Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
got to love J. |
How can you even say something like that?!
Still, this was a pretty good episode. Even though Ash and his friends didn't do a thing (I have to say I'm not liking the idea of them being at certain events just for the sake of being there), at least J's brancelet was destroyed, something I think we'll see the effects of in her next appearance. I do got to say, it's a shame that Brandon gave up his Regis. With his most powerful Pokes gone, he won't be much of a fight for future Battle Frontier challengers
EddyBob15 wrote: | ||
How can you even say something like that?! Still, this was a pretty good episode. Even though Ash and his friends didn't do a thing (I have to say I'm not liking the idea of them being at certain events just for the sake of being there), at least J's brancelet was destroyed, something I think we'll see the effects of in her next appearance. I do got to say, it's a shame that Brandon gave up his Regis. With his most powerful Pokes gone, he won't be much of a fight for future Battle Frontier challengers |
EddyBob15 wrote: | least J's brancelet was destroyed, something I think we'll see the effects of in her next appearance. |
wow piplup has enough bubbles in its bubblebeam to get ALL THOSE METANG? and pikachu must have a long and wide range of thunderbolt to get all those skarmory(actually it probably does lol)
wow hunter j sure is a menacing villain. instead of havin team lame follow them everywhere they go they can just have hunter j pop up every now and then.
if according to legend the 3 regis reverted back to their original form does that mean that there more than 1 of each regi? O_o
wow i love the way brandon battles and i love how those 3 regis were in that battle and almost destroyed a town.
hunter js salamance must be pretty strong to be able to counter a hyper beam with dragon pulse AND take on a full hit by the 3 regis. to think that brandon wouldve had a regigas if it werent for hunter j
ash and co: zomg were stuck in cobwebs!!! we dont have any pokemon that could help us out so were gonna try to struggle our way out instead btw did anyone notice that brock was freed by poison jab? does that mean that crogunk used poison job on all of them O_o
wow hunter j actually took off her glasses and ironically she actually looks cooler without them O_o this is the first time hunter j's clients got scared and took off
overall great episode and ill be looking forward to the paul vs ash battle soon
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||
Great episode; plenty of action, and seeing J's return and the debut of Regigigas added to the awesomeness.
Then what would be the point of showing that part?
EddyBob15 wrote: | ||||
Then what would be the point of showing that part? |
Who knows, maybe with all those fleets of air ships she could seek control of an island, or do more jobs until she can buy enough weapons to take over something?.... ok, i'll stop thinking here, this isn't place for fanfiction ^^;;;
animetion_lover wrote: |
team rocket is just so pathetic i swear wow piplup has enough bubbles in its bubblebeam to get ALL THOSE METANG? and pikachu must have a long and wide range of thunderbolt to get all those skarmory(actually it probably does lol) wow hunter j sure is a menacing villain. instead of havin team lame follow them everywhere they go they can just have hunter j pop up every now and then. if according to legend the 3 regis reverted back to their original form does that mean that there more than 1 of each regi? O_o wow i love the way brandon battles and i love how those 3 regis were in that battle and almost destroyed a town. hunter js salamance must be pretty strong to be able to counter a hyper beam with dragon pulse AND take on a full hit by the 3 regis. to think that brandon wouldve had a regigas if it werent for hunter j ash and co: zomg were stuck in cobwebs!!! we dont have any pokemon that could help us out so were gonna try to struggle our way out instead wow hunter j actually took off her glasses and ironically she actually looks cooler without them O_o this is the first time hunter j's clients got scared and took off overall great episode and ill be looking forward to the paul vs ash battle soon |
Pretty good episode, we got a lot of action, saw a Legendary Trio Master with its Trio go on a rampage, Hunter J proving to be one of the most dangerous and black hearted non-movie villain, and new ways to use attacks which you aren't able to do in the games (moreso then usual). But if there was an event that stood out most of all, it would have to be Brandon RELEASING his Golem Trio. After beating Ash two times with them and pounding Paul to the ground with all of them, I guess if Brandon wasn't getting Regigigas he would be releasing his Golem Trio. Luckily Brandon already taught Paul his lesson in the previous episode. Anyway, onto the review which I've been holding off since yesterday:
No Wonder Pokemon's Evil Syndicates Get Defeated By Kids:
* A mysterious group of people sealed off the temple... Team Galactic? If it is them then this certainly wasn't in the games.
* Jessie, now I know you leave most of the heavy thinking to Meowth, but saying you're the mysterious group at the temple while not there is kind of worrying.
* Brilliant idea Team Rocket, hang onto the Battle Pyramid right near the window where Ash and co. (+ Brandon and his group) can see you if they look to the side far enough.
* Oh, oh, I know the story! Oh, okay Maria, you can tell it... oh! I guess they decided to change the story around a bit. But anyway the basic idea is that Regigigas is inside Snowpoint Temple... along with another trio of golems? So what, you need an awaken trio to wake it up?
* And good-bye Team Rocket... wow, they got really close to those propellers blades right there!
* HUNTER J! Okay, so not Team Galactic, I guess she must of heard about the tale to and is after Regigigas herself. And of course it's not a legend Dawn, why else would Brandon be here if he wasn't planning on capturing it?
* That's a lot of Metangs and Skarmory! I wonder if the Battle Pyramid is equiped with any weapons?... Okay why are a few of the Skarmory firing away from the Battle Pyramid?
* Why, for an emergancy landing, that was pretty steady. I mean if a giant temple fell from the sky at an angle I would think it would tip and roll one or two times.
* Brandon has a jet car? Well unless that has any weapons or a force field what is preventing those Metangs and Skarmory from blasting you all from the sky in a probably more painful way?
* Now I can understand why the Skarmory were shocked (even momentarily) by Thundershock being weak against Electric-type attacks, but I don't think Bubblebeam would have had the same effect on the Metangs, escpeially if Piplup had to spread it out amoung an entire wall of them.
* Wow Hunter J, you sure know how to pick underlings, I mean most other underlings would try to stop the protagonists from entering the temple, but your's just stood there gawking at their defeated Pokemon.
Not To Be Confused With Stalactites:
* Those aren't Regirock, Registeel, and Regice! Those are just very tall stalagmites made of rock, steel, and ice. And Hunter J you're a bit confused, you need Regirock, Registeel, and Regice to wake up Regigigas, not break "pillars" *coughstalagmitescough*.
* It wasn't that hard to get past your underlings Hunter J, once their Pokemon were down they just stood there and let them all through... wait if waking up Regigigas would cause a disastrous event, then does that mean Brandon isn't going to try and catch it?
* Ash, what exactly was your plan when you began running at them? I would hope you would be smart enough now to realize that blocking a Pokemon's attack, especially a Hyper Beam, is quite painful to a human. Good thing that metal chunk stopped you if that was the case.
* Oh, so I guess that blue orb is Regigigas? And I doubt it was the destruction of the "pillars" *coughstalagmitescough* is waking up Regigigas, I'm more willing to be it's because Brandon is here with the Golem Trio which is WHAT YOU NEED TO WAKE REGIGIGAS UP!
* I guess Brandon needs to have his golems out in order to Regigigas to fully wake-up... or attacking the blue orb works just as well. Hunter J must have practiced back flipping on her Salamence before...
* There's Regigigas (kind of an anti-climatic appearance, I expected an earthquake or it slowly bursting/climbing/rising out of the ground). Okay, exactly how did that blue orb relate to Regigigas? I don't see anywhere on its body it could go unless it was one of the blue plates on its body.
* Gah! Those are the most dustructive waking stretches I ever saw! And Ash, incase you haven't notice the first or second time you yelled at it to stop, yelling at it isn't working!
* Why is it on a Rage for? Anyway I don't know why Hunter J stopped from turning it to stone why she is having Salamence fly around it. But everyone retreats just the same with Ash and co. (+ Brandon and Maria) using Brandon's Golem Trio has a shield (and notice how they are formed in a triangle and are in the same spots as the stalagmit... I mean "pillars" were.
* Hunter J' underlings, I don't know if you realized it but Hunter J is a women, meaning you should probably be calling her "ma'am" instead of "sir". And Brock, Regigigas is tied with Slaking with having the third highest Attack stat, it can get out of rubble that fell on it.
* Yes, let's all stand in front of the rampaging Legendary Pokemon blasting Hyper Beam from both hands in random directions (you know, instead of taking cover and not using your Pokemon like meat sheilds) and yelling (and failing) at it to stop.
Gotta Complete Da' Collection:
* So Brandon does plan on catching Regigigas! I still think that catching Regigigas was his original plan and luckily this happened to give him an actual reason to. :laugh:
* Ah yes, a 3x Fighting-type move Focus Punch from 3 Legendary Pokemon should definietly... get them squashed by Regigigas in one crushing blow...
* Regirock, Registeel, I don't think that is an effective way of holding Regigigas down... umm, nice Ice Beaming Regigigas frozen Regice... but you do know you froze your fellow trio members too, right?
* Well Hunter J you better hurry up as Brandon plans on catching Regigigas soon. Not very surprising, Regigigas broke free and Brandon continues to have his Golem Trio beat on his... A POKE BALL!?!?! Come on Brandon, at least use a Ultra Ball! Better yet, a Master Ball as we only saw one actual one ever in the anime!
* Oh yay, forgot about Hunter J's Ariados. So Ash and co. (+ Brandon and Maria) are all tied up and Regigigas is doing Confuse Ray for some reason... oh, it was taking control of the Golem Trio... I guess we should have saw that coming. Though it was kind of funny how Registeel is the only one who's "eyes" didn't change color since they were already red.
* So Brandon no longer has control of his Golem Trio and they are going on a rampage along with their master toward a town. But the real question here is how come Ash and co. (+ Brandon and Maria) are still tied up even though they have a few Pokemon that they can reach and get them free (I'm pretty sure Chimchar might be able to burn webbing...).
* ... Did Team Rocket do anything in this episode beside making a few non-importent comments and blasting off?
* Oh, right, Piplup, because why use your Pokemon that aren't tied up to free who when you can try and break the webs yourselve. Oh great, Ariados tied Brock with Maria. Croagunk, while you're poisoning Brock can you also cut everyone else free because by the time they use their Pokemon to do so the rampaging Golems would probably be in Kanto.
* Brandon has a flying jet... yet the radio reception he gets from it is all staticky? They aren't even that far away from the Battle Pyramid for today's real world technology to be like that!
Sleeping Like A Bunch Of Rocks:
* Looks like Hunter J was able to trap Regigigas and knock the Golem Trio out of its Confuse Ray. And while that is a good plan you have Hunter J, I think you're forgetting about 3 things: THE GOLEM TRIO THAT STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF REGIGIGAS! Geez, I know they didn't leave much of an impact on the Pokemon community but they are still there and are able to attack.
* You see Hunter J, even though you don't care about the Golem Trio, they are still there to act as meat shields for Regigigas, so you still have to put their presnece into consideration. And Brandon, what do you mean you know what the Golem Trio were doing, Regigigas took control of them and... BRANDON TOOK A PETRIFICATION SHOT! Luckily Regigigas caught him.
* Ah, so Regigigas finally calmed down and looked to have destroyed Hunter J's petrification blaster when it reflected Salamence's Dragon Pulse. Even more bad news for Hunter J, the client who paid her to catch Regigigas (who they were we'll never find out) fled meaning the contract is broken.
* Hmm, with Hunter J gone we now have another issue, Brandon and his Golem Trio are petrified. Now I think that they are just covered in stone so they just need to carefully chisel them out... umm, Maria, what exactly do you expect Regigigas to do? Crush Grip them? Hey, Regigigas kind of talked like how the Golem Trio in the 8th movie "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" did.
* Hidden Power doesn't have the ability to heal! Well apparently Regigigas' Hidden Power does and un-petrifies Brandon and his Golem Trio. And with everything finally settle down and Brandon having sacrifice and connected to Regigigas, there is only one thing left for Brandon to do.
* Oh, it turned back to a blue orb, though from the way Brandon is talking it still sounds like he'll catch it somehow... oh, he's returning Regigigas to the Snowpoint Temple! So much for completing his Golem Trio collection... infact he's leaving Regirock, Registeel, and Regice behind to guard Regigigas!... Hm, maybe this explains why in Emerald the Battle Tower is higher then the Battle Pyramid.
DOMOJITA wrote: |
this episode was pretty good so hunter j isnt gunna be able to capture iny more pokemon now that her arm thing was destroyd right. |
As edmasterchaos, she has to have at least an extra because if you're trying to stop her, one of the main ways to do so would be to destroy her petrification blaster. I wouldn't be surprised if those extras she has are probably somewhere in her main ship (I wouldn't be surprised if she one day attaches a petrification blaster onto her ship).
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
As edmasterchaos, she has to have at least an extra because if you're trying to stop her, one of the main ways to do so would be to destroy her petrification blaster. I wouldn't be surprised if those extras she has are probably somewhere in her main ship (I wouldn't be surprised if she one day attaches a petrification blaster onto her ship). |
starlit_angel wrote: |
Very eventful episode, and J is one of, if not the best villains of this anime. Is it just me, or did the orb thingy Regigigas' turned into remind anyone else of the core thing that the Deoxys would come from in Destiny Deoxys or other appearances? And I could've sworn Regigigas was going to use Refresh or some other healing move to heal Brandon, but Hidden Power? Where's the logic in that? |
But with Deoxys you know where its crystal organ goes (right in the middle of its chest), however with Regigigas there is no visible place where the orb which it turns into and from goes. In addition we get no explanation why that orb represents Regigigas.
As for the moves Regigigas used in a special way (Confuse Ray and Hidden Power), those were probably the two moves the writers thought would do to explain how Regigigas was able to take control of the Golem Trio as well as un-petrify them and Brandon that it can learn (BTW, Regigigas can't learn Refresh). Confuse Ray sorta makes sense for a mind control ability and Hidden Power sounds like a mystical attack (even though in the games we know Hidden Power is a move which only does damage). Now I suppose Regigigas could have done Rock Polish on them to "polish off" the stone exterior. Another possibility is that it could have communicated with the Golem Trio to use their ability to first heal themselves (They all have Clear Body) and then combine their Clear Body ability to heal Brandon. However it doesn't really matter now how they had everyone get cured, I'm just throwing out ideas.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
But with Deoxys you know where its crystal organ goes (right in the middle of its chest), however with Regigigas there is no visible place where the orb which it turns into and from goes. In addition we get no explanation why that orb represents Regigigas. As for the moves Regigigas used in a special way (Confuse Ray and Hidden Power), those were probably the two moves the writers thought would do to explain how Regigigas was able to take control of the Golem Trio as well as un-petrify them and Brandon that it can learn (BTW, Regigigas can't learn Refresh). Confuse Ray sorta makes sense for a mind control ability and Hidden Power sounds like a mystical attack (even though in the games we know Hidden Power is a move which only does damage). Now I suppose Regigigas could have done Rock Polish on them to "polish off" the stone exterior. Another possibility is that it could have communicated with the Golem Trio to use their ability to first heal themselves (They all have Clear Body) and then combine their Clear Body ability to heal Brandon. However it doesn't really matter now how they had everyone get cured, I'm just throwing out ideas. |
starlit_angel wrote: |
I just thought it looked similar in appearance to Deoxys crystal organ... And true, Regigiga's can't use Refresh, but some Pokemon in the anime have used moves that they can't learn normally, for example: Riolu using Aura Sphere, that Munchlax in that restraunt epi using Giga Impact... But whatever. |
The Aura Sphere Riolu is based off a mission in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia in which when you complete the mission you can transfer the Aura Sphere Riolu over so you can't really count that. Normally whenever you see a Pokemon in the anime do a move they shouldn't know, it's mistake unless stated otherwise by the characters on the show (Like in EP225 "Bulbasaur... the Ambassador!", Bulbasaur used Dig to not get squished by a boulder in which after everyone realized this Tracey asked Professor Oak how Bulbasaur use Dig if it can't learn it with Professor Oak telling him when in danger you're bound to show an extraordinary skill to survive). Being that it used Confuse Ray and Hidden Power (which it can learn) while there are other moves that can do sorta the same effect as Regigigas used them for but can't learn (Hypnosis and Refresh), the writers were trying to stay within game boundries as much they could. If we want to be real, they didn't even have to say Regigigas was using attack, they could have just said Regigigas activated something which allowed him to take control of the Golem Trio (which isn't that hard to believe sine it is their Trio Master) and was able to revive them and Brandon from petrification (which would be a bit hard to understand why it had that power, if not for the Golem Trio but why it worked for Brandon (I suppose they could go for that "Brandon got through to Regigigas" thing they said)).
BTW, click HERE for the Bulbapedia page containing a list of Pokemon who did a move they couldn't learn in the games.