Team Rocket history. Though back at HQ we find out the truth that Giovanni doesn't really care what they do and just wants to draw out the "mysterious organization". Back to Team Rocket they're looking over the starting package HQ provided with 6 Pokeballs (though being they have two Rocket Members there shouldn't they be either given 2 starter packages or at least 12 Pokeballs?) and as soon as they mentioned they're ready to catch Pokemon a batch of Woobat appear.

    I Caught My Flying HM Slave:
    Being led to a whole herd of Deerling, Ash starts out by throwing a Pokeball a Deerling just brushed off... yes, Ash has fogotten how to catch a Pokemon, so Delia what was that about Ash "growing" again? But before Ash coudl get Pikachu ready to attack the Deerling retreat, most likely from all the YELLING he was doing, and both him and Pikachu and then spun around by a stampeding group of Patrat. In the evening Ash is seen picking a fruit of a tree wondering if it's safe to eat (shouldn't he ask that before picking it off a tree?) but even the trees in Unova attack back and bury Ash in a pile of fruit... oh wait, that was Iris's doing. That night Ash tells Iris about what happened with Pikachu and Zekrom with the Professors explaining that it was Zekrom who caused Pikachu to release the extra electricity it was storing and regain it's Electric-type attacks.

    Iris: I'd love to meet Zekrom one day. I can't wait to meet Zekrom!
    Comment: Well if you stick around Ash it'll probably appear in the movies eventually. I mean I'm sure the true female companion would like another girl to talk, but first we need Pikachu to fry her bike to force her to walk with Ash. She should be appearing any episode now...

    Ash vows to see all the Unova Pokemon which Iris showing her interest by falling asleep (and with the position she fell asleep in she'll probably be falling out of the tree soon). Ash then sees a shooting star and deems it a sign of good luck as we see Oshawott peaking from behind a tree, seemingly having followed Ash.

    Next Morning Ash and Pikachu are travelling alone as Iris had left them with no word where she has gone (did you look around the tree, she might have just fallen into a bush or something. Though not that it really mattered as she wasn't the female companion, no bike and all). But following tradition is Ash spotting a Pidove over head.

    Pokedex: Pidove aren't attracted to shiny objects.
    Comment: Then why even mention it? I wouldn't have even thought of shiny objects until you brought it up, so there was no need for mentioning that.

    Ash follows the Pidove to a whole flock of them and fries the closest one with Pikachu. However the other Pidove show that they're not Pidgeys but rather Spearows and begin Air Cutting and Quick Attacking Ash and Pikachu until the fainted one gets up and they all fly away. Welcome to Unova Ash, where EVERYTHING HATES AND WANTS TO KILL YOU!

    However Ash isn't giving up and another Pidove hops on in and after Pikachu knocks it around Ash tries to catch it but it breaks out (bonus points for Ash saying "almost had it, too"). Angry, Pidove attacks with Gust, Air Cutter, and Quick Attack... and then slams into a tree. Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt (why didn't Ash have Pikachu do one before?) and Ash finally catches it! Iris then appears out of nowhere and makes fun of Ash for getting excited for catching a "little Pidove", but as they argue Pikachu and Axew get grabbed by Team Rocket! And it's time, the new motto:

    Jessie: Is the question, so twerpish indeed!
    James: The answer to come as we feel the need!
    Jessie: Bringing the blinding white light of evil into the future!
    James: Thrusting the hammer of justice down onto the black darkness of the universe!
    Meowth: And carving our names in the Rock of Eternity!
    Jessie: The fiery destroyer, Jessie!
    James: And with thunderous emotion, I am James!
    Meowth: Wisest of the wise, Meowth!
    All: Now gather, under the name of Team Rocket!
    Comment: I suppose it's okay, though I do wonder if the first thing Jessie and James said is part of the actual motto or one of there ad-libbed lines they throw in time to time depending on the situation. I was half expecting Meowth to say "gray" and "ice" in his first and second phrase, respectively. And there is that new "R" logo again, if that's the new Tema Rocket logo then why is it not on their uniform instead of the original "R" design?

    Expy To The Rescue:
    Ash quickly explains who Team Rocket is and a few more quips are thrown out, Iris goes through the usual reaction of any character who meets Meowth the first time (unless you're a filler character, so I guess this means Iris might be a recurring character. Where is that female companion and her bike?). Team Rocket throw Pikachu and Axew in a cage and Ash sends Pidove out which is able to Gust Meowth back. However Jessie had caught a new Pokemon and sends out Woobat and after sharing some blows Woobat knocks Pidove out (which I guess is understandable, Ash just caught Pidove having beaten it up while Jessie probably just threw a Pokeball and caught Woobat fresh and ready). As Team Rocket retreat in a purple hit air balloon with the new Team Rocket "R" on it (you know they might as well just use the Meowth Balloon if they aren't even going to try and not draw attention) Iris begins jumping up the tree but she stops as she sees Ash climbing it and make a leap toward the cage... which he fails to reach (you know Iris, if you didn't stop you would have probably made it). As Iris goes to check on Ash, Oshawott runs out and throws its shell at the balloon, bursting it and sending Team Rocket crashing down and breaking the cage Pikachu and Axew were in. As Oshawott celebrates Ash tells Pikachu to Thunderbolt Team Rocket but Jessie has Woobat Air Slash them. But just as Woobat was about to do another Air Slash it gets stopped by Oshawott's Water Gun (so let me get this straight, Woobat is fast enough to be sent out of its Pokeball and attack Pikachu while Pikachu is in the middle of doing an attack BUT Oshawott is faster then Woobat which makes it the fastest Pokemon these?). With Team Rocket's only Pokemon (besides Meowth) knocked out, Pikachu uses a Volt Tackle to send them Blasting Of... oh, James throws down a smoke bomb and they vanish... now thinking about it Team Rocket was pretty threatening here (though that could be due to lack of Pokemon on hand). With Team Rocket gone Pikachu and Axew faint as Ash and Iris run off to the Pokemon Center giving a quick thanks to Oshawott (being Ash is worried about Pikachu I'll let it pass why he didn't wonder why Oshawott is so far away from Professor Juniper's lab).

    So Close To Asking The Right Question:
    We get to the Pokemon Center and find a Nurse Joy of a different hairdo, clothing, and even voice! (Now I wonder what this region's Officer Jenny look like, if there is any...) who heals Ash's and Iris's Pokemon.

    Nurse Joy: Seeing a Pikachu, it's very unusual.
    Comment: OKAY, WE GET IT, UNOVA DOESN'T HAVE ANY PREVIOUS GENERATION POKEMON, WOULD YOU STOP POINTING IT OUT! If everyone reacts the same way to a non-Unova Pokemon Ash should just call out his reserves and freak out his Unova opponents into defeat!

    And with the narrator we end this episode with Ash having successfully capturing his first Pokemon in the Unova regio... hey, Iris, once the narrator speaks the episode is over! What do you mean Ash is "still a kid", okay, he is a kid, but so are you! Well this episode when with Iris thanking Ash for helping to save Axew which Ash then says they should be thanking Oshawott as he wonders why it helped them out (instead of the more logical what is it doing so far away from Professor Juniper's lab. Maybe he should call her and tell her he's seen Oshawott). Speaking of who, Oshawott watches from outside the Pokemon Center as we end on it.

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